![Key Concents / Video Parameters . Codec](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
Key Concents/ Video Parameters . Codec- The languagein which the video datais written Example:H.264 AKA:Compressor, format, encoder . File Type- The packagein which the video datais wrapped Example:.mo% .m4v,.avi, .mkv AI(A:Wrapper, file extension . Dimensions- How manypixels comprise the width andheight of the imag, Examples:19 20x108 0, t280x720, 720x480 . AI(A: Resolution,size Relatedconcept Aspectratio (width:height usually15:9 or 4:3) . FrameRate - How many still imagesper secondmakeup the video image Examples:15 fps, 29.97 fps, 3 Ofps, 60fps Relatedconcepts: Progressive vs. interlaced . Bit Rate- How muchdata per secondis availablefor video information Examples:600kbs, 1500kbs, 10mbs, 200mbs Differentparameters are bestfor differentscenarios. Optimum parameters for playback on a local device itiffer greatly from those for streaming playback ov the internets or for those for frame accurate video editing. Common tools for video acquisition and transcoding . Handbrake- http://handbrake.fil Use:Ripping DVDs, transcoding video files for streamingor local playback . MPEGStreamclip - http://www.squared5.com/ Use:Video playback, video transcoding for streaming,local playbac or editing simpleedits and trims . EasyYouTube Downloader and VideoDownload Helper - googlethem Firefoxextensions for downloadinginternet videos . SnapzProX - http:/fwww.ambrosiasw,com Use:Screencapture software for Macs . VLCPlayer - http://www.videolan.org/vlc/ Use:Plays almost everything includingDVDs from all regions Institutefor MultimediaLiteracy Schoolof CinematicArts University of Soutlern Californa Final CutPro - The Basics This documentwill help getyou up and running. Termsmarked with a * are defined anddiscussed in the'Notesand Explanations'section. 1) SETUP - Taking time for proper setup is crucial. Be deliberateand organized. 'Create . a folderwhere you'll store your PROfECTFILE* and all of your MEDIA* e OpenFinal CutPro (FCP) r Saveyour new,'untitled' projectin your folder with an appropriatename . SetSCRATCH DISKS* - Fromthe'Final Cut Pro'menu, choose'system settings' then in the 'ScratchDisks' tab setyour scratchdisk to be the folder you just created. 2) WORKSPACE- Learningyourway around cdPn Fth Edr Browser - Top left window. Whereyou accessand organizeyour media into BINS.Create and maintainSEQUENCES*. Access the EFFECTS*tab. Viewer - Top middlewindow. Whereyou previewyour clips and media, makechanges to them,and decidewhich parts you want to usein your sequence. Timeline* - Bottomwindow. Whereyou putyour movietogether, manipulatingthe audioand video in your sequence. Institutefor MultimediaLiteracy ffl"""lli,'iHffifi*trrorna . Canvas- Whereyou seethe result of the work you're doing, If the viewer is for lookingat one pieceat a time,the canvasis where you seehow all the piecesare fitting together. 3) ASSETACQUISITION - Gettingyour stuff into FCP . Importing - Fromthe'file'menu choose'import' and then'files'or'folder'. Importingis usedwhen you want to work with files that you alreadyhave on your computer.You shouldput all the filesyou want to work with into your projectfolder beforeyou import them. Importing them will not changetheir actuallocation on your computeror their originalproperties. (*see notes on what kinds of files are compatiblewith FCP) . Log and Capture I Logand Transfer - Both are found in the'file'menu. Theseoptions are usedwhen you want to work with footagethat is still on your camera.Both optionsallowyou to pickwhatyou want to bt'ingin from your camera,and will put the moviefiles into your SCMTCHDISK and allow you to work with them in FCP.Use LOG AND CAPTUREwhen working with a TAPEcamera. Use Log and Transferwith DISKBASED cameras. NOTE that somedisk basedcameras require you to transferfootage from the camerato your computerusing a differentprocess and are NOTdirectly compatible with FCP. 4) EDITING- Chopit up, moveit around,fit it together. Smooth. Nameyour SEQUENCEin the BROWSER.Double click to openit in the TIMELINE. (Note,at this point you shoulddecide if you want to SETTHE SEQUENCE SETTINGSMANUALLY{'using a Preset, or, allow FCPto setyour SEQUENCESETTINGS automaticallythe first time you add a clip) . SETIN ANDOUT POINTS IN THEVIEWER - Doubleclick on a clip in the BR0WSERto load it into the VIEWER.Preview your clip by playingforward and backward.Find the point where you want to start usingthe clip and set 'ln the Point'by pressing'l' on the keyboard. Find the point you want to stop Institute for Multimedia Literacy Schoolof CinematicArts University of SouthernCaliforna 'Out usingig andset the Point'by pressing'O'. Thenclick and hold on the videoin theviewer to thendrag it downand place it whereyou want in your sequence.You can use multiple pieces of theclip. *(Seemore notes on workingwith