CONSULTANCY TO COLLECT INFORMATION ON: INVASIVE ALIEN SPECIES IN NAMIBIA FOR SABSP (SOUTHERN AFRICA BIODIVERSITY SUPPORT PROGRAMME) NATIONAL REVIEW OF INVASIVE ALIEN SPECIES NAMIBIA Report by: Shirley Bethune Mike Griffin Dave Joubert DISCUSSION REPORT DIRECTORATE OF ENVIRONMENTAL AFFAIRS MINISTRY OF ENVIRONMENT AND TOURISM September 2004 National Review of Invasive Alien Species – Namibia by Shirley Bethune, Mike Griffin and Dave Joubert, September 2004 Final Report to SABSP. Directorate of Environmental Affairs Discussion Document. CONTENTS EXECUTIVE SUMMARY i - vi 1. INTRODUCTION 1 2. SCOPE AND SCALE OF INVASIVE ALIEN SPECIES IN NAMIBIA 3 2.1 INVASIVE ALIEN PLANTS IN NAMIBIA 3 2.1.1 Terrestrial invasive alien plants 3 2.1.2 Aquatic invasive alien plants 6 2.1.3 The main invasive alien plants in Namibia 8 2.1.4 Potentially invasive plants 10 2.2 INVASIVE ALIEN ANIMALS IN NAMIBIA 12 2.2.1 Invasive alien invertebrates 12 2.2.2 Invasive alien vertebrates 14 2.2.3 The main invasive alien animals in Namibia 19 2.2.4 Potentially invasive animals 20 2.3 FACTORS THAT INFLUENCE SPECIES INVASIONS 21 2.3.1 The growth and spread of invasive alien plants 21 2.3.2 The introduction and establishment of invasive alien animals 22 2.4 MAIN BIOLOGICAL, SOCIAL AND ECONOMIC IMPACTS 24 2.4.1 Biological impacts of invasive alien plants in Namibia 24 2.4.2 Biological impacts of invasive alien animals in Namibia 26 2.4.3 Social and economic impacts of invasive alien plants in Namibia 27 2.4.4 Social and economic impacts of invasive alien animals in Namibia 28 3. LEGAL AND POLICY FRAMEWORK 29 3.1 NATIONAL POLICIES AND LEGISLATION RELEVANT TO THE MANAGEMENT AND CONTROL OF INVASIVE ALIEN SPECIES 29 3.1.1 The Constitution of the Republic of Namibia 29 3.1.2 Policy of the Ministry of Environment and Tourism 29 3.1.3 Other relevant Ministry of Environment and Tourism associated policies 30 3.1.4 Nature Conservation Ordinance No 4 of 1975 32 3.1.5 The Parks and Wildlife Management Bill of 2004 34 3.1.6 Other relevant Ministry of Environment and Tourism legislation 36 3.1.7 Relevant policies and legislation of Ministry of Fisheries and Marine Resources 37 3.1.8 Relevant policies and legislation of the Ministry of Agriculture, Water and Rural Development 40 3.1.9 Relevant policies and legislation within other pertinent Government Sectors 43 3.1.10 Relevant policies and legislation covering tertiary education institutions 46 3.2 VISION 2030 46 3.3 RELEVANT REGIONAL AND INTERNATIONAL PROTOCOLS, CONVENTIONS AND AGREEMENTS 47 3.3.1 UN Environmental Conventions (Rio Conventions) 47 3.3.2 International Fisheries Conventions 49 3.3.3 Other International Environmental Conventions 51 3.3.4 African Conventions and SADC Protocols 52 3.4 EFFECTIVENESS OF PRESENT LEGISLATIVE FRAMEWORK 53 National Review of Invasive Alien Species – Namibia by Shirley Bethune, Mike Griffin and Dave Joubert, September 2004 Final Report to SABSP. Directorate of Environmental Affairs Discussion Document. 