Name Peters, Malcolm A Lod~eNo. 44 Piscataquis Dlmltted Official Record Suspended} N. P. D. Deprived} N.P.D. Suspended} U . M.C. Reinstated E:~peUed Restored Died q 1 Re~ _.,_ rf{ -l/ -6p 1 7 - Name ~ ~-"------ Lodte No. fG - --- lnilialed b/.:2.?/ J/ Dimilled Official RMord Passed iJ .:t/Z' I Suapended } 7/1 I N. I'. D. R•ised ?-/~ IJ / ~~~;i~~d } 4 Allilial~d J / Suspended } U. M . C. R.,iustat~d Bllpelled ft,Hfored RrmarLs Name Pe ters , Maurice Bernard LodaeNo. 32 Hermon lnldated •- Dlmltted Official Record 9- 15 -/f)" PUlled Suspended} / ' - 11"'/f) "f' N. P. D. Ralaed ·' Deprived} /,)-/J .. ;91> N. P. D. Affiliated Suspended} U M . C . Reinstated Ell:pelled Restored Born jj- 7- 119~ Remarka Name Peter s , Mi lton Robert LocJ~e No. 73 Tyrian Dimltted Officia l Record Suspended} N. P. D. I Deprived} N. P. D. S uspended} U . M.C. Reins tated Expelled Restored Died R em~ ame Peters, Nelson Adelbert LodlleNo. 107 Cay Suring lnltla1J: ~ Dlmltted -"r't - 1 i '-( Passe Suspended} ~ -f"-f Cf 'f y N.P.D. Raised Deprived} Co -1Y--' 1 i '-1 i N.P.D. AffUiated Suspended} U.M.C. Reinstated Expelled Restored Died I dl.-:<l-1'1 7~ ?..?t..v. Remar / d-71'- / P<=t' Name Lodg,e lnltlat~ Official Record '1 -Y3 -/ 9 1 Passed Suspended} J6 - 7 -t1Y N.P. D. Raised Deprived} I o -YI-1 '7 '1 N.P.D. Affiliated Suspen ded} U.M. C. R einstated Expelled Restored Died 7-~~-/9 7</- Remark~ Name Peters, Percy Timothy Loci~ No. 11 3 Me§§alqp§kee / C:U Initiated Dimitted 2- _6-1982 Passed Suspended 1 -- 4-10-1982 _!!· P~D . _ IJ.~I-/.!l!i.J Raised Deprived L N. P. D. s~8-_L982 f Affiliated - Swpended L -­ U. M. C. Expelled- Restored Died Born 10-24-1941 __ -- Remark• Officio 1 Record Suspended} N.P.O. Deprived} N. P . D. Suspended} U.M.C. Reinstated Expelled Restored Died 1- .o ,j ~;r~ I Name Peters, Lodge No. 106 Tpscan Initiated Dimitted Official Record 11-1-1986 Passed Susi'Cnded L 1-3-1987 N. P. D. f j J,f-fJbOD Ra ised Deprived F 2-7 -1981> 7 N. P. D. Affiliated t~tt~dc~ ..L ----- R einstated Expelled Restored Died Born R emarks Lodge No. ;if-6:: ~~ ..< _t/2_t.IL712/Yl ~ :2tl~t1- Jj~~ ~~~L--r-~ OfflclaiRecord Passed/ Suspended } Jf -L -~~ Ia N. P. D. r-'f -rr lf 1 RaJsed I Deprived } 1 JJ..- .A -1 I ~ N . P. D. Mfillated Suspended } U. M.C. Reinstated Expelled Restored Died Remarks Name Peters , Robert Gichey Lodge No. 49 Meridian Splendor Oimitted Official Record InitiatedS -19-19 66 Passed SusJ>ended } 10- 6-1966 N.P.D. { tl, . 'f-/997 Deprived } Rai•ed 5- 4-1967 N. P. D. Affiliated Suspended } U. M . C. Reinstated Expelled Res tored Died Born 4-ll-1938 Remarks Name Peters , Roy Al exande r LodieNo. 1 Portland = Inl~ted!) DlmJtted Official Record r-J -/ 1 'f 'J/ Pas¥!~ Suspended} 7-?'i'-/ 1 '1 y N. P. D . 