The Faith Community of ST. THERESE OF LISIEUX CATHOLIC CHURCH 2020 91st STREET KENOSHA, WI 53143 (262) 694-4695 VISIT US AT OUR PARISH WEBSITE: www.st-therese-kenosha.org https://www.facebook.com/ st.therese.kenosha/ OUR PARISH MISSION We are a welcoming Christian family committed to Catholic values, responding to the call of Christ revealed in the diversity of human need. We practice a conscious, living, active faith in a community whose source of strength is the Eucharist. Miraculous Prayer to the Little Flower O Little flower of Jesus, ever con- soling troubled souls with heavenly graces, in our unfailing interces- sions I place my confident trust. From the heart of our Divine Savior, petition the blessings of which I stand in greatest need...........Shower upon me your promised roses of virtue and grace, Dear St. Therese, so that swiftly advancing in sanctity and perfect love of neighbor, I may someday receive the crown of life eternal. Amen July 4, 2021 Fourteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time Welcome to St. Therese of Lisieux Catholic Church in Kenosha, Wisconsin 2 Bishop Paprocki on Debate over Communion to Pro-Abortion Politicians: There should be No Union with Iniquity by Alejandro Bermudez Catholic News Agency June 23, 2021 In a statement published on June 23, 2021, Bishop Thomas Paprocki of the Diocese of Springfield in Illinois lambasted recent media coverage of the USCCB [United States Conference of Catholic Bishops] vote to draft a document on the Eucharist. Among the errors pointed out in the statement were claims by several media outlets that the “Vatican had warned the Catholic Bishops of the United States not to pass this proposal.” Said Bishop Paprocki, “That is simply false.” To clarify the issue the bishop continued, “In fact, Cardinal Luis Ladaria, SJ, head of the Vatican’s Congrega- tion for the Doctrine of the Faith, had written to the president of the USCCB calling for ‘dialogue . first among the bishops themselves, and then between bishops and Catholic pro-choice politicians within their jurisdictions.’ In fact, bishops and politicians have been dialoguing about this issue for many years.” He argued that the draft document was “precisely” the impetus needed to give the dialogue form and sub- stance. USCCB procedures will now allow for regional bishops’ meetings to discuss the document and a formal debate and vote on the document with the ability to propose amendments at the November meeting. Additionally, he noted that one of the “misleading arguments” was voiced by bishops and cardinals inside the USCCB. These bishops and cardinals argued that “drafting this document would be divisive and would harm the unity of the bishops’ conference,” according to the statement. However, Bishop Paprocki countered that “There should be no unity with iniquity. Yes, we should strive for unity, but our unity should be based on the truths of our faith as found in Sacred Scripture and the con- stant Tradition of the Church. No one should want to be united on the path to perdition.” The bishop stressed that other members of the hierarchy in Latin America united in the teaching on “Eucharistic coherence” – including Cardinal Jorge Bergoglio (now Pope Francis). The Latin American bishops were the first to use the term “eucharistic coherence,” though they were building off of the term “eucharistic consistency” used in Sacramentum Caritatis [the encyclical on the Eucharist] by Pope Benedict XVI. The term has been explosive in the American context, though it has been a feature of theological and papal thought with little controversy be- fore immersion into its current context. Addressing yet another inaccuracy, he asserted that Eucharistic consistency isn’t simply about “abortion and euthanasia,” but the problem of grave sin “of any kind.” While mainstream reporting has often given the impression that the bishops recently decided only one sin will prevent someone from reception of the Eucharist, “It has been the constant teaching of the Catholic Church for the past two thousand years that those persons conscious of grave sin must first repent, confess their sins to a priest, and receive sacramental absolution before receiving holy Communion,” said the bishop. “This teaching is reflected in the Church’s canon law and sacramental discipline,” he noted. Finally, Bishop Paprocki concluded with a description of the oath taken by a bishop at his ordination and an ex- hortation to his brother bishops to “have the courage to fulfill their solemn oath.” The oath reads: “In fulfilling the charge entrusted to me in the name of the Church, I shall hold fast to the deposit of faith in its entirety; I shall faithfully hand it on and explain it, and I shall avoid any teachings contrary to it. I shall follow and foster the com- mon discipline of the entire Church and I shall maintain the observance of all ecclesiastical laws, especially those