D BANK GISTER VOLUME LXVI, NO. 6. , RED BANK, N. J., THURSDAY, JULY 29, 1943. SECTION ONE—PAGES 1 TO 12 Inter-Church Council Mrs. Thompson, Magazine Features Protest Change Herbert and Thompson George Bray To hi Train Service Helping War Workers Run In Primary * Old Everett House In Middletown Runningfor Re-election Public Hearing to be Sojourners Club Provide* E. Donald Sterner Before And After Pictures Fir at ^ . 'iert Seeking Seventh Term In Withdraws From Held at Newark Assembly, Thompson His Third Many Activities For Women Committee Race Published In Register Six Years Ago Today Early In October the Inter-Church The magazine. The American quest for a small house with a huge Howard W. Roberts, Middletown Monmouth county's representatives council, which la made up of repre- Mrs. Qeraldlne L. Thompson of Home, In August's Issue features an fireplace and above all, hand-hewn n (he state assembly, J. Stanley Her* Llncroft and George W. Bray of Red township clerk, was authorized by 40 Years With sentatives of all Red Bank,churchea, article entitled, "For Those Who Like beams. The first -floor fireplace In the Middletown township committee iert and Merrill H. Thompson, Re* will have Its first anniversary and In Old Things." The article Is on Meth- the old Kelly house was seven feet to write the following letter of pro- ublicons, announced this week they ' New York Life a little, less than a year this group Iey Green, altered farmhouse of Mrs. wide, and to top it all, hidden be- test in connection with an. applica- 111 be candidates for re-election. As* of women have accomplished much. Langdon Geer at Everett. Pictures neath the old grimy celling plaster tion of the Central railroad for dis- embjyman Herbert has been a mem- The principal aim ot the council has of the farmhouse before and after were large oak beams. continuance of certain train service ber of the legislature the last six been to provide a recreation center Mrs. Geer and her sons', the late between Jersey City and Bast Long ears and - Is seeking his seventh Insurance Co. for women war workers and wives alterations aro included In addition to two interior shots. Langdon Goer, and Lieut. E. Shlppen Branch, through the township, effec- crm. His colleague, Mr. Thomp* of officers, servicemen and civilian Goer, U, 3. Navy, made every effort tive August 9: ion, Is running for his third term. war workers who are living In this The first before and after pictures to retain the original character of The two men have Issued the fol* William H. Duncan's locality. To the, State Board of Public of this farmhouse were published in the house, which was built in 1763.Utilities Commissioners, owing statement with the announce* Long and Efficient The council has done very well The Register several years ago when A new roof was the first chore; then Trenton, New Jersey. lent: with Its Sojourners club, which at the alterations were in progress. clapboards were fixed and small Gentlemen: "During the past years we haver Service Recognized the time of Its founding had an av- Oldtlmors' In thla section will not re- square windows built In with old- I received your notice dated July ad the honor of serving Monmouth' erage weekly attendance of approxi- call the place as Methley Green, but fMhUroed solid "green'shutters!" The | J,1/,,,;}9*?:., advising that the above iounty In the New Jersey House of ,,| mately 25 members, but now has will probably remember it as the old. exterior walls were painted white. title"d ™ matte" r haa been set down by lasembly*. For the past year, becauso . William H. Duncan of 68 Linden more than 100 active members, at- your board for public hearing at 11 Charles Kelly house on the farm Mr. Oak beams were uncovered and left f the national emergency, there place, Red Bank, hoi JUBt completed tending the afternoon and evening a. m. Thursday, July 29,1943, at 1060 iave been many grave problems fac* 40 years of service with the New Kelly purchased from James Craw- just as found. A new staircase re- Broad street, Newark. sessions. Headquarters have-been placed the old precipitous one, and ng the state of New Jersey. Thega York Idfe Insurance company at SI established In the social hall of the ford. The house Is 180 years old. I called your ofllce and I was ad- Madison avenue. New York city. Mrs. Geer bought the house and 60 new floors .were laid on the first vised that the trains under consid- roblems arc- continuing and becom- Presbyterian church, and are open floor. acres from the Charles Kelly estate. eration are as follows: ng more acute. In announcing our Wednesdays. Afternoon sessions be- An addition took care' of a maid's' NORTHBOUND landldaoy for re-election we do so ' gin with luncheon, which Is prepared The purchase of the ramshackle, Train No". 