Bull Tokyo Dent Coll (2017) 58(2): 95–101 Original Article doi:10.2209/tdcpublication.2016-0010 Anatomic and Histological Study of Lingual Nerve and Its Clinical Implications Yoshiaki Shimoo1), Masahito Yamamoto2), Masashi Suzuki3), Masato Yamauchi2), Akihiro Kaketa4), Masaaki Kasahara2), Masamitsu Serikawa2), Kei Kitamura2), Satoru Matsunaga2) and Shinichi Abe2) 1) Malo Clinic Tokyo, 7-8-10 Ginza, Chuo-ku, Tokyo 104-0061, Japan 2) Department of Anatomy, Tokyo Dental College, 2-9-18 Misaki-cho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 101-0061, Japan 3) Ginza Yanagidori Dental Clinic, 1-5-11 Ginza, Chuo-ku, Tokyo 104-0061, Japan 4) Implant Dentistry Institute, 1-2-16 Honcho, Aoba-ku, Sendai 980-0014, Japan Received 6 May, 2016/Accepted for publication 10 August, 2016 Abstract Although the risk of injuring the lingual nerve in the mandibular molar area during dental treatment is high, it can be repaired by nerve grafting. However, from the perspec- tive of clinical dentistry, the pathway and histomorphometric characteristics of this nerve remain to be documented in detail. The purpose of the present study was to morphologi- cally elucidate the pathway of the lingual nerve to clarify its significance in a clinical set- ting. A histomorphometric analysis was also performed in consideration of nerve graft- ing. The vertical distance between the occlusal plane and the superior margin of the lingual nerve showed a gradual decrease from the premolar toward the distal molar area. This suggests that the risk of injuring the lingual nerve increases gradually toward the distal area. The average total fascicular area of the lingual nerve was 1.90 mm2, which was larger than that of the sural nerve. It is the first-choice donor nerve for grafting. There- fore, even though the total fascicular area of the donor nerve is a little smaller than that of the recipient nerve, nerve grafting should be successful. Key words: Lingual nerve — Third molar region — Dental treatment — Anatomy — Histomorphometric analysis Introduction gual nerves. The lingual nerve joins the chorda tympani, a branch of the facial nerve, The mandibular nerve originates in the on the external surface of the medial ptery- trigeminal ganglion, 10–20 mm below which goid muscle. The chorda tympani contains it separates into the inferior alveolar and lin- taste nerve fibers and salivary secretion- 95 96 Shimoo Y et al. related parasympathetic nerve fibers. It runs posed entirely of sensory fibers, supplies a inferiorly along the external surface of the relatively unimportant dermatome, and is eas- medial pterygoid muscle, changes its course ily located22). near the posterior extremity of the mylohyoid Recently, the histology of the lingual nerve line, and runs beneath the sublingual mucosa has been widely discussed. The lingual nerve on the lingual side of the most posterior is composed of 5 or 6 fascicles arranged in a molar8). The lingual nerve is considered to circular manner around a central arteriole15). supply the mucous membrane of the anterior Smith and Harn have described the micro- two thirds of the tongue, the floor and side anatomy of the lingual nerve in the area of wall of the mouth, and the mandibular gums. the third molar, pointing out two patterns of It also carries nerve fibers that are not part of organization of the nerve cell bodies: isolated the mandibular nerve, including the chorda nerve cell bodies and ganglion-like clusters21). tympani nerve of the facial nerve, which pro- However, the histomorphometric characteris- vides special sensation (taste) to the anterior tics of the lingual nerve were not explored in two thirds of the tongue. the context of nerve grafting. Many reports have suggested that, since the Bearing in mind the risk of injury to the lingual nerve runs along the internal surface lingual nerve on incision of the gingiva, the of the mandibular bone in the anterior mar- purpose of the present study was to morpho- gin of the medial pterygoid muscle, there is a logically elucidate its pathway to clarify its high risk of injuring the nerve in the man- significance in a clinical setting. Additionally, dibular molar area during dental treat- an attempt was also made to histomorpho- ment6–9,12,17–20). Enormous variation in the path- metrically measure the lingual nerve in the way of the lingual nerve, especially in the area area of the third molar in consideration of the of the third molar, has been reported. One issue of nerve grafting. such variation is that the lingual nerve some- times traverses the retromolar pad area between the back of the last molar and the Materials and Methods anterior edge of the ascending ramus. In par- ticular, the possibility of lingual nerve paraly- This study was performed using 10 cadavers sis increases during mandibular foramen for anatomical practice preserved at the conduction anesthesia16), impacted mandibu- Department of Anatomy, Tokyo Dental Col- lar wisdom tooth