DEARHAM PARISH COUNCIL A meeting of Dearham Parish Council was held in the village hall Dearham on Wednesday 22nd June 2016 at 7.30 pm. PRESENT: Councillors G Scott (Chairman); G Bell, G Brown, J Colhoun, J Dunstan, R Jackson, D Peggs, P Scott and G Stamper. ABSENT: Councillors R Bailiff, F Dempster, L Maguire and A Penn, ALSO PRESENT: K Rogers and two representatives of the Maryport Hospital SOB campaign Councillor G Scott in the chair 2895. APOLOGIES RECEIVED – Apologies were tendered for cllr Dempster Apologies were also received from county cllr A Clark 2896. MINUTES RESOLVED - That the chairman sign, as a correct record, the minutes of the meeting held on Wednesday 25th May 2016. 2897. PUBLIC PARTICIPATION (a) Police Matters None (but the clerk would raise the matter of antisocial behaviour at Browside Road with PCSO Hanna) (b) Members of the public The two members of the Save Our Beds campaign addressed the council outlining the proposed changes to Maryport Hospital together with the reaction to them including a petition and letters of support, the involvement of the local MP and various media interest (television, radio and the press). (c) County council matters The clerk informed the council of a telephone conversation with county councillor Clark which was based around two elements notably the draining of an area of Pottery Park whereby he was willing to finance 50% of the cost if Allerdale Borough Council would match his offer, the other item was that of Persimmon Homes and their responsibilities regarding The Went and associated issues which he felt could be dealt with in a more productive manner so would pursue this vigorously in order to achieve satisfaction for all involved. 2898. MATTERS ARISING FROM THE PREVIOUS MINUTES Minute #2892 the clerk explained that he had received an email from the Highways department agreeing that barriers should be installed at the exit from St Mungo’s Close on to Central Road and the matter had been referred to the enforcement officer (with respect to the missing barriers on The Went Sue Hayman MP was in contact with Persimmon Homes regarding this and other matters). The clerk would follow up on these concerns. 2899. REQUESTS FOR DISPENSATION (a) Clerk to report on requests received None (b) Council to receive requests for dispensations None 2900. DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST None 2901. CORRESPONDENCE The correspondence schedule is at Appendix A to these minutes. With respect to appendix item#3 it was suggested that the individual could contact county councillor Clark and the clerk would forward his details. 2902. ACCOUNTS AND FINANCIAL STATEMENT AGREED – That the accounts listed in the schedule at Appendix B be authorised for payment. - 1 - 2903. PLANNING The planning schedule is at Appendix C to these minutes. 2904. ELECTION OF REPRESENTATIVE FOR MARYPORT & DISTRICT FORUM MEETINGS The clerk had spoken with Hayley Bishop and heard that after budget cuts general meetings in future would be topic driven when required and grant panel meetings would be limited to three per year. No decision was taken as to a council representative. 2905. FINANCIAL REGULATIONS The clerk interpreted the wording of item 12(j) of the new model Financial Regulations. RESOLVED – That the council adopt the new Financial Regulations as presented at the May meeting of the 25th May 2016. 2906. CLERK’S NEW PAY SCALES RESOLVED – That the council adopt the new pay scales for parish clerks (backdated to April 2016). 2907. FLOOD SACKS The clerk would look to progress this matter with cllr Brown after his period of leave. 2908. GARDEN COMPETITION AGREED – That the competition would be run on the established lines of last year keeping the same five categories, judging during the penultimate week of July (week beginning Monday 18th) and Alan Ashbridge would be approached to undertake the photography. 2909. MARYPORT HOSPITAL SAVE OUR BEDS CAMPAIGN AGREED – That the clerk would write to the committee indicating that the parish council endorses their campaign. 2910. VACANCIES ON THE COUNCIL The clerk reported that he was waiting for notification from Allerdale BC that no election would be held after which time the parish council would be able to co-opt. 2911. POTTERY PARK PLAY AREA Cllr Peggs gave a report outlining the relationship between finance available and purchasing power, an application to Wren was pending and attendance at a funding exhibition was imminent. Cllr P Scott reported that contact had been made with three suppliers of playground equipment looking for schemes commanding budgets of £70,000 and £100,000. Two companies (Kompan and Sutcliffe) had produced projects but Playdale had yet to respond. Cllr G Scott reported that contact had been made with Trevor Hurst, that the gutter to the rear of Lonsdale View be tidied at the same time as the drainage is tackled, Hayley Bishop had been co-opted to the committee and an approach to Allerdale BC for funding be made. 2912. FACEBOOK There were no matters raised under this item. 2913. PARISH STEWARD It was suggested that the flower containers could be tidied. 