Calaby’s Monotreme Literature Abensperg-Traun, M.A. (1988). Food preference of the echidna, Tachyglossus aculeatus (Monotremata: Tachyglossidae), in the wheatbelt of Western Australia. Australian Mammalogy 11: 117–123. Monotremes Abensperg-Traun, M. (1989). Some observations on the duration of lactation and movements of a Tachyglossus aculeatus acanthion (Monotremata: Tachyglossidae) from Western Australia. Australian Mammalogy 12: 33–34. Monotremes Abensperg-Traun, M. (1991). A study of home range, movements and shelter use in adult and juvenile echidnas, Tachyglossus aculeatus (Monotremata: Tachyglossidae), in Western Australian wheatbelt reserves. Australian Mammalogy 14: 13–21. Monotremes Abensperg-Traun, M. (1991). Survival strategies of the echidna Tachyglossus aculeatus (Monotremata: Tachyglossidae). Biological Conservation 58: 317–328. Monotremes Abensperg-Traun, M. (1994). Blindness and survival in free-ranging echidnas, Tachyglossus aculeatus. Australian Mammalogy 17: 11 7– 119. Monotremes Abensperg-Traun, M. and De Boer, E.S. (1992). The foraging ecology of a termite- and ant-eating specialist, the echidna Tachyglossus aculeatus (Monotremata: Tachyglossidae). Journal of Zoology, London 226: 243–257. Monotremes Abensperg-Traun, M., Dickman, C.R. and De Boer, E.S. (1991). Patch use and prey defence in a mammalian myrmecophage, the echidna (Tachyglossus aculeatus) (Monotremata: Tachyglossidae): a test of foraging efficiency in captive and free-ranging animals. Journal of Zoology, London 225: 481–493. Monotremes Adamson, S. and Campbell, G. (1988). The distribution of 5–hydroxytryptamine in the gastrointestinal tract of reptiles, birds and a prototherian mammal. An immunohistochemical study. Cell and Tissue Research 251: 633–639. Monotremes Aitken, P.F. (1969). The mammals of the Flinders Ranges. Pp. 255–356 in Corbett, D.W.P. (ed.) The natural history of the Flinders Ranges. Libraries Board of South Australia : Adelaide. (Gives descriptions and notes on the echidna, marsupials, murids, and bats recorded for the Flinders Ranges; also deals with the introduced mammals, including the dingo). General; Monotremes; Marsupials; Bats; Rodents; Dingoes; Land Carnivores Aitken, P.F. (1970). South Australian mammals. South Australian Yearbook 1970: (Reprint paged 1–8). Bats; General; Marsupials; Monotremes; Rodents; Seals; Whales Aitken, P.F. (1980). Mammals. Pp. 288–314 in Corbett, D. (ed.) A field guide to the Flinders Ranges. Rigby : Adelaide. General; Monotremes; Marsupials; Bats; Rodents; Lagomorphs; Land Carnivores; Ungulates Aitken, P.F. (1983). Mammals. Pp. 127–33 in Tyler, M.J., Twidale, C.R., Ling, J.K. and Holmes, J.W. (eds) Natural history of the South East. Royal Society of South Australia : Adelaide. General; Monotremes; Marsupials; Bats; Rodents; Lagomorphs; Whales; Seals; Land Carnivores; Ungulates 1 Calaby’s Monotreme Literature Aitken, P.F. (1986). Mammals. Pp. 85–99 in Wallace, H.R. (ed.) The ecology of the forests and woodlands of South Australia. Government Printer : Adelaide. General; Monotremes; Marsupials; Bats; Rodents; Lagomorphs; Land Carnivores; Ungulates Aitkin, L.M. and Johnstone, B.M. (1972). Middle-ear functions in a monotreme: The echidna (Tachyglossus aculeatus). Journal of Experimental Biology 180: 245–50. Monotremes Aldred, A.R., Petterson, T.M., Harms, P.J., Richardson, S.J., Duan, W., Tu, G.–F., Achen, M.G., Nicol, S. and Schreiber, G. (1992). The position of the echidna in the evolution of thyroid hormone- binding plasma proteins. Pp. 44–52 in Augee, M.L. (ed.) Platypus and echidnas. Royal Zoological Society of New South Wales : Mosman, N.S.W. Monotremes Aleksiuk, M. and Baldwin, J. (1973). Temperature dependence of tissue metabolism in monotremes. Canadian Journal of Zoology 51: 17–19. Monotremes Allen, H. (1983). Nineteenth century faunal change in western New South Wales and north-western Victoria. Department of Anthropology, University of Auckland, Working Papers in Anthropology, Archaeology, Linguistics and Maori Studies No. 64. 69 pp. General; Monotremes; Marsupials; Rodents; Land Carnivores Allison, T. and Goff, W.R. (1972). Electrophysiological studies of the echidna, Tachyglossus aculeatus III.– sensory and interhemispheric evoked responses Archives Italiennes de Biologie 110: 195–216. Monotremes Allison, T. and Van Twyver, H. (1972). Electrophysiological studies of the echidna, Tachyglossus aculeatus II.– dormancy and hibernation. Arch. ital. Biol. 110: 185–94. Monotremes Allison, T., Van Twyver, H. and Goff, W.R. (1972). Electrophysiological studies of the echidna, Tachyglossus aculeatus I.