Wrestlers Climax Perfect Season Tech's matmen virtually time; and (5) A tic in the old re- rewrote the record books as cord of five pins in one match. Coach Fuller. who did such a they wound up their first un- magnificent job with his wres- defeated, untied wrestling tlers, had nothing but praise for season with a thorough white- his team. In his words: "Example washing of the University of of an achievement that can only Buffalo team recently at the UB occur by hard work and diligent gym. training plus the courage and Each match brought excited determination to win regardless spectators to their feet time and of the odds." again as the UB contenders fell John Radocha, RIT's only sen- one after another to a much super- ior, closed his wrestling career at ior team as the 36-0 score was Tech with a brilliant 4-1 decision tallied. This gives the squad a over Buffalo's captain Don Worth. record of being the only unbeaten In three years of wrestling for his wrestling team in upstate New alma ma ter John has an enviable York. record of 20 wins with only four Five new team records were set losses and one tie: by the squad with the Buffalo win: Doug Keeler won five points for (1) First time for 14 consecutive himself and the team by forfeit in wins in any two-year period; (2) the second match of the afternoon. First unbeaten untied year with He wrestled an exhibition match 10 straight wins for the season; anyhow aand won by a decision. (3) First time 36 points were The next five matches in a row scored in one match by RIT; (4) RIT's 1953-54 wrestling team from L to R, Coach Hortop, J. Barclay, R. DiBiase, E. Ross, and G. fell to RIT by pins expertly de- two calcimine jobs were handed Fuller, J. Modrak, J. Cargnoni, (wrestling) J. Dotzler, sitting. (Moffa Photo) monstrated by "MO" Modrak, out in one season for the first Falardeau, D. Kecler, L. Ceriello (standing), J. ( Cont inued on Page 5) 125th Anniversary OFFICIAL PUBLICATION OF THE ROCHESTER INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY Volume 28 Rochester 8, N. Y. March 12, 1954 Number 13 Cagers Down Geneseo State -New List Nets In Five-Game Winning Streak Seventy-two Seventy-two students. Basketball took on a new light in the latter part of the Yes, 72 students were the firs: season as the RIT team came through and took the last five ones to be honored by the Insti- m ges.a tute for scholastic averages s leyan, Potsdam Techmen closed out the sea- State, and above 3.25 in the first Dean's list Geneseo. son early this month as they ever published by RIT. Individual Records scored their eighth win against Representing nine of the 10 de- Geneseo State Teachers College High scorer for the Tech team partments in the Institute, the with a score of 70-54 at Jeffer- during the 1953-54 season was list was compiled on the first son High gym, RIT's home Wilford Craugh with a total semester grades of the full-time court. score of 236 points. His game departments and on the first Tech won games over Paul average was 13.1 for 18 con- quarter grades of those depart- Smith's, Utica College, On- secutive games. Captain Bob ments that are working on the tario College, Oswego State, Klos was a close second with 232 quarter system this year. The Oneonta State, Roberts Wes- points with a 12.8 average in the cooperative department sub. complete number of games. mitted the grades achieved by Third in line was Gordy Groups Elect "Campus" Candidates those students on block. Lettermen Join Forces Thorp with 205 points with an average of 11.4 in 18 games. Spring Weekend is coming and Council, John Lapomarda has Following is a list of the students who made the list. In the Geneseo game the RIT with it will come time for choos- the responsibility of keeping For Sports Night Fare basketeers followed until the ing RIT's Mr. Campus of 1954. "tigers from clawing each other (Continued on. Page 6) Varsity lettermen from all end of the first quarter, then This year, each of the four so- to pieces." It is in this capacity rorities on campus has chosen a athletic programs at RIT joined went ahead to hold a lead of that he excels. The friendly forces March 6 to sponsor the 39-25 at the half. They held the candidate whom they feel should attitude of rival fraternities on third annual Sports Night at big margin all through the last be honored by being named Mr. SAC Head Tours campus this year is ample Jefferson High. half. This was one of the few Campus. proof of his ability. RIT craftsmanship has beer Proceedings got underway at games