OCCURRENCE OF METACERCARIAE OF DIPLOSTOMUM AND TYLODELPHYS SPECIES (DIPLOSTOMIDAE) IN CLARIAS SPECIES (CLARIIDAE) FROM LAKE VICTORIA MJ Musiba and G Nkwengulila Department of Zoology and Marine Biology P. O. Box 35064, Dar Es Salaam, Tanzania. E-mail: [email protected] ABSTRACT The localisation and abundance of the metacercariae of Diplostomum and Tylodelphys species among the clariids of Lake Victoria were investigated between April and December 2001. Four species viz. Clarias gariepinus (271), C. alluaudi (65), C. werneri (50) and C. liocephalus (47) were examined, but only C. gariepinus was infected in the brain case and along the nasal cavity. Prevalence of metacercariae was high (>70%). Prevalence and mean intensity were similar between male and female fish. Mean intensity increased with fish size and declined in larger fish for D. mashonense; but declined with the increase in fish size for Tylodelphys species. The metacercariae were over-dispersed and the variance to mean ratio curves behaved similarly to mean intensity. Possible factors leading to the observed infection patterns are discussed. INTRODUCTION Parallel with the development of fish Studies on Diplostomum species in Africa culture, the importance of fish diseases and are few and only one is known on parasites in the fishery industry has been Tylodelphys species (Mwita 2002). underlined. Parasites can affect fish health in Similarly, in Tanzania few studies are intensive culture systems causing known on Diplostomum species, and all considerable losses to the fishery industry refer to one fish species, C. gariepinus (Parperna 1980, Field and Irwin 1994). (Nkwengulila 1995, Mwita 2002, Musiba 2004). Nkwengulila (1995) also reported In the northern hemisphere, Diplostomum Diplostomum species from Oreochromis species have attracted attention because of species (Cichlidae). The aim of the present their pathogenicity on fingerlings on fish study was to establish if other Clarias farms (Field and Irwin 1994, Chappell species that co-exist with C. gariepinus are 1995). Hence their biology has been studied also infected with Diplostomum species. intensively (Stables and Chappell 1986, Thus, the occurrence, localisation, and Field and Irwin 1994, Chappell 1995). The abundance of Diplostomum species among metacercariae of Diplostomum species have four Clarias species (C. gariepinus, C. been recorded in over 150 fresh and brackish alluaudi, C. werneri, and C. liocephalus) in water fish (Sweeting 1974, Niewiadomska the Mwanza gulf were investigated. 1996). The genus Tylodelphys is closely related to Diplostomum. The adults of both MATERIALS AND METHODS species infect closely related birds as final Collection and handling of fish and hosts (Niewiadomska 1996). Similarly, the metacercariae metacercarial stages often co-exist in the Fish were caught using gill nets, traps and same fish (Burrough 1978, Mwita 2002, baited long lines and handlines. Dead fish Musiba 2004). The abundance of were transported, to the laboratory, in an ice- metacercariae of both genera varies among cooled box and live ones in buckets fish host species and with the size of the host containing lake water, at the Tanzania (Betterton 1974, Nkwengulila 1995). Fisheries Research Institute (TAFIRI), Musiba and Nkwengulila – Occurrence of metacercariae of diplostomum … Mwanza Centre. Fish were examined soon RESULTS on arrival, after the weight, standard length, Occurrence, prevalence and mean sex and maturity stage of each fish have intensity of metacercariae been recorded. Fish were then decapitated Of the four Clarias species examined, only and the cranium opened using a strong and C. gariepinus was infected. Three sharp scalpel. Metacercariae were flushed metacercariae, Diplostomum mashonense from their localisation by squirting tape and two species of Tylodelphys (designated water using a pipette. Metacercariae were 1 and 2) co-existed in front of the brain pipetted into a watch glass, washed, sorted along the nasal cavity and the fat tissue and counted. covering the olfactory nerve. About 97% of C. gariepinus examined were infected by at Data analysis least one of the three types of metacercariae. Data for prevalence and mean intensity with The prevalence of D. mashonense, respect to sex and size of fish were analyzed Tylodelphys 1 and 2 was generally high, by $2 and Kruskal-Wallis tests, respectively 97%, 74% and 94%, respectively. The (Zar 1996). intensity of infection among individual fish was extremely variable (Table 1). The mean intensity of both D. mashonense and Tylodelphys 2 were higher than that of Tylodelphys 1. Table 1; Occurrence of the metacercariae of Diplostomum mashonense and Tylodelphys species in 271 Clarias gariepinus Parasite No. Prevalence Mean std Range Abundance Proportion infected (%) intensity (%) Diplostomum 780. 