THE OFFICIAL GAZETTE OF THE ‘OLONY AND PROTECTORATE OF KENYA. Published under the Authority of His Excellency the Governor of the Colony and Protectorate of Kenya. (Vol. XXVI.—No. 952| NATROBI, June 1], 1924.. [Price 50 Cents| Registered as a Newspaper at the G. P. 0. | Published every Wednesday. TABLE OF CONTENT S. PAGE. (to vt, ” Notice No. 203—Arrivals, Departures and Appointments, etc. a 534 x 2 ” 204—A Bill Intituled An Ordinance to Amend the Divorce Ordinance, 1908 hae 539 Proclamation No, 100—The Customs Ordinance, 1910,Proclamation. 536 Govt. Notice No. 205— ,, » Do » ules 536 536 33 a7 33 206—The Liquor (Amendment) Ordinance, 1923,— Plateau Licensing Area 33 33 a2 207—Confirmation of Ordinances—XXIT and XXXVI of 1923 537 Proclamation No. 101—-The Diseases of Animals Ordinance, 1906 5387 102—The Diseases of Animals Ordinance, 1906 ” 33 3 537 103——-The Diseases of Ai imals Ordinance, 1906 3) 33 ” 537 ” ” 23 104—The Diseases of Animals Ordinance, 1906 538 Govt. Notice No. 208—The Liquor (Amendment) Ordinance, 19238Appointment of Members of Plateau Licensing Court . 538 33 a3 33 209-——The Commission of Inquiry Ordinance, 1912Appointment 538 oy 9 210—The Municipal Corporations Ordinance, 1922-—-Appointment 538 a 3} 3? 211—The Liquor (Amendment) Ordinance, 1923 539 539 af a) a) 212—-Executive Council_—Appoimtment 539 at a? 32 213—The Native Registration Ordinance, 1921—Appointment... 214— ” ” » 1921—Appoimtment 539 3} oe] 7 M2 ” 215—The Native Authority Ordinance, 1912,—Appointment 539 Gen. Notices Nos. 450-462—Miscellaneous Notices .. 009-042 534 THE OFFICIAL GAZETTE June 11, 1924, GOVERNMENT Notice No. 203. Name Bank. onqe = Date of leaving Date of Date of arrival Le Appointment, ~~ England. Embarkation. at Kilindini. T. H. Elkington Guard, Uganda. Railway: . | Leave brekmarch 1924 27th March, 1924} 24th May, 1924 APPOINTMENTS. MAGISTERIAL WARRANT. S. 5519. S. 21160. LLEWELLYN CEC WricHt, to be Acting Assistant Land Mason BRIAN WiLLOUGHBY Bonn, M.C., to be a Magistrate Officer, Mombasa, with effect from 4th June, 1924. of the Second Class, with power to hold a Subordinate Court of the Second Class, whi'st holding his present | “§, 29983) 10, _ appointment as Assistant Resident Commissioner, Mombasa. Water Wittiam Ripovut, M.Inst.M. & C.E., to be Superin- tendent of Suburban Areas, Nairobi District, with effect from Ist January, 1924. §. 21160. Mason Brian WitLoucnsy Bonp, M.C., to be Assistant Resident Commissioner, Mombasa, with effect from the 25rd May, 1924. | : poyho fot . J. EB. S. MERRICK, for Colonial Secretary. June 11, 1924. THE OFFICIAL GAZETTE 535 GoverNMuNT Notice No. 204. COLONY AND PROTECTORATE OF KENYA, His Excellency the Governor has approved of the following Bul being introduced during the next Session of the Legislative Council. | -WADDINGTON, Clerk to."the Legislative Council, ABill Intituled An Ordinance to Amend the Divorce Ordinance, 1904. | 1. This Ordinance may be cited as ““The Divorce (Amend- Short title. ment) Ordinance, 1924,’’ and shall be read as one with ‘‘The Divoree Ordinance, 1904, ’’ hereinafter referred to as ‘‘the Principal Ordinance. #? 2. Section 2 of the Principal Ordinance is hereby repealed Repeal and re-enactment and the following section is substituted therefor :— of Section 2 of the Principal ‘2 Nothing hereinafter contained shall authorise :— Ordinance. (1) the makingof any decree of dissolution’ of marriage unless the petitioner is domiciled in the Colony or Protec-- 10 torate at the time when the petition is presented; (2) the grant of any other relief under this Ordinance, unless one of the parties to the suit has, at the time when the petition is presented, his or her usual residence in the Colony or Protectorate or unless the marriage was 15 solemnized in the Colony or Protectorate.’’ 8. Section 8 of the Principal Ordinance is hereby amended Amendment of Section 3 of as follows :— 7 . the Principal of the definition of ‘ Ordinan te, (a) by the deletion ‘ Africa.”’ (b) by the insertion of the following definition:— 20 ‘Marriage’? means the union of one man and one woman for life to the exelusion of all others. Provided that such union may be dissolved in-accordance with the provisions of this Ordinance.’ A. Sub-section (2) of Section 5 of the Principal Ordinance Amendment is hereby repealed and the following sub-sectionis substituted and re-enact- ment of Sub- therefor :— section (2) of Section 5 of the Principal **(2) A wife may apply by petition to the Court for the Ordinance. dissolution of her marriage on the ground that since the solemnization thereof and since the passing of this Ordin- 30 ance her husband has been guilty of adultery or of rape or of sodomy or of bestiality.’’ 5. Sub-section 1 (a) of Section 13 of the Principal Ordinance, Amendment of is hereby amended by vhe deletion of the words ‘‘the respondent ” > Sub-section 1 (a) of Section. and the substitution therefor of the words “eitherparty.” 