CHILDREN PREACHING ONTHE SAWDUST TRAIL A Ilerilage Photo FC~lture on Children in the Ministry During the 1930s and 19-Ws. I-low nmny do )Oll rcI11Cml>CI"? Begins on page 3. S PIU ~G 1996 VO L. 16, NO. I PAC E 4 PAGE 18 PAG E 28 4 19':'1 C1.ASS It EU:\ ION. These member, of the 1937 cia" of Glad \RClII \ ES ST\FF-\\ \Y .... E E. \\ \K .... EK. Tiding .. B,hle IIl'.titutc gOl together 1:I\t year for their 54th anniver.'>ary. J~ I )lTO R .\ .... 1) t\lH; 1I1\ ES DlIn:CT(lK: A Texas writer tdh us abOllt their tllllC" in the 19](h and last year. By JO\CE LEE. \SSIST\ .... T \KClII\IST: Dawn Chalalre C I.E" .... GOII R.. \ RCIII\ ES ASSISTANT A.... [) COI'Y EDiTOH: C I .... DY C I{AY. $EC HETAln . CA I{L W. HAR NES. Starting to pro.:aeh the Pelllcco·,t:d Illes\agc at the ,\RC II1 VES ,\ f)VISO I{ Y n OA RD-CIl A II{· 6 MAN GEORGE O. " OOD. J . CALV I N :Ige of 4:!. n"rne~ promi .. ed he would pn.:ach the go'pelthe rest of hi, HOLS ' .... (;ER, (; \ In' 11 . ~kGE E . CII AlO,ES life. He died \\hilc preaching:!6 years laler. By Glenn Gollr CI{)\In'REF:. 11 FAITII FUL l '''iTO DEATH. After suffering a heart atWd:! ye<lr" agt). Ihi, 94·}"ear-old I·{'tired preaehcr di,t'u"e, the importance of II 1.1<'IlIillit'.1 (if G"II "{'ri/!l .~" j, puhh'h<,d ((";tncrl) remaining failhful to the Lord. By Ro,e Goad hy Ihc fh,c!Hhlic' 01 God ArchilC,. 144 .~ Boon.llic A'~ .. SI,rinJ;t"tctt!. ,\li,~ouri 658U2· 18')4 13 MAKI N(; IT TIIRO UC; II TIlE (;REAT DEPRESS ION. She and TIJ" ']lag'ltin.; i, hc~ 10 mcmbcr, of thc A"cJ11hlic, of C,od ttcril"g .., Socicty. Ycarly m~nt · her hu,hand \\Cnl to he wilh the Lord during the pa~1 2 year\. but not o.:r,hip' urc ","ai("htc for 5 12 ..';0: tifelime mcmhcr­ hl"fore .. he reflected on her early childhood ministry. By Ruth Gerber ,hip, arc 5150. \ kmrn:r,hip rCC\ arc u,ed to puh· Copeland h'h the mag3linc ;uul ,uppon Ihe A!l;hivc,. 16 A C IIILD I N THE P ULPIT. Mary Loui.'>e Paige. Lillian Powell. Lillie t\.1.1·' ·/IIblil'.1 ,if God ''''rila~' ' j, indexcd ill R"'i~i",' IlId,·.' Oil/,: I'aio!lim/,. publi'hcd by Ihe A!Hem'all 1):1\ id Walh.er. Goldie Sehmidl. Uldinc Utley-ho\\ many of the.'>e child Thcotogic~1 t.i1,n'fy A"oci~lion. 820 Churl'l, evangeli~ts eUIl you remember? You'lI W<l111 to sec this Herilage photo S,rcct. Suil~ .lOO. E";""iOll. IL 60201. Thi, illdc.\ i, feature. p;,n or !hc ATLA Religioll l):l1;,bn~c. ","ililnhlc 011 Ihc Wil,onDi,,; CJ) · no~ , t from H. W, Wit,on Co. J 8 AN UNUSUAL GI{OUP FROI\I NEW MEXI CO. These '>ix men and ollline lia \\·ilwnLil1c. RRS tni"<)fll];"ion Tl~hnotogic,. ""d l)t'\LOO tnfOITnmion S~l"\icc,. han: .. o1l1cthing III common. Each served a~ ~uperi11lendenl of the Ne\\ Mexico Di,trict (1l}40 [0 the prc'entj, and all are ~Iillli\ing. \llcrofilm of lIuil"~" i, ",:,it"bJc from Thcologic .. 