2914. MEMBERS’ QUERIES b/f barriers at Wilson Farm obstructing the road – clerk to inform Highways Issues regarding the container on Pottery Park (RJ) change its location at some future date The condition of the allotment fencing (RJ) – more the accumulation of litter at its base Antisocial behaviour at Browside Road (GBr) – to police matters agenda item 3 To consider some involvement with the Queen’s birthday commemorative coin (LM) – carry forward 2915. ITEMS FOR NEXT MEETING Newsletter update (RJ) Christmas market suggestions (RJ) - 2 - 2916. DATE OF NEXT MEETING To note that the next council meeting will be held on Wednesday 27th July 2016 DEARHAM PARISH COUNCIL APPENDIX A TO MINUTES 22ND JUNE 2016 CORRESPONDENCE 26TH MAY TO 22ND JUNE RECEIVED No Dated Subject Matter Execution 1 May 2016 Nalc National Salary Award Council to consider Agenda item 12 2 June 2016 Calc circular Circulate at meeting 3 09.06.16 Email re flooded property on Maryport Road Distribute copies at meeting 4 31.05.16 Email Calc Highways evidence re current work issues For information1 5 01.06.16 Email reply Alex Watson “ 6 05.06.16 Email Cumbria Police burglary Main Street on 04.06.16 “ 7 06.06.16 Cumbria PCC expanding consultation group “ 8 Email Ian Frost ABC air brick safety / flooding risk “ 9 13.06.16 Email D Bryden ABC re storage of flood sacks “ 10 19.06.16 Email R Bell re parish council vacancy “ 11 20.06.16 Email Ms Nixon re parish council vacancy “ 12 21.06.16 Email J Bailiff request consideration for grant “ 13 22.06.16 Email Moorside project consultation “ 14 22.06.16 Email condition of Janet Bridge “ 15 22.06.16 Email re poppy appeal meeting 11am 13 July M’port Town Hall “ 16 14.06.16 Email Calc law change regarding bankcruptcy & councillors For clerk’s information 1 Item in correspondence folder circulated at meeting if you wish to read DISPATCHED No Dated Subject Matter Recipient 1 28.05.16 New electricity supplier SSE 2 29.05.16 Annual return BDO 3 02.06.16 Cheques Calc,M Johnson,ISS,D’ham 1st Responders 4 17.06.16 Minutes & agenda A Clark 5 21.06.16 Reply to letter re meeting & broadband connectivity S Hayman DEARHAM PARISH COUNCIL APPENDIX B TO MINUTES 22ND JUNE 2016 Financial Statement Deposit Account Balance at 12.01.16 £10,409.01 Credit to Deposit Account £ 12.02.16 HSBC Interest 0.50 12.03.16 HSBC Interest 0.47 12.04.16 HSBC Interest 0.62 Deposit Account Balance at 12.04.16 £10,410.60 Current Account Balance Brought Forward 12.05.16 £25,712.58 Credit to Current Account £ 16.05.16 Dearham Allotment Society Rent 494.00 02.06.16 J Hetherington Village hall rent - cash 11.20 03.06.16 Allerdale Borough Council Village hall rent - BACS 105.00 - 3 - Accounts paid on Current Account 01.06.16 EDF Village hall electricity 37.00 201033-041 Accounts settled As detailed in Appendix B on 25.05.16 1,928.37 Presented cheques from 27.04.16 201025 Post Office Ltd Income tax & NI 100.20 201029 A Ashbridge Print 1000 copies of Dearham Crack 200.00 Unpresented cheques from 25.05.16 201034 Post Office Ltd Income tax & NI 100.20 201037 ISS Facility Services Grass cutting (April) 363.59 201038 G Scott Chairman's allowance (2nd half 2015/16) 25.00 201039 Dearham First Responders Profit from sale of 2016 calendars 54.00 201040 M A Johnson Internal audit fee 120.00 201041 Cumbria Association of Local Councils Membership fee 282.00 Outstanding cheques Nil 0.00 Void cheques Nil 0.00 Current Account Balance at 12.06.16 £25,002.00 Accounts to pay 22.06.16 £ 201042-045 Payments to staff & HMRC 1093.78 201046 ISS Facility Services Grass cutting (May) 363.59 201047 A Ashbridge Print 1000 copies of Dearham Crack 200.00 201048 Dearham Commercial FC Grass cutting 350.00 201049 FCC Env Services (UK) Ltd Empty bins and reline (first qtr) 39.60 201050 FCC Env Services (UK) Ltd Empty bins and reline (second qtr) 39.60 201051 C'mouth & District Garden Services Ltd Ant powder & spray 7.60 201052 K Rogers Refund - steward's fuel 6.40 201053 K Rogers Refund - steward's fuel 5.90 201054 K Rogers Refund - steward's materials 10.78 2117.25 Current Account Balance 22,884.75 DEARHAM PARISH COUNCIL APPENDIX C TO MINUTES 22ND JUNE 2016 PLANNING MATTERS RECEIVED 26TH MAY TO 22ND JUNE (a) Applications Reference Number Details Recommendation 2/2016/0321 Amendment, variation of condition 2 of application 2/2015/0389 an No further comment alternative wind turbine l(lower tip height) at New Grange, Bullgill (b) Decisions None (c) Notice of Appeal / Development Panel Meeting The following application was considered at the Development Panel meeting 2/2016/0228 application by Mr V Gray for 3 detached dwellings at Dearham House Main Street - Refused The meeting closed at 9.45pm Signed Chairman - 4 - .
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