The I t' ••~~ IN THIS ISSUE THE • Smart Sex sea Where Love Started Reach for God on campus Page Buying jammin' fun for $5 Page ~ . The Jury is in on Art ,·o ···· ',~ __ ·-.·~·6 Y · · · 4rt By: Anthony Leone break, they went to Florida. a Broadway show in New York," said Op-Ed Editor When Lewis decided to enroll at Drago. Widener, she knew it would mean leav­ Who better to give advice on love then With Valentine's Day just around the ing McCroy behind, but she wanted to a dear Abby? Abigail "Abby" corner, many couples are looking forward keep their relationship alive. Szczepkowski, a senior, whose boyfriend Even Killers get the Blues to spending a romantic night with each "It's worth keeping this relationship. is Widener alumnus Neno Martians Page other. A night of romance is what many When I left, we realized how much we (Class of '95), seems up to the job. couples are hoping for, but what of cou­ cared about each other," said Lewis. In She met him through a mutual friend The Gigantic Titanic Oscar ples in a long distance relationship? Most fact, the two of them were talking about at a Phi Delta Theta party during Page people believe these sort of romances are getting engage before she left for college. Szczepkowski's sophomore year. She Beefcake bulks up at impossible. Well, here are a few Widener When asked how she feels about the was pledging at the time to Phi Sigma students who have so far proved every­ considerable distance between them, she Sigma. Martians is a Phi Delta Theta Widener one wrong. said, "Being alone is worth it when I brother. Nancy Lewis, a sophomore, met her spend time with him. He's the greatest Szczepkowski said that her Romeo Warp your Mind: sweetheart in 1996 while she was sta­ guy in the .world. And I couldn't have does not mind driving an hour and a half OS/2 Warp 4 Reyiew tioned with the Army in Korea in 1996. been any luckier.. .. from Bethlehem, P.a., to Widener on the "It was my duty assignment and he also Love is not fair for freshman Russell weekends. When they are together. they Page 1 had the same duty assignment that I had. Drago. His girlfriend, Lisa Reylendos, enjoy going to the movies or having a few We both met when I was out there," said lives only half an hour away at Newmann quiet drinks at a local bar. But this week­ the military police woman on how she College and he unable to see her. end it is going to be a little different, found her military police man, Erin Once every two weeks, he gets to visit because Szczepkowski's sorority is hav­ McCroy. her, providing he has transportation. Yet, ing a Valentine's Day dance, and after­ They went together to see some old he said, telephoning her is never a prob­ wards the young Juliet plans on having a movies in Korean movie theaters and lem. nice dinner with her Romeo . going to one bar. Their happiness was "It's a local call. so it's easy to talk. When asked if there is a strain in their Stroke, shorten when McCroy's was reassigned We talk a lot, but we can't see .each other. relationship due to the distance between Shoot, to Colorado. However, Cupid knows no That's the down side." them, Szczepkowski said, "Actually not Tackle bounds when it comes to love, and had a The down side will not matter on at all. Because he is very busy with his Page 1 helping hand when Lewis coincidentally Valentine's Day, as Drago plans to see job now, and I'm very busy trying to was also stationed in Colorado three Reylendos this Saturday. Drago is giving graduate. Both of us being busy is a lot months later. his sweetheart roses, but he has far better easier than having one person waiting "We did fun things together," she said. plans for their one year anniversary on around for the other. We have a good They went on rode trips to San Francisco, March II. understanding-in our relationship." Los Angles, Los Vegas and the Grand "Valentine's Day is near our anniver­ Driving long distances to see that spe- Canyon. During this past Christmas sary, so I'm planning on taking her to see "Love" conUuned on page 5_ itA heart is not judged by how much you love,. bur by how Quote t~~ Week much .YOJl. are loved by others. ".