Salad ...............................................42 Broiled Eggplant Salad ....................................43 Kale Salad .....................................................44 NEW Ever-Pop u lar Potato Salad ........................46 Introduction ....................5 NEW Spicy Panzanella......................................49 Text, recipes, and most photographs and A Note on $4/D ay ...........................................6 Cold (and Spicy ?) Asian N oodles .....................50 design by Leanne Brow n, in fu lfillment My Philosophy ................................................7 Taco Salad ......................................................5 2 of a final project for a master’s deg ree in Tips for Eating and Shopping Well ...................8 B eet and Chickp ea Salad ................................5 3 First, I’d like to th a n k my husband, Food Studies at New York University. Pantry Basics .................................................12 Broccoli Apple Salad .......................................54 Dan. With o u t him th is book would not NEW Charred Su m m er Salad ............................5 5 ex ist. Thank you also to my w on derfu l This book is distributed u n der a fam ily and frien ds, who believed in th is Creative Com m ons A ttribution- idea before anyone else. And th a n k you NonComm ercial ShareA like 4.0 licen se. Breakfast ..............................14 to everyone who has ta k en th e time to For more inform ation, visit Tom ato Scram bled Eggs .................................15 Snacks, Sides & tell me what Good and Cheap means to www.creativecom m ons.org/licen ses/ Broiled G rapefru it ..........................................16 th em . I heard fro m th ou san d s of people by -n c-sa/4 .0 Om elette ........................................................17 Sm all Bite s .........................56 th ro u g h o u t th e cou rse of creating and Banana Pan cak es ...........................................18 Jacket Sw eet Potato ........................................5 7 distributing th is book. The outpouring You may freely distribute th is book NEW Chocolate Z u cch ini Muffins .....................21 Sm oky and Spicy Roasted Caulifl ow er ............58 of love and su p p ort I’ve received is electron ically. To dow nload a free PD F Whole-W h eat Jalapen˜o C h eddar Scon es..........22 Spicy G reen Beans ..........................................5 9 probably en ou gh for several lifetimes. or buy a print cop y, visit NEW Peanut Butter and Jelly G ranola Bars .......25 Mexican Street Corn ......................................60 To th ose who to ld me th is book has www.lean n ebrow n .com NEW Egg Sandw ich with M u sh ro om Hash ......26 Green Chili and Cheddar Quesadillas ..............61 given th em hope, inspired th em , or ID E A S Oatmeal 6 Ways ....................................28 Cornm eal Crusted Veggies .............................62 oth erw ise brought th em pleasu re: Brow n, Leanne ID E A S Yogurt Sm ash! .......................................32 B ru ssels Sprout Hash and Eggs.......................65 I don’t deserve so much gratitu d e for Good and Cheap: Eat Well on $4/D ay Poutine ..........................................................66 so little, but doing work th at matters is ISBN : 978-0-9938448-2-9 ID E A S Toast 8 Ways .........................................69 all I have ever wanted. ID E A S Popcorn 8 Ways .....................................74 Version 1.1, August 2014 Soup ..................................................34 Version 1.0, Ju n e 2014 Dal ................................................................35 Version 0.9, D ecem ber 2013 Corn Soup .....................................................36 NEW French Onion Soup ..................................39 Handheld ..............................76 Lightly Curried Buttern u t Squash Soup ..........40 Cauliflow er Tacos ..........................................77 Potato Leek Pizza ...........................................79 Broccoli Rabe and Mozzarella Calzon es ..........80 NEW Broccoli, Egg, and C h eddar Em panadas ....83 Potato and Kale Rolls with Raita .....................84 ID E A S Leftovers ................................................8 7 3 Dinner .........................................88 Introduction Cream y Z u cch ini Fettu ccine ...........................89 Pasta with Eggplant and Tom ato ....................90 Chana Masala ................................................9 3 Black-Eyed Peas and Collards ..........................94 Eating is one of life’s greatest pleasu res. In a perfect V egetable Jam balaya ......................................9 7 world, health y and delicious food would be all around NEW Filipino Chicken A dobo ............................98 Drinks ........................................14 8 us. It would be easy to ch o ose and easy to en joy. NEW Baked Beans 2 Ways ..............................10 1 Agua Fresca .................................................14 9 NEW Half-Veggie Burgers ...............................1 0 2 ID E A S Sm oothies 4 Ways ...............................1 5 0 But of cou rse it’s not a perfect world. There are NEW B eef Stroganoff ......................................1 0 5 th o u sa n d s of barriers th at can k eep us fro m eating in a NEW Tofu Hot Pot ..........................................1 0 6 way th at nourish es our bodies and satisfi es our ta stes. NEW Deconstructed Cabbage Rolls .................1 0 9 Money just n eed n ’t be one of th em . Savory Su m m er Cobbler ..............................110 D esserts ..................................1 52 Cauliflow er C h eese .......................................113 Caram elized Bananas ...................................1 53 Kitchen sk ill, not budget, is th e key to great food. This V egetable Quich e, Hold th e Crust ..................114 Coconut Chocolate Cookies ..........................1 55 cookbook is a celebration of th e many delicious meals Shrimp and Grits .........................................117 Peach Coffee Cake ........................................1 5 6 available to th o se on even th e most strict of budgets. Spicy, Crunchy, Cream y Polen ta ...................118 Fast Melon Sorbet ........................................158 Roast Chicken ..............................................1 21 NEW Avocado Milkshake ...............................1 59 Eating on a limited budget is not easy, and th ere are METHOD Roasted V egetables .............................1 2 2 tim es when a to u g h week can tu rn mealtime into a Roasted Potato es with Chilies .......................1 2 5 ch ore. As one woman told me, “I’m weary of th e ‘what’s Spicy Broiled Tilapia with Lime ....................1 2 6 for dinner?’ gam e.” I hope th e recip es and techniqu es in Flavor ............................................16 0 th is book can help make th ose tim es rare and th e tough Peanut Sauce ................................................161 ch oices a little more bearable. Spice Oil .......................................................162 Big Batch .............................1 2 7 Salsa ............................................................16 3 At th e sam e time, th is book is not a meal plan— those Spicy Pulled Pork .........................................1 2 9 Raita ............................................................16 4 are much too individual to sh are on a wide scale. NEW Deviled Eggs 6 Ways .............................1 3 0 Tzatziki .......................................................16 5 Every person and every fa m ily has sp ecific needs and Perogies .......................................................1 3 2 ID E A S Spices and Aromatics ...........................16 6 unique ta stes. We live in differen t reg ions, differen t NEW Dum plings 2 Ways ...............................1 3 4 neighborhoods, and with varying means. One book can n ot accou n t for all of th at, but I hope it can be a sp ark , a general strateg y, a flexible set of approachable Thanks .....................................16 8 and ch eap recipes. The rest is up to you. Staples .......................................1 3 6 Flour Tortillas ..............................................137 I th ink you’ll find (or perhaps have already fou nd) th at Roti .............................................................1 3 8 learn ing to co ok has a p ow erfu lly positive effect. If you Pizza Dough 2 Ways ....................................13 9 In d e x .............................................17 2 can becom e a more sk illed, more con scious cook, you’ll NEW Fresh Pasta ............................................141 be able to con jure deliciou sn ess in any kitch en , anytime. B est Tom ato Sauce .......................................14 2 Good cook ing alone can ’t solve hunger in Am erica, but NEW Chorizo and White Bean Ragu ...............14 3 it can make life happier— an d th at is worth every effort. NEW Rainbow Rice 3 Ways ............................1 4 4 METHOD How to Cook Dried Beans..................14 5 Ju st as a good meal is best sh ared with others, so is METHOD Croutons or B readcru m bs .................1 4 6 a good recipe. I may not be able to sh are a meal with you, but I’d love to offer a few ideas. What’s for din n er? Here’s my answ er. 4 5 A Note on $4/Day My Philosophy I designed th ese recip es to fit th e bu dgets of people living on SN A P, th e The best health advice is simple: eat fru its and vegetables. Many US program
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