3^ EVERY FORTNIGHT No. 39 IMPERIAL COLLEGE 17 OCTOBER 1952 FAR AND WIDE FIRST BLOOD TO THE BOAT CLUB VAC ACS Last Saturday the crew which started training before the term began, reaped their reward in narrowly winning the Felix has heard a. few tales of the many far journeys made Sabin Tankard Clinker Eights at Putney. A full report appears for holidays, and for vacation work and other experience, by with the rowing report on the Sports Page. members of I.C.; and as usual we a-ologlze if this brief survey does not reach far enough. The vacation started with the Dramatic Society's venturing out to a week's public per- SIX HUNDRED TO TEA formance, of a Priestley play at Cheltenham in a university Fresher's Day October 6th dawned bright and dry as the season there. Though they had good rea.son to feel satisfied overwhelming number of over 6C0 freshers milled into the with their production, they shared in a patch of poor support Union As usual the tennis court fence in the quadrangle, at the theatre. the club notice boards in the Union, and the stair walls i At this time the late President and Vice-President of the were covered with bright posters to attract talent ",nd inter- fines David Griffiths raid John (Knocker) white took a tem- est from the stream moving up to the gym. The pla.tform was porary job near college - "as assistant morticians. For a complete except for the Rector, who was away in the chair at fev; days they fed ea; er supper audiences with episodes in the the University Collegiate Committee. Professor H. H. Read, stiffening of a "stiff" - until their increasing sun-tan appearing on his behalf, welcomed the new students with a. betrayed that their wnnloyment was. in fact, gardening. short and encouraging speech that finished with the C&.11 The'Devon cricket tour is reported, as is the Dramatic "I hope you have a pleasant stay; don'x stay too long.'" Society's tour, in the next Phoenix, but we are allowed to reveal that this year they won some games. It is not gener- This was followed by the President's main talk, in which ally expected, or really desired, to get such a result. We he appealed to the students to realize that "The Union" was feel that the Game, the Tour and the Drink are The Things: more than a cafeteria, and recommended to them a descriminat- to win is not quite cricket. With great regrets, the ..Sept- ing sampling" of the clubs on show- The ch?.irman of the ember rugger tour to Delft of Jack Howorth's XV fell through Athletic and Social Clubs Comaittees, and the C.O.'s of the because when the time came, those who were available and able U.T.C. and the V. Air Squadron then gave some details of their to find the ca.sh, amounted to only six forwards and one back. organizations, and the whole meeting brought to an end in One of the team, Bill Robinson, was already training by, he thirty-five minutes - five minutes ahead of plans. claims, shark fishing in Cornwall. Other Miners' and Geologists' tales tell us of Godfrey Your reporter then relaxed In the sea of tea., trying the Burrill in Labrador, George Swales in Ca.nada, and Anton Brown meanwhile to remember an occasion comprising six such good in Goose Bay. John Taylor went to Kuwait, and has sketched speeches. us a perfectly blank picture of the countryside inland of the oilfields. The chairman of the Athletic Clubs Committee went on an early tour by car of the Lakes and the Road to the Isles He feels so ,y »-<.-» about the COOTI11UCUS rain that we are not mentioning his name. His 'oppo, the chairman of the S.C.C. did much better, and went to Spain a.s one of the ground crew in the Interna.tional competitions. "The new Senior Treasurer of the Union decided that he could now take his department on holiday, and off went they all by Rolls Royce to Turkey for a considerable time." - so went the first report though we now understand that it wa.s Tstanbull mostly, and they paid for themselves. They brought back Yugoslav table-cloths to embroider in their spare time - one in wool and one in silk. ?.oy Severn has started on his. The extremes in I.C.W.A. seem to have been Buenos Aires, by Mary HeXenzie (though this doesn't really count as it's her home), and by Barbara Harris who went to be governess - wearing poke bonnet v/e trust - to two Italian children in i Rome. The prize for Vac. Work experience seems to be due to .J.S.KEHYOK - Summer singles Tennis Champion, and holder or the the two physicists who were employed in Germany to paint Vhiteley Squash Rackets