; « BRITISH ENTOMOLOGY; BEING ILLUSTRATIONS AND DESCRIPTIONS OF THE GENERA OF INSECTS FOUND IN GREAT BRITAIN AND IRELAND: CONTAINING COLOURED FIGURES FROM NATURE OF THE MOST RARE AND BEAUTIFUL SPECIES, ^ AND IN MANY INSTANCES OF THE PLANTS UPON WHICH THEY ARE FOUND. BY JOHN CURTIS, F.L^. HONORARY MEMBER OF THE ASHMOLEAN SOCIETY OF OXFORD, OF THE IMPERIAL AND ROYAL ACADEMY OF FLORENCE, OF THE ACADEMY OF NATURAL SCIENCES OF PHILADELPHIA, ETC. ,'• ••. *^ o , ... , " VOL. VI. • "--/t , X f LEPIDOPTER Part IL & "-^ ^ / A, \ :(( , LONDON: ^'^'i>,i^^j.^ PRINTED FOR THE AUTHOR, AND SOLD BY E. ELLIS AND CO., 92 GREAT RUSSELL STREET, BLOOMSBURY SIMPKIN AND MARSHALL, STATIONERS' COURT; AND J. B. BAILLIERE, 219 REGENT STREET. 1823—1840. PKINTED BY RTCHARD AND JOHN E. TAYLOR, RED LION COURT, FLEET STREET. SYSTEMATIC INDEX. Order 9- LEPIDOPTERA. Vol. VI. riate. Flats. Fara. GEOMETRID.E. Fam. CRAMBIDiE. 507. Psodos equestrata .... 424 j 508. Nyssia zonaria 615 560. Pyrausta ciiigulalis . 128 509. Alcis sericearia 113 561. Hydrocarapa stratiotata . 495 ,C/"510. Cleora ciiictaria 821/ 562. Scopula longipedalis . 312 511. Speranza sylvaria .... 225 563. Odontia dentalis . 563 512. Bupiilus favillacearius ... 33 ram. PYRALlDyli. 513. Aspilates gilvaria .... 467 514. Hipparchus smaragdarius . 300 564. 527 515. Ennomos angularia . 667 565. Hypena crassaUs . 288 516. Eubolia cervinaria .... 707 Fam. CRAMBIDjE. 517. Zerynthia latentaria . 296 518. Venusia cambrica .... 759 566. Asopia pictalis .... 503 519. Ephyra pictaria 447 567. Aglossa Streatfieldii . 455 568. GaUeria mellonella . 587 Fam. PHALiENIDiE. 569. Meliana flammea . 201 '520. Charissa operaria .... 105 570. Chilo laiiceolellus . 727 521. Boarmia tetragonaria . 280 571. Harpipteryx scabrella . 535 522. Hybemaria defoliaria . 703 572. Nascia ciliaUs .... 559 523. Pachycnemia hippocastanaria 611 573. Crambus radiellus . 109 524. Thera coniferata .... 519 574. Phycita pinguis .... 233 525. Lobophora polycommata . 81 575. Eudorea murana . 170 526. Eupithecia linariata ... 64 ram. ilJNiilUii!;. 527. Hyria auroraria 523 528. Venilia 4-maculata .... 647 576. Diurnea novembris . 743 529. Siona dealbata 691 577. Coclileophasia tessellea . 487 530. Abraxas ulmata 515 578. Adela Frischella .... 463 531. Zerene plumbata .... 643 579. Qilcophora sulphurella . 408 532. Electra albocrenata . 603 580. Aplota Robertsonella . 655 533. Larissa imbutata .... 324 581. Depressaria Bluntii . 221 534. Phibalapteryx virgata . 623 582. Anacampsis longicornis . 189 535. Melanippe Blomeri. .416 583. Laverna ochraceella . 735 536. Acidalia degeneraria . 384 584. Chelaria rhomboidella. 368 637. Macaria liturata 132 585. Cleodora cytisella . 671 538. Ourapteryx sambucaria . 508 586. Batia lunaris . 543 587. Porrectaria albicosta . 687 Fam. FALCARID^. 588. DamopbDa trifolii . 391 539. Platypteryx falcataria . 555 589. Pancalia Woodiella . 304 590. Glyphipteryx Linneella . 152 Fara. TORTRICIDiE. 591. Argyromiges autumnella . 284 540. Halias Quercana . .575 592. Ederesa semitestacella. 719 541. Tortrix galiana 763 593. Yponomeuta ecMella . 412 542. Amphisa Walkerana . 209 pusiella . ib. 543. Pa3(lisca semifasciana . 571 594. Cerostoma annnlatella . 