clipsin theVIEWER) ADDAND ADIUST CLIPS IN THETIMELINE - Whenyou bring the selected partof yourclip down into your sequence in thetimeline window, you'll see thatit consistsof a videotrack and usually two audiotracks. Video tracks are on thetop, audio on the bottom.You then use the following tools to adjust your clipsand move them around SelectionTool - moveclips around, drag out heador tail Select Track Tool - Singlearrow forward or backward, multiple arrow forward or bachuard. Letsyou selectand moveeverything on one or all tracks. Razor Blade Tool - to cut a clip up in the timeline. Pen Tool - Letsyou mark points and then adjustOPACITY and AUDIOLEVELS when OVERLAYSare turned on. 3 Institutefor MultimediaLiteracy Schoolof CinematicArts Universityof SouthernCaliforna OVERTAYS- By turning clip overlayson, you get a line on your audioand video clips in the timelinethat lets you adjusteither the audiolevels or the video clipsopacity using the pen tool. , 'drarn/ . Transitions - You can in simplefades by puttingyour clips onto differenttracks, overlapping thenr, and adjustingthe Ievelswith the pen tool. ORwhen clips are on the SAMETMCK you cansimply place a transitionon 'transitions' the point where they meetby draggingit from the video or audio folder on the EFFECTSTAB in the browser. Effects- You canadd all sortsof effectsto your clips. Theyare found in the 'videofilters'folder of the'effects'tab.Simply drag them onto the desired clipsin your timeline (or in the browserbefore you add them to the timeline),then doubleclick the clip to bring it into the viewer,and then adjustthe parametersof the effectin the'filters tab'. You candistort the image,change the color,and more. 'motion' Motion - You cancreate motion effectsby adjustingvalues in the tab of a clip in the viewer. Changescale, rotation, perspective and position. Animatethem overtimeby addingKEY FMMES for eachparameter and givingit differentvalues at eachKEY FRAME. Institutefor MrrltimediaLiteracy Schoolof CinematicArts Universityof SouthernCaliforna o Rendering - If you seea red line aboveyour tracksin the timeline,or do not seeplayback in the canvas,you mayneed to RENDERyoUTsequence. This couldbe becauseyou haveadded effects, or becauseyour clip hasdift settingsthan your sequence.Under'sequence' menu, chose'Render' ('All'or 'Selection') 5) Finishing - Makingyour movieinto a movieyou canshare. Now that you haveall of your piecesput togethernice and smoothin your sequence, you haveto get them out into a unifiedformat so that you canshare them. You can "PRINTTO VIDEO" if you needto put record it directly onto a tape. Otherwise: . EXPORTQUICKTIME MOVIE - In the'File'menu,under'export'. Use this when you want a self-containedQuickTime movie based on the settingsof your sequence.May producea very largefile, but will be at FULL RESOLUTIONas longas you choose'UseCurrent Settings'. Make sure to includeaudio and video, and to'Make Movie Self-Contained'. Drq$. F EXPORTUSING QUICKTIME CONVERSION - Also in the'file menu'.Use this if you want to makea smallerfile for useon computers,but still of high quality.You can upload this to YouTube.Under the'format'option chose 'iPhone'. 5 lnstitutefor MultimediaLiteracy Schoolof CinematicArts Universityof SouthernCaliforna . EXPORTUSING COMPRESSOR - In the'filemenu'under'export'as well. COMPRESSORis a wholeother application that workswith FCP.Use it if you needto prepyour filesfor DVDor want to be ableto makemore detailedchoices about how you exportyourproject. It haslots of useful presets. ManyDVD creation programs can use your QUICKTIMEMOVIE. NOTESAND EXPLANATIONS (in orderof appearancein handout) . PROIECTFILE - YourFCP Project File is whereyou do all your work. Right. It is importantto understandthat it doesnot actuallyCONTAIN any of your mediaassets. It simplycreates references to all of the bits andpieces you areworking with, andhow you aremanipulating them to fit themall togetherinto a movie.Changes you makein the projectfile do not effectthe originalpieces themselves . MEDIA- Refersto anyof the assetsor elementsyou work with in FCP. Videoclips, music files, sound effects, still images,animation files are all typesof media. SCMTCHDISKS - Asyou work in FCP,the programis creatinglots of informationabout what you're doing. Scratch disks are where it putsthat info. Whenyou RENDE&it createsrender files and puts them here. Most importantly,when you CAPTUREfootage, it will go to your scratchdisk. SEQUENCES- These are files within your projectfile whereyou do mostof your actualediting work. Youview themand work with themin the TIMELINEWINDOW. You can have as many sequences as you want within a singleproject. You might create different sequences for differentparts of your movie,then create a new sequencewhere you combineall the parts from the othersequences.
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