Click here for Full Issue of Fidelio Volume 7, Number 3, Fall 1998 Conference speakers (left to right): Helga Zepp LaRouche, Michael Vitt, Helmut Böttiger, Prof. Georg Christaller. education must aim to develop charac- ter, and beautiful souls. The characteris- tic of the beautiful soul is that it does with joy, what reason demands—a characteristic unique to genius. But Zepp LaRouche began by ad- dressing the context for the discussion of education—namely, that the current cri- s i sis is a crisis of global civilization, not w e L r just of the schools. The whole cultural e h p o degeneration of the past 30 years, which t s i r h was systematically induced through the C / S use of the Frankfurt School’s education N R I E “reforms,” has created this disaster, she said. Civil Rights Movement-Solidarity Humboldt Education Program The problem with education today, Zepp LaRouche said, is that it denies the Schiller’s Ideas Key To Solving nature of man, which is based upon man’s cognitive powers—and it is the development of those cognitive powers Today’s Education Crisis which has permitted the development of civilization. Next, she turned to the he crisis in German education, and education in Germany, a movement ideas put forward by Wilhelm von Thow to deal with it, were the sub- which has involved leading business Humboldt, who outlined a Classical jects of a day-long conference sponsored representatives. In his opening state- education program in the Nineteenth by the Civil Rights Movement-Solidarity ment, BüSo state chairman Michael Vitt century. A Classical education, said (BüSo) in Germany’s industrial heart- spoke of the recent prominently report- Humboldt, develops the beauty of the land on June 6. The keynote was given ed downturn in German educational character. This requires the study of by BüSo chairwoman Helga Zepp test results, and reminded the audience one’s own language, of a second, more LaRouche, who is also running for Par- of the state’s constitutional responsibility elaborate language (such as Classical liament in the state of North Rhine for education, which says that “Respect Greek or Sanskrit), universal history, Westphalia, where the conference of God, respect of the dignity of man, Classical music, geography, and the nat- occurred. and awakening readiness to act socially, ural sciences. Through this entire Many teachers, some of them candi- are the most prominent aims of educa- process, the student becomes conscious dates on the BüSo slate in this fall’s tion. The youth is to be educated in the of how to make discoveries, and of how national elections, were among the more spirit of humanity, of democracy, and mankind’s knowledge has developed. than 100 participants who heard a num- freedom.” This entire process is not academic, ber of speakers on subjects ranging from Zepp LaRouche stressed, but requires de-schooling and the post-1968 school Schiller’s Concept metaphor and a passion for truth and reforms, to the Humboldt education Zepp LaRouche spoke on “The Impor- beauty, agape¯, which one finds most program of Germany’s Weimar Classic tance of Friedrich Schiller’s Aesthetical poignantly described in St. Paul’s First period almost two centuries ago. BüSo Education for Today’s Students.” Letter to the Corinthians. But there leaders were joined by Prof. Georg Schiller’s concept was outlined in a must be a political movement orga- Christaller from Berlin in discussing series of letters he wrote to oppose the nized around the demand to imple- these topics. Kantian concept of “logic-vs.-emotion,” ment such an educational program North Rhine Westphalia, where the and to promote the concept that it is now, if we are to make the necessary conference was held, has been in the through art that one proceeds to free- recovery after the financial crisis hits vanguard of the movement to destroy dom. As Zepp LaRouche described it, with full force. 72 © 1998 Schiller Institute, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Reproduction in whole or in part without permission strictly prohibited. Schiller Institute Convention in Germany ‘We Are the Conscience of Mankind’ ‘ e are the conscience of man- led for a New Bret- Wkind,” the only organized, ton Woods mone- uncompromised force for the good of tary system. She mankind; an institution unique in that it stressed the failure of does not wait, like all other institutions, the established insti- for the catastrophe to happen, before tutions to provide an thinking of action. With this concept, effective solution to Helga Zepp LaRouche, chairwoman of the global crisis. the German Schiller Institute and Zepp LaRouche s founder of the movement international- i put particular em- w e L ly, keynoted the June 27 biannual con- r phasis on the need e h p vention of the Institute in Germany. o for the revitalization t s i r While the Schiller Institute was not h of the Non-Aligned C / founded until 1984, the impetus for its S Movement, which in N R I existence, she said, began with Lyndon E its early decades LaRouche’s first forecasts in the 1950’s, Helga Zepp LaRouche speaks in Oberwesel, Germany, July 1998. fought for the right when the economist warned that a global to development for financial and economic system based on tist’s grappling with the failure of the developing nations. In China and India consumerism and looting would lead to French population, in particular, to take alone, live 40 percent of the world’s popu- inevitable disaster. Taking those forecasts advantage of the potential of the situa- lation, and a new world economic system to heart, Zepp LaRouche set forth the tion—and, as a result of that failure, the must implement measures which are in agenda of achieving what Friedrich horrifying effect of the French people’s the interest of the majority of mankind. Schiller and his collaborator Wilhelm von collapse into barbarism. That period of The Institute leader urged the Humboldt called “civilized mankind.” crisis, and Schiller’s solution, should be activists present to concentrate their She used as a point of reference Schiller’s studied today, to deal with the threat to energies on fighting the degeneration of Letters on the Aesthetical Education of Man, civilization which we face. the image of man, which has taken over which identify his perspective. Zepp LaRouche reviewed the Insti- as a result of the paradigm-shift 30 years The Aesthetical Letters were written in tute’s interventions against the genocide in ago. To do this, Zepp LaRouche called the period after the French Revolution, Bosnia and that in the Great Lakes region for a revitalization of Classical culture and reflect the republican poet/drama- of Africa, and the fight the Institute has and philosophy. ‘New Bretton Woods’ Proposal Presented in Bratislava yndon LaRouche’s New Bretton ‘Asia Crisis,’ ” Liebig said, “is devolving LWoods proposal is being discussed full force into the world financial crisis throughout Europe, largely in the context and a world depression.” The key ques- of European election campaigns. In the tion is whether or not the disastrous “cri- run-up to parliamentary elections in Slova- sis management” policies being applied at kia in September, Dr. Jozef Miklosˇko, for- present, will be dumped “in favor of a mer vice-premier of the first post-commu- radical reorganization of the world finan- nist government of Czechoslovakia and cial system”—a New Bretton Woods sys- s chairman of the Slovak Friedrich Schiller tem, as designed by Lyndon LaRouche. i w e Foundation, gave a joint press conference Attending the hour-long briefing L t r a u June 24 with Michael Liebig of the Ger- were 20 media representatives, among t S / S man Schiller Institute and EIR news them the country’s leading press agen- N R I agency in Europe, in Bratislava, Slovakia. cies, financial newspapers, and Radio E “What is conventionally termed the Slovakia International. Dr. Jozef Miklosˇko 73.
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