420 544. Penthina Grevillana . 567 595. Acrolepia betulella . 679 545. Spilonota raarmorana . 551 596. Euplocamus mediellus . 591 546. Zeiraphera hastiana . 711 597. Tinea corticella .... 511 547. Anchylopera ustomaculana . 376 598. Lepidocera Birdella . 344 548. Philalcea Juliana .... 583 599. Incurvaria masculella . 007 649. Carpocapsa Leplastriana . 352 600. Lampronia luzella . 639 650. Bactra pauperana .... 599 601. Eriocephala calthella . 751 551. Cncphasia bellana .... 100 602. Gracillaria anastomosis 479 552. Orthota;nia turionella . 364 603. Chrysocorys scissella . • 663 553. Cochylis rupicola . .491 554. Teras excavana 699 Fam. PTEROPHORIDyE. 555. Leptogramma irrorana . 440 604. Adactylus Bcnnetii . 471 556. Peronea riificostana 16 ... 605. Pterophorus spilodactylus. 161 557. Sarrothripus ramosanus . 29 Fam. 558. Nola monachalis .... 428 ALUCITID^. 559. Simaetliis . Myllerana .320 606. Alucita hexadactyla. | 695 VOL. VI. , ALPHABETICAL INDEX OF LEPIDOPTERA. Vol. VI. Plate. Plate. Abraxas ulmata 515 Hypena crassalis 288 Acidalia degeneraria 384 Ilyria auroraria 523 Acrolepia betulella 679 Iricurvaria masculella 607 Adactylus Bennetii 471 Lampronia hizella 639 Adela Frischella 463 Larissa imbutata 324 Aglossa Streatfieldii 455 Lavcrna ochraceella 735 Alcis sericearia 113 Lepidocera Birdella 344 Alucita liexadactyla 695 Leptogramma irrorana .... 440 Ampliisa Walkerana 209 Lobopbora polycominata ... 81 Anacampsis longicornis . .189 Macaria Uturata 132 Ancliylopera ustomaculana . 376 Melanippe Blomeri 416 Aplota Robertsonella .... 655 MeUana flammea 201 Argyromiges autumnella .... 284 Nascia cilialis 559 Asopia pictalis 503 Nola monachalis 428 Aspilates gilvaria 467 Nyssia zonaria 615 Bactra pauperana 599 Odontia dentalis 563 Batia lunaris 543 fficopbora sulphurella .... 408 Boarmia tetragonaria 280 Orthotaenia turionella 364 Bupalus favillacearius .... 33 Ourapteryx sambucaria .... 508 Carpocapsa Leplastriana .... 352 Pacbycnemia hippocastauaria . .611 Cerostoma annulatella .... 420 Pajdisca semifasciana 571 Charissa operaria 105 Pancalia Woodiella 304 Chelaria rhomboideUa .... 368 Penthina Grevillana 567 Chilo lanceolellus 727 Peronea ruficostana 16 Chrysocorys scissella 663 Phibalapteryx virgata .... 623 Cleodora cytisella 671 Pliilalcea Juliana 583 Cleora cinctaria 88 Pliytita pinguis 233 Cnephasia bellana 100 Platypteryx falcataria .... 555 Cochleophasia tessellea .... 487 Porrectaria albicosta 687 Cochylis rupicola 491 Psodos equestrata 424 Crambus radiellus 109 Pteropborus spUodactylus . .161 Damophila trifolii 391 Pyralis cribrabs 527 Depressaria Bluntii 221 Pyrausta cingulalis 128 Diurnea novembris 743 Sarrothripus ramosanus .... 29 Ederesa semitestacella .... 719 Scopula lougipedalis 312 Electra albocrenata 603 Simaiitliis Myllerana 320 Ennomos angularia 667 Siona dealbata 691 . Ephyra pictaria 447 Speranza sylvaria 225 Eriocepbala caltheUa 751 Spilonota marmorana .... 551 Eubolia cervinaria 707 Teras excavana 699 Eudorea murana 170 Tbera coniferata 519 Eupithecia linariata 64 Tinea corticella 511 Euplocamus medieUus .... 591 Tortrix gabaua 763 Galleria mellonella 587 Venilia 4-inaciilata 647 Glyphipteryx Linneella . .152 Venusia cambrica 759 Gracillaria anastomosis . .479 Yponomeuta ecbiella 412 i Halias quercana 575 pusiella ib. Harpipteryx scabrella .... 