THE TACiriO . PAOino theA Ml A Qiflmracrnal lkdiscr (Commercial pbcrliscr IS PUBLISHED ruBLrmtu AT Kvory .Saturday Morning Honolulu, Jlawatlan I.lamd. QY J. HJJLACK. rifttoss rr Atlvortlwlng. Cll 1111,1 IOna.1 Subarripiion. r;.no n Vrnr. r (M.iiirxl ti) J.H tmr Mix Month.. -- N i.parei I t - lm ImHa. I ai I 13 . 'rriijB inbrrlplion, (.." to J n Vrnr. 1 a (S.'f M) . l ' 1 1 OO 1 1 00 IIM( I too 1M c-- i. I a (in M -I iVirixrTrirvv' ir.h'. to II Tri? suSxrrip'.icn pnc-- .j;.-'r- s f IX J3 E B B K li n to a:.y part rf i'. E s s ia I , - .. .( .., 4 w T rl ll U) - H M u fo M the Uui1..- I W p r I I.u It ja:i Jl unuiini, ir ri:ii 1 8 mM&miMsm&m .VI I I.! Oil III 1 ( lT SMI u ; irj.-l- J II U sinu, t,r. i '. fi I ij It !irl r;i:i All prit 44 il.t ). 4 19 0 4 (W lm VQ S .11 i tJn... ft r lr c Y any part vf r. ir jj xtul be ciur,... t!. ti-- i .irm.i-l- l at Li .r ll It i' I ( 0 ( r w ao oo a oo m lu u th wh 4 t S t-- on virfj ft .!umn.... cSlcf, ot th Tir.ti fr.ui r l oo no (. oil aa IM. V Tl.irl li If rj M Half Cvlumr... UU (M K4 Ml 4 IM Si jtrri-i i li II M hi U" 'u Pataslk Aniri Adthci. hole Coluata IKI W 'IK ty from all part i.l rhe I'aciflc wld l I M t II W M M IM always very afeptb!. IT AJvvrtlarr rrs.JiD( I lb staaiww l ait4 Pi.M. T7 Prm linr in any .rt t.f :h Ur.:td States, co l'y tat caru or I it4 Plata r-- .txj. ih amountri of dor r this in pjKtar tbtetaasp k r l, irilks pay 4 n f Jarr .art tkicrl as ibv l .xerl-a- stuspj. cards will I ic.rt4 as r I.IK. fr lb tiaa l4tirhsr. XT ttuaineaa Card, wbra ritrtt o n.s, ar vi. a i n am) fancy atU-we- i a diMv-ttD-l ttuaa tfan itut, wtura ar tur traaalvot aJ'vrtiaemvtM ta p.4 uetara4 aartoviy. DOOKAND JOB PRINTING- - f.r; copiv of tbe Artsan.s. Tra Ca( hr raf4 BILt-HCAD- Cents; by thdPcrD,OB Cr ". VISmXS. UVtlSZSi A.BV AIiURF's VOL. XXIII-N- O. 21 HONOLULU, HAWAIIAN ISLANDS, NOVEMBER 23, 1S7S. NO. 1173. F.r.ro liiar. CARD. f.r.ntel ia tte hihst style r.f the art. WHOLE UfrtiifctrRts. Tears. material. ?ns3T3nrr Car's. ?nsunnrf foriis. Ii it rairiins, little Flower? Hopper's II AMUCRG-- M AUDEBCRG I;e ulad .f rain ! GEO. W. PAGE, Shop on Fort Mt.. opposite Barrel Fattorj THE BRITISH AND FOREIGN VANITY FAIR, VANITY FAIR T- - in ui h nun woni l wither tb-- f DR. RODCERS T. lirillTKC'T. O. IJOX 7 1. UK.Ill ; FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY, MARINE INSURANCE COMP'Y, Rhine "j!T.-- I. 