UN Secretariat Item Scan - Barcode - Record Title Page 55 Date 12/06/2006 Time 2:11:32PM S-0882-0002-18-00001 Expanded Number S-0882-0002-18-00001 Tifle Items-in-Niger Date Created 11/10/1967 Record Type Archival Item Container s-0882-0002: Correspondence Files of the Secretary-General: U Thant: with Heads of State, Governments, Permanent Representatives and Observers to the United Nations Print Name of Person Submit Image Signature of Person Submit ALD/ksn cc: Mission permanente M. Djermakoye Mr. Karasinihan / stavropoulos Mr. Rolz-Bennett ' M. Balima . Lemieux 2,%co3iteui' 4s .BUS r^ffees* "It' aaotx^ convsrsatioa ai*a^es ese^lsa quitiaaln© €e Jours e la reg?z€sea15aBts des Itats Meabres aup?ds des et siafesietlaireg €^s Watfms Uaies et aiix && reavG-yer le fi^bat msr eette question au la stance dii Bxireau Se lfMsefi2bXSe g«§s:Seai@ le 18 octotoe, pas It ee jpeRfoi, B£<sn QU© la question ait X« BiKpeaa mue ws& •£®m& nouw^ ''•fjsss*sptB*ifiaa, t«e le semaSffle |®0^3siae. 21 qae la CkKaEJissioa jurloti^ae ^ui se?a saisi tie ce point, si 3.tfa&&s8&&e gfe&pai« xseti^sut l€ en aes«a?e 4r^i a^battre avant la -Sk Btaat Sosral lUsfe&Btt <ps vous aves sSBStfestS pour eette ces Indications le l^sideat, les assuraneee f feaat UNOFFICIAL mpS&VTION PROM FRENCH ALD/fcsn 20 October 1967 I have the honour to refer to our conversation of 11 October 1967 during which you expressed your desire to see a delay of 15 days before the inscription of the question "Keaffirmation of an important immunity of representatives of Member States to the principal and subsidiary organs of the United Batibns and. to conferences convened by the United Nations". In accordance with our conversation, when the delegation of Dahomey, at the meeting of the General Committee ©n 18 October, raised the question of postponing the inscription, of the item, my representative in the Coimnit-fcee stated on my behalf that I would not oppose such a postponement. Although the Committee finally recommended the inscription of the item under a new form} the General Assembly will not pronounce itself on the inscription of the item until next week. It seems, moreover, that the Iiegal Committee, to vhi'cli this item will be allocated if the Assembly agrees to the proposals of the General Committee, will not be in a position to debate !t% fbr soaae time. Mindful of the interest which you have shown in this question, I thought that these indications would be useful to you. Accept, Sirr ihe assurances of my highest consideration. 0 Thaat Hie Sxeelleney W. flatnani Biori fetesideat of Note for the Record Meeting^ held by_ His^ Excellency Mr0, Hamani Pipri. Presidentof Miffer, with the Secretary-General on 11 October 1967 Present at,the meeting were; His Excellency Mr. Hamani Diori President of Niger Secretary-General His Excellency MrD" Adamou Mayaki Ambassador of Niger to the United States Jos£ Rolz-Bennett Mr0 Oumarou Youssoufou Interpreter • President Diori stated that9 among the many problems facing the world organization, he would like to raise with the Secretary-General the following: In the yTirst place, he wished to refer to the dispute between the Ivory Coast a\d Guinea. As he had occasion to tell the Secretary-General during their conversation a few days ago,, the presence of the Secretary- General at the recent OAU meeting in Kinshasa had contributed very signifi- cantly to the efforts that many African Chiefs of State were making in order to bring about greater harmony and friendly relations between the African Stateso To conserve and even to strengthen the atmosphere created in Kinshasa, he was very keenly interested in avoiding an acrimonious debate between the Ivory Coast and Guinea at the United Nations and, to this end9 he would like to request a delay of 15 days in the inscription of the item proposed by the Secretary-General* During this delay, he would undertake to contact Presidents Houphbuet-Boigny, Tubman and Sekou Toure", for. the purpose of requesting them to write to the Secretary-General suggesting that the latter should either reserve the item for next year's regular session of the General Assembly or, if the Secretary~General did not find it possible to do so,, at least to enlarge the title of the item so as to avoid a bitter debate between the two African countries which could only hurt the cause of African unity„ /-**• IConsieur le President, DSa ma acaai&ation au posts de Secretaire General de 1* Organisation des Nations Unf^(§^pn desir a toujours de rendre tine visits offieielle S vdtre pays^ en reponse atac