Annual Review of Pteridological Research - 2006 Annual Review of Pteridological Research - 2006 Literature Citations All Citations 1. Aguiar, S., A. Herrero & L. G. Quintanilla. 2006. Confirmacion citilogica de la presencia de Hymenophyllum wilsonii en Espana. Lazaroa 27: 129-131. [Spanish] 2. Aguraiuja, R. 2006. Diellia mannii (D. C. Eaton) W. J. Rob. (Aspleniaceae) rediscovered rare fern species. Studies of the Tallinn Botanic Garden. VI. Plant and human 45: 28-33. [Estonian] 3. Aguraiuja, R. 2006. Woodsia ilvensis (L.) R. Br. (Dryopteridaceae) reintroduction experiment (1998-2006). Studies of the Tallinn Botanic Garden. VI. Plant and human 45: 34-43. [Estonian] 4. Ahn, S. H., Y. J. Mun, S. W. Lee, S. Kwak, M. K. Choi, S. K. Baik, Y. M. Kim & W. H. Woo. 2006. Selaginella tamariscina induces apoptosis via a caspase-3-mediated mechanism in human promyelocytic leukemia cells. Journal of Medicinal Food 9: 138-144. 5. Aida, M., H. Ikeda, K. Itoh & K. Usui. 2006. 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Bagniewska-Zadworna, A. & E. Zenkteler. 2006. Ultrastructure of endodermis and stele cells of dehydrated Polypodium vulgare L. rhizomes. Acta Biologica Cracoviensia Series Botanica 48: 73-81. 19. Baldwin, D. S., G. N. Rees, A. M. Mitchell, G. Watson & J. Williams. 2006. The short-term effects of salinization on anaerobic nutrient cycling and microbial community structure in sediment from a freshwater wetland. Wetlands 26: 455-464. [Azolla filiculoides] 20. Ballesteros, D., E. Estreles & A. M. Ibars. 2006. Responses of pteridophyte spores to ultrafreezing temperatures for long-term conservation in germplasm banks. Fern Gazette 17: 293-302. 21. Barbacka, M., J. Palfy & P. L. Smith. 2006. Hettangian (Early Jurassic) plant fossils from Puale Bay (Peninsular terrarle, Alaska). Review of Palaeobotany & Palynology 142: 33-46. 22. Barcelona, J. R., N. E. Dolotina, G. S. Madronera, W. G. Granert & D. D. Sopot. 2006. The ferns and fern allies of the karst forests of Bohol Island, Philippines. American Fern Journal 96: 1-20. 23. Bardell, D. 2006. The discovery of a tree (Wollemia nobilis) from the age of the dinosaurs. Bios. 77: 20-23. 24. Barker, M. S. 2006. Inferring paleopolyploidy in homosporous ferns from age distributions of duplicate genes. Abstracts of Botany 2006. Botanical Society of America (www.2006.botanyconference.org), Chico California. [Abstract] 25. Barreda, V. D., G. Eduardo, F. M. Davila & R. A. Astini. 2006. Age and palaeoenvironment of the Del Buey Formation, Famatina Range, La Rioja, Argentina: Sedementological and palynological evidences. Ameghiniana 43: 215-226. [Spanish] 26. Barrington, D. S. 2006. Breaking with tradition: recent change in evolutionary mode among tropical American Polystichum (Dryopteridaceae). Abstracts of Botany 2006. Botanical Society of America (www.2006.botanyconference.org), Chico California. [Abstract] 27. Barron, E., J. J. Gomez, A. Goy & A. P. Pieren. 2006. The Triassic-Jurassic boundary in Asturias (northern Spain): Palynological characterisation and facies. Review of Palaeobotany & Palynology 138: 187-208. 28. Bartiromo, A. A., M. R. B. Lumaga & S. Bravi. 2006. First finding of a fossil fern (Matoniaceae) in the paleontological site of Pietraroja (Benevento, Southern Italy). Bollettino della Societa Paleontologica Italiana 45: 29-34. 29. Bastiene, N., V. Saulys & S. Ciuberkis. 