Empty Choir Awaits . President's Visit Follows local Vole Campus Government granted the National Student Association a two year extension when a motion to withdraw from membership in the group was defeated by a 21 to 6 vote Tuesday. The Council also passed a motion accepting the recommendations of the Promotions Committee concern- ing the policy of CG toward NSA. The major recommendations were that State retain its membership for the next two years, ., but that only two delegates should be sent to the annual national congress. Out of Order Hal Brown, Campus Government veep, protested that this action was out of order. Brown claimed that the proposals represented a change in the constitution and should, therefore, be brought to a vote of the student body. No action was taken on his objection when he ap- peared unable to substantiate his arguments. Shortly after the final vote on NSA, the national president of that group appeared and made a brief speech to the members of the An empty chair waits at the speaker’s table for Al Lowenstein, »In the right hand picture Lowenstein makes his belated appearance, Council. president ‘of the National Student Association as President McCracken followed by Charlie Culp, a delegate to last year’s national NSA Union Resolution leads the proceedings of the year’s largest meeting of the Campus congress. Entering the meeting after having been greeted by Hal The Council adopted by unani- Government. Treasurer Scheviak and Secretary Scott are also seated Brown, Culp and McCracken, Lowenstein spoke for twenty minutes. mous vote a“ resolution requesting at the table where McCracken stands. Lowenstein was expected at By the time he reached the meeting, local NSA supporters had wonga of the “college, the Greater Uni- the beginning of the meeting, but he had scheduled three appear- 21-6 vote to retain State’s membership. After leaving the meeting, ph t b Vestal Ful Lowenstein met with student leaders at St. Augustine’s College and versity, and the Governor immedi- Qlces for the same hour. ( 0 as y p) was interviewed over a local radio station. ate and earnest action to provide ~__——_WW__—. - “~-.»-.—-.__ long delayed College Union build- ing. .” This resolution is to be a part of the campus-wide drive to obtain action on the Union building plans now in the State Budget Bureau. The Council also unanimously adopted a resolution favoring the mass motorcade to Wake Forest the tomorrow. President McCracken adminis- tered the oath of office to three chairmen of school honor commit- tees. These men now become voting NORTH CAROLINA STATE COLLEGE members of the Council. The men were: George Ferrell, agriculture; Jack Jenkins, education; and Rob- ert Hardaway, textiles. Vol. XXXI, No. 9 State College Station, Raleigh, N. C., Nov. 17, 1950 Offices: 10 and 11 Tompkins Hall To, Sponsor Pledge Dances NSA Prexy on Campus; Unon Plans Move; No Free Eggs Allofled No fear Ol NPA Seen ‘ Al Lowenstein, president of the National Student Association, made By CHARLIE HAMILTON a brief appearance at the Campus Assurances that the preliminary Government Tuesday to speak on plans for State's College Union the activities of his organization. would be turned over to the archi- CG President McCracken had ex- tect Thursday afternoon for final pected that Lowenstein would be drafting were given to a student present for the entire meeting, but delegation by Governor Scott and he did not arrive until after 1 Assistant Budget Director D. S. -o’clock,'when the final vote on NSA Coltrane yesterday morning. had been completed. Coltrane also told the group that A UNC student, Lowenstein is he was confident that the building ’now devoting his full time to NSA would pass the government’s new affairs. He has been in North Caro- building restrictions. lina all week, touring NSA member .and non—member schools. Present Petitions No Free Eggs _ The three students presented the In his talk Lowenstein reiterated Governor with petitions containing previous statements by NSA sup- the names of some 1,500 students porters that the worth of NSA is requesting that “the College, the not to be found in its material as- Greater University and the Gov. sistance to the individual student. ernor do everything within their He quipped that NSA does not in- power to facilitate its (the College tend to give the students “three Union) construction.” ‘free eggs every second day,” but . The students who visited the will provide training in democratic Governor were Jack McCracken, living. President of the Campus Govern- The NSA prexy pointed to the ment, Gene Jefl'ords, President of growing importance of the organi- IDC, and Jack McCormick who rep- , zation .as