1 Kc-;carch bchan£c Nelll,)r~ (TR~:"\'). 20 POWER FROi\ 1 ON HIGH-CO NCL UDING PAIn. /\ historical 5420 I'\.E. GI"lln. I'unland, OR 972 t 3. per~pcc[ive on radical ~tralcgy in 1lli~~ion~ along with surpi~ing stalc­ Pcr,on, ",.,hillg In tlOliaiC jW;loric"t malcri"t., 10 Illenl~ froll1 A. 13. Sill1p~()n in hi" IW)::! anicle. '"Connetlioll Between Ihc Archive, 'LOch :" l·orn::'pondcncc. pho · Supernatural Gin~ and the World\ E\·,lI1geli.li\lion." By Dr. Gary B. logr~ph~. rccording'. fihm, magaLinc,. boob. min· l\kGee U1C'. di~ri~,. CIC .. arc urgcd 10 writc to Ih~ ah()vc atldrc" or call (417) 862·2781 tnfonn:uion Jh(mt 27 A S IGN TO A BELIEVER. R..:ar..:d in a Penleco\lal church and work­ Ih~ t\rchi,·c~ Build;llg Fund " aho ;1\;Jit;Jbtc on rcqllC" ing in the 1Ilinoi~ Di~lricl office. she wa\ about to lurn ,lway from "pe<!king in longue ... Hen: \he tell" how an unusual event brought her Copjlighl (l t996 h} Thc GCI1~rat Council uf Ihe b<Jck By Georgia Smith A"cmblic., of God. t .... 5 Boon,itlc Avc .. Springfictd. Mi"OlJri 65!\O2· t 894. DCpHrtmcnts 3 Heritage LCHcr tSSN 0896·4395 15 Photo~ rrom Our Reader, POSTMASTER Scnd addrc" changc' 10 II/'riwgc. 1.... 5 Boon, ilk "vc .. Sprin!!fidd. \10 19 Heritage Cros\\\ord Puzzle 65802·189". 28 Seen in Print 31 rrom Our Readcr~ ..L.I,ERITA.G E LETTER A commO/1 sight 50 Cl/1d60 real§ ogo A CHILD IN THE PULPIT ar) Louis(' "ai!.:l' was 15 )cars old und had ht't.'n Old(,1" applkanh had "ilted under the l'urllll' l" lri.,h M prcachjn~ since she "as 9. ]\(0\\ she \\<lS appl)ing policeman"s shu"c and nO-I1\JIlSl'ilSC intclTogutioll. I'm' Assemblies of God ministcdal licensc \1 ilh the old Bul \\illwul hulling'-IIl c)c. \lar) Loui ... c n ·pJicd. Central District hut \Ias facing '('tcran l'\:('cuti\(· ... ;.11 "Brother Bl"o\\I1.1 don', tllill/.; I IIUS call1'd tel prl';I(h. I the 1933 Gener"al Council in PhiJ~ldelphia. kflOW God call1'd mE' to prearh!" Onl' of the c:\('('uth cs 'I as Robert BrOIl n. I, ho paS­ That \\:,1\ good enough for Bnl\\l1. Ill' IUHlnH furtlll'r tor"cd the famous old Glad Tidings Tuhcrnaclc in '\ell <llICStiOIl\ and I'ccomnu,'ndl'd tl1:It the ('l'ntral Di ... trict York Cit) ,dlh his ,\ife \Iarie. People 'litO knel' the crcdential) oung 'Iar~ Louisc. couple dCSl'ribcd their personalities and pulpit 'it) Il'S Late]' Bro\\1l a~ked ,\Iar) I.ouise to pn'lIl'h a rl'\hal \I"r~ J.uuiw I'"il:" ('Iuth'r ' til1 pn.·"d,c" un'lI,iu""lh-M \,',." "rkr h..r fi .... t wr mOn , She :tIulhu hll,h""d Ihe in "',,1"111 , Ohio, E'an!!,'li~1 \I;II'~ L"uiw I'ai!!,'. ~e:lled "ilh hH Ilwlhcr on Ih,' "'fl, dllrinl: me,'lInl!' 