Archdiocesan Catholic Charities Ukrainian Cathoiics Expend $1,082,190 During Year Church HEALTH SERVICES, CHILD AND FAMILY WELFARE HEAD LIST Many in Parish By Bill Kilkenny "have made this record [o f serv­ families in Denver,” the report ling and slum clearance in Den- its affiliates are agencies o f the Refugees From Thousands of persons received ice] possible. Without their help, said. "There is, however, much ver.” Denver Community Chest. help when they most needed it our work could not grow." more that must be done in hous-1 Catholic Charities and many of (See page 3 story also) in 195-3 through Catholic Char-' The largest single expenditure, Red-Held Lands ities of the Archdiocese of Den­ *4.' U"' the report shows, was $(W2,456.50 Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations vv‘ ver, Inc, which expended $1,082,- Ukrainian Catholics of or free health services provided Contents Copyright by the Catholic Press Society, Inc., 1954— Permission to Reproduce, Except on 190.96 for charitable purposes in the Byzantine Rite are mak­ )y the nine hospitals of the arch­ Articles Otherwise Marked, Given After 12 M. Friday Following Issue the year. ing plans to purchase the diocese and, in Denver itself, the Denver Friends (Quaker) A report on the work of the Ave Maria Clinic and the Domin­ Church located at W. 41st agencies affiliated/ with Catholic ican Sisters of the Sick Poor. Charities will be given at the an­ Avenue a n d Shoshone Street This will be the only Byzantine nual meeting of the parent or­ $370,898 Expended Rite Catholic Church in the ganization at 8 p.m. today ( Thurs­ For Child Weliare DENVER OTTHOLIC Rocky Mountain area, as the day, April 8) in the Catholic Child welfare accounted for nearest ones are in St. Joseph, Mo., and Los Angeles, Caiif. Charities Annex, 1665 Grant the next biggest portion, $370,- Most of the members o f the Street, Denver. 398.99, which was expended newly formed Transfiguration X- Archbishop Urban J. Vehr, through Catholic Charities’ Cen­ Parish are displaced persons who had to leave their native president of Catholic Charities, tral Office (children’s depart­ UKRAINIAN CATHOLICS of the Byzantine Rite Ukraine because o f Communistic pays tribute in the foreword to ment), St. Qara’s Orphanage, REGISTER domination. Many of them the 27th annual report to the vol­ (Jueen of Heaven Orphanage, Mt. in Denver are planning to purchase the Friends (Quak­ found their way to Denver and er) Church (above) at W. 41st Avenue and Shoshone Street, Den­ unteer laymen and laywomen who St. Vincent’s Home, the Convent VOL. X LIX . No. 34. THURSDAY, APRIL 8, 1954 DENVER, COLORADO decided to settle here. Now that ver.— (Regiater photo by Turilli) there are about 70 families, they of the (jood Shepherd, St. Jo­ have a great desire to have a Monsignor Koch seph’s Baby Annex, and Infant of church such as they had in their Prague Nursery, all in Denver. homeland. Retires From Army At the present time the Rev. Expenditures for youth work totals ,$76,188.93. "They were Seminary Campaign -Will Be Reviewed made by the Little Flower Com­ munity Center, Vail Community Center, Camp Santa Maria, Holy Regional Meetings Arinounced for Priests and Parish Chairmen Ghost Youth Center, Catholic Just one year after the pub- bishop reports that tl»e total some contributors are running completed in early summer at have received loans to tide Daughters of Americaj Knights ^c announcement of the receipts to date, in the first behind in their pledges, the a cost of $30,000. Many o f the them through construction pro­ of Columbus, Tabernacle Society, Archbishop’s Seminary Cam­ 10 months of the campaign, review meetings for ail priests fine trees at the seminary grams in developing areas. Archbishop’s G u ild , (Queen’s paign for the expansion o f St. have passed $1,500,000. This and parish chairmen of the have been transplanted in Because of the importance Thomas’ Seminary and a fund means that more than $2,000,- drive will be held in each re­ preparation for the erection of Daughters, Junior C a t h o l i c of the regional review meet­ to help new parishes and mis­ 000 remains to be paid in the gion to stimulate continuing the new wing. ings for priests and parish Daughters, and Q tholic Charities sions, a series of review meet­ pledges, which totaled more interest in the drive. Other tangible benefits of chairmen, the Archbishop has Servicemen’s C e n t e r ( USO- ings has been announced by than $3,600,000. The first meeting, for the the drive have been the pro­ announced that the annual NCCS), all in Denver; Qtholic Archbishop Urban J. Vehr. Since the success of the ■ Denver region, w illLe heid’ in curement of several additional clergy conference, usually