–waking and sleep. Archives Italiennes de Biologie 110: 145–84. Monotremes Andersen, N.A., Nicol, S. and Mesch, U. (1992). Blood gases and body temperature in the echidna, Tachyglossus aculeatus. Pp. 145–149 in Augee, M.L. (ed.) Platypus and echidnas. Royal Zoological Society of New South Wales : Mosman, N.S.W. Monotremes Anderson, S. and Jones, J.K. (eds) (1967). Recent mammals of the world. A synopsis of families. Ronald Press Company : New York 453 pp. Bats; Dugong; General; Marsupials; Monotremes; Rodents; Seals; Whales Anderson, S. and Jones, J.K. (eds) (1984). Orders and families of recent mammals of the world. Wiley & Sons : New York 686 pp. General; Monotremes; Marsupials; Whales Andres, K.H., Vonduring, M., Iggo, A. and Proske, U. (1991). The anatomy and fine structure of the echidna Tachyglossus aculeatus snout with respect to its different trigeminal sensory receptors including the electroreceptors. Anatomy and Embryology 184: 371–394. Monotremes Andrews, A P. (1968). Some recent mammal records from the Lake Pedder area, south-west Tasmania. Papers and Proceedings of the Royal Society of Tasmania 102: 17–21. General; Marsupials; Monotremes; Rodents 2 Calaby’s Monotreme Literature Andrews, P. (1981). Tasmania's native mammals. Tasmanian Museum and Art Gallery : Hobart 71 pp. General; Monotremes; Marsupials; Bats; Rodents Anon. (1965). Wildlife – Conservation or "Carnage". Current Affairs Bulletin 37: 35–47. (Department of Adult Education, University of Sydney). General; Monotremes; Marsupials Anon. (1966). Bush dwellers of Australia. News and Information Bureau : Canberra 71 pp. (Undated; popular work. Photographs with connecting text. Republished in 1967 by Rigby Ltd., Adelaide). General; Monotremes; Marsupials Anon. (1983). Spiny anteater or common echidna. Australian Encyclopaedia, 4th ed. 9: 161–62. Monotremes Anon. (1989). Selected publications involving Riversleigh fossils and their significance. Riversleigh Notes No. 5: 4 unnumbered pages. General; Marsupials; Monotremes; Bats; Rodents Anon. (1989). Selected publications involving Riversleigh fossils and their significance. Additions to the list published in Riversleigh Notes Issue 5, April 1989. Riversleigh Notes No 7: 3. General; Marsupials; Monotremes; Bats Archer, M. (1978). Modern fauna and flora of the Texas Caves area, southeastern Queensland. Memoirs of the Queensland Museum 19: 111–19. (Mammalia by M. Archer and S. Van Dyck). General; Monotremes; Marsupials; Bats; Rodents; Lagomorphs; Land Carnivores Archer, M. (1981). A review of the origins and radiations of Australian mammals. Pp. 1435–1488 in Keast, A. (ed.) Ecological biogeography of Australia. Monographiae Biologiae 41. Dr W. Junk : The Hague. General; Monotremes; Marsupials; Bats; Rodents; Seals; Land Carnivores; Dugong Archer, M. (1981). Hunting ancestors in the possum dreamtime. University of New South Wales Quarterly No. 22: 6–8.(Miocene central Australia). General; Monotremes; Marsupials Archer, M. (1981). Mammals in Australia. Australian Museum : Sydney 62 pp. General; Rodents; Monotremes; ; Marsupials; Bats; Lagomorphs; Whales; Seals; Land Carnivores; Ungulates Archer, M. (1983). Australia's oldest known monotreme Obdurodon insignis. Pp. 44–45 in Quirk, S. and Archer, M. (eds) Prehistoric animals of Australia. Australian Museum : Sydney. Monotremes Archer, M. (1984). Effects of humans on the Australian vertebrate fauna. Pp. 151–61 in Archer, M. and Clayton, G. (eds) Vertebrate zoogeography and evolution in Australasia (Animals in space and time). Hesperian Press : Carlisle, Western Australia General; Monotremes; Marsupials; Rodents Archer, M. (1984). Systematics: an enormous science rooted in instinct. Pp. 125–50 in Archer, M. and Clayton, G. (eds) Vertebrate zoogeography and evolution in Australasia (Animals in space and time). Hesperian Press : Carlisle, Western Australia General; Monotremes; Marsupials Archer, M. (1990). Tharalkoo's child: an ugly duckling-story. Australian Natural History 23: 574– 575. Monotremes 3 Calaby’s Monotreme Literature Archer, M. (1992). Patagonian platypus. Australian Natural History 24(3): 60–61. Monotremes Archer, M. (1994). Mammals eggstraordinaire. Natural History 103: 48–49. Monotremes Archer, M. (1995). Mystery of the multiplying monotremes. Nature Australia Winter 1995: 68–69. (On fossil early monotremes) Monotremes Archer, M. and Clayton, G. (eds) (1984). Vertebrate zoogeography and evolution in Australasia (Animals in space and time). Hesperian Press : Carlisle, Western Australia xxiv 12–3 pp. General; Monotremes; Marsupials; Bats Archer, M., Clayton, G. and Hand, S. (1984). A checklist of Australasian fossil mammals. Pp. 1027–86 in Archer, M. and Clayton, G. (eds) Vertebrate zoogeography and evolution in Australasia (Animals in space and time). Hesperian Press : Carlisle, Western Australia General; Monotremes; Marsupials; Bats; Rodents; Whales; Seals; Dugong Archer, M., Flannery, T.F., Ritchie, A. and Molner,
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