extraction7,18), endosseous lege. The occlusal relationship was retained implant surgery, and periodontal surgery4). and over 24 teeth remained in the maxilla However, the risk of injury to the lingual and mandible in all samples. nerve during gingival incision was not consid- An incision was made that included the ered in these earlier studies. bilateral posterior margins of the mandibular If the lingual nerve is injured during dental bone and superior margin of the hyoid bone. treatment, it can be rectified by direct epineu- The inferior alveolar nerve, hyoid bone, and rial repair or indirect (graft) neurorrhaphy. It suprahyoid muscle group were then dissected has been reported that graft repair of the lin- en bloc together with the mandibular bone. gual nerve provides superior long-term objec- Furthermore, the mucosa and temporal, lat- tive and subjective outcomes in comparison eral pterygoid, and masseter muscles were with direct repair14). The most appropriate removed from the external surface side. Next, autogenous graft for the lingual nerve is the the mandibular bone was sectioned in the sural nerve, which is similar in diameter and median area, and the sublingual gland, sub- fascicular pattern2). The latter has been used mandibular gland, and medial pterygoid widely as a donor nerve for autogenous graft muscle removed from the internal surface procedures. Its popularity in this regard is side. The lingual nerve was carefully abraded attributable to the fact that it is long, com- without changing the relationship between 【版面】W:396 pt(片段 192 pt) H:588 pt 【本文】行数不明(手組み) 10pt 12pt【版面】W:396 pt(片段 192 送り pt) H:588 pt 【本文】行数不明(手組み) 10pt 12pt 送り 【図】●図番号・タイトル・説明:11.3Q 12.7H New Baskerville ITC 【図】●図番号・タイトル・説明:11.3Q 12.7H NewStd 図タイトルと説明のアキ 9Q ●タイトル折り返し:番号の後(続 Baskerville ITC Std 図タイトルと説明のアキ 9Q ●タイトル折り返し:番号の後(続 く説明の先頭は字下げ不要) ●図説の幅 片段:片段固定 全段:図幅 く説明の先頭は字下げ不要) ●図説の幅 片段:片段固定 全段:図幅 【表】●番号・タイトル・説明:11.3Q 12.7H New Baskerville ITC Std タイトルと表のアキ 10.5Q ●罫線 表はじめのみ双罫 表中の【表】●番号・タイトル・説明:11.3Q 12.7H New Baskerville ITC Std タイトルと表のアキ 10.5Q ●罫線 表はじめのみ双罫 表中の 罫の太さ 1.411mm ●表中:11.3Q 12.7H New Baskerville ITC Std ●脚注 11.3Q 12.7H New罫の太さ 1.411mm ●表中:11.3Q 12.7H New Baskerville ITC Std Baskerville 字下げなし ITC Std ●脚注 11.3Q 12.7H New Baskerville ITC Std 字下げなし 斜体は New Baskerville ITC Std Italic(タグは <l>) 半角ダーシは -(ハイフン)に斜体は NewLingual F50:tohaba Baskerville Nerve の文字スタイルをかけて作成ITC and Std Its Italic(タグはClinical Implications <l>) 半角ダーシは -(ハイフン)に F50:tohaba の文字スタイルをかけて作成97 Site 1 Site 2Site 3 Site 4 Lingual nerve Mylohyoid muscle Fig. 2 Vertical distance on reference plane B between reference plane A and superior margin of lin- gual nerve was measured Fig. 1 Reference planes Measurement sites comprised mandibular second pre- A: Plane connecting incisal point and disto-buccal cusp molar (site 1), first molar (site 2), second molar (site of bilateral first molars (occlusal plane). 3), and third molar (site 4). B: Plane perpendicular to occlusal plane, containing line connecting mesial contact point of bilateral first molars. were post-fixed for 72 hr with 4% paraformal- dehyde and then embedded in paraffin wax. Transverse sections 10 μm in thickness were the nerve and surrounding tissue. After dis- mounted on glass slides and then stained with secting the lingual nerve, the mylohyoid Masson trichrome. Histologic observations muscle, tongue, and lingual nerve were were performed with the aid of a light micro- observed macroscopically from the internal scope and photographs obtained. These his- side. tological photographs were used for subse- Measurement was performed by establish- quent morphometric analysis. The areas of ing the following: reference plane A, connect- the lingual nerve were measured according to ing the incisal point and disto-buccal cusp of tooth region, that is to say, the third molar the bilateral first molars (occlusal plane 1); (site 4) (Fig. 2). The number of fascicles, total and reference plane B, perpendicular to the fascicular area, and nerve area of the lingual occlusal plane, containing a line connecting nerve were determined for the area of the the mesial contact point of the bilateral mea- third molar using the Image J program (devel- surement teeth (Fig. 1). oped at the US National Institutes of Health The vertical distance on reference plane B and available on the internet at http://rsb. between reference plane A and the superior info.nih.gov/ij/). margin of the lingual nerve was measured (Fig. 2). Measurement sites were the man- dibular second premolar (site 1), first molar Results (site 2), second molar (site 3), and third molar (site 4) (Fig. 2). However, there were 1. Distance between occlusal plane and cases in which the mandibular second and superior margin of lingual nerve third molars were lost. In such cases, points The mean distance was 27.1 mm at site 1; based on the mean of the size of the tooth 25.2 mm at site 2; 17.9 mm at site 3; and were measured instead9).
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