held In a letter to all priests of campaign depends on the total sites in suburban Denver for in May, will not be held this Daughters t^ America, Glenwood Blessed Sacrament School hall the archdiocese, the Arch­ amount collected and since on Sunday evening. May 2, new parishes. A few parishes spring. Springs; and the ArchdioceAn at 5 p.m. and wiil be followed Council of Q tholic Nurses. Oratorio Good Friday Evening by a dinner in the school cafe­ Archbishop Tells 500 Men at Rally Family welfare accounted for teria. On Monday evening. May 3, a similar dinner meet­ $32,646.54 of the total Agencies Full Holy Week Splendor ing wiil be held in St. An­ Christians Cannot Escape providing family aid were the thony’s School, Sterling, at 6 Cathojic Charities’ Central Office o’clock. (family department), St. Vincent In Services of Cathedral The next night, Tuesday, Colonel (Rt. Rev. Mon­ de Paul Society, and St. Vincent May 4, at 6 :30, a dinner meet­ From Moral Responsibility signor) Joseph R. Koch ing wiil be held in St. Mary’s de Paul Salvage Bureau, all in The liturgy of Holy Week will ministration of the sacraments. “There is no escape for a “ for ethical neutrality in Father Blazejowtlcy (above), commandant of the Senool, Colorado Swings, and any Denver; QthoUc Welfare Bureau, be carried out in full splendor After the solemn procession a week later, one in St. Ste­ Christian and a Catholic from Christian life.” chaplain school at Fort Slocum in the mother church of the arch­ of the Blessed Sacrament to the moral and spiritual responsibil­ Dr. Dmytro Blazej.owsky of Sfe. near New Rochelle, N.Y., and Fort Collins; and Q tholic Daugh­ phen's Hall, Glenwood Springs, Assisting Archbishop Vehr at diocese. Archbishop Urban J. altar of reposition, there will be ity,” Archbishop Urban J. Vehr Joseph, Mo., offers Mass in the the senior Catholic chaplain in ters of America, Colorado Springs. on Monday evening. May 10. the Mass was Monsignor William Vehr will officiate or preside at all-day adoration o f the Blessed told 500 men. of the Pikes Peak Byzantine Rite every Sunday at the armed forces, retired from The Archbishop reveals that J. Kelly and in the sanctuary was The "welfare of unfortunate ceremonies in the Cathedral Sacrament. region at a Communion break­ S t Joseph’s (Polish) Church. considerable progress has al­ Monsignor William Kipp, the service March 31. children who are mentally handi­ through the week. Holy Communion will be dis­ A committee to purchase the ready been made at the sem­ fast in Colorado Springs April 4. Monsignor Koch, a priest of tributed every half hour from 6 In the procession from the church was formed last month the Denver Archdiocese, was an capped’’ remained the "outstand­ Seminarians from S t Thomas’ inary and that plans for the The Archbishop, who offered and is headed by Orest Koltu- Seminary and the Cathedral vest­ to 9 o’clock and in the Pontifi­ church to the Antlers Hotel, army chaplain for 26 years. He ing social problem” in the arch­ new large dormitory and class­ the Communion Mass in St, niuk. The committee includes ed choir will participate in the cal Mass. Mary’s Church before breakfast, where the breakfast was held, attended St. Thomas’ Seminary, diocese in 1953, the report said. room building are virtually were delegations from the Colo­ Mrs. Kyrylo Leszczenko, Mrs. blessing of the palms at the Sol­ told the gathering that “ whether Denver, and the Catholic Uni­ Tre Ore Good Friday completed and will be let for rado Springs police department, Rosalia Klepak, Mrs. John J. Noting Aat the sate training emn Mass Palm Sunday, April 11, in business, public office, indus­ versity of America. He is a native On Good Friday the solemn bids within a few.weeks. headed by Chief I. V. Bruce; Sullivan, Anthony Perchaez, and at 10 o’clock. In addition to the trial labor, or in the ' profes­ of Rochester, N.Y., where he was schools at Ridge and Grand Junc­ observance of the Passion and Already, as, a result of the from the fire department, the four members of the church special procession, the chanting sions,” all Catholic men nave a born in 1894. tion have been able to accept few Death of Our Lord will begin campaign, the gymnasium- headed by Chief Fred Lautch; committee. A drive has already of the Passion of Our Lord ac­ auditorium at the seminary clearly defined responsibility. been started to obtain funds for He began his army career In new children because of a lack of cording to St. Matthew will fea­ with a Mass o f the Presanctified and from the military establish­ 1928 and served many years in offered by Archbishop Vehr, at has been completed at a cost “ There is no room,” he said.
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