THE MISSING LINN Newsletter of The Littkup All advertisements, services and events appearing in The Missing Link are listed for your information and not intended as endorsements. UPDATE State at the Apostolic Nunciature. The response, reprinted at left, clearly lacks encouragement for· further communications with Rome. My Friends: In addition, Tom Economus, our National My letter to Rome requesting that Pope Coordinator, drove to Denver to hand deliver Linkup members' letters to the Pope. The Papal John Paul II meet with representatives of The officials Tom found in Denver refused to accept the Linkup during his August visit to the United States letters, citing "security risks." We have now for­ did not go unanswered. Apparently, it was faxed to the Washington, D.C. office of the Secretariat of warded your letters directly to Rome by DHL Messenger Express along with a copy of this newsletter. It is no wonder Rome wants nothing to do with victims of clergy abuse. After all, the Vatican knows who to blame for Catholic priests sexually molesting children, or having affairs with women they once counseled: it's us, America. SECI=IE"rARIAT OF STATE In a press conference just days after the July 19. 1~9;' Pontiff wrote his June 21, letter to the National N. 330.384 Conference of Catholic Bishops in New Orleans, the Pope's chief spokesman, Joaquin Navarro Valls, said that clergy sex abuse is "an American problem." His statement concluded that American society is at fault. He pontificated, "One must ask if the real I .m wrlt1ng to .. cknowl~ge the 1 ettcT WhiCh !'OC sent on June 10. 1993 to F.tber Robert.o Tueel., S.J • .x culprit is not a society that is irresponsibly permis­ wiueh w... dull' fOf1llarded to tiu... OffIce. sive, hyper-inflated with sexuality [which is] capable Whih I would !I ..ure !OU th.At the contents of !~ letter have been cuefully notre. 1 regret thAt 1t u f'C!. of creating circumstances that induce even people poau.ble to campI)' .,'nh your l"'e'<JUut for .. meetlng .!~ the Holr hther during hu \'15lt to the United Statea.. who have received a solid moral formation to commit grave moral acts." This "blame-game" did not work out well Sincerelr yours. for U.S. Bishops. The strategy of deflecting blame is what has forced hundreds of victims to file lawsuits in order to obtain remedies for their injuries. The "hyer-intlation" at this point is the indignation and anger of victims for such a display of arrogance. Furthermore, this indictment of 'American society' is erroneous. This is NOT an "American have prevailed for years. It was only when the problem". It is a worldwide problem. media did begin to probe priestly crimes that On November 18, 1992, Dutch television individual bishops began to admit the problem. aired a documentary on the problem of selllal Much good has come from public disclo­ abuse by priests in the United States. Two hundred sure. Legislatures have responded to the cries of and fifty viewers in the Netherlands called the victims heard through the media Changes have sration, claiming they, too, had been sexually abused been made in many states in Statutes of Limitations, by priests. Mandatory Reporting Laws and "pastoral privilege" In an article featuring St Luke's Institute provisions in the law, opening the way for victims and its Chief Director, Fr. Canice Connor, The who need to pursue remedies for their injuries and, Washington Post (1/3/93) reports Connor's repre­ hopefully, reducing the likelihood of future abuses. sentation that the patients at St. Lukes are for the The long-range effect of these changes is that most part Roman Catholic priests from every region ordained perpetrators are no longer impervious to of the United States and as far away as South the law, and may no longer be protected by clerical Africa and Australia "They are at St Luke because collegiality. it is one of the few places that specialized in Another beneficial resul t of media exposure treating clergy who are 'sexually attracted to has been the liberation of victims. Once isolated in children." (A statistical report issued to the public grief, victims have found each other. Victims have in April of 1992 from St. Lu~e Institute reports 26 found from each other the courage to seek ac­ pedophiles and 111 ephebophiles had been treated countability from those who damaged them and, at St. Luke, and "boasts"that of the pedophiles 19 thereby, promoted their own healing. are inactive in ministry and 7 active; of the Finally, media exposure has forced the ephebophiles, 58 are inactive in ministry while 53 institutional church to answer for itself. Bishops are active.) and their committees have generated reams of Canada has had' a score of situations, documents on the