'h,' ""f1(luc[~d >II Chri,[ianA.,.,emhl), Zion.lllinok in :.IHml I'BS. Seated on [h,' ril:hl "",,· lh"I""[OI"'o. Hn;, and I)<lrulh~ 1)"1.;,,, this \\;;1): Robert Brown used a hammer in his preach· at Clad Tidings-an invitation CHI") c\angclist \HJtlld iug while Mrs. Hnm n poured in oil. hH"c welcomed at the time. "hen she had to decline Now eyeing l\lary Louise, BrO\'11 took off his glasses, hecause she "US already booked fOI" the time Bn)\\n placed them on the table, and asked, "Little girl, \\ hat had open, the Glad Tiding,> pa'tlor couldn't helie\C it. makes you think Cod h.ts called yOll into the ministl') '!" "That's the lirst time all),Olle CHI' turned me do\\n!" She did \\ork in a \\cckend meeting for Bro''''l at a later date. N(m 75 ye'H"s of age and liying in Salem, Ohio. Moll")' Louise Paige Cluttci' has fOlld memories of heginning \\:1\111' Warner; .. din'('[,II' ,,1' her 11I'euching career at the age of 9. And then 3 ~C;H"S [he ' \ '>.'>C111hlie, or e,KI \ ''I:h;, e, ""d laler she began her tnl\cling minist!") thl"Ough the ('di[ur of Iluilltg." II~ j, :Hllhur of '11,/' Ilmllll/1 E"(lllg.-ii", T" ~ I.i/l' United Statcs and Canada \\ilh her mother and a p!"i. flllI/time,< o/CIUlrimUilir 1:"'lmgC/i,{ , \I/lri(l))"l/d~ ' ''rlll·/: rtrr: "ate tutOl: I,:"flrry" KllillJlllII': Tile l)ollllllJ Unlike many child C\angeli'ihi, Mar) Louise contin­ IJdlilllllirc ,Ifimrl,": nlld c<Jrlllliicr \HIS of Till' An(Jillling of IIi, Spiril ued her ministJ·y into her adult life and ordained in ISlHilh \\ ' i!!l!lesw"l'lh'~ wl'1nol")' SI': ": 1'\(;1': Iii ( . Iull I illlul!~ Ihhl... I n'hlnll (I"" or 19.17 l!'llhcn.'d iu "'nllJhnr "'IJri ul!', TCUh, !.I.e 'l';or, alm',,1 (.0 ' l';or, ,Iflt-r Ihn hen .. h;,1 i, IU'" Itl'lh,l{1\ (: Ollt'l.:I', ~'"H, '"III'~' Cllirurui". <W"lt'lI.!(on It) ril!hl. \l1un lIuld er. U .. f!!hl IIru .. ro, lI",d (.III"IUI1 IIn,"n, 1,,\"'1"11 'II·H'I1' I h,nm'r 10UI' or I ht· iU'lrtitlO..... ,. " "rhm I'kru 1ot:I\.lUld 1','1" lotuII! 'mill! \lIt·". '.""diul!. " .. ullon lot"I:_II1 ......·'m;. 1ot1l!!lIn. \\ ~II('r II, "'mil h. \ 1. Ul'l u ~ \lkn. ('ur." Iot"'!!"t' ''' 1I ,.rr. J,,,·!!o·r. Ilurtun " it-r....... 1)(' .. ilt \h i •. lInd U m d ('hri.li,m-.('n, Glad Tidings Class of 1937 Class Reunion II) O,,,,n Chalairc Cla<, ... matc~ 1.IO)d Chri<,lian<,cn and A full ycar of ,chool at Glad Curti ... Ringne<" have \..IH)\\ n cach Tiding ... lIlc1udlllg room and board. n 1t).15. a ,mall grHUp of young olhcr ,incc Ihcy \\cre K )car<' old tuition. hoo\", and ,upphe .... co,[ $ 150 I 1IIl:11 and \HlIlll:1l from around the gf(J\\-lIlg up In M inneapoli..,.
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