Gup for the fifth year in succession. spots on rabbit skin to make it into Leopard, and also to simulate Crocodile from leather, GENERAL STUDIES i - Continued on page 2 The new series of lunch hour tplke vas opened by an Old Student of the R.C.S. , i;r. I,.C. Hickolle who is Director of the Metropolitan Police Lab- oratory at New Scotland Yard*. Cn the sarae day, Jlr. C..H. Globs-Smith trap talking cn "Vr.at is the Use of Art?" We hope to near G-ibbs-3raith COMMEMORATION BALL again on Rockets or interplanetary Travel, for he is a Companion of the Royal Aeronautical Society, and a member of the Interplanetary Society, as FRIDAY OCT. 24 well as Keeper of Extension Services at the Victoria & Albert Museum. GROSVE NOR HOUSE Cn Tuesday, 21st October, Dr. Svsey D. Do mar, vrho teaches Political economy at Jvans Hopkins University end is now Fulbripnt Professor' a.t Geraldo's Nuffield College, Oxford, is speaking; on the Dancing American Elections, 195?. As the 21st is Embassy Trafalgar Day, iir. P.'.C.B. Tuns tail., of the London 8pm — 2am School of Economics, is discussing Telson - Orchestra Genius or Super technician?11 On Tuesday 28th, Kr. Angus Kaude, il.P. is talking on the English ilidole Classes (he is joint TICKETS FROM author of a book on this subject), and lir. Charles Hon. Sec. Entertainments ; Mitchell, of the Warburg Institute, speaks on "An Approach to History". Bookstall ; or Union Office Annex Dr. Reginald Jacques will be repeating his popular series of talks on the History and Appre- vrtn<j Ivnsh hoor. ciation of "URic on each Tuesday this term, start- ing on 21st October. , z FELIX THE PRESIDENT AND iOFSLE Ron Macfie, the President is a quiet man. He smokes a pipe more than he talks, and THE HON. SECRETARY his main interest at I.C. has been gliding. His home is the Aeronautics Department, which was reached after Imperial College Union several pauses at Intermediate Level causing a stay with the R.A.F. between times. Though this should account for his rise since in flying - he Each year, on the Monday before the term opens became the first member of the the freshers are inyited to a free tea: but Gliding Club to qualify as an before this bribe is handed out, they are herded instructor - his main ex- into the Gym., pestered on their way by the perience in the service talent-scouts, and made to sit in mute mass on the appears to have been in driv- floor, while the Master of Ceremonies, the ing ou the Burma Road. tresident of Imperial College Union, introduces them to the distinguished feathering on the stage. This would account for his special line in This scene may resemble a charity school Speech vacation work: the delivery of expensive cars, Day, to those fresh and familiar from school; and and being chauffeur to expensive passengers. to those students coming here via the services the He was Captain of the I.C.G.C. for two years, set-up and the encouraging speeenes of the Union until last year, when the Social Clubs officials may remind them of the hopeful words of Committee took him for their new Chairman. the entertainments and education officers in their From this office he was promoted President old units. However, none should worry that this unopposed. one-sided situation will last. The Rector, the Wally Goss, the Hon. Sec. Secretary and the Registrar of the College will, is, by contrast, one of those regrettably, never again be seen during the year on tireless and harassed workers this platforji; with the Union officers; and it will whose near-fanatic efficiency be an observant student who sees the air and army and thorough interpretation representatives of peace at all while at I.C. of their duties often tempts Only on this occasion does the President receive a colleagues to sit back and quiet audience, ana can treat them politely: let such energetic ones do all. Union meetings during the year are much less But 'Sally also possesses the formal, often with the President, supported by the saving grace of those with Honorary Secretary of the Union, defending the such capacity for responsi- administration against the mob, and happiest when bility: he enjoys life, the Union Council's and committees' work is left and suffers fools as all in peace. must. He rose in college athletic circles, first to These two officers are the kinf-pin and Secretary of the Soccer Club, prince-pin of the most complicated students' union and as the official cricket in a London college.
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