that the RIT squad did This is the first in a series of taken to five colleges and univer- Acting as a mediator is by no 7:30 with Doris Britt leading a not take a decided dip in the last two articles to appear in the sities in North Carolina by Mr means John's only job. He is parade of athletes into the few minutes of the game. Reporter reviewing the facts Harold J. Brennan, head of the also pledge chairman for the darkened gym and' through the Dick Richenberg made 17 about the four candidates. school for American Craftsmen. pledge period of Gamma Phi this sports spotlight with her fiery points to lead the team in scor- As Chairman of Interfraternity spring. Other positions that John In an attempt to increase in- baton. ing while Gordy Thorp came holds are assistant editor of the terest in art and design, Mr through with 15. Verne Gart- Brennan has visited the following Tennis Match Held Typographer and senior mem- land and Bill Craugh made 11 North Carolina schools: Davidsor Following the parade was a Radio Club Licensed ber of Student Council. points each. Lenny Hagberg College, Davidson, Shaw Univer rematch between the Pi Club RIT's newest club, the Ama- John is a resident of Seneca scored 16 points to lead the sity, Raleigh, East Carolina State table tennis finalists Johnnie teur Radio Association has been Falls, N. Y. where he attended Geneseo squad. Greenville and Bennett College Ordoveza, the champion, against issued an Amateur Radio Station Mynderse Academy. At prep and North Carolina State College his arch rival Ed Myers. Rita The team scored 1338 points License by the Federal Commu- school, John was a member of for Women, both of Greensboro Prado then played several se- with 460 field goals and 418 free ication Commission. The station Student Council and a varsity lections on her accordion. throws, with an average of 74.3 is authorized to operate on all football letterman. Adding to his lecture, "Art Anc points per game. Their opponents Amateur radio frequencies and Design in Modern Life," he dis- A fencing exhibition by the At RIT, John is studying as scored 1352 points with an aver- is to be known as K2GXT. played craftsmanship and picture men and women charges of a senior in the Department of age of 75.0 per game. slides of students at work. Coach Floresque preceded a Any person who holds a valid Printing. Coach Leo Fox feels that the license and is a member of the Mr. Brennan toured each schoo startling performance of skill by Although he is usually hidden season would have been a lot ARA may operate this station to for two days under the auspice: Poodles, a crack baton team by a camera, Dean Zeeb is quite under the guidance of Doris different if his team had had a the extent covered by his opera- of the Association of Americar little more experience behind tor's license. a man about campus. A senior Colleges. Britt. in the Department of Photo- Faculty Wins them. The very fact that they The station is located in the coped so well with the same teams Penthouse of the Eastman Bnild- graphy, he is an active member Faculty members halted a that had beaten them earlier in ing and is owned by the members of Gamma Phi and Delta Lambda sustained drive by the varsity the season makes this obvious of the ARA. The officers and Epsilon fraternities and the Informal Dance Set basketball squad but managed enough. members of the Radio Club ex- Camera Club. He is also the Gamma Phi and Sigma Kapp: with a slight amount of assist- Tech lost eight of its ten tend an invitation to all students hardworking Photo Editor of the Delta have just completed plan: ance of the scorekeeper, to games by a total of 40 points, who are enrolled in the Institute Reporter. for the "Underworld Ball'. The stretch their undefeated string this means an average of only in either day or evening school Dean is studying Photographic dance will be held on March 20 over the varsity by a score of five points for each game. Con- to join the ARA. The only pre- Journalism and his job as Photo at 8 p. m. in the Hotel Rochester 99 to 1. sidering the fact that there were requisites to membership in the Editor supplements his book The "Underworld Ball'' is not Captain Chick DiBiase and only one senior, two sophmores Radio Club are that the prospec- learning. His decision to become formal affair, and everyone Joe Falardeau kept laughs and the rest freshmen, the coach tive members are enrolled at the a photo journalist stems from welcome.
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