4008 with the hope that we may be ot - weatherbeaten farmhouse with its room and bath, plus a modern kitch- by club members and council hos- en, and another bath was added to Leaves East Lone Branch 7:37 a. lontlnued service td the people of tesses, and followed by sewing and rusted tin covered roof and broken, the main house. _...-—.--, m. Monmouth county and the state of handcraft rrfasses and general so- gaping windows ended a three-year Arrives Jersey City 9:12 a. m. This 0 lr Jersey '* ciability. In the evening, women will be discontinued, but there will Assemblyman J. Stanley Herbert who aro working during the day be.an earlier train as follows: prepare their own dinner and spend Leaving East Lone Branch 7:28 a. the evening there. Some of the hours m.. connecting with train at Mata- County Clerk Appeals wan. Harvest Home For after dinner are spent attending the MRS. GERALDINE L. THOMPSON Spanish classes, which are conducted Arrives at Jersey Citv at 9:05 a. m. 9 Train No. SOU by a council hostess. Other mem- Bank made the following Joint an- Leaves East Lone Branch 8:15 a. Rumson Churches bers catch up on reading. A book nouncement of their candidacy: To Soldiers Families m. table, featuring new magazines and Arrives Matawan 9:15 a. m. This Is books, Is provided for that purpose. Wo are Cling Joint petitions for a bus train and will be discontinued. In August For Holy- election to the office of members ot SOUTHBOUND Membership In the . Sojourners the -Now Jersey Republican state Train No. 4001 Cross, Holy Rosary club,is open to all young women war committee from Monmouth county Seeks Necessary Information workers and wives of servicemen, of- Leaves Jersey City at 10:48 a. m. Arrives Matawan 12:07 p. m.. Flans are under way for the an- ficers and civilian workers living In Before Ballots Can Be Mailed Train leaving Matawan later Is not (his vicinity. An Informal program discontinued and will connect with nual harvest home August 21 to 28, of activity was arranged at the for- another train. nclusivc, for the benefit of Holy mation of the club lost fall, and lost ' An appeal to the families of Mon- Train No. 5011 3ross and Holy Rosary churches at week a group of club members ar- mouth county men and women In the Leaves Jlatawan 1:53 p. m. Rumson. ' ranged their own program. Several Asks Repeal Of Armed Forces ot their country for Arrives East Lone Branch 2:40 p. Members of the committee are Mr. successful dinner parties have been information that will enable them to m. and Mrs. Edward Andre, Miss Mar> held. Including a dinner for officers vote In the primary and general elec- Your letter was read to the town- Jorle Andresen, Mr. and Mrs. John of the British Navy stationed at A"- No-Hunting Law ship committee, and I also Rave Bannon, Mr. and Mrs". Henry Bauer, tions has been made by J. Russell them the Information that I obtained bury Park and a group of Signal Woolley, county clerk, who, under from you over the telephone. Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Benson, Mr. and WILLIAM H. DUNCAN Corps ofTlcers, a country supper and Crop Damage by. the law, is required to mall ballots I was directed by the township Mrs. Dennis Byrne, Mrs. P. J. barn dance at the local USO club, to absentee voters. committee to advise your commission Byrne, Mrs. John Carton, Mr. and In recognition of hli long service and a beach supper party at the USO that thev desire to so on record as Mrs. Joseph Clancy, Mrs. Mae ColTcy, Mr. Duncan was greeted by several beach club nt North long Branch. Rabbits Enormous To Insure the right of franchise to the men and women In the icrvlce. oopotlns the elimination of train No. Miss Eleanor Connor, Mrs. Michael of the company official* and co-work- 4008 a* It is understood bv the com- Connors, Stephen Cook, Mlu Marie Assemblyman Merrill II. Thompson ers In tils department In hla office The council Is a»l«t*d In this pro- It is necessary to have* the name of mittee that this will moan lhat tho ject by an advisory board ronalstlng In a communication read at thetfach such person, his home address Costlgsn, Mr, and Mri. Edmond Des- (he other day upon his arrival from lubttltute train will not only KO ear- Assomblyman Herbert resides at of representative* of the I»cnl Y. M. meeting of the little Silver mayor at the time of his entry Into the ser- lier in the mornlns.
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