Only 296 Forecast CIMy Ind colder e.4ay with .... Shopping Days I•• /y ~; high. upper 20s norttleast ... MUthwett. Partly cloudy'" owan ~ -ithf end Suncla.,. r PROPlI!SIOR 'Til Christmas Une for applications Serving the Univer&ity of Iowa and the People of Iowa Cittl t Univeralty profes. D extended to 5 p.1I1. Ellab1lshed In 1868 10 CIIItI a cop), Iowa City, Iowa-Saturday, March .. 1Mf ,rms are avallable In \ctlvitles Center 1M turned to the Office lbbard, dean of au- IFe ·s. Miss Miss J/Fe • • I RAND TALK Of J967 Of J967 ipel of Ayn Rand" Bombers Blast 'Red Vesse'ls topic of a diac\lllion • ge Good 6 p.m. Suu. IS SAIGON III - U.S. Air Force bombers Air Strikes Carefully PI .... ned eight barges presumably carrying war South Vietnam 00 Friday night and earl, stuB House. Good, a .ank a 2()O.foot Communist naval vessel Under strict directives of the U.S. Com· material 10Uth. Saturday. Is late of the Univenlty, and eight barges off North Vietnam on mand, all air strikes are carefully mono In the South, a company of the U.S. U.S. spokesmen also said OperaUon Friday in one of the biggest blows at en· itored to prevent mistaken bombings where articles and is DOW 173rd Airborne Brigade first made contact DeckhOUie 6 in southern Quang Nlal Pro­ a manuscript the Patricia Faulds emy shipping of the year, the U.S. Com· possible. The precise target of each mls· on with an unknown number of Viet Cong vince WSI closed out Friday evening. The Catherine Corbin · and leader of "Oil­ mand announced Saturday. sion is carefully logged in Saigon. At the same time headquarters announ· on~month U.S. Marine operation claimed The pu bUc is 'IIf~ The U.S. Command was able to give in tbe jungles of northern Tay Ninh Pro­ 280 enemy dead. ced a band of Viet Cong Inflicted heavy vince as they moved toward a (ortified program and to the precise data on air strikes carried out M the U.S. Command proceeded ~ iIOp.m. casualties on a U.S. paratroop company of base camp Friday. The paratroopers call· about 1'75 men Friday in War Zone C. against enemy positions in North and its inqulry into the attack on Lan( Vei South Vietnam on Friday - a day later ed in air strikes and artillery to blast the • • 55 mUes northwest of Salgon. positions and then moved forward again. vUlage, U.S. Marine air strikes aDd ar· INTAINEERS The U.S. Command said It still had not than the Lang Vei village incident. AI· tillery killed 70 North Vietnamese troops Mountaineers will determined the Identity of planes that though the U.S. headquarters in Saigon Suffer Heavy Casualtl .. Friday about 10 miles south of the de­ lana hike and dinner bombed Lang Vel village Thursday. The declined to Identify the aircraft, a spokes· A powerful Claymore mlne was fired militarized zone, a Marine Corps spoke5- m the clubhouse at South Vietnamese Command said 95 Viet· man in the lst Corps, where the incident into the paratroop ranks and the Viet man said. occurred, said the aircraft in question Cong followed up with small-arms, auto­ Sunday. The dinner namese civUians were killed and 200 Sources said the recommendation to lob p.m. at the Ox Yoke wounded In the raid. were presumably allied. matic weapons and grenades, inflicting heavy casualties. arlUlery rounds from South Vietnam Into Scott will present The casualties earlier were counted The Saturday communique said Air the North was a recent proposal which had movie "Journey to II 83 killed and 200 wounded. Force FI05 Thunderchiers were respon· The number of Viet Cong killed was been held malnly due to a lack of hea vy er the dinner. ReIia­ If· the attack was a mlstaken American sible for sinking the 2()()·foot vessel in a not known, the U.S . Command said. guns in the extreme northern area of South I Camera by 5 p.m. bombing, it was the worst error of that strike 70 miles north·northwest of DOIIII Guam·based B52s struck three times in Vietnam . kind in the war. If it was a raid by Com· Hoi. munlst pilota, it would have been their Sink' B.rg.. Execution first such strike into South Vietnam. in e thhesam a raidntheTghundereChiers ssank Joh nson Acts J 0 Stop By Killer Colo. (of! - A COlI­ killer has asked the ' Election J e 4-Month Shipyard St'rike e be hanged in pub­ PATRICIA FAULDS CATHERINE CORBIN ,f the Denver Munic· SAN ANTONIO, Tex. (.fI - President Continental nlinois National Bank" Trust. Johnson acted Friday to halt a West Coast Co., Chicago. " :. shipyard strike and named a commlssion Press secretary George Christian said lOge, 48, in hit P«i, Hit By Je nnings ' oC experts to recommend an overhaul of Johnson Thursday night had signed Into :rict Court