LOCAL Firefighter of the Quarter award begins in Sumter TUESDAY, AUGUST 7, 2018 | Serving South Carolina since October 15, 1894 75 cents A2 ‘We tried so hard to get Committee them all out of there.’ says Shaffer should get his job back After grievance hearing, group recommends fired Manning police chief’s reinstatement BY SHARRON HALEY meeting, Shaffer was sur- Special to The Sumter Item rounded by his family and friends, many of whom have MANNING — Manning’s been present throughout the Grievance Committee sided various public meetings lead- with Blair Shaffer on Monday ing up to Monday’s decision. afternoon by recommending “I’m extremely happy with his job as the city’s police their decision,” Shaffer said chief be reinstated, going immediately following the against the mayor and two committee’s ruling. “The city council members who members of the committee make up the Pub- are city employees. They’re lic Safety Com- my peers. They recognized mittee that voted that what was done to me was last month to fire wrong. Now, I would just hope him. that the members of council “Due to the lack will see that, too.” of notice of defi- Montgomery said the com- SHAFFER ciencies to Mr. mittee considered the Aug. 2 Shaffer prior to oral presentations from Shaf- termination, it is the recom- fer and Manning City Admin- mendation of this committee istrator Scott Tanner and the that Mr. Shaffer be reinstated 113 pages of related docu- to his position retroactively, ments in rendering its deci- which reinstatement should sion. include all compensation and As the Grievance Commit- benefits as provided prior to tee serves as a recommending the termination, subject to a body, the decision on whether two-week suspension without Shaffer gets his old job back pay,” Committee Chairman remains in the hands of Man- Jason Montgomery said in the ning City Council. A special recommendation, which was called meeting is planned for 6 unanimous. p.m. today at Manning City The committee’s recommen- Hall. Items on the agenda, dation was met with clapping which was distributed to and a few cheers from those in attendance. Following the SEE SHAFFER, PAGE A6 PHOTOS BY MICAH GREEN / THE SUMTER ITEM Stephanie Dahl, who lives next door to the home where a family of five was injured in a house fire on July 28, said other neighbors have started putting stuffed animals outside the home after her son placed teddy bears there. Lorenzo Gutierrez, 36, died on Sunday from injuries sustained in the fire. McQuilla will not run for Fire that injured family of 5 claims father re-election to school board BY KAYLA ROBINS [email protected] Says she is ready for new chapter, family time A father who was pulled with his three BY BRUCE MILLS children and wife from their burning home [email protected] THE RACE TOWARD in Sumter last month has succumbed to his NOVEMBER injuries sustained in the blaze. Sumter School District Lorenzo Gutierrez, 36, died Sunday at Jo- Board of Trustees member Filing closes for the non-partisan seph M. Still Burn Center in Augusta, Geor- Lucille McQuilla announced Sumter School Board and Sumter gia, nearly a week and a half after Sumter she will not be seeking re-elec- City Council seats next week on Aug. 15. firefighters rescued him, a 3-year-old boy, a tion to the Area 3 7-year-old girl, a 9-year-old boy and the seat on the board. Filing is held at the Sumter 32-year-old mother from a 1,600-square-foot Reading from a County Voter Registration Office, duplex in the 300 block of Bowman Drive Neighbors who tried to get a family of five out prepared state- 141 N. Main St., in the former county courthouse building. near Crosswell Drive Elementary School during a house fire have been keeping an eye ment on Friday, just before midnight. out on the home because people have report- McQuilla said she Sumter County Coroner Robbie Baker edly been stealing items after a blaze injured enjoyed serving said in a news release that an autopsy was the entire family, killing the father, on July 28. McQUILLA the children of year by black pastors who are scheduled for Monday in Newberry. Sumter County as members of the Concerned Stephanie Dahl lives next door and said a a public educator for more Clergy of Sumter County after friend woke her up when she heard screams than 30 years and now for four the revelation of the district’s and saw flames coming from the home. years as a board member but financial crisis. “All I could hear was the baby screaming that she will not be filing for In December 2016, the fiscal and crying from behind the door. There the non-partisan seat in the 2016 audit report showed the were flames coming out the front window,” November general election. district overspent by $6.2 mil- Dahl said. In her actions as a board lion that year and had an