535 Zeiraphera bastiana 711 Hipparchus smaragdarius . 300 Zerene plumbata 643 Hybernia defoliaria 703 Zerynthia latentaria 296 Hydrocampa stratiotata .... 495 ERRATA. Fqlio. Line. Folio. Line. 29 for Ramosana, degenerana, &c. 312 4 for nebulalis Hub. read nebu- rea«ZRamosanus,degeneranus lalis Haiv., which is the pru- &c. naUs of tlie JJ'ien. Verz. SS*" 7 for Gamlung read Samlung. 344'' add, at the bottom of the page, 14 for Beegiarius read Belgiarius. The Plant is Verbascum Thap- 88'' Geometra tceneraria, lliib. : sus (Great Mullein). belongs to tbis genus. 424 4 for Irish read Highland. 140" 23 after unca add Hub., Haw.— 559 9 after external add maxillar>'. uncana. 659 37 for 14 read 12. 161 23 /or Coccae rearf Coxae. II 4^^ 424. PSODOS EQUESTRATA. The gold four-spot Moth. Order Lepidoptera. T^am. Phalasnidae. Type of the Genus, Phalsena equestrata Fab. PsoDOS Treit., Goda, Curt.—Psycophora Kirbtj, Curt.—Geometra jjiih,—PhalcEna Fab., Haw. Jnteivice alike in both sexes, rather short and setaceous, inserted near to the eyes on the crown of the head, composed of nume- rous oblong joints, thickly clothed with short hairs and scales (I). MaxillcE slender and spiral, not so long as the antenna (3). Labial Palpi rather small, porrected obliquely beyond the head, parallel, very hairy (4), triarticulate, basal joint slightly curved, a little the longest and stoutest, 2nd nearly as long but thinner, 3rd minute (4 a). Head small and very hairy. Eyes small and oval. Thorax hairy. Ab- domen short and slender, obtuse in the male, conical in the female. Wmgs forming a triangle when at rest? rounded and entire, superior rather small; cilia even. Legs; hinder pair the longest. Tibise; anterior short, viith an internal spine, the others spurred at the apex, the posterior with a pair of spurs also below the middle. Tarsi 5- jointed, basal joint the longest. Claws arid Pulvilli minute (8t> hind leg of male). Caterpillars unknown, probably loopers with 1 0 feet. Equestrata Fab.— Curt. Guide, Gen. 888. 1. — alpinata Hiib. Brown-black, alike on both sides ; with a large elongated irre- gular oval orange spot towards the posterior margin of each wing. In the Cabinets of Mr. Dale and the Author. The genus Psodos bears so great a resemblance to Brepha (pi. 1 21.) in form, structure, and the hairy scales with which it is clothed, that it forms a beautiful passage from the Noctuidae to the Phala2nidsc, and, on the other hand, Mr. Kirby's genus Psycophora with its antenn£E pectinated at the base in the males, will probably connect Psodos with Biston. Psodos like Brepha flies by day, and as the larvaj are unknown, it is impos- sible to say if any affinity exists between them in that state. The five continental species of Psodos are all inhabitants of elevated regions ; two only of these have been discovered in these kingdoms, and they are amongst the rarest of our Lepi- doptera. Duponchel says, there is reason to believe that the — caterpillar of P. equestrata lives upon the Rhododendron hir- sutunif which is not a native of our
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