SCC Core Compentencies A. Scientific Complexities – Upon completion of Solano Community College’s General Education Students demonstrate an under - program, a student will demonstrate competency in the following areas: standing of: • The scientific method and its I. Communication • Discover rules and apply them application in experiments Students will communicate in the problem solving process • How experiments work effectively, which means the • Draw logical conclusions based • The major differences between ability to: on close observation and analysis social, natural and physical A. Read – Students will be able to of information sciences comprehend and interpret various • Differentiate among facts, influ - B. Social Diversity and Civics – types of written information: (1) ences, opinions, assumptions, Students demonstrate expository prose and imaginative and conclusions ability to: literature (including essays, short B. Computation – demonstrated by • Communicate with people from fiction and novels), (2) documenta - the ability to: a variety of backgrounds tion such as manuals, reports, and • Use basic numerical concepts • Understand different cultural graphs. • Use tables, graphs, charts, and B. Write – Students demonstrate the beliefs and behaviors diagrams to explain concepts • Recognize important social and ability to: • Use basic geometrical shapes • Communicate thoughts, ideas, political issues in their own C. Research – demonstrated by the community information, and messages in ability to: C. Artistic Variety – Students have writing • State a research question, been exposed to: • Compose and create documents problem, or issue • The visual and performing arts such as manuals and graphs as • Use discipline appropriate of one or more cultures well as formal academic essays, information tools to locate and observing rules of grammar, retrieve relevant information • Analytical techniques for under - punctuation and spelling, and efficiently standing the meaning in the arts, using the language, style, and • Analyze and evaluate informa - and/or format appropriate to academic tion for appropriateness, • Hands-on experience with and professional settings relevance, and accuracy creative endeavors • Check, edit, and revise written • Synthesize, evaluate, and work for correct information, IV. Personal Responsibility communicate information appropriate emphasis, form, & Professional Development using a variety of information style, and grammar A. Self-Management and Self- technologies C. Listen – Students will be able to Awarenes s –The student is able to: receive, attend to, interpret, and • Recognize the ethical and • Accurately assess his/her own respond appropriately to (1) verbal, legal issues surrounding knowledge, skills, and abilities and/or (2) nonverbal messages information and information • Motivate self and set realistic D. Speak and Converse – Students technologies short and long-term goals have the ability to: • Demonstrate understanding of • Accept that assessment is • Organize ideas and communicate academic integrity and honesty important to success D. Problem Solving –demonstrated verbal or non-verbal messages • Respond appropriately to by the ability to: appropriate to the audience and challenging situations • Recognize whether a problem the situation B. Social and Physical Wellness – exists • Participate in conversations, Students make an appropriate discussions, and group activities • Identify components of the problem or issue effort to: • Speak clearly and ask appropri - • Manage personal health and ate questions • Create a plan of action to respond to and/or resolve the well being II. Critical Thinking and Information issue appropriately • Demonstrate appropriate social Competency • Monitor, evaluate, and revise as skills in group settings Thinking critically is characterized necessary C. Workplace Skills – Students by the ability to perform: understand how to: A. Analysis – demonstrated by the III. Global Awareness • Be dependable, reliable, and ability to: Students will demonstrate a measura - accountable • Apply appropriate rules and ble understanding and appreciation of • Meet deadlines and complete principles to new situations the world including its: tasks Updates are made regularly. Please check MySolano for up to date course listings, course information, and prerequisites; www.solano.edu Classes and fees subject to change due to State budget. Solano Community College | SUMMER-FALL 2015 | www.solano.edu 106 360-C = 360 Campus Lane, FF A = Vacaville Annex • R in days = Thu. • U in days = Sun. Academic Integrity Upon completion of Solano Community College’s General Education program, a student will demonstrate competency in the following areas: HONOR CODE is maintained only when all academic Plagiarism can, in some cases, be a At Solano Community College, we work is the product of identified indi - subtle issue. Any questions about believe that Academic Integrity is viduals. Any act of Academic Dishon - what constitutes plagiarism should be fundamental in an institution dedicated esty interferes with Academic Integrity discussed with the faculty member or a to personal development through learn - and therefore the core values of this Solano Community College faculty ing, free inquiry, and the exchange of institution. All violations of Academic librarian. ideas. Honest work is an integral part Integrity on the part of any member of of the learning process: it builds self the academic community constitute a Cheating: esteem, knowledge, and skills. It is the serious offense. Cheating is the usage of unacknowl - responsibility of every Solano Commu - edged or unauthorized notes, materi - Examples of Academic Dishonesty nity College student to represent work als, information, calculators, include: truthfully and engage honestly in all electronic devices, or study aids in any academic exercise. Cheating also assignments. Plagiarism: includes: using information from Plagiarism consists of taking the exact We believe that any instance of another student or student’s paper; words or the specific substance, struc - academic dishonesty hurts the entire altering a graded work after it has ture or ideas of another and passing college community. Solano Community been returned then submitting the these words or ideas off as one’s own College defines academic dishonesty as: work for re-grading without instructor in any academic exercise. The follow - • Plagiarism or knowingly or unknow - permission; submitting another’s work ing examples are some of the many ingly using someone else’s ideas, under one’s own name. Students must forms plagiarism may take. words, or thoughts without giving not request others (including commer - 1. Submitting a term paper, examina - credit to the source cial term paper companies) to conduct tion or other work written by • Receiving or providing unauthorized research for them. Students may be someone else. This includes assistance on assignments and/or restricted from leaving the classroom extended paraphrasing of another’s exams during an exam period. • Using unauthorized materials during work or research. This is a flagrant an exam instance of plagiarism. Fabrication: • Fabrication of data or references 2. Failure to give appropriate credit Fabrication is the falsification of any • Denying others access to inform - for ideas, statements of facts, information or citation in an academic ation conclusions, or exact words derived exercise. Fabrication includes present - • Forgery, alteration, or misuse of by another either in the text or as a ing data not gathered in accordance documents, records, or identification footnote. with guidelines defining the appropri - 3. Failure to use quotation marks or Solano Community College will not ate methods for collecting or generat - appropriate indents when using the tolerate Academic Dishonesty. ing data or failing to include an exact words of another, whether it You are responsible for this information accurate account of the method by be a paragraph, a sentence or even a as well as the information available in which the data were generated or portion thereof. the Student Handbook, the Schedule of collected. “Invented” information may 4. Usage of any electronic media Classes and the Solano Community not be used in any laboratory experi - without providing proper citations, College Catalog, which is available ment or other academic exercise including the Internet, email, online at www.solano.edu. without authorization from the copied postings, or any other instructor. The student must also At the heart of any institution of higher source of information available acknowledge reliance upon the actual learning is the fundamental right of electronically. source from which cited information S Academic Freedom for which Honesty 5. The citing of a source which does was obtained. A writer should not, for S E M C I and Integrity are preconditions. not reasonably conform to these example, reproduce a quotation from A V R R G E Academic Integrity is therefore funda - expectations, such as another a book review and indicate that the O S R & mental to the Solano Community plagiarized or otherwise undocu - quotation was obtained from the book P College community. Academic Integrity mented paper or other resource. itself. Updates are made regularly. Please check MySolano for up to date course listings, course information, and prerequisites; www.solano.edu Classes and fees subject to change due to State budget. Solano Community College | SUMMER-FALL 2015 |
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