end- She said she and her friends used metal member, McQuilla said she ing general fund balance on poles from her son’s unassembled trampo- made each decision in the best June 30, 2016, of $106,449 — a line to break windows. They were able to interest of children and critically low level, according get an adult male out uninjured. Dahl said showed no special allegiance to the district’s auditor at the he is a cousin to the victim’s family. to former district Superinten- time. Dahl said her son had been playing with The three children and Gutierrez were dent Frank Baker, who was After the financial difficul- the children just a couple hours earlier. flown to burn centers, at least one of them previously her boss when she ties, some pastors said board There is a language barrier, she said, but being critically injured, according to Bat- was an employee in the for- members were trying to save her son always calls the oldest sibling “my talion Chief Joey Duggan at the time. mer Sumter School District 2. Baker’s job. buddy.” Three were taken to Augusta, and one was That accusation of favorit- “Contrary to what was said “We tried so hard to get them all out of ism by board members to there,” Dahl said. SEE FIRE, PAGE A6 Baker was made early last SEE McQUILLA, PAGE A6 VISIT US ONLINE AT DEATHS, B4 WEATHER, A8 INSIDE Maria De Jesus Winfield Kendra Conner HIGH HUMIDITY 2 SECTIONS, 16 PAGES the .com VOL. 123, NO. 207 Paul Britton Justice Jr. Anthony L. Smith Sr. Partly sunny and humid Steven Mills Dorothy James Taylor today; partly cloudy and Classifieds B6 Sports B1 Alicia Wright Alice Woods humid tonight Comics A8 Television B5 William Walter Wheeler Jr. Thomas Moore Opinion A9 Gene Harold Weatherly HIGH 92, LOW 74 A2 | TUESDAY, AUGUST 7, 2018 THE SUMTER ITEM Call: (803) 774-1226 | E-mail: [email protected] THIS MONTH IN S.C. HISTORY Sumter Fire Department starts Author DuBose employee of the quarter award Heyward is born BY KAYLA ROBINS BY THE S.C. HISTORICAL SOCIETY [email protected] On Aug. 31, 1885, DuBose Heyward was born in Charleston to Edwin Wat- The Sumter Fire Department kins Heyward and Jane Screven Du- started a new program to honor Bose. Jane was from St. John’s Berke- its employees. ley, and Edwin claimed Thomas Hey- Master Firefighter Jason Capell ward, signer of the Declaration of Inde- was nominated for and won the pendence, among his ancestors. Their Sumter Fire Department Fire- only child was Edwin DuBose, and Jane fighter of the Quarter award Mon- decided to call him by his middle name day at a ceremony where he re- as a reminder of his Huguenot lineage. ceived a plaque. The Heywards struggled financially, "Jason is a dynamic individual and their son with a wonderful moral compass, was a sickly positive attitude and tireless work child. When ethic. Moreover, his personality DuBose was 3, has been instrumental in making Edwin died. the team members around him Jane took in grow and possess positive infec- sewing and tious attitudes," Steven Dara ran a board- wrote in a nomination letter. ing house to "Jason is well-known throughout support her- the fire department for his com- self and her passion, energy and smile. He is PHOTO PROVIDED son. Jane also always courteous and helpful to Master Firefighter Jason Capell was honored as Firefighter of the Quarter on Mon- began to write others. He is highly respected by day. and perform FROM THE COLLECTIONS OF his peers and appreciated by his the Gullah sto- THE S.C. HISTORICAL SOCIETY officers because of the way he Other reasons he was chosen for solve and strive for excellence. ries that she Dorothy, DuBose Heyward treats others." this inaugural honor included Battalion Chief Joey Duggan learned as a Capell joined the fire depart- being on time with tasks, his said the award program was start- child. ment as a full-time employee on "high ethical standards," his abili- ed with a goal to highlight the As a young Aug. 17, 2016, and was promoted to ty to mentor others and be a role good work of those who work in man, Heyward joined a Charleston in- master firefighter on March 14. model and his effort to problem the department. surance company, and a steady income enabled him to pursue his passion, which at that time was poetry. He and John Bennett joined Hervey Allen to Get ready for school form the Poetry Society of South Caroli- Sumter City Council LOCAL BRIEFS na, which according to Heyward’s biog- FROM STAFF REPORTS at Crosswell Park rapher James Hutchinson “initiated the great southern literary renaissance of to consider leases, Alabama man, 23, Sumter Police Department the early twentieth century.” Three will host its annual Back to years later, Heyward married play- dies in Lee wreck School Bash from 9 a.m.
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