Prepared on the Guidelines of the U.G.C. Courses of Study For Post-Graduate (M. A.) HISTORY Under Choice Based Credit System (CBCS) To be implemented from Academic Session 2018-2019 Dr. Shyama Prasad Mukherjee University Morabadi, Ranchi, Jharkhand - 834009 1 CONTENTS Page 1. Introduction 03-04 2. Syllabus of M.A. History (At a Glance) 05 3. First Semester 06-12 4. Second Semester 13-20 5. Third Semester 21-31 6. Fourth Semester 32-42 ___________ 2 INTRODUCTION These Regulations shall be called the Dr. Shyama Prasad Mukherjee University regulations for Choice Based Credit System (CBCS) and Continuous Assessment Grading Pattern (CAGP) for Post-Graduate (PG) Degree Programmes. These Regulations shall be applicable to all candidates admitted to full-time post-graduate run under Dr. Shyama Prasad Mukherjee University, Ranchi from the calendar year 2018. The M.A. Courses of study will be of two years duration and divided into four semesters each of six months duration. There will be four papers in each semester. This course of study under CBCS system is being introduced from calendar year 2018 with a view to provide a comprehensive understanding of the subjects taught at Post-Graduate level. During two years duration students will be taught fifteen papers and one Project or dissertation paper. PROGRAMMES: Course Structure for M.A. Semester Courses FC (Compulsory) - (FC - 1) Core Course - 1 (CC - 1) I Core Course - 2 (CC - 2) Core Course - 3 (CC - 3) Elective (SE) (EC-1) CC - 4 II CC - 5 CC - 6 CC - 7 CC - 8 III CC - 9 EC-2 (GE/DC) CC - 10 CC - 11 IV EC - 3 (GE/DC) Dissertation / Project There are three groups of special papers, each of two papers. One will be taught in third semester and one in the fourth. The students are required to opt one specialized group of his/her choice. The specialized groups are: Group A : Ancient Indian History Group B : Medieval Indian History Group C : Modern Indian History Each paper shall carry 70 marks out of 100 full marks. 3 In each paper out of ten questions, students will have to answer five within three hours. Questions will be asked from each unit in order to test the critical and analytical merits of the students. Rest of the 30 marks in each paper shall be divided as follows : Internal Assessment Marks Notes 1st Term Examination 20 nd Best of one Term 2 Term Examination 20 Examination shall be Homework Assignment 5 counted Overall performance of The term examination Student including regularity in shall be one hour the classroom lectures / 5 duration in each seminars and other activities of theory paper in each the department / college semester. The pass marks of each paper shall be 28 in the End Semester University Exam (ESUE) and 17 for the Sessional Internal Assessment (SIA). The duration of first and third semester will be from July to November and that of second and fourth from December to May in each session of two years. Each semester shall comprise of a total 450 instruction hours. The University examination for 1st and 3rd semesters will be held in the month of December and that of 2nd and 4th semesters in the month of June every current academic year. Place: Ranchi Dr. Anil Kumar Date: March, 2018 Head University Dept of History 4 SYLLABUS OF M.A. HISTORY (At a Glance) CORE PAPER S E MARKS M E Course Course Name Internal S No. End Written Overall Written Total T Semester Assignment Performance E Examination R FC - 1 Concept of Historiography 70 20 5 5 100 Ancient Societies : Egypt, CC - 1 Mesopotamia, China, Greece 70 20 5 5 100 I and Rome CC - 2 Medieval European Societies 70 20 5 5 100 CC - 3 Modern World 70 20 5 5 100 EC - 1 Skill in History Writing 70 20 5 5 100 CC - 4 History of Jharkhand 70 20 5 5 100 II CC - 5 History of Women Study 70 20 5 5 100 History of Ecology & CC - 6 70 20 5 5 100 Environment in India CC -7 Medieval Islamic Society 70 20 5 5 100 Socio-Religious Movements in CC - 8 70 20 5 5 100 India CC - 9 History of Gandhian Philosophy 70 20 5 5 100 III Administrative History of EC - 2 (A) 70 20 5 5 100 Ancient India Administrative History of EC - 2 (B) 70 20 5 5 100 Medieval India Administrative History of EC - 2 (C) 70 20 5 5 100 Modern India CC - 10 State in India 70 20 5 5 100 Indian National Movement CC - 11 70 20 5 5 100 (1885-1947) Socio-Economic History of EC - 3 (A) 70 20 5 5 100 Ancient India IV Socio-Economic History of EC - 3 (B) 70 20 5 5 100 Medieval India Socio-Economic History of EC - 3 (C) 70 20 5 5 100 Modern India Project Viva-voce D - 16 Dissertation Paper / Project 100 Work 80 20 5 M.A. HISTORY SEMESTER - I Subject Code- Hist. FC -1 CONCEPT OF HISTORIOGRAPHY Class- 75,Time: 3 hrs. Full marks: 70, Credit- 5 Ten (10) questions are to be set, in which five (5) questions need be answered. Questions to a tune