Page 16 Thursday, December 4, 2008 The Westfield Leader and The Scotch Plains – Fanwood TIMES A WATCHUNG COMMUNICATIONS, INC. PUBLICATION Farmhouse Store Hosts Meet, Greet with Broadway Star, Ragusa Devlins’ ‘Cranberry Christmas’ Star of Young Frankenstein to display knitted hats By CHRISTIE STORMS “There’s nothing like it...and people choice of detailing with antique buttons Specially Written for The Westfield Leader and The Times have so completely embraced it.” or crystals or pearls,” she said. Comes to Life on the Small Screen WESTFIELD — Ever wonder what Mr. Menapace immediately thought This includes the hat she recently Broadway stars do backstage between Ms. Ragusa’s unique hats would fit in custom-made for Ina Garten, host of By CHRISTINA M. HINKE the pond that sits between his home and ters from the book; no new characters acts? Michele Ragusa, currently star- well with the other handmade textiles, the Food Network’s “Barefoot Specially Written for The Westfield Leader and The Times Mr. Whiskers’ property, claiming it’s were added. ring in The New Mel Brooks Musical: jewelry and pottery his store offers. Contessa.” MOUNTAINSIDE — The newest on his land. Rob Paulsen, voice of Raphael from Young Frankenstein at the Hilton The- Originally from Buffalo, N.Y., Ms. This past summer, Ms. Ragusa took animated Christmas tale to air on ABC As Mr. Whiskers hurriedly searches the “Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles,” over the role of Elizabeth in Young Family Channel’s “25 Days of Christ- his dusty cottage for the deed to the lends his voice to the “kindly and feisty” Frankenstein for Megan Mullally of mas” comes straight from the pages of pond to save the Christmas spirit for the Mr. Whiskers, as Ms. Gates describes television’s “Will and Grace” fame. the beloved “Cranberry Christmas” children, groaning his trademark “Suf- the seaman. Donald Sutherland was She described Elizabeth as the “ador- children’s book by the late Wende and fering codfish!”, Grandmother and approached, but Ms. Gates said he was able madcap fiancée” of Frankenstein Harry Devlin, who resided in Maggie spruce up his modest dwelling under contract with another juice com- (played by Roger Bart). Mountainside. for holiday dinner guests. pany. She said the show stays fairly true to The half-hour special features two The special airing at 7:30 p.m. on “My mother always made fresh cran- the original hit movie by the same title, new songs by Barry Manilow and a Monday, December 8, and rebroadcast berry sauce and cranberry bread,” dur- except there’s “a lot more singing and screenplay by the former head of Mar- ing the holidays, Ms. Gates said. She dancing.” vel Productions, Rick Ungar. suspects that maybe her mother’s idea The role provides at least a solid hour For the Devlin family, seeing a “Cran- for the Cranberryport children’s books between Ms. Ragusa’s appearances on berry” story come to life on the screen came from her mother’s love of cook- stage. This is when the majority of her was a long time coming. Since the ing with the fruit. crafting takes place. Cranberryport series was first published Ms. Gates said she receives mes- At the meet and greet at the Farm- in the 1970s, the Devlins searched out sages daily through the family’s website, house Store this Monday, visitors can Ocean Spray to collaborate on an ani- harryandwendedevlin.com, of people additionally enjoy wine and cheese mated show but to no avail. telling stories about how the book has while browsing and listening to Ms. As it turns out, last year, the become a part of their holiday tradi- Ragusa’s Broadway demo and other author’s and illustrator’s children tions. show tunes. received a message from the cran- Around the country, Christmas trees Christie Storms for The Westfield Leader and The Times berry juice maker’s advertising are decorated with seashells in homage GIVE MY REGARDS TO BROADWAY...The Farmhouse Store owner, Ed agency, Arnold, inquiring about the to the makeshift tree adorned with Mr. Menapace, enjoyed a visit from Broadway actress Michele Ragusa, who addition- same idea. Whiskers’ seashell collection in “Cran- ally knits the unique felted hats sold there. The store, located at 221 North Avenue, “We were in negotiations with an- berry Christmas,” and holiday dessert East, will host a meet and greet with Ms. Ragusa on Monday, December 8, from other deal. We had to weigh the two,” trays are full of freshly baked cranberry 6 to 8 p.m. said Wende Devlin Gates, daughter of cookies and bread using recipes taken ater, knits the time away by fashioning Ragusa never set out to become a hat the book creators. “Arnold had such from the books. felted wool hats. designer, but then again, she didn’t plan integrity to be faithful to our parents’ “We were moved