1 r-r1, y / Raised / Deprived} J - j Y -/ ~ 'f.::J N.P.D. Affiliated Suspended} U . M . C. Reinstated Expelled ROY A.. ~·~as · j I :Roy A. litefa, · 58, of 21 1 Preble St., dted thla morning in a Portland hosPital after a 'lone U1ne111. Born 1n Lowell, Mass., Aug. 27, 1901, son or the late Alex­ apder B. and Annie Dunlap Peters. he came to Portland 1n childhood. He was employed many years. by C. E. Noyes Co. and durlne "the past five years aa a clerk by the Oraymore Hotel. He was & member of Portland I.oclgl! No. 1 of Masons. Mr. Peters Ieavea two sisters, Miss Glads M. Peters' of Port­ land and Mrs. Ralph Weeks of Angola, N. Y.; three WJ!-sis­ ters. llln.:altlvl Clay ~or. t­ land. krst-"'Cbarlea ~ of Pa!mou*h Porealde, ancl Mrs. H#Uold Hintze of Philadelphia, ~.• and a half-brother, George Peters of Briatol, Conn. ' wtab.eat2 p. at~... Con- gre ....... POl'. est SouUr~Jort. lan~ Reinstnted Expelled Restore d Died N ome L odi[e No. Dimitte d Officiul Record S uspended} N .P. D. Deprived} N.P . D . Suspended} U .M . C. Reins toted Expelled R u t ored Remarks Tom B. Pe~~ Tom B. Peter~! . a nat!Vf' of De\"nn­ abtre. Eng.. but a long-tlmf' rP5ident ot Portland. died at, his hom~ . 17~ Coyle Strllt!t. th~ Cit~·. f'arly this ,morning after a long illne~ . For mort- than 25 year~ Mr. Pt'l­ ers acted 1u1 shipping clerk for Lor· lng Short & Harmon and wa~ latf'r employed "-' a salesman ror the Cliff B. Burn!! Coal Company. He was & past Noble Grand. La· rcnia Lodge. I. 0 . 0 . F.: a life mem­ ber of Portland Lod~e. F. and A. M .: Greenleaf CMpter. R. and A. M .: Portland Council. R. and S. M.: St. Alban Commandery. ·Knighu of Templar: and a life member of Kora Temple. Shriner~. o! Lewiston. Ht I~ survived by his \vldo11·. Car,­ rie Lord Ptters and !our Fister~ Mrs. Edvcard Huelln. of Pea.kl Ialand: Mrs. R~a Nove~~ , of Somer­ ville, Mu.,.; Mr5. William Ooft. of Pennaerovf'. N. J.: and Mr~ . Annie Sylvester. of Brooklyn. N. Y. · Funeral ~en•ice., wll bf' in Corln­ thla Hall. Maronlr Temple-. here at 3 p . m .. D. S. T .. Sunda~·. IntPrment will be at E\·ergref'n Cemetery. Name Peters, Vernon Everett Lodge No. 18J Deering Initiated Dimitted Official Record S uspended } Passed N. P. D. Raised Deprived } N. P. D. Affiliated 12 -14 -1 9 81 ~':'ti~dc~ } Reinstated ~pelled r Restored Born 6-2.=.190) RemarksRaised 6-24-19)2~- Alma York, NY Vernon "BWUW" Peten Vernon "BunnY' Petel'l, 84, of lOB Cul)'le ROIId. died Sunday in a local hospital after a lona mn.... He was born in Portland, a son of Byroa and Emma Rines Peters, and attended South Portland schools. He also attended Portland Hilh School. As a young man, Mr. "Peters moved to New York and went to work for the Burroughs Corp. In 1968, after 40 years there, he retired as a superintendent of the check-printing department. After he retired he moved back to Portland. He was a member of the Deering Lod1e of Muou. the Commandry in New York and the Kora Temple Shrine, Lewiston. He was an Army veteran. His wife, Helen