Georgeem Bobbi Edlan, Prom Mgr; Yolette Garcia, News Dir; Vicki News Dir; Bob Chief John Allison, Chief Engr

Georgeem Bobbi Edlan, Prom Mgr; Yolette Garcia, News Dir; Vicki News Dir; Bob Chief John Allison, Chief Engr

C&W. C.H. Chuck Kelly, gen mgr; Royce Christen- Carpenter Fwy, Ste. 1560, Irving (75062). (214) Texas Radio son, gen sls mgr; Wayne Cook, mus dir. Rates: 263 -3695 H .& G Communications Inc. (acq 4 -87). $6.30; 6.30; 6.30; 3. Rep: Christal. Format: CHR. Mark Schwartz, pres; Paul Jacobs, VP & gen mgr; Mark Driscoll, VP progmg; khz; KIVY(AM) -Jan 19, 1950: 1290 2.5 kw -D. Box Buzz Bennett, prog dir; Chuck Beck, mus dir; Harvey 1109 544-2171. James H. Gibbs KOUL(FM)- Listing follows KCTA(AM). (75835). (409) dba Martin, sports dir; Nikki Reed, news & pub svc dir; Pat Format: Istng. Pioneer Broadcasting. Easy James McCulley, chief engr. KRYS(AM) -1927: 1360 khz; 1 kw -U. 702 McBride H. Gibbs, pres & gen mgr; Dorothy Corbitt, coml mgr; Lane (78408). (512) 289-0111. Corpus Christi Media Lonnie Hunt, asst mgr, grog dir. Rates: $9; 8; 8; 7. KKDA(AM) -See Grand Prairie. Partners (acq 9 -86). Net: ABC/E.. Rep: Durpetti. Format: C &W. Don Hibbitts, gen mgr; Gary Maride, KIVY FM-June 1, 1970: 92.7 mhz; 3 kw. Ant 300 ft. KKDA-FM-June 8, 1947: 104.5 mhz; 100 kw. Ant gen sls mgr; J. D. Gonzalez, prog dir & prom mgr; Dups AM 15 %. Format: C &W. Rates: Same as AM. 1,585 ft. Stereo. Box 530860, Grand Prairie (75053). Joey Garcia, mus dir; Tony Kinsell, news dir. Ken (214) 263 -9911. Svc Broadcast Group (acq 5-76). Meek, chief engr. Rates: $50; 40: 50; 25. Net: AP Format: Urban contemp. Hymen Childs, Crystal City pres & gen mgr; Ken Johnson, gen sls mgr; Michael KRYS- FM-Dec 5, 1982: 99.1 mhz; 100 kw. Ant 1,049 Spears, prog dir; Jimmy Smith, mus dir; Nancy ft. (CP: 97 kw). Stereo. Dups AM 100 %. KHER(FM )-Not on air, target date unknown: 94.3 Carpenter, prom mgr; Norman Hall, news dir; Gerry mhz; kw. Ant 135 ft. 4th 3 203 South St., Carrizo Dalton, dir of engr. KSIX(AM) -- September 1947: 1230 khz; 1 kw -U. Springs (78834). Noelia S. Herbort dba Acelga Stereo. Box 1V-10, 301 Artesian (78403). (512) Broadcasting Co. KLDD(AM) -June 26, 1922: 570 khz; 5 kw-U, OA-2. 883 -7070. Corpus Christi Broadcasting Co. Net: CBS, Communications Center (75202). (214) 748 -9898. MBS. Format: Oldies. Vann M. Kennedy, pres & gen Anchor Media (acq 1- 1 -87). Net: CBS R/R. Format: mgr; Lloyd Hawkins, gen sls mgr; Jim McElhaney, Cuero Oldies. Bill Knobler, gen mgr; Marilyn Massucci, gen prog dir; Walter Furley, news dir; Dale Taylor, chief sls mgr; Pete Hamel, prog dir; Ken Bateman (Baker), khz; w -D. engr. KORO(AM)-March 18, 1949: 1600 500 Box news dir; Hue Beavers, chief engr. 864 (77954). (512) 275 -3430. Cuero Broadcasting KSTE(FM)- January 1970: 93.9 mhz; 100 kw. Ant 940 Inc. (acq 7- 1 -84). Net: Texas State. Format: C &W. KZEW(FM) -Co -owned with KLDD(AM). 