by this lovely And her creations have become so to become a professional actress either. work and the book they created.” on Saturday, December 13, at 12:30 children’s story because it celebrates popular that local merchant Ed “I wasn’t one of those ‘show-bizzy’ “It’s a shame they are not alive to see p.m. has “a few little twists and turns the importance of community as well Menapace has decided to sell them at little kids who was always dancing on this,” said Ms. Gates. “They would be not from the book,” said Ms. Gates. as the simple pleasures of the holiday his Farmhouse Store, located at 221 coffee tables,” Ms. Ragusa said. “In so thrilled.” “But [otherwise], it’s true to the book.” season,” Manilow said in press release. North Avenue, East, where he’ll host a high school, I started out as a dancing The book is one of 12 from the Three of the seven siblings, Ms. Gates “The songs we wrote for this television meet and greet with Ms. Ragusa this coin in a number called ‘Wall Street.’” Cranberryport series, and it features as well as Jeff and Harry Devlin, over- special reflect the themes of the story, Monday, December 8, from 6 to 8 p.m. Even post-graduation, she went on to Mr. Whiskers, the black-bearded, portly saw the construction of the screenplay. which we hope will help viewers step Mr. Menapace recalled how im- business school with no inkling she sea captain who appears in many of the “We made comments on the different back from the holiday hustle and bustle, pressed he was upon first glimpse of would have a career in theatre. other charming children’s books writ- characters,” Ms. Gates said. “They al- and get in touch with the true spirit of one of Ms. Ragusa’s hats during a din- But when her performances were so ten by Mrs. Devlin and illustrated by tered those things.” the season.” ner party she hosted with her husband, well received at Erie Community Col- her husband Mr. Devlin. Animators for the adaptation of the A verse from an online audio clip of Tom Richter, also an actor, at their lege in Buffalo, she quit with “only four With only three days until Christ- book also have worked on “The Manilow’s single “Christmas is Just Plainfield home. classes to go for a business degree” and mas, the crotchety Cyrus Grape has Simpsons” and “King of the Hill.” The Around the Corner” is filled with the A former performer himself who has instead pursued theatre for a Bachelor shooed all the children ice skaters off TV show will include all of the charac- childlike anticipation of Christmas. He danced with the California Ballet, Mr. of Fine Arts degree at Niagara Univer- HATS OFF...Michelle Ragusa wears sings: Menapace said he chose the store’s sity in Niagara Falls, N.Y. her creation. 2XUSURJUDPLQVSLUHV “Candles are glowing everywhere / Westfield location because he thought Since then, she’s appeared in numer- A limited number of hats will also be 3$8/1$==$52086,&678',2086,&/(662163,$12 /(662163,$12/(66216,11-3,$12/(66216,11(: H[FLWHPHQWFUHDWLYLW\DQG 3,$12/(66216-(56(<3,$12/(66216&5$1)25'3,$127($&+(5 :(67),(/' YLUWXRVLW\ can’t wait until that night / reindeer its consumers would have the sophisti- ous other Broadway productions such available for purchase. $//$*(6 <RXZLOO¿QGRXUH[SHULHQFHG appear / Christmas and it’s just about cation to appreciate the Farmhouse’s as Urinetown and Titanic, the 2004 film And while Ms. Ragusa plans to con- WHDFKHUVWKDWPRWLYDWHZKR artisan-crafted wares. Heart of a Spider and various television tinue felting hats well into the future, FDQWHDFKPDQ\VW\OHVRIPXVLF 15 CONTINUED: DEVLIN 3DXO1D]]DUR0XVLF6WXGLR3LDQR DQGXWLOL]HWHFKQRORJ\VHDPOHVVO\ “This is a great town,” he said. programs such as “Law and Order: her aspirations remain in theater. /HVVRQV:HVWÀHOG1-:HVWÀHOG ZLWKOHDUQLQJ SVU.” “I’d ultimately love to create and 1HZ-HUVH\3LDQR7HDFKHUSLDQR (YHU\VWXGHQWUHFHLYHVD Ms. Ragusa said she first began cre- originate a principal role on Broad- OHVVRQVIRUDGXOWV SURIHVVLRQDOO\PDVWHUHG&' RI\RXUPXVLFVLPSO\E\WDNLQJ ating hats backstage while performing way,” she said. “And I’d love to play OHVVRQVDWWKHVWXGLR in She Loves Me at Paper Mill Play- Evita in Evita.” 7KHSHUIRUPLQJRSSRUWXQLWLHV house in Millburn a few years ago. “No, she really wants to become the DWWKHVWXGLRDUHIXQHQFRXUDJLQJ DQGLQYLWHVXFFHVV “I saw one of the dressers was doing ultimate milliner,” Mr. Menapace joked. 2XUDGXOWVWXGHQWSURJUDP felting for a great hobo bag,” Ms. Ragusa “The heck with Broadway.” WDNHVJUHDWFDUHRIDGXOWVZKRZDQW said. “I’d always enjoyed knitting…so Mid-Day Musicales WRSLFNXSWKHSLDQRDJDLQDQG my husband bought me a felting book, PDNHVWKHEUDQGQHZVWXGHQWIHHO FRPIRUWDEOHDQGLQVSLUHG and it had great little hats in it.” Celebrate 25th Year &DULQJLQVWUXFWLRQLQRXU Ms.
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