19-05-2011 Articles - In Depth Making of Enthiran a Seminar by … HOME | CONTACT US Username Password Login Forgot Password? Register ABOUT US ARTICLES GALLERY FORUMS SHORT FILMS CLUB NEWSLETTER JOBS INTERVIEW PRODUCTION FOCUZ ANIM ATION SCHOOL LATEST NEWS TUTORIALS STUDIOS HARDWARE & SOFTWARE SLIDESHOW 19 May 2011 | Posted By Animation Focuz The mo vie Enthiran was one of the most ta lke d a bout India n films o utside o f India for its a ma zing visua l e ffe cts a nd compute r graphics. The makers o f this e xceptio na l film's VFX we re ga there d la st Sa turda y in Ra ja Annama la i Ma ndram to prese nt a se mina r abo ut the efforts a nd te chnique s which we re invo lve d in Enthiran for the first time eve r. The VFX Orga nizer o f the movie, Mr. Sriniva s Mo ha n (VFX Supe rvisor) from Indian Artist pre sided ove r the semina r which was orga nized by Are na Anima tio n a nd Anima tio n Fo cuz. The ma in aim of the se mina r wa s to improve the kno wle dge and de velop the e nthusia sm in budding a nima to rs a nd VFX specia lists abo ut the Visual effe cts and anima tio n industry a nd the te chniques tha t are currently be ing impleme nted. The audience who were either students o r a nimation professio na ls we re in huge numbers. A large group o f stude nts were in line for a long time to registe r themse lve s fo r the semina r. The y a ll e ntere d e agerly afte r registration. Also pre sent we re four othe r individua l studios tha t pla yed an important role in the movie. Mr.Stalin( Production He ad) fro m Ve nsat Studios, Mr.Hima kuma r (He ad of P roduction) fro m Prasa d EFX, Mr.Srinivasan (Se nior Supe rvisor) from Pixion, Mr.De epa k Na ir (Animato r) from Ma yans Crea tive s we re the dignita rie s pre sent there. The dignitaries were ca lle d on sta ge and were honore d w ith a boque ts e ach. Mr Sa si Kumar of Arena animation ga ve the welco me spea ch after the Ta mil Anthe m wa s playe d. Each studio ha d its o wn pa rt of work in the movie. They e xplained the ir wo rks individually. The se mina r started with Mr. Sriniva s Mohan taking the sta ge to prese nt the entire ma king of Enthiran's VFX wo rks. He told about the main 3 ste ps involved: Pre -production, Pro ductio n (sho oting), P ost-pro ductio n. He empha size d the impo rta nce of pre-pro duction proce sses in the film industry in current time s. And also introduced the co nce pt o f pre -visua liza tio n to the a udience. animationfocuz.net/…/in-depth-making-of-enthiran-… 1/4 19-05-2011 Articles - In Depth Making of Enthiran a Seminar by … He expla ined how the y made story boa rds for eve ry sce ne so that they didn't ha ve to ma ke mistake s while sho oting. And he also brie fe d about o the r pre-pro duction te chniques tha t ma de the film sho oting much ea sie r. Regarding the pro duction part He to ld the audience how the y use d ca me ra te chniques and a nimatronics whe ne ver a ppro priate to re duce the CGI wo rks involved. He proudly expla ined a bo ut the ne w te chno lo gies tha t w ere brought to India fro m a bro ad fo r the very first time in India n film history like Do me Stage Light Scanning which is rare ly used e ve n in Ho llywoo d. © Indian Artis ts Computer Graphics Pvt . Lt d After a short tea bre ak the se mina r co ntinue d to the po st pro ductio n part. Mr. Sriniva s Mohan expla ined about co mpo siting a nd lighting technique s a nd various othe r proce sses which w ere invo lve d in the po st-production. Finally before stepping down he gave the a udience an oppo rtunity to a sk their que rie s and he re plied wittily to the ir enthusiastic que stio ns. © Indian Artis ts Computer Graphics Pvt . Lt d Mr. Stalin o f Vensa t Studios showcase d his sidesho w next a nd expla ined the ir pa rt in the po st production o f the film which w as ma inly to duplicate the robots and ma ke the m lo ok as goo d a s the rea l Ra jini Ka nth. The y a lso did fa ce masking te chniques a nd the entire tra in seque nce in the movie. © Vens at Studio Mr. Himakumar of Pra sad EFX fo llow ed a nd e xplained ho w eve n small VFX wo rks we re ve ry important in ma king the film a success. Their studio did the te dio us task of replacing multiple insta nces of cha ra cters in so ng se quence s a nd a lso made spe cial effe cts like smoke, lighting and holo graphic ima ge rie s. animationfocuz.net/…/in-depth-making-of-enthiran-… 2/4 19-05-2011 Articles - In Depth Making of Enthiran a Seminar by … © Prasad EFX Next was Mr.Srinivas of Pixion on stage and he went on to show his detailed slideshow and explained their company's part in the movie. The y were involved in the titling of the movie and the y made the hand gun sce ne s fo r the Robot. They a lso did the challenging job of crea ting hundre ds o f ro bot duplicates a nd a lso some ca tchy spe cial effects. © Pixion Studio Mr. Deepak Nair finally concluded the series of seminars by explaining the baby delivery scene that his company made which was entirely a CGI work. They went into such detailto show the delivery of the baby that it looked almost realistic on computer screens and monitors. © Mayans Creatives The dignitaries were called upon stage and they were honored with mementos by the staff of Arena Animation and Animation Focuz. The dignitaries gave gifts to the audience who were enthusiastic to ask questions. The vote of thanks was delivered and the crowd dispersed after the National Anthemwas played. This was a one of a kind effort taken by Arena Animation and Animation Focuz to bring in more awareness about the visual effects industry. animationfocuz.net/…/in-depth-making-of-enthiran-… 3/4.
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