1965: 97.9 ft. One Gaslight Square (78404). (512) 883 -5576. Spec prog: Sp 5 hrs, polka 3 hrs wkly. Paul H. mhz; 100 kw. Ant 1,680 ft. Stereo. Prog sep from AM. American Wireless Co. (acq 11- 26 -85). Net: AP. Dudeck, Ares, gen mgr & chief engr; Mary Barnes (214) 748 -9898. Net: NBC The Source. Format: AOR. Format: Adult contemp. Dan Cutrer, pres & gen Dudeck, gen sls mgr. Rates: $6.50; 5.90; 6.50; -. David Grossman, prog dir. mgr; D'Ann Davis. gen sls mgr; Mark DiAngelo, stn mgr; John French, opns mgr. Rates: $36; 32; 36.32. KORO -FM-Not on air, target date March 1988: 97.7 KLIF(AM)-1947: 1190 khz; 50 kw -D, 5 kw-N, DA-2. mhz 3 kw. Ant 296.6 ft. 3500 Maple at Turtle Creek, Ste 1600 (75219-3906).. KUNO(AM )-May 1950: 1400 khz; 1 kw -D, 250 w -N. (214) 526-2400. KLIF Co. (acq 12- 10 -79). Group Drawer 4722 (78408). (512) 884 -5203. TWX: 910 -876- owner: Susquehanna Radio Corp. a subsidiary of 1469. KUNO Radio Inc. (acq 6 -58). Group owner: Cypress Susquehanna Broadcasting Co. Net: NBC, NBC Tichenor Media System. Rep: Katz. Format: Sp. Talknet. Rep: Eastman. Format: Talk. Arthur Carlson, Not on air, date 1520 khz; McHenry T. Tichenor, pres; Luis A. Munoz, gen mgr; New AM- target unknown: pres; Larry Grogan, exec VP; Dan Halyburton, VP/gen Ramiro Garcia, coml mgr; Victor Lara Ortegon, prog 500 w -D. 740 Voss Road, Houston (77024). Matthew mgr; Vicki Knight, gen sls mgr; Dan Bennett, prog dir; Provenzano. dir; Nasario Guerrero, mus dir; Al Herrera, prom mgr; Steve Mace, news dir; Norm Philips, chief engr. Francisco Fregoso, news dir; John Mayberry, chief engr. Rates: $21; 19; 21; 15. KLUV(FM) -1961: 98.7 mhz; 100 kw. Ant 1,800 ft. Daingerfield Stereo. 5217 Ross Ave., Penthouse Suite (75206). KZFM(FM) -Dec 7, 1964: 95.5 mhz; 41 kw. Ant 320 (214) 826 -9870. TK Communications (acq 10- 27-82). ft. (CP: 100 kw; Ant 640.3 ft.). Stereo. Box 9917 KEGG(AM)-August 1966: 1560 khz; 1 kw -D. Box 600 Rep: Republic. Format: Solid gold 50's-80's. John (75638). (214) 645 -3928. Stacy Roberts d /b /a Roberts (78469). (512) 883 -3516. Texas Media Group Inc. (acq Tennglia, pres; Steven Dinetz, exec VP & gen mgr; (acq Rep: Miller. Format: Adult 10- 31 -79). Rep: Banner. Format: Contemp mass Broadcasting 8- 6-86). Dave Van Dyke, prog dir; Ben Laurie,- news dir; Ken mgr; appeal. Arnold Malkan, pres; Larry Safir, gen mgr; contemp. Sharon Stewart, gen Butch Case, Fine, chief engr. Rates: $350; 275; 200; 200. Gloria Rathnell, sis mgr; Greg Seifert, prog dir; Bud prog dir; Sonja Thomas, news dir; Chris Alexander, Lockhart, news dir; Jim Beery, chief engr. chief engr. KMEZ(AM) -1952: 1480 khz; 5 kw -D, 1 kw-N, DA-2. 