the voice of the entire resented the Student Planning American student body. He- stated Board of the Union. ,4- that several government agencies Scott Favors and officials have sought the stu- Scott, a member of the class of . Idents’ opinion on several contro- ’17, told reporters at a press con- versial issues such as communism ference that he was highly in favor and the draft. of the project and that the Union would be a “tremendous help to Influenced Congress . The six beauties smiling out at you are the sponsors for the IFC Pledge dances which will be held in the institution.” He said “no insti- Lowenstein claims to have in- Frank Thompson Gym and the Memorial Auditorium tonight and tomorrow night. Top row, left to right tution needs anything more” than fluenced one Congressman to change are: Mrs. Jack Cameron for Jack Cameron, IFC Vice President; Miss Jacqueline Creef, Norfolk, for Hank Odom, IFC President; Miss Joanna Wilson, Raleigh, for John Alexander, IFC Secretary. Bottom Row, Miss a place for students to relax. his ideas on the draftof college Doris Freedman, Durham, for, Artie Shein, Pledge Dance Committee Chairman; Miss Love Lindsay, Ocala, He added that the building would students. Florida, for Bob Hardaway, Dance Committeeman, and Miss Patsy Heinsberger, Lumberton, for Pete be a valuable asset to the campus ( (Continued on Page 10) Lewis, Dance Committeeman. (Continued on Page 4) ,_ _., ---'-_' _._....A.._.._... ...__.-.. .-.. 1...--. ,- _ fim~~--W-M-._.-_N- W ..—.—WW**“W.'.‘It " ‘ 5.....- ..__......_.-._.,_s.._._...._....._...‘4__.._....W—vme’-~T——WWWW '"‘ " “T M TE TECNI'CIAN .WNov. 17; With theGreeks . Lawns Speaks Dr. Frank Bell Lewis, president Greeks Plan Gala Weekend ' of Mary Baldwin College of Staun- ton, Va., began a three-day series of addresses at a faculty luncheon 'I'o Welcome New Pledges in the Grill Room of the cafeteria Tuesday, November 14th. By FRANK PERKINS after the dance Saturday night. ‘ Dr. Lewis spoke on the subject, The week that everyone has been they will have a cold plate “snack" “Education Is Not Necessarily a waiting for has finally arrived— for the members and their dates. Good Thing," at the faculty lunch— Pledge Dances. No doubt Friday Late Hears eon on Tuesday. night’s dance will be looked for. The series is a continuation of ward to by many greel’m. This one Along with the other fraternities the college’s annual observance of usually proves to be the better of Sigma Chi plans a small party af- “Religion in Life Week” which be- the two however, you have a larger ter the Friday night dance. Satur- gan last week. The general theme crowd at the Saturday night per- day evening following the dance of the talks by Dr. Lewis was “The formance. they will venture to Stewart’s to Other Side of the Truth.” Most of the fraternities will have continue their social. They plan to small parties following the Friday have a small band to' furnish music night affair and then they plan to for the major part of the evening. attend the Wake Forest game en- All the greeks who plan to attend Beat Wake Forest ..-- ‘ masse. Others who do not attend the Wake Forest game should take the game will travel to the textile their dates over to the bigpep rally auditorium to hear the concert pre- which will be held on Desk Field. sented by Johnny Long. Only three ATOMIC ENERGY EXHIBIT I feel sure that your date would NOW on can watch amazin nuclear fis- of the fraternities are planning thoroughly sion! Xctual breaking of ator‘ns in action! enjoy the rally and you This wonderful viewer is inches x 1 in. parties for places other than the could help boost the spirit of the fitted with a strong lens and contains gen- house. uine radioactive salts which may be ob- student body. At the game let's all med i; :ctfg llikt:l shgotin stars for Kappa Sigs r . so u y arm ess. ALSO get behind the head cheerleader and 'YOJ $1141.. RECEIVE ‘ Kappa Sigma starts by having a show him that we really have the simple instructions howFREE—complete.to hunt uranium anywhere with no expensive counters! party out at Webb’s cabin followed spirit. Writtg‘i by a successful prosDoctor and by a barbcue supper. Saturday tiona y known lecturer. Send only 81.00na- Don’t forget the motorcade to the for BOTH to LUTHER GABLE. 5240 S. night after the dance they are game. , Sixth Ave.. La Grange. Illinois. going out to the Cabin by the Lake. This will be followed by breakfast in the wee hours of the morning. Sigma Alpha Mu gets their week-- end into full swing by having an. old-fashioned hay ride Friday night out to Sunset Lake where they will In Raleigh Your continue with a weiner roast.
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