Lowell Peters, died in 1979. Surviving Js a brother, Charles B. Peters of Casco and North Fort Myers, Fla. A funeral will be held at 2 p.m. Wednesday at the Hay and Peabody Funeral Home, 749 Congress St. Burial will follow in Brooklawn Memorial Park. Nnme LodacNo. Dlmltted Offlclul Record Suspended N. P.D. }J-11-Ifi~ Deprived l N.P.D. f Suspended } U.M.C. Reinstated Expelled Restored Died Name Peters, Wilbur Clyde ; Jbf9 Lodge No. 2 Warren lniliatt:-21 - 1966 Passed 9-27-1966 IU.ii2 -13 -1966 Affiliated Suspended U. M. C . Rein.• ta ted Expelled Restored D ied Dorn 7-9-1928 Remarks N.. e Dimilled l laitiated tj f / OUicial Recor!J 7-1/ ;[. '- . jf('l'O . J / 1'-f /~'/ Snop.,.ded l"- ~ J f'f~ ) p....... N. P. D. - I ~ . s.. / i'~J Raised 1-f / ( ( ?"/ DepriYed I 1 N.P.D. Alliliateol Suspeaded l U.M. C. Reiaiotated Rspelled Restored Died ReiDarkN Rclnst n ted Restored Died Name Petit, Robert Andrew Lodge No. 47 Dunlap Initiated Dimitted 5 - ..--£::_19 8 3 Suspendedl_­ Passed 6- 6-1920 N. P. D. [/0~5-~ Raised Deprived 6-20-1983 N. P. D. Affiliated Suspended L U. M. C. _j_ ~pelled Restored Died Born 3-9-1954 Remarks Dimitted .6'~ 1r 9-11 - /'lt:-~ Suspended N.P. D. Deprived} N.P.D. Suspended} U.M.C. RelnRta ted Expelled Restored Die d Name Petie y, Jeffe ry Scott Lodge No. Jnitiaud Dimitud \ la/o O'J Official Record -5-=- 19_8..L _ ~~-~ ~~oo" Pa...,d Sus.,ended tJ ~ 13. ~ 8-00 l _ -3-19_8_4_ N. P. D. 1~ . 7-llj_"/§_ Raised Deprived l _6 - L=_l9__8_4 N. P. D. -- AffilYud Suspended 9 /I/OS U . M. C. L Reirutated- ..3-8~---aoo~ Expelled --- Ld? .:. .:2~ .!._!9::> Restored Died Born ------- Remarks Name Petley, Stephen James LodaeNo. 28 Northern Star Dlmltted oniCiiifRecord Suspended} N.P.D. Deprived} N.P.D. S uspended} U . M.C. Reinstated Expelled Restored Died P-/" - )~ r r Rema C2t.~~~-·.t'Jv.. ~ 7-1-1 71-' a MANCHEST ER - Stephen J. 'Auausta; and a former member ol Petley Sr., 69, died Aug. 16, 1989, at the Manchester Lions Club and the the Kennebec Valley Medical Center, Manchester Grange. .Auausta Division. He is survived by his wife, Phyllis · He was born in Harcourt, New (Sweet) Pettey, of Manchester; two Brunswick, on July 7, 1920, the son SODS Jeffrey Pelley of Bath and or James and Ella Robinson Stephen Petley Jr. of Winthrop; two Pelley. dauahtcrs, Marjorie Fleury of He attended•-.--r"'1l• Auausta and Linda Stonz of Calif.; Ford Institute and a stepson, Warren Nesbit Jr. of received a dearee Skowhcaa n; two stepdaua hters, In mechanical V.alerie Hoff of Wtnthrop and enaineerina from Laurel Godin or Rome; a sister, ,Brown University. Averil McDortald of Randolph; four 1 Mr. Petley arandchildren, nine step-arandchil­ .·mired from lbe dren and a step-areat-arand ­ ,·ltate Bureau of daughter. · Public Improve­ Friends may caJI today from 2-4 menu after 10 and 6-8 p.m.
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