Complete List of Literature Cited* Compiled by Franz Stadler

Complete List of Literature Cited* Compiled by Franz Stadler

AppendixE Complete list of literature cited* Compiled by Franz Stadler Aa, A.J. van der 1859. Francq Van Berkhey (Johanes Le). Pp. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States 194–201 in: Biographisch Woordenboek der Nederlanden, vol. 6. of America 100: 4649–4654. Van Brederode, Haarlem. Adams, K.L. & Wendel, J.F. 2005. Polyploidy and genome Abdel Aal, M., Bohlmann, F., Sarg, T., El-Domiaty, M. & evolution in plants. Current Opinion in Plant Biology 8: 135– Nordenstam, B. 1988. Oplopane derivatives from Acrisione 141. denticulata. Phytochemistry 27: 2599–2602. Adanson, M. 1757. Histoire naturelle du Sénégal. Bauche, Paris. Abegaz, B.M., Keige, A.W., Diaz, J.D. & Herz, W. 1994. Adanson, M. 1763. Familles des Plantes. Vincent, Paris. Sesquiterpene lactones and other constituents of Vernonia spe- Adeboye, O.D., Ajayi, S.A., Baidu-Forson, J.J. & Opabode, cies from Ethiopia. Phytochemistry 37: 191–196. J.T. 2005. 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Botanische Jahrbücher für Systematik, Pfl anzen- Alarcón, M.C.B.V., Lopes, J.L.C. & Herz, W. 1990. Glau- geschichte und Pfl anzengeographie 109: 363−372. colide-B, a molluscicidal sesquiterpene lactone, and other Anderberg, A. 1989. Phylogeny and re-classifi cation of the constituents of Vernonia eremophila. Planta Medica 56: 271–273. tribe Inuleae (Asteraceae). Canadian Journal of Botany 67: 2277– Alavi, S.A. 1976. Genus Coleostephus Cassini in Europe (Aster- 2296. a ceae). Phyton (Horn) 17: 319–328. Anderberg, A. 1990. Nablonium is a congener of Ammobium Alawa, C.B.I., Adamu, A.M., Gefu, J.O., Ajanusi, O.J., (Aster aceae: Gnaphalieae). Telopaea 4: 129–135. Abdu, P.A., Chiezey, N.P., Alawa, J.N. & Bowman, Anderberg, A. 1991. Taxonomy and phylogeny of the tribe D.D. 2003. In vitro screening of two Nigerian medicinal Gnaphalieae (Asteraceae). Opera Botanica 104: 1–195. plants (Vernonia amygdalina and Annona senegalensis) for anthel- Anderberg, A. 1991. 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Anatomy and evolution in the Macaro- Anderberg, A.A. & Eldenäs, P. 2007 [2006]. Tribe Inuleae. nesian Sonchus subgenus Dendrosonchus (Compositae. Lac tu- Pp. 374–391 in: Kadereit, J.W. & Jeff rey, C. (eds.), The Families ceae). Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society 76: 249–285. and Genera of Vascular Plants, vol. 8, Flowering Plants. Eudicots. Ali, S.I. 1969. Senecio lautus complex in Australia. V. Taxonomic Asterales. Springer, Berlin. interpretations. Australian Journal of Botany 17: 161–176. Anderberg, A. & Freire, S.E. 1989. A transfer of two species of Allan, H.H. 1939. Remarks on ×Leucoraoulia. Transactions of the Anaphalis DC. to Chionolaena DC. (Asteraceae, Gnaphalieae). Royal Society of New Zealand 68: 457−461. Notes from the Royal Botanic Gardens Edinburgh 46: 37–41. Allan, H.H. 1961. Flora of New Zealand, vol. 1. R.E. Owen Anderberg, A. & Freire, S.E. 1990. Jalcophila boliviensis, a new Government Printer, Wellington. species of South American Asteraceae (Gnaphalieae). 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