The Royal British Legion's Poppy Appeal Spring 2018/19 Raffle Draw Certificate Spring Raffle 1819 Draw Certificate The amount of over £350,000 raised will be put to the best possible use in support of the Legion’s many welfare and benevolent schemes for those who are serving or who have served in the Armed Forces, and their dependants, who are in need. The Poppy Appeal would like to thank you all for your support. Guy Upward Director of Individual Giving The Royal British Legion 1. Main Draw (28 June 2019) Position Surname County Prize 1 Browell Devon £ 20,000 2 Hughes Worcestershire £ 5,000 3 Stubbs Berkshire £ 1,000 4 Hall Hertfordshire £ 500 5 Sparks Hertfordshire £ 500 6 King Nottinghamshire £ 50 7 Worsdale Trimdon Station £ 50 8 Harris Essex £ 50 9 Winter-Wake Greater Manchester £ 50 10 Carter Essex £ 50 11 Golding Tyne and Wear £ 25 12 Crone Somerset £ 25 13 Fancey Greater London £ 25 14 Warren Dyfed £ 25 15 Riley Cheshire £ 25 16 Jones Cardiff £ 25 17 Newcombe West Yorkshire £ 25 18 Bacon East Sussex £ 25 19 Richards Gwent £ 25 20 Dobson East Sussex £ 25 21 Reynolds Norfolk £ 25 22 Vessey Derbyshire £ 25 23 Catchpole Lincolnshire £ 25 24 Pook Leicestershire £ 25 25 Sharples Lancashire £ 25 26 Williams Hampshire £ 25 27 Nash Wiltshire £ 25 28 Aiton Essex £ 25 29 Melbourne Cornwall £ 25 30 Donnelly Greater Manchester £ 25 31 Barnfather Oxfordshire £ 25 32 Hunter Cambridgeshire £ 25 33 Baker Surrey £ 25 34 Gilbert West Sussex £ 25 35 Nash Surrey £ 25 36 Record Hampshire £ 25 37 Parr Lincolnshire £ 25 38 Greenwood Lincolnshire £ 25 39 Kennedy Leicestershire £ 25 40 Wallis Avon £ 25 41 Rathbone Nottinghamshire £ 25 42 Wallis Kent £ 25 43 Pope Cheshire £ 25 44 Guth Essex £ 25 45 Moran Leicestershire £ 25 46 Deane Middlesbrough £ 25 47 Woods Swansea £ 25 48 Luckhurst Kent £ 25 49 Morris Kent £ 25 50 Wilshaw Suffolk £ 25 51 Bryans Bedfordshire £ 25 52 Lambert West Sussex £ 25 53 Hawkins Surrey £ 25 54 Beeby Lancashire £ 25 55 Sheriff Somerset £ 25 56 Faucheux Essex £ 10 57 Holbrook Shropshire £ 10 58 Venmore Cambridgeshire £ 10 The Royal British Legion's Poppy Appeal Spring 2018/19 Raffle Draw Certificate 59 Harrison North Yorkshire £ 10 60 Mayne Tyne and Wear £ 10 61 Cargill Lincolnshire £ 10 62 Hearn Hampshire £ 10 63 Cooke Merseyside £ 10 64 Wardle Shropshire £ 10 65 Bamford Surrey £ 10 66 Curwen Merseyside £ 10 67 Crilly Isle of Wight £ 10 68 De Carpentier Bedfordshire £ 10 69 Foreman Hertfordshire £ 10 70 Prentice Middlesex £ 10 71 Ward Norfolk £ 10 72 Joyce Essex £ 10 73 Davidson Surrey £ 10 74 Welfare East Sussex £ 10 75 Drake Suffolk £ 10 76 Durrell Norfolk £ 10 77 Litchfield Nottinghamshire £ 10 78 Muir Lancashire £ 10 79 Clark Suffolk £ 10 80 Taylor Cornwall £ 10 81 Pautard Suffolk £ 10 82 Goddard Staffordshire £ 10 83 Rose South Glamorgan £ 10 84 Chambers Cleveland £ 10 85 Bowman Carlisle £ 10 86 Butcher Hampshire £ 10 87 Allen Hampshire £ 10 88 Brown Merseyside £ 10 89 Fitzmaurice Lancashire £ 10 90 Watkinson South Humberside £ 10 91 Huish Rhondda Cynon Taff £ 10 92 Pollendine Somerset £ 10 93 Webster Lincolnshire £ 10 94 Burke Kent £ 10 95 Gardner Suffolk £ 10 96 Hardy Nottinghamshire £ 10 97 Hall Cheshire £ 10 98 Scott East Sussex £ 10 99 Conroy West