Pet food scare may bring trade reform to China B E I J I N G ––Furor over the deaths of cats and dogs who were poisoned by adulterated and mislabeled Chinese-made pet food ingredi- ents may have protected millions of people as well as animals worldwide. Chinese citizens themselves, and their pets, may be the most numerous beneficia- ries of new food safety regulations introduced by the Beijing government on May 9, 2007. With 1.5 billion citizens, China is the world’s most populous nation––and also has more than twice as many pets as any other Roadside rhesus macaques in India. (Kim Bartlett) nation. Officially, China had more than 150 million pet dogs as of mid-2005. China is also (Kendra Bond) believed to have from 300 to 450 million pet China to increase inspections and supervision. Dogs down, monkeys up in India cats, but the Chinese cat population has never Separately, China’s State Council, or cabinet, been formally surveyed. announced it had ordered more inspections of BANGALORE, HYDERA- of macaques or herd of pigs, but several The first announced Chinese regulato- all plant and aquaculture products, and B A D ––Faster up a tree or the side of a dogs usually prevail. ry changes covered only exports, but within increased control of pesticides, chemical fertil- building than a feral cat, biting more pow- Now the Indian street ecology is hours the rules governing items sold on the izers, drugs, and animal feed. It also called for erfully and often than any street dog, able abruptly changing. More streets are paved, domestic market were strengthened as well. better systems of official responsibility over to leap over monkey-catchers at a single discouraging pigs, who prefer muddy habi- Summarized Daniel Martin, Beijing food safety, and for monitoring the movement bound, and usually able to outwit public tats where they can root and wallow. But correspondent for Agence France-Presse, “The of food products. officials, rhesus macaques are taking over as refuse collection has often not improved, department in charge of inspecting export prod- “China has ordered such crackdowns Indian cities. more food waste is left to scavenge. ucts said it had instructed its offices across (continued on page 18) The chief reason is the recent (continued on page 12) drastic decline in street dogs. The ecological role of Indian street dogs is threefold. As scavengers, street dogs consume edible refuse. As predators, street dogs hunt the rats and mice who infest the refuse piles. In addi- ANIMAL PEOPLE tion, as territorial pack animals, street dogs chase other scavengers and predators News For People Who Care About Animals out of their habitat. Monkeys and pigs, in particular, have traditionally been controlled by the combination of dogs consuming the avail- June 2007 able food supply and packs of dogs chasing Volume XVII, #5 them––although monkeys have been known to befriend dogs, and dogs to adopt and nurse orphaned rhesus macaques. One dog is no match for a troupe + Virginia dogfighting case + embarrasses pro football WASHINGTON D.C.– – S i x t y - s i x cast an interview with a source identified as a pit bull terriers seized from a 15-acre property confidential police informant, who claimed to in Surry County, Virginia owned by Atlanta have witnessed Vick participating in dogfight- Falcons quarterback Michael Vick on April 25, ing-related activity, beginning in 2000, when 2007 upstaged the signing eight days later of a Vick played for Virginia Tech. landmark federal anti-animal fighting bill. Said the source, whose face was not Signed by U.S. President George shown and whose voice was disguised, “I've Bush on May 3, 2007, the bill created federal seen Vick. We beat him back in 2000, yes. felony penalties for transporting animals across That dog was Michael's dog. Michael was not state lines to fight. Previously a misdemeanor, in the pit. Michael's thing is he came with all the offense now may be punished with up to of the money. He was betting. He was betting three years in prison and a fine of $250,000. with everybody. He was betting on his dog, Vehemently opposed by gamecock $5,000 on his animal. Bets were coming from fighters and breeders, the bill had received everywhere. They turned the dogs loose. more coverage as it moved through Congress They locked up. The fight went 40-something than any other recent animal-related bill not minutes. I won. having to do with endangered species. “He's one of the ones they call the But the signing of animal fighting big boys,” the source said of Vick, “because A bullfight in the now demolished downtown Tijuana ring. (Steve Hindi) bill was relegated to bottom paragraphs of cov- he bets a large dollar and has the money to bet erage of the Vick case, the most recent and large money...I'm talking $30,000, $40,000. sensational of a string of incidents involving He's one of the