subject matter of clergy sexual parricularly in orphanages and boarding schools. abuse. However, we have yet to see what church Also, you may read in The Missing Link on pages 18 officials are willing to do. and 19 of the suits now surfacing in several other Aside from v.TIting policies and procedures, countries. forming committees to make recommendations to Other countries are about ten )~rs behind another committee, which will make recommenda­ the U.S. and Canada in disclosing clergy sexual tions to write more policies and procedures, it is abuse, but victims are now rapidly coming out of time for the bishops to offer the church a PLAN the woodwork. The "American problem," as Rome OFACITON. sees it, has more to do with the media releases than The church is on fire and the Bishops are the reality of clergy sexual abuse. The papal letter saying "it'sjust a little warm in here," and they keep deflected blame from the aberrant priests to the filling up the place with more paper!! When not American media for "treating moral evil as an backed up by action, the words bishops have occasion for sensationalism .... " generated and recorded as "official documents"just What the Pope and some bishops yet fail to keep feeding the fire. These cases aren't isolated grasp is the concept that, given the Catholic church little brush fires here and there -- together they are holds fast to mandatory celibacy, the idea that an all-out systemic BONFIRE! priests sexually involved with anybody under any As reponed in our previous Missing Link circumstance is, in itself, sensational. Furthermore, issue, Archbishop William H. Keeler of Baltimore, it is not the media reporting clergy sexual abuse, NCCB president, named Bishop John F. Kinney of nor the victims publicly demanding accountability in Bismarck, N.D., to head the new Ad Hoc Commit­ courtrooms, who create scandal, but it is aberrant tee on Sexual Abuse. He gave the Ad Hoc priests and the hierarchy who have protected them Committee a wide mandate to recommend NCCB that are the source of scandal. If the hierarchy of actions and policies to curb sex abuse in the church, the church is proposing that there not be any and, eventually, to draw on the church's experience disclosure of such heinous crimes, then they are to help American society as a whole confront the prolonging the policies of denial and coverup that issue. 2 In an impassioned speech at the NCCB CHICAGO CASH CRUNCH meeting in New Orleans, June 17, Bishop Kinney said the bishops may have to do a lot of "uncom­ Cardinal Joseph Bernardin, Archbishop of fortable Iistenim:._ if we are to 'lance the boil' for Chicago, reported September 24 that the Archdio­ [the] health and credibility of the church in our cese of Chicago will be "broke" in four years if country." drastic measures are not taken to stop the financial Kinney launched the listening process with hemorrhaging. A fiscal 1989 deficit of $28.9 million a July 19, meeting in Washington with representa­ forced Bernardin to close 52 parishes and school tives of The Linl"Up and SNAP. In that meeting, before 1990. The immediate result was that the Bishop Kinney asked us to help him "hear with his remaining parishes (churches and schools) posted a heart" the pain of victims. The Linkup does not $6 million surplus in 1991; but slumped again in believe there is anything we can say any longer to 1992 when they posted a $12.8 million deficit. convert the bishops' hearts. Nor, do we believe that Estimates for fiscal 1993 predict a deficit of $14 the burden of their conversion rests on our million to $15 million, with projections of $15 shoulders. If bishops don't "get it" by now, they million to $16 million next year. However, land and never will. We are grateful that bishops have finally buildings owned by the Archdiocese of Chicago are acknowledged the problem -- that is phase one. But set to have a net worth of $1.15 billion. it is not enough to recognize all the victims created This "phenomenon"is admittedly due to by clergy sexual abuse. It is time for the action. It two causes: is time for bishops to invest themselves and their The church has faced high legal expenses in resources on more than salvaging offending priests. connection with charges of clergy sexual misconduct It is not enough to say that the church now involving minors. In 1992, the Chicago Archdiocese understands the scandals and to minimize it by spent $1.9 million, and for 1993, it is expected to blaming the media, society and "a few bad apples." spend $2.8 million. The Archdiocese reports these The church must effectively address why and how figures encompass expenses for the newly formed the abuses occurred.
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