Midlands £ 10 100 Smith South Yorkshire £ 10 101 McDonald Devon £ 10 102 Guy Hampshire £ 10 103 McMullen Cumbria £ 10 104 Woolacott West Sussex £ 10 105 Tong Northamptonshire £ 10 106 Curry County Londonderry £ 10 107 Wigmore Berkshire £ 10 108 Keirl Somerset £ 10 109 Godwin Bedfordshire £ 10 110 McCallum Glasgow £ 10 111 Baker Hampshire £ 10 112 Randle Warwickshire £ 10 113 Carter Durham £ 10 114 Waller East Sussex £ 10 115 McAnaspie Wiltshire £ 10 116 Hall Durham £ 10 117 Stafferton Norfolk £ 10 118 Clifford Kent £ 10 119 Rayner Hampshire £ 10 120 Mitchell Essex £ 10 121 Parkin Avon £ 10 122 Knight Norfolk £ 10 123 Gallacher Bedfordshire £ 10 124 Sparkes Hampshire £ 10 125 Hall Northants £ 10 126 Greenway Mid Glamorgan £ 10 127 Leggatt West Sussex £ 10 128 Moss Buckinghamshire £ 10 129 Skelton Cheshire £ 10 130 Alvarenga London £ 10 131 Whittaker Kent £ 10 132 Cooper Nottinghamshire £ 10 133 Old Cornwall £ 10 134 Mercer Lancashire £ 10 The Royal British Legion's Poppy Appeal Spring 2018/19 Raffle Draw Certificate 135 Hobbs Wiltshire £ 10 136 Parker Lancashire £ 10 137 Curtis Devon £ 10 138 Hamish Gloucestershire £ 10 139 Bradley Merseyside £ 10 140 Swanborough Wiltshire £ 10 141 Copas Kent £ 10 142 Page Shropshire £ 10 143 Tunwell Hertfordshire £ 10 144 Riggs Devon £ 10 145 Wood Devon £ 10 146 Meredith Powys £ 10 147 Cox Suffolk £ 10 148 Anthony Essex £ 10 149 Thwaite Merseyside £ 10 150 Marsh Kent £ 10 151 Evans Surrey £ 10 152 Wilson Suffolk £ 10 153 Crutchley Londonderry £ 10 154 Cook Devon £ 10 155 Rowland Cheshire £ 10 156 Croucher South Yorkshire £ 10 157 Scarlett Norfolk £ 10 158 Wellstood Somerset £ 10 159 Bannon Northumberland £ 10 160 Lindberg Isle of Wight £ 10 161 Hughes Cheshire £ 10 162 Kirkham Kent £ 10 163 Lilley Devon £ 10 164 Hockenhull Staffordshire £ 10 165 Shaw Staffordshire £ 10 166 Laundon Lancashire £ 10 167 Crowe West Midlands £ 10 168 Harry West Glamorgan £ 10 169 Stokes Berkshire £ 10 170 Rogers Devon £ 10 171 Grenfell Herefordshire £ 10 172 Elliot Surrey £ 10 173 Saxton Yorkshire £ 10 174 Coombes Middlesex £ 10 175 Knott Worcestershire £ 10 176 Cocks Gloucestershire £ 10 177 Kelly Greater Manchester £ 10 178 Bowley Lancashire £ 10 179 Clarke Shropshire £ 10 180 Downs Tyne and Wear £ 10 181 Dedman Suffolk £ 10 182 Lockwood Hampshire £ 10 183 Webster Merseyside £ 10 184 Smith Norfolk £ 10 185 Davies Dyfed £ 10 186 Mash West Sussex £ 10 187 Cornforth County Durham £ 10 188 Lambert West Midlands £ 10 189 Matthews Buckinghamshire £ 10 190 Putman East Sussex £ 10 191 Townsend Middlesex £ 10 192 MacPherson London £ 10 193 Graham Lancashire £ 10 194 Grabowski Greater London £ 10 195 Cunningham Essex £ 10 196 Lawther Greater Manchester £ 10 197 Philp Shropshire £ 10 198 Fletcher West Midlands £ 10 199 Warwick Kent £ 10 200 Acklam Cambridgeshire £ 10 201 Parker Essex £ 10 202 Randle Warwickshire £ 10 203 Ellis West Sussex £ 10 204 Butcher Surrey £ 10 205 Crowdy Tyne and Wear £ 10 206 Moore Derbyshire £ 10 207 Leech Leicestershire £ 10 208 Barber Derbyshire £ 10 209 Moon Nottinghamshire £ 10 210 Carew Cambridgeshire £ 10 The Royal British Legion's Poppy Appeal Spring 2018/19 Raffle Draw Certificate 211 Turley Gloucestershire £ 10 212 Lee