9900 McCree Rd. (75238). (214) 348 -3800. DKM- Dallas Broadcasting Corp. (acq 11- 01 -86). Group Corsicana Dalhart owner: DKM Broadcasting Corp. Net: US2. Rep: McGavren Guild. Format: Btfl mus. James W. KXIT(AM) -1948: 1240 khz; 1 kw-U. Box 1350 KAND(AM) -May 17, 1937: 1340 khz; 1 kw -U. 609 bsley, press Jim Stanton, gen mgr; Mike Knox, gen (79022). (806) 249 -4747. Dalhart Broadcasters (acq W. 7th (75110). (214) 874 -7421. Kan -D Land Inc. (acq sls mgr; Ken Loomis, prog dir; Angela Jones, prom 1953). Net: Texas State. Format: Farm, C &W. Robert 6- 1 -68). Net: ABC /I. Format: C&W. Richard C. Parker, mgr; Jay Ward, news dir; Lorin Bowlden, chief engr. pres; Terry King, gen mgr; Gary Colburn, gen sls mgr; J. Beller, pres, gen mgr & chief engr; Hal Mann, news Bob Belcher, opns dir; Roy Miller, mus dir; Dick dir. Rates: $8.25; 7.10; 7.10; 7.10. KMEZ -FM-Dec 25, 1965: 100.3 mhz; 100 kw. Ant Aldama, news 1,280 ft. Dups AM 100%. dir. KXIT FM-1962: 95.9 mhz; 3 kw. Ant 220 ft. Dups KAND- FM-Nov 1, 1972: 107.9 mhz; 100 kw. Ant 842 AM 70 %. KMGC(FM) -1965: 102.9 mhz; 100 kw. Ant 1,570 ft. ft. Prog sep from AM. Stereo. Net: ABC /I, SMN. Format: 1353 Regal Row (75247). (214) 688-0641. Shamrock Adult contemp. Broadcasting Co. Inc. (group owner; acq 1982). Rep: Dallas Christal. Format: Adult contemp, lite jazz. Ross Reagan, VP Shamrock Bcstg & gen mgr; Joe DiBello, KAAM(AM)-1920: 1310 khz; 5 kw -D, 2 kw -N, DA-2. Cotulla gen sis mgr; Sherri Gardner, toc sls mgr; Dan Lopez, Stereo. 15851 Dallas Parkway, Ste. 1200 (75248). mus dir; Jeff Hillery, news dir; John Adcock, chief engr. KDCY(FM) -Dec 1, 1985: 97.7 mhz; 3 kw. Ant 268 ft. (214) 770 -7777. Bonneville International Corp. (group Stereo. Box 45 (78014). (512) 879 -3558 D C Broad- owner; acq 1978). Net: MBS. Rep: Durpetti. Format: KNON(FM)`August 29, 1975: 89.3 mhz; 9.7 kw. Ant casting Inc. Format: C &W, Sp. Dan Daniels, pres; Music of your life. Thomas S. Glade, VP & gen mgr; 650 ft. Stereo. Box 710909 (75371). (214) 828-9500. Stacy Harrison, mus dir. Rates: $5; 5; 5; 5. Buz Powers, gen sls mgr; John Shomby, prog dir; Agape Broadcasting Foundation Inc. Bobby Pacheco, mktg div; Vicki Robbins, news dir; Vance Henley, chief engr. KOAI(FM) -See Denton. Crane Fort North. KZPS(FM)-Co-owned with KAAM(AM). April 1, 1948: KOJO(FM) -See KXOI(AM)- December 1959: 810 khz; 1 kw-D, 500 92.5 mhz; 100 kw. Ant 1,590 ft. Stereo. Prag sep from KPBC(AM) -June 8, 1947: 1040 khz; 1 kw-D. 3201 w -N, DA-1. Box 1116 (79731). (915) 558 -7105. Guy AM. Format: Classic hits. Royalty Row, Irving (75062). (214) 445-1700. Crawford L. Birdwell (acq 11 -87). Net: AP. Rep: Paul Miller. Broadcasting Co. (acq 1979). Format: Contemp 'KCBI- FM-May 19, 1976: 90.9 mhz; 10 kw. Ant 480 Format: Southern gospel, Christian MOR. Betty Christian. Spec grog: Talk 6 hrs wkly. Donald B. ft. Stereo. Box 1809 (75221). (214) 954 -4444. Agape exec VP; Terry Hill, stn mgr; Jim Sanchez, pres; Bill MacCormick, stn mgr; Debbie Conley, Broadcasting Foundation (acq 6 -87). Format: Relg, Crawford, news dir; engr. Rates: Dena, mgr; Don Evans, & mus dir; Cris Charles Debenport, chief inspirational. Carl Singer, gen mgr; David Briggs, dir prod prog $12.50; 9.50; 12.50; 7.50. Alexander, chief engr. Rates: $70; 50; 50; of engrg. -. Fort North. KDLZ(FM)-See Fort North. KPLX(FM )-See Crockett KOZY(FM) -April 5, 1968: 105.3 mhz; 100 kw.

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