■JQ:# ■): if.- |tr' iiJ'jf- n fivin 6 a. m. to 8 p. m. ■• ' i ' The Weather .vl >k MoaUy cloudy, cool XMtgbt. oMur 40. TtMaoRifw beoom- ,^5 - Inf wniiy, mM«r. llsli In dOo. CUy o f VUtmgo Chmnm PRICE TEN C iW T i y o L . - L x x x v m , n o . so (THnmr.8ix p a g e s —t w o s b c iio m s ) MANCHBSTBt, OONN., MONDAY NOVEMBER 4, 1918 •, ------:___ ■..’, „ ■ " CLaims Palestinians Behind Trotible Uudfliipfohnd \ • ■ .......... '■ Nndear Test WAaBOfOTON (AP)— A Most Polls Say Nixon ttoolaar test blast of low In- Hussein Says Jordan tarmsdiats jdAld was n t off underground today at tba i AtMnle Energy Oommlsston’s Nevada test rita. It had a force equivalent Quells Commando Unit to betaresn 80,000 and 800,000 tone of TNT, and was the In Very Close Finish AMMAN, Jordan (AP) A later communique from the aqges” '«ad said Us leader was itrd waapons-relatod test this \ —■The Jordanian govem- Interior ministry indicates the Tahsr year. trouUe was orer—at least fot* The “ Victory Phalanges” was NEW YORK (AP)—The . meat atanoanced it bad put one of three organUatlone whkdi vast majority of straw sur­ down an attempt today by the moment—but gave no word on caMaMlee. claimed to have been respohei- veys around the natimi a grou p ni PalMtinian com* Me tog Ihe giant Are at laraal’a The king's short speech did ■how. Richard M. Nixon mandoa to foment civil Lod Airport near Tel AVlv Oot. Officials Fear leiuling Hubert-H., Humph­ atrife in Sie kingdom. not reveal any details of the at. ki :a broadoMt IQng HuMeip fighting. - The communique said flghitlng rey. But they also show the toM bio peopto gnorriUa aoUoa He said the oonunando group began when a group of com­ H i^h T oU in vice iHesident gaining’ con­ agaloat im tal would continue adilch be aoous^ of being be­ mandos attacked a poMce patrol siderable momentum. 'purffietf from tbeae stealthy hind the trouble was concentrat­ car and held the occupants. Lawrenos F . O’BrtoB, Demo- traaeherous aiements.” ing eS Ms efforts against Ms When police reinforoemiente Italy Floods oratlo naUcnsl ohslrnaaa. said Ike h in fs emotional epeech government on the east bank of arrivwd. It aald, the guerrWas Sunday night “’n is tide VSe been turning In Bubart- WBWV over Amman Radio was the the Jordan River and not dispersed Into the crowded refu­ ROME (AP ) —Rescue teams fleet otflelal explanatldn of against Isimel. gee districts of Amman. phroy’s favor tor nwre -flMB a battled mud sad floods today to month, and too poOstoiw hava wtdespeead aboattaif and dem- Interior Ministry commu­ Later the gwmiflae opened search tor aurvtvors of waekead oBStrations that swept Anunan nique Idsnttfied the donunando fktoda and landaUdea that out a conflrmsd It tonlghtt” adding' “heavy tire’’ from Che arose “The OsUup poO. which pnto- this morning. group aa the “Victory Fhal- path of death and destniotion where they bad Iwled up,' and ttcally wrote Humphrey cot of enhorted women and diUdren to along the southern edge of the BaUan iUps. toe rocs only a fsw months ago, come out and demonstrate for wUl show a final pre^aotton their cause, the communique More than 100 deed ware iprsad of only 48 to 40 psr coot counted and Mflclals fearod the added. betwesn Nbcoo and Hum pbny." With 65 Persons Aboard TMs caused the government final toll may go much higher, emecdiig; the l i t who died in n is Gallic poll of Got. 17-81 to clalnp dowrt en indefinite cur­ gave Nixon an 8 poUt lead. few “to retain security and sta- the floods In 9Vranoe and Ven­ ice two yesro ago today. That “The Harris poll," saM bfllty’’ to the country. O’Brlea, “also wfil have only a The goverriment aoouaed the was the worst flood In modern- Miami-bound Jet two-point dpnad, * nuutgta ton group of having extorted money Italian Matary. The prefecture at VerceUl. at professional poUstsn agro* from the people- to finance its make the election too Mose to activities and said “ the Mtiaens the apex of a tragic trlaiwle fonned by tore# overflowuig oaU." Hijacked to Cuba have been conHpiainIng of Ibis The previous Harris fIndiBg for the past asveral mentha.” rtvere northeast of Turing an­ nounced that 91 bodlea-had been was Nixon 40 and Humphrey tfl Hussein sold the group’s goal MIAMI, SU . (AF) A Na­ tiiat the ekyjacker wae a Mack found In Chat pravlnos, the per cent. tional Air lines ftt was hl- nationalist. waa to undermine Jorfkm’s Worat hit area in the dlaastwr O’Brien also aald: “TTm fllrid- Jaofcsd today by a m an de- 'The plane took oft at 10:08 etoadfaatness against Israd and sane. Unger poll tonlglit, mesxflms, a crlb sd as a “ U a o k nationalist a.m. HJBT and was 60 mfles to fonoant trouMe wMb other At least IS odiero were mlsa- gives Humphrey the edge over frsedom fightet,” and landed in southeast of New Orleans at the Arab countries. ing, and 10 other dead were ro- Nixon.’ ’ OUba with M paasengers and time of the first call. He did not go as tar aa to say portad in other sections of PreskleBt Johnson listens as Hubert Humphrey apeaka at Houston, Tbx., yesterday. A telephone poll of 48 states Sevan crew members aboard. Other members c f the crew, that they had been trying to ov­ npethem Italy. by the Norwood, Pa., msrkettng The plans, flight IM, reached all Mlamliiaaed, were Grayson erthrow hie regime. Hundreds of army and civil­ firm of Sbidllnger a Oo., Ino., aavmna’e Joee Marti Airport at Buokner Jr., copilot; Angus Diplomatic aoureee aald (he round—m of Oot. as-si—^Nlxon 11:11 a.m. E8T. Wbite, engineer, And stewar­ ian rescue workere struggled firing atarisd when the' army over muddy washsd*out ahead by 88.8 to 88.8 for Hum­ desses Sandra O'Brien, Linda. lUrteen mlnutea. after the - triad to a m st selected leaden roadbedi to reach the disaster phrey. plane took off from Or- Bellman, Regina Tlslkksr and of the Arab giitRlUa organiaa- area in VcreeUl province stUl The Washington Post, com­ leane for Miami, Oapt.^' Antone Barbara Btngle, tksia which have bean raiding being swept by heavy rains this menting Friday on toe role at The incident marked the Uth Hunter radioed the Houston con­ Isrori from basts In Jordan. morning. reporting public opinion, said, time thla year a commercial trol tower that he was being M- This seC off demonatraMons in “It kwked bke soms giant “ The poBs may weU have ro- airline bad been lorced to fly to jACk#d. Palestinian rofugro canqd at steamrollsr hsd ■nsshed written thie pokttcal history of Ciriia. And it was the third time Later, the Federal Avtatlan Aataraflya and Jidwl Hussein. ' through toe vaUey," said one pt- ths United Stotss to 1988. Thsy a National plane had been hi­ Administration said, bs mads a The army surxoundad the two . tot who flew over the MCsso vaK have certainly wielded ap toflu- second call to the Jacksonville jacked to the Caribbean Island snoe this year far groatar tliaa (Sae Page Tweedy) ley in toe tootMlM of the Alps, FAA coptiM center to report thla year. wfasre'M pereens win* amoto- at any tons In thair S8-yoar tato- eiOd In' Qto rubbls of tfasir tory.” houfwa. The sectlcn la a wool- Woe axMmflm,,aaxty to August oontribuUons to Bum- It was toe worst hiait of phrsy’s campaign dropped con- wsatoar Co hit Italy. aUwe tbs ridantMy aftnr a G o ^ nport floods two yearo ago this monih, showed hkn. 16 peraentago Doaeas of (aotories, Mnn prints behind Nixoni buDdbigs, houses and ca n ware ' As tbs ipoU flndtogs improved lost In toe laixMldes whkto rato-. for the vloe president, so <hd ths storm sent rumbUng down north flew of money. of Turin. The fifth and final report of Venice had Us fourth blgberi the New Toiic Dally News de­ water In 40 yoara The lagooQ pleted HumiCtrey ahead to New waters surged over toe baiflm Of Yoilc state by 8.8 points. I t was toe and sent iitoabitante Humphrey 46.8, Nixon 48J1, Wal­ into their boots and boats. 7 lace 6.8, and 8.9 undecided. The seas pounded both Italian Nixon had been ahead to toe coasts, doliM damage aH alcag fkrst two straw ballots, around Che eborea and teeutng boats 6,000 straws eadi tons. Rum- from ^toeir moorings, even in­ phny to the last thrss. side the port of Genoa. The Harris poU of O ot 87-8S Oommunications in northern gives Nixon a 8 point lead, but Italy l^ero ritaotlc. PoUee ad- (AP FbotoluO with indloatlons Humphrey is (Bee Page TWenty) Richard Nixon with Lawrence Spivak on NBC television’s ‘Meet the Press.’ (lee a) Presidential Contenders Wrap Up Campaigns Wallace in Dixie Humphrey in Los Angeles Nixon in Los Angeles ATLANTA (AP) — George C. LOS ANQELB3S (AP) — Hu­ began last April for the S7-year- LGS ANGELES (AP) — Rich­ Herbert Klein, toe nominee’s Wallace ends his presldtntlal bert R. Humphrey ends his old Diemocrat. ard M. Nixon makes a final tele- manager of rommunlcatlans,. oimipalgn today where it began, drive for the WMite House h ^ y . Then he will fly across hcUf a vieed appeal tonight tar votes in forecast Sunday night that Nix­ deep in Dixie, confident the na- toe way he began It six months sleeping nation to his home In an election toat toe pollsters de­ on would get a minimum of 380 ion wlU feel toe impact of his and seven days ago—bursting Waverly, Minn., to oast his bal­ clare Is very close while Nixon electoral votes, compared with candidacy whether he- wins or with "the poUtlcs of happiness lot in an old frame country town aides predict a comfortable 270 needed to win.
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