4. INSTITUTIONAL ANALYSIS 56 4.1 THE MINISTRY OF ENVIRONMENT AND TOURISM 56 4.1.1 Department Natural Resource Management 56 4.1.2 Directorate Environmental Affairs and SABSP 57 4.1.3 Directorate Forestry 4.2 THE MINISTRY OF AGRICULTURE, WATER AND RURAL DEVELOPMENT 58 4.2.1 Department of Water Affairs – Directorate Resource Management 58 4.2.2 Directorate of Veterinary Services 59 4.2.3 Directorate of Research and Planning National Botanical Research Institute 59 4.2.4 Directorate of Extension and Engineering Services 60 4.3 THE MINISTRY OF FISHERIES AND MARINE RESOURCES 60 4.3.1 Directorate Resource Management 60 4.3.2 Directorate of Aquaculture 62 4.4 TERTIARY EDUCATION, RESEARCH AND HEALTH INSTITUTIONS 62 4.4.1 The Polytechnic of Namibia 62 4.4.2 The University of Namibia 63 4.4.3 The National Museum of Namibia 63 4.4.4 The Ministry of Health and Social Services 64 4.5 NURSERIES FARMERS AND GAME DEALERS 64 4.5.1 Plant Nurseries 64 4.5.2 Farmers Unions 65 4.5.3 Game Dealers 65 4.6 LOCAL AUTHORITIES AND PARASTATALS 66 4.6.1 The City of Windhoek 66 4.6.2 NamWater 67 4.7 NON GOVERNMENT ORGANISATIONS 67 4.7.1 The Desert Research Foundation of Namibia and Gobabeb Training and Research Centre 67 4.7.2 Integrated Rural Development and Nature Conservation 68 4.7.3 The Namibia Nature Foundation 68 4.7.4 Southern African Institute for Environmental Assessment 69 4.8 PUBLIC SECTOR ENVIRONMENTAL GROUPS 69 4.8.1 National Societies 69 4.8.2 Urban Groups 71 4.9 BRIEF OVERVIEW OF THE CAPABILITIES OF EACH ORGANISATION TO DEAL WITH INVASIVE ALIEN SPECIES 72 5. NETWORKS OF EXPERTS 73 5.1 THE ALIEN INVASIVE SPECIES WORKING GROUP 74 5.1.1 Opinion of the chairman and vice chairperson 74 5.1.2 Opinion of the members of the Alien Invasive Species working group 75 5.1.3 Opinion of experts not directly involved in the working group 77 5.2 THE AGRICULTURAL BIODIVERSITY WORKING GROUP 79 5.3 EXPERTISE NOT INCLUDED IN THE WORKING GROUPS 80 National Review of Invasive Alien Species – Namibia by Shirley Bethune, Mike Griffin and Dave Joubert, September 2004 Final Report to SABSP. Directorate of Environmental Affairs Discussion Document. 6. NATIONAL AND REGIONAL PROGRAMMES 81 6.1 PAST AND CURRENT PROGRAMMES AND PROJECTS 81 6.2 THE SECOND NATIONAL DEVELOPMENT PLAN, NDP2 85 6.3 FUTURE PROJECTS 86 7. RECOMMENDATIONS 88 7.1 IMPROVED LEGISLATION FRAMEWORK 88 7.2 IMPROVED INSTITUTIONAL CAPACITIES 90 7.3 IMPROVED COLLABORATION OF EXPERTS 91 7.4 CO-ORDINATED NATIONAL PROGRAMMES 93 7.5 IMPROVED REGIONAL (SADC) COLLABORATION 95 8. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS 97 PERSONAL COMMUNICATIONS 97 9. BIBLIOGRAPHY AND *REFERENCES 98 10. ANNEXURES ANNEXURE 1 ANNEXURE 1A: TERRESTRIAL PLANT SPECIES NOT INCLUDED IN LIST 1, 2 BUT CONSIDERED INVASIVE ACCORDING TO NBRI LIST. ANNEXURE 1B: NBRI 2002 LIST OF PLANTS PROPOSED TO BE DECLARED 3 INVASIVE ALIEN SPECIES ANNEXURE 2: AQUATIC AND SEMI-AQUATIC PLANT SPECIES NOT 4 INCLUDED IN THE ANNOTATED LIST IN THE TEXT, BUT NATURALISED ALIEN SPECIES, THAT MAY BE POTENTIALLY INVASIVE ACCORDING TO WATER PLANTS OF NAMIBIA (2002) . ANNEXURE 3: ANNEXURE 3A: 1984 IDENTIFICATION AND PRIORITY LISTING OF 10 MOST 5 IMPORTANT INVASIVE ALIEN PLANT SPECIES IN NAMIBIA ANNEXURE 3B: NAMIBIA’S NASTY NINE – ALIEN INVASIVE SPECIES,POSTER 5 ANNEXURE 4: ANNOTATED LIST OF ALIEN MAMMALS AND ALIEN GENETIC 6 STOCK OCCURRING IN NAMIBIA BUT NOT CURRENTLY INVASIVE ANNEXURE 5: EUROPEAN UNION CONTAINED USE REGULATIONS (2000) GMOs. 8 ANNEXURE 6: ANNEXURE 6A: