Planning and Strategy Committee of the Whole 8 May 2019 UNDER SEPARATE COVER ATTACHMENTS QUEANBEYAN-PALERANG REGIONAL COUNCIL PLANNING AND STRATEGY COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE ATTACHMENTS – 8 May 2019 Page i Item 5.1 Development Application - DA.2018.192 - Recreation Facility (Outdoor) Rifle Range - 2155 Collector Road, Currawang Attachment 1 DA.2018.192 - 2155 Collector Road, Currawang - 4.15 Assessment Report ................................................................... 1 Attachment 2 DA.2018.192 - 2155 Collector Road, Currawang - Plans ........ 14 Attachment 4 DA.2018.192 - 2155 Collector Road, Currawang - Draft Conditions ............................................................................... 18 Item 5.3 Planning Proposal - Exempt and Complying Development in the Landuse Zones E4 Environmental Living, RU5 Village and RU1 Primary Production Attachment 1 Report and Planning Proposal - 10 March 2015 ...................... 37 Attachment 2 Gateway Determination - 4 May 2015 ..................................... 57 Attachment 3 Letter to Department of Planning and Environment - 9 September 2015 ..................................................................... 61 Attachment 4 Gateway Determination - Extension - 7 March 2016 ............... 68 Attachment 5 Gateway Determination - Extension - 1 May 2017 .................. 71 Item 5.4 Draft Voluntary Planning Agreement - 18 Mecca Lane, Bungendore Attachment 1 Excerpt from Council Report - Voluntary Planning Agreement - 18 Mecca Lane - 26 March 2016 .......................................... 76 Attachment 2 Draft Voluntary Planning Agreement - 18 Mecca Lane, Bungendore - 12 April 2019 .................................................... 80 Item 6.1 ALGA Election Advocacy Attachment 1 ALGA - Resolution to Support Campaign .............................. 101 Attachment 2 ALGA 12 Key Federal Election Initiatives .............................. 103 i PLANNING AND STRATEGY COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE 8 MAY 2019 QUEANBEYAN-PALERANG REGIONAL COUNCIL Planning and Strategy Committee of the Whole Meeting Attachment 8 MAY 2019 ITEM 5.1 DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION - DA.2018.192 - RECREATION FACILITY (OUTDOOR) RIFLE RANGE - 2155 COLLECTOR ROAD, CURRAWANG ATTACHMENT 1 DA.2018.192 - 2155 COLLECTOR ROAD, CURRAWANG - 4.15 ASSESSMENT REPORT Page 1 of the Planning and Strategy Committee of the Whole of the QUEANBEYAN-PALERANG REGIONAL COUNCIL held 8 May 2019. Cr Tim Overall – Mayor, Chairperson 5.1 Development Application - DA.2018.192 - Recreation Facility (Outdoor) Rifle Range - 2155 Collector Road, Currawang Attachment 1 - DA.2018.192 - 2155 Collector Road, Currawang - 4.15 Assessment Report (Continued) 4.15 Assessment – DA.2018.192 In determining a development application, the consent authority is to take into consideration the following matters of consideration contained within section 4.15 of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act, 1979 as relevant to the development application: 4.15(1)(a) the provisions of: (i) any environmental planning instrument PALERANG LOCAL ENVIRONMENTAL PLAN (PLEP) 2014 An assessment of the proposal against the general aims of PLEP 2014 is included below: Cl. 1.2(2) Aims Complies (a) to protect and improve the economic, environmental, social and cultural Yes resources and prospects of the Palerang community, (b) to encourage development that supports the long-term economic Yes sustainability of the local community, by ensuring that development does not unreasonably increase the demand for public services or public facilities, (c) to retain, protect and encourage sustainable primary industry and Yes commerce, (d) to ensure the orderly, innovative and appropriate use of resources in Yes Palerang through the effective application of the principles of ecologically sustainable development, (e) to retain and protect wetlands, watercourses and water quality and Yes enhance biodiversity and habitat corridors by encouraging the linking of fragmented core habitat areas within Palerang, (f) to identify, protect and provide areas used for community health and Yes recreational activities, (g) to ensure that innovative environmental design is encouraged in N/A residential development. Comments: The proposed development as conditioned is considered to be of scale and scope that is considered to be consistent with above aims of the PLEP 2014. Permissibility The subject site is Zoned RU1 Primary Production zone under Palerang Local Environmental Plan 2014. Page 2 of the Planning and Strategy Committee of the Whole of the QUEANBEYAN-PALERANG REGIONAL COUNCIL held 8 May 2019. Cr Tim Overall – Mayor, Chairperson 5.1 Development Application - DA.2018.192 - Recreation Facility (Outdoor) Rifle Range - 2155 Collector Road, Currawang Attachment 