13 of the Principal Ordinance, 6. Section 21 of the Principal COrdinance isi hereby amended ‘Amendment of 35 Section 21 of by the insertion of the followingsub-‘section :— Principal CGrdinance, ‘‘(4) If the respondent shall fail to comply with a decree ‘of the Court for restitution of conjugal rights such respondent shall thereupon be deemed to have been guilty 40 of desertion without reasonable cause, and a suit for judicial separation may be forthwith instituted, and a deeree of judicial separation may be pronounced although the period of two years may not have elapsed since the failure to.comply with the decree for restitution of conjugal vights.”” 45 7. The Indian Divorce Act, 1869, as applied to the Colony Repeal. and Protectorate is hereby repealed. 536< ‘THE OFFICIAL GAZETTE , June 11, 1924: ProcLtaMaTion No. 100. S. 2186/3. THER CUSTOMS ORDINANCE, 1910. PROCLAMATION. IN EXERCISEof the powers conferred upon me by the Customs Ordinance, 1910, Section 58, I, Robert Thorne Coryndon, Knight Commander of the Most Distinguished Order of Saint Michael and Saint George, Governor of the Colony of Kenya, do hereby prohibit the importation of any of the special products manufactured by Messrs. F. Hoffman-La Roche and Company,of Basle, Switzerland, which contain dangerous drugs. Given under my hand at Nairobi this 31st day of May, 1924. RB. T. CORYNDON, | Governor. GOD SAVE THE KING. \ GovERNMENT Notice No. 205. _ | | S. 19503. THE CUSTOMS ORDINANCE, 1910. RULES. MADEby His Excellency the Governor under Section 12 of the Customs Ordinance, 1910. The fees herein prescribed shall on and from the Ist July, 1924, be levied and paid under Section 12 of the Customs Ordin- ance, 1910. RATES FOR OVERTIME. : - Ss. CC, Tn respect. of each Preventive Officer ... Per hour or ” and Special part of an 1 Grade Clerk hour 5 00 ” lst Grade Clerk... ogy 4 00 " 2nd Ss, wae + 3 00 29 ard 29 tee , 37 2 50 29 , 4th 2. oo a9 2 00 Junior ,, vee i 1 650 ! 2. The Rules, dated the ist October, 1910, are hereby cancelled. ‘Nairobi, 6th June, 1924. _R. T. CORYNDON, Governor. Government Notice No. 206. | S. 7486/13/8/5. THE LIQUOR (AMENDMENT) ORDINANCE, 1923. | Section 4. ON ~ Norice. THE Districts of Uasin Gishu, Trans-Nzoia, Elgeyo, Mara- kwet and West Suk are hereby constituted the Plateau Licensing Area. Nairobi, 31st May, 1924... RB. T: CORYNDON, _ . Governor. GAZETTE a37 June 1 1, t OVA. THE OFFICIAL GovERNMENT Notice No. 207. CONFIRMATION OF ORDINANCES. Novice, THE Secretary of State for the Colonies has been pleased to notify that His Majesty’s power of disallowance will not be exercised with respect to the under-mentioned Ordinances :-— S. 16976/10. “An OrpiNANCE to AMEND THE ExEectaic Power ORDINANCE, 1919.’’ (No, XXIT or 1923). S. 5269/82. ‘““An ORDINANCE TO CoNSOLIDATE AND AMEND THE Customs Tarirrs.’’ (No. XXXVI oF 1923). ‘Nairobi, . 5th June, 1924. KB, J. WADDINGTON, Clerk to Councils. Prociamation No, 103. S. PROCLAMATION No. LOL. | S, 1967/VIL. 1967/VIL. THE DISEASHS OF ANIMALS THE DISEASES OF ANIMALS ~ ORDINANCE, 1906. PROCLAMATION. ORDINANCE, 1908. of the powers thereunto enabling IN EXERCISE PROCLAMATION, me, I hereby declare the following farms to be infected areas (Bovine Pleuro-pneumonta) for the IN EXERCISEof the powers thereunto enabling purposes of the aforesaid Ordinance. me, I hereby declare the following Proclamations to Farms Nos. 487/56/R, 487/59 and 487/62, Curwen ‘be revoked, Estates, Njoro, Nakuru District. That portion of Proclamation No. 67, dated the Given under my hand at Nairobi this 17th day of 7th day of March, 1924, declaring Farm No, Apri, 1924. 1445, Mr. A. F, Pollard, Fort Ternan, Kisumu- Londiani District, to be an infected area “W. KENNEDY, (Rinderpest). Officer. Chief Veterinary Proclamation No. 83, dated the ist day of a. February, 1924. ProcLamatTion No, 102. S. 1967/VII. Lhat portion of Proclamation No. 76, dated the 28th day of March, 1924, declaring Farm No, THE DISEASES OF ANIMALS 2302, Mr. J. Stuart-Watt, Donyo Sabuk, ORDINANCE, 1906. Machakos District, to be an infected area, _(Rinderpest). PROCLAMATION. IN EXERCISE of the powers thereunto enabling That portion of Proclamation No. 76, dated the me, I hereby declare the following farms to be ‘Sth day of March, 1924. declaring Farm No. infecied areas (Rinderpest) fo: the purposes of the 61Cé, Major 8. Robertson, Songhor, Kisumu- aforesaid Ordinance, _ Londiani District, to be an infected area (Rinderpest). Farm No. 2051, Mr. C. J. Oliver, Uasin Gishu District. Proclamation No. 79, dated the 8rd day of April, Harm No. 3062, Mr. B. G. Forbes-Mangan, Uasin | 1924, declaring Farm No. 1099, Mr. B. A. Gishu District. _ _ Evans, North Nyeri District, to be an infected Farm No. 3068, Col. C. J. Phillips, Uasin Gishu area (Trypancsomiasis).
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