'Till a:;In. i'.r'--:i- A e t'. I'. A'i iiEa' Slurc, ta . REMOVED HIS OFFICE FROM MR. OF II AMBUKCI. (LIMITED,) TL very li RECEIVED, A FINK AMORTMIXT are Ll. k, 'tis true, HAS Lrufc' f.ore, to No. Fort Street, Odd Fellcws' ACCEPTS RISKS AT THE I.OWKM IUT i celtbralcd I;at ja--t behind th- - rn ahiue the Line. Lund. r.5. in vr: irurii ivniti' RATKS The riausrs in thr f'olirirs o( this Cucapan, ar The will, m future, prepire anl di'pnse r.. own itnim.9 Van and Machinrrv insured ar.n.t Fir on thr specially advantageous. THEO II. DAV !- VAAITV FAIR ? E. HALL & SON, .i..mr Art thr.a wurjr, trnJf r 0. Medicine,. 1 (ur.. ir iciuis. Arffnl. hef-r- ! I1AI1I- - ResiJ-n- r as c. Snoir C'ittag, Hawaiian Hotel. ol9 tf 5c CiRarottcg lie K!J ot ; r.MI'OKTKUS JtSli DKALKKSIX -- V. Hawaiian Islands Smoking Tobacco I'n L W" Alt K, Ooodi, Paintj. Oil, and tieutral JUr hauii.-n17 .T.VlCilllt Ac:tf rthe thic;j- - brj oiyl ly THE NORTHERN ASSURANCE COMP'Y In iwcetcot will cruw, Corner Fort and Kicjr Sis. ly M e are ronaisnllv rerelvlof add Ihns t our lr, a f A rluwrs in raiu. lae lire and Life r!!tlet I Ohll I.Kl. r'Mt-C- t T C llaHISO. la Vnct au (..II Gixi wat bp, ai.d then wilt have nun 0. V. HOUSMAN, 2 Boston Board of Underwriters ! TIIE MOST LIBERAL TERMS ALL N ttt om, ttiifht Mrdiuas and lars, ai too siae fra M. PHILLIPS & Co., ON settled with prompt 1 la 111 to lb pvtinil i When cloiiJ.H Ih'.ir i rfiet wori have doti. TilVIL ENGINEER AND SURVEVOR. 3 ra I lor L'Srs 'tude. LEAF. A N 1 DKAL- - Lat? Canadian Pacific Railway Survey. Ofice, corner AGENTS for the Hi ia i. I.lastd.. oclT ly THEO. li. DA V IKS. Agent. hard pr.rd NATl'RAL lMI'ORTKKS WIIOhKSthK V M ly c. co- - JL era in Clothing. Riot,, ch'",, Ilitg, Mra's Farniithinft and I .rt and Merchant streets. ocio iy O 2 ah bkkwek A rral variety ol Fm. kU for Mevro haumsanii CiSftll. Fancy UckmIi. (uolT ly No. 11 Kaahumaau St.. lliimlala Vret-ei- our Uood tflnrt fro lh fmrlmy y To-Da- y w. Board ! BOSTON BOARD OF UNDERWRITERS. Z3 Philadelphia of Underwriters (very stvaoier, tlius Irrah arlki, kia eSef I BROWN CO., A GEXTS for the cur castuinrr and the llte la renetsl al th wry UL. n th u art by, ALEX. J. CARTWRIGHT, t Hawaiian Ulnnd., r"MIE UNDERSIGNED. AGENTS OF TIIE MPORTERS AND DEALERS IN ALES mhlly C. BKKWt.K A CO. JL Voalon Board of Master - AT Underwriters, notifv f rtsr.t Ill'.D-ROC- K I know not why O.MMISSIO.V A UKX- WINES AND SPIRITS, WHOLESALE. V LOWEST PRICE. MKKCIIAXT M H. and others that all bills for Repairs en rs. In. and all bills ; KKAL 9 Merchant Street, n3 ly Honolulu, I. VIS-- 1 I l .ve thio, hut I love thee not no c SHIPl'l.NU A'KNT, NOTICE. MASTERS OF VESSELS for General Average purvora. must b approved by the A rent 11 ITING this port in a condition in jnolala, Hawaiian Ialand