262 96.7 619.5 1 - 5024 598.9 58.35 mashonense 5 Tylodelphys 260. 202 74.5 76.7 1 - 1800 57.2 5.58 sp. 1 5 Tylodelphys 255 94.1 393.5 593 1 - 3872 370.2 36.07 sp. 2 109 Overall 264 97.4 1053.5 1 - 5024 1026.3 100 9 other. Tylodelphys 1 always occurred in In general, Tylodelphys 1 occurred in lower lighter infections whereby more than 250 proportions than Tylodelphys 2 and D. metacercariae could hardly be found mashonense (Table 1). The interactions together with $1000 Tylodelphys 2 and / or between the pairs of these parasites are D. mashonense. However, in some shown on Fig. 1. Heavy infections of any instances, heavy infections by D. two species seldom occurred in the same mashonense and Tylodelphys 2 ($ 2500 fish, but light infections of one species could metacercariae) were found in the same fish. co-exist with light or heavy infections of the 90 Tanz. J. Sci. Vol 32(1) 2006 4000 spp. 3000 2000 1000 Number of 0 Tylodelphys 0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 Number of Diplostomum mashonense 2000 1 1500 1000 Number of 500 Tylodelphys 0 0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 Number of Diplostomum mashonense 4000 2 3000 2000 1000 Number of Tylodelphys 0 0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 Number of Diplostomum mashonense 2000 1 1500 1000 500 Number of Tylodelphys 0 0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000 Number of Tylodelphys 2 Figure 1: The relationship between the number of Diplostomum mashonense and Tylodelphys species 1 and 2 (pair wise comparisons) in the cranium of Clarias gariepinus (each dot represents one fish). 91 Musiba and Nkwengulila – Occurrence of metacercariae of diplostomum … Abundance of metacercariae in relation to different between female and male C. sex and size of C. gariepinus gariepinus (Table 2). The prevalence and mean intensity of all the three metacercariae were not significantly Table 2: Statistical test results for differences in the prevalence and intensity of Diplostomum and Tylodelphys metacercariae between male and female Clarias gariepinus Parameter Test D. mashonense Tylodelphys sp 1 Tylodelphys sp 2 Prevalence $2 1.77 3.09 1.85 p 0.1833 0.0786 0.1732 Significance NS NS NS Mean KW (H) 10.63 11.29 10.07 Intensity p 0.2235 0.1854 0.1732 Significance NS NS NS The prevalence of D. mashonense and 1 and Tylodelphys 2 decreased with fish size Tylodelphys 2 was similar in all size classes (Fig. 2), but again the variations were with a slight decline in the 45 – 50 cm class: statistically not significant: Tylodelphys 1 (H D. mashonense ($2= 1.959, p = 0.9921) and = 10.948, p = 0.2793) and Tylodelphys 2 (H Tylodelphys 2 ($2 = 1.860, p=0.9935) (Fig. = 6.634, p = 0.6751). 2). The prevalence of Tylodelphys 1 was slightly low but reached 100% in the Frequency distribution of the intensity of smallest and largest size classes, the metacercariae variations were not statistically significant Variance to mean ratio showed that both D. ($2 = 15.788, p = 0.0714) (Fig. 2). The mean mashonense and Tylodelphys species were intensity of D. mashonense rose steadily over dispersed (Fig. 3). The variance to with fish size but declined from fish of 20 - mean ratio curves for all three species were 25 cm size class; these variations too were similar to the mean intensity curves (Fig. 3 not statistically different (H = 7.038, p = c.f. Fig. 2). 0.6332). The mean intensity of Tylodelphys 92 Tanz. J. Sci. Vol 32(1) 2006 Diplostomum mashonense 100 1000 n=68 n=21 80 n=36 n=23 800 60 n=31 n=5 600 n=23 (%) 40 n=41 400 n=11 20 n=3 200 (± SEM) Prevalence 0 0 Mean intesity >50.0 Up to 10 10.1 - 15.115.0 - 20.120.0 - 25.125.0 - 30.130.0 - 35.135.0 - 41.140.0 - 45.045.1 -50.0 Size class (cm) Tylodelphys sp 1 100 250 80 200 n=42 60 n=17 n=5 150 40 n=18 n=30 n=19 100 20 50 0 n=3 n=23 n=35 n=11 0 (± SEM) Mean intensity Prevalence (%) < 10 >50.0 10.1 - 15.015.1 - 20.020.1 - 25.025.1 - 30.030.1 - 35.035.1 - 40.041.1 - 45.045.1 -50.0 Size class (cm) Tylodelphys sp 2 100 800 80 n=30n=35 600 60 n=23 n=22 400 (%) n=3 40 n=65 n=5 20 n=20 n=36 200 Mean intensity (± SEM) Prevalence 0 n=11 0 >50.0 Up to 10 10.1 15.1- 15.0 20.1- 20.0 25.1- 25.0 30.1- 30.0 35.1- 35.0 41.1- 40.0 -45.1 45.0 -50.0 Size class (cm) Prevalence Mean intensity Figure 2: Prevalence and mean intensity of the three metacercariae in relation to the length of Clarias gariepinus. 93 Musiba and Nkwengulila – Occurrence of metacercariae of diplostomum … Diplostomum mashonense 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 Frequency (%) 0 1-150 >1950 151-300301-450451-600601-750751-900 901-10501051-12001201-13501351-15001501-16501651-18001801-1950 Number of metacercariae Tylodelphys sp.
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