ainiable^ invitations qui m*ont €t€ adress^es. Neanmoins, et Votre Excellence le sait Tort bien, la coagoneture ae mTa j^.s pernds, jtzsqurlt present, de du si%e de l*Qrganisatioa povo? xme periode suffisaiaent l«ngue» Potsr cette raiscaa^ Je nfai pas pu r^pondre en fait 4 votre ajuaabls invitation, Mais, en temps opportun, j'espfere bien qoe je serai en raesure de rendre visite S, vot-re paj^s. En attendant, 3lenvoie mm. Chef de Cabinet, Monsieur •" - ,- • , Secretaire General adjoint attx affaires de Son Monsieur Mori' : President de la S^piiblique du Higer Mamey (Higer) -2 •* I'Asseaibl&s g<fn&rale, pbto* assurer Votre iaseellence, les votre Qouvertiemeat et le peuple Nig&left de mea personnels de r^ussite efe de proa^^p^ et de que je prends aw cle$tin ^e votre pays, en outre que la visit© de 'Monsieur Kas-asimhan peraiettra renforeer l*4tr©ite cooperation qui ©xiiste d^jd si menfc ©ntre vfitsre Qeuvejpneiaent et 1» Organisation des Nations Unies. Veuillez agrler, H^isievtr 1® Ft'^sident, le& assuranoes <i© IBS trSs haute 1!han,i cc: CVW Afr'cpn fie Mr. Djermpkoye SAB a* le J*ad I'tfOEuaew 31 accuser rieeiJtioa <J« votes l<attrs . 678/KW'MAE iu 50 aofe 1968. £©s sersfeiseats 3Taiaiti<§ et ^® settles voulu es^riffier £%tp^S&enitsat gem* mol efc poiH- saoa Moasleus* C. Y« IfarasisSiatij tsas source ife, et 4© stsis tris hearems gae le de jsoii ^3WQ(y4 a Hia-msy 'ait ea peuar1 yf s«lta'fe aa ties lisas, touj'ours e^e«llents.» gut existent Atis&it&fc «pe les cl3^oHStsi,nees iae le ^e eo^p^s vsgrns rettiy© visits & Kiatsesr, aiasi que le disais. «3ssss -as»a aesaag& 4uv ler juillet 19^B« i^ers ^kassieur le Pr€el€-eat* ies haute U la '^eyiffo-iff/fff fri/t ^/kts/ x FRAT E R N ITE - TRAVAIL - PR O G R E S NIAMEY, le 30 AOUTT1968 N& 678/PRN/MAE. Monsieur le Secretaire General, J'ai bien recu, des mains de votre envoye Monsieur C.Y. NARASIMHAN, Secretaire General Adjoint aux Affaires de I'Assemblee Generale, 1'aimable lettre que TOUS m'avez adressee, le 1er Juillet, par son entremise. Tres sensible aux sentiments que vous exprimez a 1'e^ard cbi gajjvernement et du peuple du Niger, je viens vous en remercier, ^^ esperantnue j'aurai 1'honneur de le faire un jour de vive voix dans notre capitals ou les citoyens du Niger seront heureux de temoigner, de- vant votre personne, de leur attachement a 1'Organisation des Nations Unies. G'est vous dire que 1*invitation qui vous a ete adressee au nom du peuple du Niger reste toujours valable des que vos lourdes responsabilites vous perraettront de nous bonorer de votre visite. La visite de votre Chef de Cabinet a de.ja ete tres appreciee a Niamey, ou elle attestait votre interet pour raon pays et pour son Gouvernement qui s'efforcent, en toute occasion, dars IP modeste Son Excellence U.THA1JT Secretaire General de 1'Organisation des Nations Unies » * / * • NEW-YORK. N.Y.G. (USA) - 2 - rresure de leurs moyens de cooperer aveo 1'Organisation des Nations Unies a 1'oeuvre de sauvegmrde de la paix a laquelle vous vous consacrez. Monsieur WARASIMHAN n'aura pas manque de vous le con- firmer apres les fructueux entretiens qu'a perrais son passage a NIMEY. Veuillez agreer, Monsieur le Secretaire General, 1'assu- rance de me tres haute consideration. P. Le PresideryfcJcteNO.a Republique et par Del6ga/trion\de Pouvoirs Le Min/stre des\Finances I® £*. JuUlet Iferu&laur ie Chef de Cabins?,, IS, HarsajUahsn, a par lUBtma&Uaire &s va»trs tte &as Hatitsna Uhios, •!© la r&cente Intsrvestion tr;£c&l3 qui ^^i fbre$ a reraettra la visit® officielle g <3«yvai«n effactiser dena vati^a jaagrs OK rdlprtnsa & votra aJjaaUL® invitation. Las j.T&l®etos rsrrslilfgent mi <?ffot* en ralson tie en. tierus cl\* _ n<Scsf a r.v>u d'Wi.c-tlo P-KU- v>-,is exT.rfir.s3i* rwo-vrirKsrl e rarTO-tto da ii'a"VT>l5* j.-xj t-*s i-en^rs au i-il^er. ?5s d Mutant plus vifs «|«a Je IKS rtSjottlsaais da , J'al &val«wt attslat aa avaacsS, £« felt d 'avoir dS raassaicsr taMtvsssant & «s ga*tt sera jowEbie Se tratr/er uaa pom* la r£&l!«@tia8 4e e ia |>2j^ graa^ .tops^-tasoe & edtto vislfee* »ur la plan £^$Ma@t> 3s r» <, . -.-rf*' : - 2 ~ da eatre desi l^.J^sliient, lea assaraneaa da 27 February 1-//0 d. <o SECRETARY GENERAL UNITED NATIONS HEW YORK a / 3 HAVE THE HONOUR TO DRAW YOUR ATTENTION TO THE VERY GRAVE CONSEQUENCES OF THE DECISION TAKEN BY THE UNDP AUTHORITIES TO WITHDRAW XHXSMMMZ WITHOUT ANY DELAY I REPEAT WITHOUT ANY DELAY RES REP YAMIN IN ORDER TO APPOINT HIM CHARGE DE MISSION FOR A SHORT TERM -BEFORE HOME LEAVE AND FURTHER 'ASSIGNMENT.
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