Wednes· the federal budget. I law a bill temporarily raising the debt e was assertine iii! By ALAN JAHN now, and more poslers and other materials The Texas White House announced also ceiling from $330 billion to $336 billion . The limon Jaw right tD Staff Writer are needed to meet the increased number his signing of a law temporarily boosting increase would expire June 30. but the ad· c al! a man ahoaIi! Revisions of the rules for the 1967 All· of stUdents," he said. the national debt limit. minisLration will seek further legisla tion it accusers, aOO lOt Campus elections which were approved Reason Cited Johnson took a legal first step to halt permitting a stili hi gher debt. ,ison gas like an jn. by the Student Senate Thursday afternoon Peters' reason for a change 1n time was a Cour·month strike at The President. who is spending a week received criticism Friday afternoon from that it would allow candidates to put up 13 West Coast shipyards end at hi. ranch home north of here, was described as several days behind la his I been sentenced tD the originator of the rules. posters and set up a campaign earlier. by naming a board to study the dispute, which paperwork and striving to catch up. :as chamber of the 'l'he original list of rules had been drawn Peters said he abolished the enforce· litentiary during the ment commlttee because "I believe that hal idled 9,200 workers up by tbe ElectioDl Committee headed by and now is described as IY 28, for the fatal Dick Jennings, A4, Iowa City. investigation of the financial reports can of his wife, Leonar· be handled by the Elections Committee. a threat to the Vietnam 63 in Denver. After Jennings resigned (rom his post If any discrepancies, falsifications or er· war effort. to file for a position on the Board or Trus· rors arise. the Elections CommiUee can The President acted NEWS tes of Student Publications, Inc. (SPI), submit their recommendations to the Stu· under terms of the Taft· David Peters, A2, New Hampton, took dent Traffic Court which has final juris· Hartley Act after the over as chairman. diction on such malters." Defense Deparlmcnt had Peten increased the amount of money reported the strike was JOHNSON IN candidates could spend from $100 to $150 Peters does not eliminate the possibility hampering the war effort. The three·man for presidential candidates and from $50 of such a committee. ' I think an enforce· emergency board will report promptly, to $75 Cor others before be submitted the ment committee could be an asset to the and presumably its finding will open the BRIEF rules to the Senate. Elcctions Commi ttee if they slarted their way (or the Justice Department to seek He also abolished the enforcement com· investigation well in advance of the elec· an injunction halting the Electrical Work· mittee which had been in charge of over· tions so they could investigate the valili\ty ers' strike (or eo days. IIMINI. leMma. til - "1 might be of nominating papers," he said. back in Congress next week," said Adam JANET LOWENBERG seeing the rules and recommended that stment campaigning be allowed to begin at mid· Student Body Pres. Tom Hanson agreed Johnson said he wanted the i6·member Clayton Powell on Friday in announcing MARCIA ZIESER with Peters that t.he enforcement com· panel on the budget to report soon enough he would flSht to lIet back the seat hi' niSht March 8 instead of 8 a.m. to permit incorporation of at least some Rule. Approved mittee usurped the function of the Traf· colleagues have denied him. PoweR, who fic Court. of its recommendations in the next fed· met with newsmen under palm trees, said The Senllte approved all the rules and eral budget, due for presenlation to Con· ents must make is regulations submitted by Peters, includ· He also said that the Elections Commit· he would fight lirsl In court, where he gress next January. predicted a quick victory. ~id Schroeder, c:oun· ing the revisions he made. The senate also lee served the purpose of enforcing rules, made one revision in the rules which per­ and another committee would put undue The President said his aim was to reo vise the manner in which the budget - mlted write in ballots for all positions ex· restriction on candidates. WASHINGTON (of! - Democratic and Adjustment for the the Cederal spending blueprint - 15 pre· * * * y residents Wednes- cept that of tbe presidential ticket. Hanson also approved the increase In Republican leaders are being gently pres· Jennings said Friday, "I think it is money candidates were allowed to spend sented to Congress and the public.
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