ISTER VOLUME LXVIL, NO. 41. • RED BANK, N, J., THURSDAY, APRIL 5, 1945 SECTION ONE^-PAGES 1 TO 14 New Superintendent County Men In Rumson Rector Rumson Road Home Proclamation Thos.P. Doremus Nev$ Army and Navy To Address Youth Whereas, at the request of President Roosevelt,-it is pro- To Ft. Hancock Officer posed to collect by a united Commodore of M.B. G War Casualties Conference Here National' effort, one hundred and fifty million pounds of Official Lists Of Two Sessions used clothing for the people In Ray VanHorn Agency Also war devastated areas; and Succeeds Late Joseph Applegate Killed, Wounded Sunday At The Whereas, every city and: Broker In Five Other Sales town has been asked to co-op- And Prisoners Methodist Church erate by forming, a strong —AH Other Officers Re-elected Captain Richard S. Stark, United local committee of volunteers States Marine Corps, who Is the The War and Navy departments, More than 200 youths from the to carry out each commun- Thomas P. Doremus was well-known radio announcer form- Arnold Schwartz through the Office of War Informa churches in Red Bank are expected ity's obligation in this very The Silver Star. commodore of the Monmouth erly in the General Electric Hour of tion, for the week beginning last to attend the Youth Conference Important humanitarian job; dub to Bucceed—th* late Joseph "J Friday and ending today, listed.30 sponsored by the Inter-church and Applegate and/the (other offloerf* Charm with PhU Spitalny's All Girl Monmouth county men as casual- orchestra, has sold his attractive Is Now Ensign Youth council at the Methodist Whereas, such a committee, Awarded To Lt. were re-elected at the annual meet* - ties of war. The list showed 16 church Sunday, April 8. This con- Ing.held Monday night In the river* new Rumson residence to Chief killed, 13 wounded and one pris- under the Chairmanship of Warrant Officer Joseph A. Parker Son Of Maj. Maurice ference, which will be held in jthe Mrs. John B. Allen has been front club hou^e. ' of the United States Army at Fort oner of war. , form of a forum discussion, will be Lloyd CJMcNally Stewart Cook, who will serve an- In all cases the next of kin have formed, with headquarters at Hancock. The Ray VanHorn Schwartz of Red Bank under competent and experienced 85. Broad street, Red Bank to other year as president, thanked- Agency of River road, Fair Haven, been notified and kept informed by leadership.' It. will be centered he large number of club members the War and Navy departments of cover this and the surround- Little Silver* present at the meeting for their ac- effected the transaction. Arnold. Schwartz, son of Maj. and about the general themes of "Dif- ing towns; and any change of status.- The list fol- ferences Between Religions," with tion and said he would serve the, Captain Stark is on active duty Mrs. Maurice Schwartz, 272 Broad lows: Whereas, the above address Officer Decorated * In the Pacific. Mr». Stark, the for- street, Red Bank, has been com- Dr. Wallace A. Gallup as leader; club to the best of his ability. He ' mer Carolln Babcock, amateur ten- ARKELL B. COOK ARMY "Youth In the Post-War World," will be open six days a week, expressed himself as pleased over missioned, an ensign in the U. S. Monday through Saturday For Gallantry the choice of "Tom" Doremus for, I nig star who won many trophies at Navy. He enlisted two years ago Killed In Action with Rev. John Soeter, and "Youth 1 the Sea Bright Tennis culb, expects and after recruit training at Samp- Arkell B. Cook has assumed his In the Community," with John L. from nine A. M. to five P. M. commodore because of the latter *' duties as superintendent of Mon- European Montgomery. for the receipt of donated The Sliver Star for gallantry In active Interest taken in the club to move to California with,her two son Naval station he was assigned Ford, 1st Lieut; John D,,Mrs. action, December 29, 1944, In ; sons In the late spring. to a mine sweeper, which has been mouth Memorial hospital. Otis N. clothing, blankets, shoes, etc.; racing on *lHe •No'rth"' 'ShrWsl Auer, who resigned last December, Anne K. Ford, ife, 605 Eighth ave- The evening worship service at France, has been awarded to First river during the past seasons. The Stark residence purchased by operating in Atlantic waters. Up- nue, Belmar. the MethodiBt church has /been Now, therefore, I, Charles R. Mr. and Mrs. Parker is on a large has taken a position as plant su- v English, Mayor of Red Bank Lieut. Lloyd C. McNally, son of Mr. David Wilson, who with member* on his promotion he was assigned Fragile, Cpl. Joseph J., Mrs. An- turned