aul7 ly disabled aud insured of th Boun Under rilers, who also t rrprrarolvd o We also Continuo to Manufacture Iiut When thou art P jU, any ot the Boston and Philadelphia Offlces cauit have the. r nail r. reports all surveys, or sue bills will not be allowed. Arid I am alone, DR. F. LESLIE MINER, and accounts duly certified to by us. C. BREWER A CO.. Agents. SODA WATER, LEMONADE. DRS. & H. BEMISS, mh9 ly c. BREWER A CO. aily I I th-- u co f. hi ai-ly- . F. H. ENDERS, J. tiiarfl that liM lh ACCOUCHEUR. OFFICE and thai worhl rrw wnr l WAlLt'Kl , MAUI. SURGEON and Hotel Streets, at E. Strehx' Drujr CALIFORNIA INSURANCE COMPANY. Thy smile and talV, OFFICK. aulO ly Store. ocil ly 1I1JK.MMI VLSTrUlLIl. LL0.I Thy glance, thy walk, '1MIE UNDERSIGNED. AGENTS OF THE --A.lo lu vain I ideture and r: ! Jl above Coaipany. bav leen authorised to insure risks pa EelfastGiiiLTor HOLLISTER & CO., TH0S. G. THRUM, IIVSUKAriCE COHIP'Y V An well I might . Cargo, nntl 1IOI.LI1TER CO. (i8 AXC STKKKT. IIO.NOH hi OF M. GLADBACII, RIIEMSU1 PRUSSIA. Frricht Treasure, fit Mauaii Unay.lul. ImoortL--Mlr in chnice Tobacco and PORTING AND MANUFACTURING 1 J)0 K. atrM, '.call the liht an.l Ci:ir,, LM Bookseller, News Dealer and Book Binder. Catlmates from Ilonolulu to all ports ef the worUI, an vice versa. manufictarerj of Mineral c. injH ly Stationer, glrea for Repairins: in Wood Work of all &3 A o. Of J ii lie arni I the darki.t t,t l eii.lx r. Also, Watrr. ocC) Mr., Fobt, (ly ly H. II ACKI aLD I Mkkchast siar Uosolclc. no!7 kinds. ly Aachen & Leipzig Ins., Co. Limited, Ah. cruel fate! s7 ROTH, (A1X-LA-C- 11 APELLE H. HACKFELD & Co. OF AACHEN. ) 3zz.tAi3iiuixoci. ioao. IRON, IRON. C0AL, COAL That all too late KIK'II A NT T AILOR. 38 FOIIT ST. f C. WEST, A A AV- THE LIVERPOOL & LONDON & GLOBE We Kara the kH n value i.t f.ur i.l niyl Honolulu, II. I. lr E N E R A L COMMISSION AGENTS. I.L CLAIMS FOR I RT ICL'LAK - CI oti ly HONOLULU. Waon and Carriage Bnilder, Tl and G Kin? St., ERAGK sustained by goods arriving here and insured in - C. WEST. That it mnrt k the above companies, have to be made with tbe cognisance of 3LT- G. Co., Honolulu. ( jaC6 ly) Island onlers promptly executed.- - AN JUST RECriVKD KX KIKUtKK, l!efor w know W. MAOFARLANE k and certified to by the unJerstgned, in order to be valid. o I 1 from lilasow, dm of th larrwt ai4 Dow jias'ln;; sweet It wan t hav- - "'Hr treasure AM COMMISSION MER- H. E. McINTYRE & BROTHER, mh2 1y J. C. OLA UK. Agent. ir ! IMIMIIITKIIS CHANT., INSURANCE COMPANY , A X D FEED STORE.
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