-- The Wizard of Oz --r­" / .j Page 2 UE. DOlE February 13, 1998 Police Blotter Fire Alarm Campus safety received a signal from Pot Found a fire alarm indictor from Turrell Hall on February the 8th. The cause of the alarm­ The G.A. for Thayer Hall called CHICAGO SUN·TlMES ing goi ng off was from one of the first Campus Safety on February the 3rd about 'FUll OF TRUTH AND floor dryers. Campus safety observed a male resident smoking marij uana. ~}lF~~~!NJfb smoke coming out of the dryer and When campus safety came to the resi­ COMEDY!' ·P'~'::!It:'1 unplugged it. dent's room, they heard the dorm room window open. One campus safety officer LOS ANGELES TIMES Kids in the hall went outside to find a pipe with weed 'A COMEDY THAT smoldering, a long with a bag with pipe HAS Au. THE Three young Chester residents were screen, a lighter two small empty bags HALlMARKS OF It-, ~ !lW··l~II ~ I' rollerblading down the hallways of the and a sandwich bag of 10 dollars worth of b'\l b-~~~j \,;\,v . University Center on February the 8th. marijuana. Kf,:(f~: nU;::1)r ~ Two of the young boys had done the The G.A. and campus safety went into NEW YORK OBSERVER prank before. Campus safety was called a room to find three male residents. They ·A f1?~ . in to asked the children to leave, only to also found a left stem, seeds and some receive potty mouth back talk. Chester .:·.~~.~!. ! ,mIL .- ' cigar wrappings in an ashtray. The items Police were called in to bring the children to their homes. were all noted. Ft:fEE riii~iitos" ~ ;~ ,~ .... y._.,, _ . $ 'c ~ ' >! This week's special Dome, brought to you by C owr.e .syc~ P REVIEW., THEATER the letter 'Q: the number '9: and " tRE-~~:"; : . .~ J "1118 Doug and Kathy Show," and a special thanks to the Pioneer Place ALUMNI A ·YD, Admission IJ l . p~otogr.aphe.rs, ·a ... d th~t sp~~ial s~. m~on~, . Tim~ . · . ... _, . PM Date V VED/ 1=n, I _ . ' • '" .' .,. J . O S~4Nrc" ";'~~M . :981 Happy Valentine's Da)'••• ~· ... , , you k~ow who you are. EXPERT ABORTION SERVICES CARING. CONFIDENTIAL. AFFORDABLE. - Abortion (up to 13 weeks) - Pregnancy testing - Birth control - Counseling - Basic gynecology Dome is published by the students of Widener University for college CJ The the community on Fridays during 1he academic year; except during final exami- . Planned Parenthood ® nations and immediately following vacations. Opinions expressed herein do not necessarily coincide wi1h those of the administration. It is Dome policy that unsigned letters to the editor will not be accepted. Mail subscription 610-692-1770 . price is $15 per year. Postage paid by Chester; PA 19013. The Dome reserves the right not to publish all materials received and no let­ 8 South Wayne St. West Chester ters to the editor will be printed unless they are signed and coniain a phone (Just 25 Minutes from Widener University) nu~ . Editor in Olief: R. Douglas Winnie FRESII- Answers to Assistant Editor / News Editor: Kathleen Gallagher King Crossword Oimpus Life Editor / Enteriainment Editor: Doug Ferguson Sports Editor: Rick Evans Op-Ed Editor / Distribution Manager: An1hony Leone Advertising and Business Manager: Steve Kaminski Staff Writers & Assistants: Ian Progin, Krip Rodia, Laura Kania, Lori Townsend, Olris Reznak, Rodney Hameroff, Jin Voit Theresa Carducci Copy Editor: Jessica Niewodowski Administrative Advisor: Steve Kaminski Technical Advisor: Tom Feeney The Dome does not endorse any advertiser or accept responsibility for claims or actions made by the advertisers. Februay 13, 1998 lIE DOME Page 3 How aware are you? From Saints to Hallmarks By Kathleen Gallagher prepared before situations occur. The By: Kathleen Gallagher this. While in jail, Valentine fell in love News Editor other counselors are available to talk to News Editor with the jailer's blind daughter, whom he groups and individuals. There are also sent cards to secretly and signed them National Sexual Awareness Week has graduate student interns available for stu­ In recent years, it seems as if "From your Valentine." Eventually just passed and for students who are .not dents who feel more comfortable talking Valentine's Day is something card and Valentine was stoned and then beheaded. very sexually aware, there is still to someone closer to their own candy companies invented to can lovers He is recognized by the modern church as into spending money. While this may be the patron saint of lovers, engaged cou­ time. Widener offers services age. true, the holiday actually has origins in ples, epileptics, and people with the that can help, including the Marion went on to say the ancient world. plague. Counseling Center. that students should not Dr. J. Joseph Edgette, Widener's folk­ A popular symbol associated with Director of the be afraid to come to lore expert, shared his knowledge of this Valentine's Day comes from Greek Counseling Center, the counseling cen- day. Around the third century in Rome, a Mythology.
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