heavyweights. He's a heavy- Bullfighters seek cultural shield alleged fighting dogs and professional ath- weight. I've seen it." letes––especially football players. The informant added, however, that LISBON–– The Spanish-based pro- petitions in 2004-2005 in opposition to bull- No one had been charged yet in the he had not attended any dogfights on Vick’s bullfighting Platform for the Defence of the fighting in Barcelona. Vick case, as of May 28. At least six agencies Surry County property. Fiesta Nacional debuted just in time to give a The pro-bullfighting PDFN celebri- at the federal, state, and local levels were An individual identified by ESPN as publicity boost to the International Anti- ties were hugely outnumbered and exceeded in reportedly reviewing the evidence to determine a federal agent, whose distinguishing features Bullfighting Summit held in Lisbon, Portugal, prominence many times over by the celebrity whether crimes had been committed, and if so, were also disguised, said the informant had three weeks later. spokespersons for some of the 22 organiza- what charges should be filed against whom. previously provided accurate information PDFN director Luis Corrales in late tions participating in the International Anti- From six to 10 people, including Vick, had about dogfighting cases. April 2007 introduced half a dozen artists, Bullfighting Summit. been mentioned in news reportage for having “This certainly confirms all of the actors, and other celebrities who pledged sup- The World Society for the some possible involvement. rumors that we've heard for several years,” port for his petition to the United Nations Protection of Animals wrote “to all relevant The case heated up on May 27, after Humane Society of the U.S. deputy manager of Educational & Scientific Organization seeking contacts in UNESCO” in opposition to the the ESPN program Outside The Lines b r o a d- (continued on page 17) World Heritage status for bullfighting. scheme to give bullfighting World Heritage UNESCO recognition, if conferred, recognition, WSPA program officer Alyx would amount to an internationally influential Dow said. So did the other International Anti- declaration that bullfighting is an art form of Bullfighting Summit participants, many of global significance. them from organizations with more than 5,000 Corrales claimed to have 1,300 active members. Spanish signees on a petition favoring bull- Convened by the Portuguese animal fighting. He told Barcelona correspondent for protection group ANIMAL, the British-based The Independent newspaper group Graham League Against Cruel Sports, and the Anti- Keeley that he hopes to attract 5,000 signees Bullfighting Committee of The Netherlands & by year’s end. Belgium, the International Anti-Bullfighting But 5,000 is not an impressive num- Summit on May 17, 2007 brought together ber of petition-signers in the Internet era, activists from Europe and Latin America for especially since 250,000 Catalonians signed (continued on page 19) 2 - ANIMAL PEOPLE, June 2007 + + ANIMAL PEOPLE, June 2007 - 3 Editorial feature Moral leadership, big groups, & the meat issue Exemplifying moral leadership consists of departing from typical conduct to demon- crates and reducing the numbers of laying hens crammed into each cage. strate standards of behavior which may never be fully met by most people, yet will be respect- Though far short of the humane ideal, each of these changes both reduces animal ed, appreciated, and emulated to whatever degree others find comfortable and practical. suffering and helps to establish the idea that animals should not be made to suffer, even if This is risky business. To lead, one must step beyond the norms, taking the chance causing them to suffer is economically expedient. As basic expectations of the animal hus- of ostracism that comes with being different. Trying to be “better” than most people incorpo- bandry industry increase, the opportunities expand for introducing further reform. rates the risk of being perceived as “worse,” especially if the would-be moral exemplar is ask- Spira understood that not eating meat and not wearing leather increased his moral ing others to take the same risk. authority when he went to negotiate with animal industry representatives. He did not expect to Hardly anyone chooses to be considered a “deviate,” a word which literally means convert any of them into vegans, or vegetarians, or even to persuade any to eat less meat. He only varying from routine patterns of conduct, but connotes perverted menace. did, however, seek to impress upon them that he lived his ethical beliefs. Daring to demon- But mostly the behavior and qualities of moral leadership are not consciously chosen strate his different outlook was part of his qualification for asserting moral leadership.
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