QUESTIONNAIRE FOR ORGANISATIONS/INSTITUTIONS 9 ANNEXURE 6B : RESPONSES TO QUESTIONNAIRE FOR ORGANISATIONS 10 ANNEXURE 7 : ANNEXURE 7A : QUESTIONNAIRE FOR EXPERTS –ALIEN INVASIVE SPECIES 23 & AGRICULTURAL BIODIVERSITY WORKING GROUP MEMBERS ANNEXURE 7B: RESPONSES TO QUESTIONNAIRE FOR EXPERTS 24 National Review of Invasive Alien Species – Namibia by Shirley Bethune, Mike Griffin and Dave Joubert, September 2004 Final Report to SABSP. Directorate of Environmental Affairs Discussion Document. ACRONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONS AISWG Alien Invasive Species Working Group ABWG Agricultural Biodiversity Working Group BCLME The Benguela Current Large Marine Ecosystem BSN (BotSoc) The Botanical Society of Namibia The Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild CITES Fauna and Flora CSIR Council for Scientific and Industrial Research (S.A.) Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation CSIRO (Australia) CTT&BD Centre for Ticks and Tick-borne diseases DEA Directorate of Environmental Affairs DRFN Desert Research Foundation of Namibia DVS Directorate of Veterinary Services DWA Department of Water Affairs EIA Environmental Impact Assessment EU European Union FAO Food and Agriculture Organisation GISP Global Invasive Species Programme GMOs Genetically Modified Organisms GTRC Gobabeb Training and Research Centre ICES International Council for the Exploration of the Seas IPPC International Plant Protection Convention IRDNC Integrated Rural Development and Nature Conservation IUCN International Union for Conservation of Nature IWC International Whaling Commission MAWRD Ministry of Agriculture, Water and Rural Development MET Ministry of Environment and Tourism MFMR Ministry of Fisheries and Marine Resources NABA Namibian Biotechnology Alliance NAPCOD Namibian Programme to Combat Desertification National Review of Invasive Alien Species – Namibia by Shirley Bethune, Mike Griffin and Dave Joubert, September 2004 Final Report to SABSP. Directorate of Environmental Affairs Discussion Document. NAPHA Namibia Professional Hunting Association NARREC Namibian Animal Research, Rehabilitation and Education Centre NamWater Namibia Water Corporation NAU Namibian Agricultural Union NBRI National Botanical Research Institute NBTF National Biodiversiy Task Force NDP2 Second National Development Plan NEPAD New Partnership for Africa’s Development NGO Non Government Organisation NMN National Museum of Namibia NNF Namibian Nature Foundation NNFU Namibia National Farmers Union PPRI Plant Protection Research Institute (Pretoria) RAISON Research and Information Services of Namibia RPPO Regional Plant Protection Organisation SABSP Southern Africa Biodiversity Support Programme SADC Southern African Development Community SAIEA Southern African Institute for Environmental Assessment Southern African Regional Commission for the Conservation and SARCCUS Utilisation of the Soil SNRT School of Natural Resources and Tourism UNAM University of Namibia UNCBD The United Nations Convention on Biodiversity UNCCD The United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification United Nations Conference on Environment and Development
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