Lincolnshire £ 10 213 Wells Lincolnshire £ 10 214 Waller Gwent £ 10 215 Goodman Yorkshire £ 10 216 Simms Middlesex £ 10 217 Kennedy County Antrim £ 10 218 Seager Hampshire £ 10 219 Drake Hampshire £ 10 220 Bracebridge Herefordshire £ 10 221 Wardell Hertfordshire £ 10 222 Godwin Isle of Wight £ 10 223 Kuligowski West Midlands £ 10 224 Griffiths London £ 10 225 Murray Berwickshire £ 10 226 Pentney Hampshire £ 10 227 Hedworth Wiltshire £ 10 228 Tibbetts Clwyd £ 10 229 Free Buckinghamshire £ 10 230 Stacey Somerset £ 10 231 Radford Lancashire £ 10 232 Down West Midlands £ 10 233 Jordan West Yorkshire £ 10 234 Hamilton Essex £ 10 235 Surgey Nottinghamshire £ 10 236 Peace South Humberside £ 10 237 Whistance-Smith Staffordshire £ 10 238 McDonald Greater London £ 10 239 Cole North Yorkshire £ 10 240 Scott Cumbria £ 10 241 Eastwood Oxfordshire £ 10 242 Chipperfield S Gloucestershire £ 10 243 Laughton Cheshire £ 10 244 Carr Essex £ 10 245 Naylor Derbyshire £ 10 246 Dixon London £ 10 247 Batty West Yorkshire £ 10 248 Hammond South Yorkshire £ 10 249 Clarke Essex £ 10 250 Roberts Cambridgeshire £ 10 251 Blake Wiltshire £ 10 252 Morawicz London £ 10 253 Fox Devon £ 10 254 Sandland Oxfordshire £ 10 255 Parker Hertfordshire £ 10 256 Malloch Northamptonshire £ 5 257 Levett Kent £ 5 258 Chabot Essex £ 5 259 Carter Herefordshire £ 5 260 Griffin Hampshire £ 5 261 Langdale-Kelham Surrey £ 5 262 Yates Kent £ 5 263 Sykes Lancashire £ 5 264 Hamilton Kent £ 5 265 Brooke North Humberside £ 5 266 Walters Herefordshire £ 5 267 Todd Middlesex £ 5 268 Welch Cumbria £ 5 269 Cocking Greater Manchester £ 5 270 Pollock West Midlands £ 5 271 Belcher Oxfordshire £ 5 272 Paris West Lothian £ 5 273 Goldsmith Lanarkshire £ 5 274 Hetherington Durham £ 5 275 Rayner Lancashire £ 5 276 Metreweli Middlesex £ 5 277 Kobus West Yorkshire £ 5 278 Dougan Hampshire £ 5 279 Millar Somerset £ 5 280 Lane Devon £ 5 281 Stopforth Merseyside £ 5 282 Blake Cornwall £ 5 283 Phillips Shropshire £ 5 284 Camp Hertfordshire £ 5 285 Davis Durham £ 5 286 Whitworth Bedfordshire £ 5 The Royal British Legion's Poppy Appeal Spring 2018/19 Raffle Draw Certificate 287 Hardy Essex £ 5 288 Dunbar Hampshire £ 5 289 Wiltshire Wiltshire £ 5 290 Taylor Hampshire £ 5 291 Bailey Somerset £ 5 292 Lang Devon £ 5 293 Marshfield Somerset £ 5 294 Smith £ 5 295 Cunnington Cambridgeshire £ 5 296 Hill Tyne and Wear £ 5 297 Reed Leicestershire £ 5 298 Leason West Midlands £ 5 299 Hood West Midlands £ 5 300 Lord South Glamorgan £ 5 301 Skelton Lincolnshire £ 5 302 Brown East Lothian £ 5 303 Murtagh Essex £ 5 304 Neighbour North Humberside £ 5 305 Coward Hertfordshire £ 5 306 Ison-Whitlock West Midlands £ 5 307 Roberts Shropshire £ 5 308 Morrison Worcestershire £ 5 309 Hendley Northumberland £ 5 310 Schofield Hampshire £ 5 311 Pearson Kent £ 5 312 Howitt Essex £ 5 313 Watkin-Bennett Derbyshire £ 5 314 Richmond Bishop's Stortford £ 5 315 Hardie Essex £ 5 316 Freeman Hertfordshire £ 5 317 Bell Doncaster £ 5 318 Dudley Durham £ 5 319 Keightley Derbyshire £ 5 320 Truman Suffolk £ 5 321 Blanch Norfolk £ 5 322 Proctor North Yorkshire £ 5 323 Knapman Dorset £ 5 324 Whittle London £ 5 325 Shinton Worcestershire
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