2006. The spread of field horsetail (Equisetum arvense L.) in drained areas of Lithuania: Reasons and consequences, and possibilities for its control. Acta Agriculturae Scandinavica Section B Soil & Plant Science 56: 25-30. 30. Basu, R. 2006. Pteridophytes as aesthetic resource for urban greening, landscape planning and nature conservation. Indian Fern Journal 23: 115-121. 31. Behera, S., A. Srivastava & S. Chandra. 2006. The vasculature of the rhizome of Dryopteris marginata. Indian Fern Journal 23: 28-34. 32. Behling, H. & R. R. B. Negrelle. 2006. Vegetation and pollen rain relationship from the tropical Atlantic rain forest in southern Brazil. Brazilian Archives of Biology & Technology 49: 631-642. lit2006.html[2/22/17, 5:01:55 PM] Annual Review of Pteridological Research - 2006 33. Bercu, R. 2006. Histoanatomy of the vegetative organs in some Polypodiales species Ex Ponto, Constanta, Romania. 232 pp. 34. Bercu, R. 2006. On the anatomy of the endangered plant species Asplenium lepidum C. Prestl (Aspleniaceae). Studia Bot. Hung. 38: 25-131. 35. Berry, C. M. & J. Hilton. 2006. Givetian (Middle Devonian) cladoxylopsid 'ferns' from Orkney, Northern Scotland. Transactions of the Royal Society of Edinburgh Earth Sciences 97: 65-73. 36. Bhargava, A. K. & S. Bhargava. 2006. Phytogeography of ferns of central Himalaya. Advances in Plant Sciences 19: 121-124. 37. Bhattamisra, S. K., P. N. Singh & S. K. Singh. 2006. Behavioural characterization of Marsilea minuta in rodents. Indian Journal of Natural Products 22: 3-7. 38. Bhure, S. K., M. Kataria & R. Somvanshi. 2006. Blood biochemical studies of bracken and dryopteris fern fed hill heifer calves. Indian Journal of Animal Sciences 76: 912-914. [Pteridium, Dryopteris] 39. Bickford, S. A. & S. W. Laffan. 2006. Multi-extent analysis of the relationship between pteridophyte species richness and climate. Global Ecology & Biogeography 15: 588-601. 40. Bidau, C. J., A. G. Amat, M. E. Yajia, D. A. Marti, M. D. Gimenez, A. G. Riglos, A. Silvestroni, G. M. Torres & E. Fumagalli. 2006. Evaluation of cytotoxic and mitodepressive activity of aqueous extracts from thirteen Argentine medicinal plants. Acta Farmaceutica Bonaerense 25: 555-559. [Hemionitis tomentosa] 41. Biloso, A. & J. Lejoly. 2006. Study of non woody forest products exploitation and market in Kinshasa. Tropicultura 24: 183-188. [French; Pteridium aquilinum] 42. Bir, S. S. 2006. Ram Das Dixit (1942-2006) - Obituary. Indian Fern Journal 23: 192. 43. Bir, S. S. 2006. Professor Rodolfo Emilio Gliuseppe Pichi Sermolli (1912-2005) - Obituary. Indian Fern Journal 23: 195-196. 44. Bir, S. S. 2006. Professor Trevor George Walker (1927-2006) - Obituary. Indian Fern Journal 23: 197-198. 45. Bondada, B., C. Tu & L. Ma. 2006. Surface structure and anatomical aspects of Chinese brake fern (Pteris vittata: Pteridaceae). Brittonia 58: 217-228. 46. Borloz, A., A. Marston & K. Hostettmann. 2006. Acetylcholinesterase inhibitors from Huperzia selago. Planta Medica 72: 1002. [Abstract] 47. Boudrie, M. 2006. Selaginella plana (Desv.) Hieron. (Pteridophyte, Selaginellaceae), taxon exotique nouveau pour la Guadeloupe (Petites Antilles) et la Guyane Francaise (Amerique du Sud). J. Bot. Soc. Bot. France 33: 33-36. 48. Boudrie, M., R. Braque, J. E. Felzines & G. Paradis. 2006. Note rectificative aux tomes 35 (2004) and 36 (2005) du Bulletin de
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