contained in the Code of Canon Law.” N.B.: The debate over whether to refuse Holy Communion to public officials who support the murder of pre- born babies through abortion is an issue because a minority of U.S. bishops have opposed even debating such a policy. Also, on June 18 about 60 congressional Democrats issued a statement urging bishops not to deny the Blessed Sacrament to pro-abortion politicians “over one [unnamed] issue [abortion].” Their position, in essence, is that Holy Communion must be made available, even to those politicians who sinfully and scandalously support the legalized murder of preborn children under the banner of “free choice.” Our Declaration of Independence and our U.S. Constitution both recognize first and foremost the God-given right to life to all, born and unborn. July 4, 2021 3 Fr. Campbell’s Wednesday 6am Men’s Bible Study ST THERESE FESTIVAL will meet using ZOOM. Bring a Bible & Catechism of Friday, July 16, open 5pm—11pm the Catholic Church. Saturday, July 17, open 5pm—11pm Sunday, July 18, open 12pm—7pm The MARIAN HOUR with Fr. Campbell WSFI 88.5 Food court, Raffles, Kids games, Live FM Wed. July 14 at 2:00pm. music & 31st Annual Car Show. Main Raffle drawing on Sunday at 9:00 pm. PRAY for the SICK in our PARISH, and visit them if possible: Germaine Brennan, Gerry Buhnerkempe, Maria Miller, Pat Ware, William Wasurick, Mary Jo 2021 FESTIVAL ~ The Little Flower Sweet Shoppe Koski, Phyllis Giovannoni, Florence Klappa, Daniel Le- Due to Special Considerations this year, please follow negar, Jennifer Johnson, Laurie Smith, Billie Lou Knut- These Guidelines = We can only accept All types of sen, Jean Ammendola, Maria Koble, Aileen Haffer- Breads, Cookies, Brownies & similar ‘bar’ items. kamp. Please call the rectory for other sick persons 694- Package and Label your goods with any pertinent 4695. info ie. nuts/sugar free etc. We will price the items when delivered: Thurs. 7/15, Emergency Assistance Fund: Contact Fr. Campbell 5-7pm Fri. 7/16, 10-12am or to the Festival grounds all if you need financial assistance (652-7660). weekend. Not a ‘baker’? You may purchase the above items Sign up for FLOCKNOTE which enables you to receive from any of Kenosha’s finest bakeries. Many Thanks important news and info. about the parish through texts from the Proprietors – Jan Sleyster & Linda Kosecki & emails. To sign up: Send the word LOOP (typed in all caps) as a text message to this address: 84576. Then you’ll be part of the “flock” & receive notes. Please pass this Mt. Carmel Curbside Food Fundraiser info on to others! Fri-Sun July 9-11 Mt Carmel is hosting a “Curbside Summer Food to Sign up for FORMED: A program which gives our Pa- Go” fundraiser Fri/Sat July 9/10 from 4pm-8pm, and rishioners free access to many Catholic Programs and Sunday July 11 3pm-7pm. On Fri/Sat these foods: movies. Want to create a new FORMED account? Fol- homemade spaghetti dinner, fried dough, egg rolls, low these steps: homemade Italian cookies (genetti, taralli and biscotti 1. Visit FORMED.org; 2. Click Sign Up; 3. Select “I Be- long to a Parish or Organization”; 4. Find your parish by slices) and dry pasta. On Sunday: fried dough, egg name or zip; 5. Enter your email, you’re in! rolls, meatball bombers, homemade Italian cookies, dry pasta. Homemade spaghetti dinner includes home- Community Outreach collection for the month of made spaghetti/sauce, salad, 2 meatballs & dessert. July is for ELCA Outreach Center. Needs: At this Enter on 54th Street from 22nd Ave, pull your vehicle time we can only accept Cash Donations. Please deposit to curb on the south side of 54th Street. Dinner orders your offering in our Donation box in the Lobby. will be taken and brought to your vehicle. Pope’s Prayer Intention for July. Universal. Social friendship. We pray that, in social, economic and politi- The Parish Office will be closed cal situations of conflict, we may be courageous and on Monday, July 5th. passionate architects of dialogue and friendship. SAVE THE DATE Parish Support Weekend of June 20, 2021 MT. CARMEL'S AND ST. THERESE'S $4,013.00 VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL GRADES K-5 Budgeted weekly need… $4,865.00 MONDAY AUGUST 2ND-FRIDAY AUGUST 6TH Weekly offertory $4,013.00 AT ST. THERESE PARISH 8:30AM-12PM Over/Under budget ($852.00) Plan YTD $233,538.00 TO REGISTER CONTACT HEATHER AT Actual $258,257.00 [email protected] Excess (11 months) $24,719.00 Fourteenth Sunday Ordinary Time July 4, 2021 4b MASS INTENTIONS for the Week Parish Directory Monday, July 5 8:00 AM † Joann Wiberg Weekend Masses Saturday Evening 4:00 PM Tuesday, July 6 Sunday Morning 8:30 & 10:30 AM 8:00 AM † Randy Johnson Weekday Masses Monday, Tuesday & Friday 8:00 AM Wednesday, July 7 Wednesday 5:45 PM No 8:00 AM Mass on Thursday or Saturday 5:45 PM † William “Pa” Gehrke Holy Day Masses Please consult Sunday bulletin.
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