of 20% may be repeated from the last year questions. Unit –I 1. Concept of History 2. Meaning and scope of History 3. History and its relation with other discipline : Archaeology, Geography, Political Science, Economics. Anthropology, Sociology and Ecology. Unit – II 1. Causation 2. Generalization 3. Historicism Unit – III 1. Objectivity in History 2. Subjectivity in History Unit – IV 1. Greco-Roman 2. Chinese 3. Arabic Unit- V Indian Historiography : 1.Ancient : a) Itihas Purana Tradition b) Budhist Historiography c) Jain Historiography d) Banbhatta e) Kalhan 2. Medieval : Tradition of Indo-Persian writing in Indian History 3. Modern : a) Imperialist Writings in Indian history b) Nationalist Writings in Indian history 6 Books Recommended: 1. E Sreedharan, Itihas Lekh Ek Pathya Pustak, Orient Blackswan 2. E Sreedharan, Textbook of Historiography, Orient Blackswan 3. R.K. Majumdar and A.N. Shrivastava – Historiography. 4. K. Rajayya – Historiography – History in Theory and Method. Madhurai Publishing House. Madurai 625001. 5. R.Lohia – Wheel of History. Novalird Prakashan. Hyderabad, Hindi Ed. Also “Itihas Chakra”. 6. Action- Study of History. 7. Gooch, G.P. History and Hisorians in the Ninteenth Century. 8. Buckhardt Jacob – Reflections on History. 9. R.G. Collinghood – The ldea of History. 10. E.H. Carr – What is History, Also Hindi tr. “ltihas Kya Hai, Macmillan. 11. J.W. Thompson – History of Historical writing 2 Vols. 12. H.E. Barnbera – A History of History Writing. 13. Arnold. J. Toynbee – A study of History. 14. H.C. Bockett – The Critical Method on Historical Research and Writing. 15. Govind Chand Pandey – Itishas Swarup Evan Sidhanta (Hindi), Rajasthan Granth Academy, Jaipur. 16. Jharkhandy Choubey –Itihas Darshan (Hindi), Varanasi. 17. P.C. Panchal and Prof. H.S. Baghela – Itihas ke Siddhanta Evan Padhatiyan (Theories and Methods of History), Research Publications, Jaipur. 18. Toynbee, A. – Study of History, Hindi Tr. “ Itihas Ka Adhyanan”. 19. Shortwell, J.R. The History of History. 20. Dr. Parmandn Singh – Itihas Darshan” ( Hindi ) 21. Budh Prakash – Itihas Darshan” (Hindi) 22. H.G. Wells – “Itihas Ke Rooprekha” (Hindi) K.L. Khurana and R.K. Bansal Itihas Lekhan, Dharnauen tatha Padhatiyan . 7 Subject code: Hist. CC - 1 ANCIENT SOCIETIES : Egypt, Mesopotamia, China, Greece and Rome Class- 75, Time: 3 hrs. Full marks: 70 Credit-5 Ten (10) questions are to be set, in which five (5) questions need be answered. Questions to a tune of 20% may be repeated from the last year questions. Unit – I, Egypt: 1. Old kingdom - Society, Art and Architectore 2. Middle Kingdom - Society, Economic, Religious condition Achievement of 12th dynasty Hyksos. 3. New Kingdom – Amenhotep III Achievements of Akhenaten. 4. Contribution of Egypt. Unit – II, Mesopotamia: 1. Sumerian civilization – Early dynastic period. 2. Babylonians 3. Hammurabi – Code of Law and Administration of Hammurabi. 4. The Kassites – the rise of kassites & Achievements of kassites. 5. Assyrians – Fall of Assyrian Empire. 6. Contribution of Sumerians. Unit- IV, China: 1. Shang dynasty- Society, Economy & Religion 2. Chou dynasty- State Structure, Society & Economy 3. Confucious. 4. Contribution of Chinese civilization to the World Unit- V, Greece & Rome: 1. Homeric Age - Achievements of Homer. 2. Spartan Constitution – main features. 3. Pericles and his Achievements. 4. Roman Civilization – Society, Economy and its decline. Books Recommended: 1. Thucdides – Peloponnesian Yudha ka Itihas (Hindi) 2. Breasted – History of Egypt 3. Hall – History of the Ancient Near East 4. King- History of Babylonia 5. Turner – Great Cultural Traditions. 8 6. Delaporte – Mesopotamia 7. Herr lee Glessner Creel, The Birth of China- A Survey of the Formulative Period of Chinese Civilization, Jonathan Cape, London, 1936. 8. J. B. Bury, (a) History of Greece to the Death of Alexander, (b) The Hellenistic Age, 1925. 9. Gorge Grote, History of Greece (12 Vols) 1845- 1856. 10. R.W. Livingston, the Legacy of Greece, Oxford, 1922. 11. C. Mackenzei, Pericles, London 1937. 12. E. Gibbon, Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire, (7 Vols,) ed. J.B. Bury, Macmillan. 13. S.M. Pathak , Vishwa Ki Pracheen Sabhyataonka Itihas, Bihar Hindi Granth Academy, Patna 1986, (In Hindi). 14. Nemisharan Mittal, Pracheen Sbhyatayen, Search Publication, N. Delhi 1997 ( In Hindi) 15. Sri Ram Goyal, Vishwa Ki Pracheen Sabhyatayen, (In Hindi) 16. Dhanpati Pandey, (a) Pracheen Mishr, Motilal Banarasi Das, N. Delhi, (b) Pracheen Mesopotamia, Motilal Banarasi Das, N. Delhi, (c) Pracheen Chin, Motilal Banarasi Das Motilal, N. Delhi ( In Hindi) 17. Uday Prakash Arora, Pracheen Yunan, Anamika, 2010. 9 Subject Code- Hist.
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