over to the conference to and Mrs. John H. McNally of Rum. of his family has engaged in the) landscaped plot on the west side of to temporary duty in the Navy yard perintendent with S. B. Penick & be used as the closing sessioi of in order that we may all have Avenue of Two Rivers near Rum- company, at Jersey City. Mr. Cook na Fragile, wife, 68 Norwopd ave- the privilege of reaching out son road, Little Silver. He also has racing events, was re-elected vie* nue, Long Branch, the day. This service will be con- president'; Edgar V. Denlse, secre- son road. The property is part of comes to Long Branch from the ducted by the young people and the hand of assistance to tens the Williston estate which is now University of Michigan hospital at Geroni, PFC Daniel, Mrs. Ronia- tary; Robert S. Eisner, treasurer will offer special music in addition of millions of needy men, and Ferd Tx White, captain. Thf, being divided and known as Pine Ann Arbor, with which he has been nlna Geroni, mother, 31 Bank to presenting Rev. George A. Rob- women, and children who will Ridge. associated for the last-14 years. street, Red Bank. members of the board of governor^ ertshaw as the speaker of the even- benefit from this collection, do were also renamed and Include En- On the first floor of the Colonial Johnson, Pvt. Thomas W., Mrs. ing. His subject will be "How a most urgently request all citi- —home, jvhich. _waa.. buU.t.bx_WJJ»a!n_ Helen T. Sanders, aunt, 210 Bord- sley M. White, Harry B. Clayton, Young Man Triumphs." Rev. Rob- zens of this community to give Albert' W. Worden, Salem' ~ • P. Scott of Red Bank about four en-ayenue, JJbJy ertshaw is TRrreTStSr-srst; GfesfgJTr StartsOnHi* Konlsh, Set. Paul P., Mrs. Ellta- -any-senticeable-^artlcles_they andJoBeph.CInvln. years ago, are a large living room E BCO can spare to this very worthy —with fireplace -and—with -French beth Konlsh, wife, 20 May street, | P' Pal church, Rumson, and Is Wllllts A. Clayton, the only %t Keypottr peell-known-to-the-youth—of-this tee whose term expires, was door opening on an incloaed porch, 57th ^ear With; communlt He has been hallway, powder room, dining room, Mucclllo, PFC Boland S., Joseph' y- «=tlve In And, I do hereby designate eTectear~Tire—"ether" - trustee*— kitchen, utility room and attached B. Mucclllo, father. 1239 Astairy """"" work 'I"n *Monmout 'h county the entire month, of April as Fred Oakley, 1946; A. M. Mintoni garage. On the second floor are Farrier Co. avenue, Asbury Park. tor several years, serving at pres- the time set aside for the 194T; John H. White, 1948, and three family bedrooms and two Oglensky, 1st Ueut. David, Mrs. ent on. the board of directors of aforementioned collection. Theodore D.Moore, 1949. • • s tiled baths. The house has insula- Helen Oglensky, wife. 17 West the Rumson recreation council. In Witness Whereof, I have The meeting was opened after «.' tion, copper plumbing snd hot wa- David Jones, Little Front street, Bed Bank. A supper will be served, follow- hereunto set my hand this flret few moments of silent tribute to' ter heat, oil fired. / Russomano, Sgt. Leon, Mrs. Fan- ing the discussion period, In the day of April A. D. 1945. memory of f our members who hav» Mr. and Mrs. Parker have resided Silver, Jersey City nle«Bussomano, mother, 63 South Fellowship hall by the. Inter-Church : -CHARLES R. ENGLISH, passed on during the past year. many years on Sandy Hook and are Fifth avenue, Long Branch. council of Women. The supper com- Mayor. They are Commodore Joseph Apple-, looking forward to moving to their Community 38 Years Spaulding, Staff Sgt> Herbert C, mittee chairman is Mrs. Fred Boyd. gate, Ezra Osborn, Harry B. South- new Rumson home. Mrs. Marie H. Spaulding, wife, 1605 Donald GorsorTof the Reformed all, Jr. and William L. Russell. The Ray VanHorn Agency also David Jones, well known resident Sewell avenue, Asbury Park. :hurch Is general chairman of the Three new members were elected. reports the sale of the former Cosat of Gooseneck Point, Little Silver, Welsh, Pvt, Raymond, Mrs. Ger- youth conference committee, assist- They are Gordon B. Donald of property in Fair Haven at 857 Riv- started Monday on his 57th year trude Welsh, mother, 14 Lincoln ed by young people from the Meth- Carton Ousts Rumson, William W. Noble and. er road, to Mlas Gladys Hoelle of with his firm, Farrier Company of court, Keaosburg. odist, Baptist, Calvary Baptist, Max Dlstel of Red Bank. The pres- Spring Lake. The new owner took Jersey City. He has commuted to Wenger, Pvt. Russell, William Episcopal, A.
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