1 - DA.2018.192 - 2155 Collector Road, Currawang - 4.15 Assessment Report (Continued) Development for the purposes of Recreation Facilities (outdoor) such as is proposed are permissible within the zone with consent and is defined under PLEP 2014 as follows: recreation facility (outdoor) means a building or place (other than a recreation area) used predominantly for outdoor recreation, whether or not operated for the purposes of gain, including a golf course, golf driving range, mini-golf centre, tennis court, paint-ball centre, lawn bowling green, outdoor swimming pool, equestrian centre, skate board ramp, go-kart track, rifle range, water-ski centre or any other building or place of a like character used for outdoor recreation (including any ancillary buildings), but does not include an entertainment facility or a recreation facility (major). Zone Objectives An assessment of the proposal against the objectives of the RU1 Primary Production zone is included below: Objectives Complies To encourage sustainable primary industry production by Yes maintaining and enhancing the natural resource base. To encourage diversity in primary industry enterprises and systems Yes appropriate for the area. To minimise the fragmentation and alienation of resource lands. Yes To minimise conflict between land uses within this zone and land Yes uses within adjoining zones. To minimise the impact of any development on the natural Yes environment. To ensure that development does not unreasonably increase the Yes demand for public services or facilities. Comments: The proposed development is considered to be sited and designed in recognition of the environmental constraints present upon the site. With the imposition of a condition restricting the range footprint to within the project area upon Lot 149 DP750013 identified within Figure 1.2 of the Terrestrial Flora and Fauna Assessment Report prepared by Umwelt (Australia) Pty Limited the proposed development is considered to be compatible with surrounding land uses. As such, the proposed development is considered to satisfy the objectives of the RU1 Primary Production zone. Part 4: Principal development standards An assessment of the proposal against the relevant provisions contained within Part 4 of the PLEP 2014 is provided below. Height of building Cl. Standard Controls Proposed Complies 4.3 Height of building 10m 8m Yes Part 6: Local Provisions The relevant provisions contained within Part 6 of the PLEP 2014 are addressed below as part of this assessment: Page 3 of the Planning and Strategy Committee of the Whole of the QUEANBEYAN-PALERANG REGIONAL COUNCIL held 8 May 2019. Cr Tim Overall – Mayor, Chairperson 5.1 Development Application - DA.2018.192 - Recreation Facility (Outdoor) Rifle Range - 2155 Collector Road, Currawang Attachment 1 - DA.2018.192 - 2155 Collector Road, Currawang - 4.15 Assessment Report (Continued) 6.1 Earthworks Clause 6.1 of the PLEP 2014 establishes a number of matters requiring consideration for development involving earthworks. With the implementation of appropriate sediment and erosion control measures the proposed earthworks are considered unlikely to result in any significant environmental impacts. As such, conditions of consent are recommended requiring the implementation of such measures throughout the proposed works. 6.3 Terrestrial biodiversity Clause 6.3 of the PLEP 2014 makes for provision for developments that impact on terrestrial biodiversity. While the subject site contains areas mapped as terrestrial biodiversity the proposed development involves no works in the mapped areas. 6.7 Highly erodible soils Clause 6.7 of the PLEP 2014 makes provisions for developments located in areas of highly erodible soils, as shown on the Landscape Map. The subject site contains areas mapped as highly erodible soils including a small area in the south-eastern corner of the site likely to be affected by required internal road upgrade works. Conditions of consent requiring the implementation of appropriate erosion and sediment control measures throughout the proposed works are recommended as to ensure the development does no result in erosional processes. 6.7A Slopes over 18 degrees Clause 6.7A of the PLEP 2014 makes provisions for developments located in areas that have slope over 18 degree, as shown on the Landscape Map. The subject site contains areas mapped as slopes over 18 degrees including an area within the south-eastern corner of the site. It was noted during a site inspection that this area was not in excess of 18 degrees and appears to be mapped in error. 6.11 Essential services Clause 6.11 of the PLEP 2014 requires satisfactory arrangements to be made for water supply, stormwater drainage, sewage, and the treatment and disposal of effluent. Along with the supply of electricity
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