‘Justitia (For the Genial Welfcre of tie People of Dominica, tle fur her ndvencenent of the West Indes and the Caribhcan Areaas a whole) ESTABLISHED 10955 SATUPDAY, OCTOBER | < » 1963 PRICE Io¢ MINISTER OBJECTS TO PRESS CRITICISM Graduation At P.M.H. -- 26 Awards State Of Emergency In Tobago “THE postTroner NURSES’ graduation ceremony on Thirty Six Dead: Water Shortage Thursday night at the Princess Margaret Hospital was |‘‘Flora’’ Attacks Cuba not all sericusness. High spots were an amusing playlet In the holiday island of Tobago, ravaged by Hurii- depicting the horrors which would happen in hospital life At midday on Friday latest news cane “Flora” on September 30, 36 persons are repotted if there were no ward-maids, the light-hearted speech — of of “Flora” was that, having lost dead and a state of emergency has been declared due to "eS, M. O., Colonel Foster, and the playing «of * the some energy ravaging already strife- - shortages —-water, food, clothing and housing — although torn Haitt she was picking up force the people were reported on Thursday night National Anthem by Matroa Dorival on her violin: low again on hcr way to the southern to be-calm. spot was a verbal attack by Social Services Minister Stevens province of Oriemie, Cuba, and the Appeals Launched ot Spain; H.E. the Govern- against the press in general and the Dominica U.S Naval Base of Guatanamo Chronicle in Bay. or, British Guiana; Mr. C.F. Edith had, a few days earlier, ex- In Grenada. Hon. particular. The Chronicle in its editorial of last Wednes- Chief Beauregard, pited on the ‘shores of Haiti and the Minister Blaize started off the Secretary General _day had made some searching remarks about Nurses and Caribbean: Organisat Dominican Republic where Premier Tobago Relief Fund with a i 0 n; their training and hospital conditions in Dominica, asking Juan Chief Bosch (first freely elected Pres- donation of $100 whilst Minister, Grenada; why Government had not yet published the Swaby report ident for 30 years) had been de- the Premier Grenada Branch of the - Red of Barbados; Chief ct, hese subjects. posed by’a military junta. The mi- Minister, St. Vigeent; litary Cross is collecting clothing Minis- dictatorship fever is catching ter of External Trained Dominicans HERE ! money for the latter had just since the same thing has happened and gifts; a Bingo Party has Affairs, Jam aica; and now been made available. in Honduras—scene a few years ago been arranged in St. Pauls to H.H. ‘the Admin- Both Matron Dorival and These speeches were pre of indirect U.S. intervention against strator, St. Lucia: | raise money for relief. St. ee re tne Social Services Minister leftwing. President Arbetz. ceded by the Nurses Song, Vincent Red Cross branch made complimentary Little further news PEOPLE charmingly sung, and by the has come from launched an appeal to help IN THE NEWS references to Surgeon Des- Martinique where thousands are plavlet. Sister Tetor Sister _ suficrers fypes_ EREDAR. Gwilliam, mond Macintyre FRCS for homeless, crops destroyed and houses of IViartinique™ Marie Rodolphe, in _ her and 18’ parcels Woman Educational Adviser returning to serve his home- razed. An observer who few over of supplies report made particular _refe- Martinique this week told the Her- have U.K. Dept. of Technical Co- already been flown to operation, land, and to Dr. Winston rence to the good work done ald that the devastation seen from Fort-de-France. TheFrench visited here for 3 days,. whe (said Matron) kept the surveyed education, also saw crop by Pharmacist Alexander, the air was appalling. In St. Lu- Consul in St. Vincent assisted surgical department going cia, the power failed as “Edith” and other damage by Edith; im- and laid stress on bringing the Red Cross with transport ptessed by people’s fortitude for over two years. The passed over the North of the island; *HON, up the standard of nursing in of gift material. A C. M. LeBlarc returned Sunday Minister stated that a specia- Dennery was subjected to severe further P. M. F. to regular S. R. N. flooding and in Soufriere most of appeal in St. Vincent is from CARIBO Conference in list course abroad was being Puerto Rico * WENDELL heights so that the nursing the residents had to take refuge “Tobago needs. your help Law-, arranged for Dr. Winston recog’ in the town hall after the destruetion rence, Asst. Dir. Works, left Wed- school would have a Now”. nesday ‘for. nine-month course’ in and that Government was nised reciprocal status. of the seawall. Flora’s damage to Grenada included a! power black- Public Administration at UWI, doing everything to secure and Sympathy Only From Dominica Jamaica * PUBLIC Haalth nursing retain the services of Domin- out, severe crop damage and many Major Thompson’s Trophy roads blocked by falling trees from course in Barbados is now being icans trained. overseas for this the gale-force winds. Smart work In Dominica the Red followed by Health Visitors Nurses territory.’ Referring to-. the His Honour the Administrator by the PWD had the roads clear Cross has notified London M. Lundell and L, Norris..and District nonfurnishing of the T.B. was Chairman of the ceremony, within 48 hours. ; that we here are tiot in need Nurses L.-Guiste: and D. and Mrs. Lovelace distributed the Musgrave -— all on PAHO ‘fellow- Wing, the Minister said he certificates, badges and przes: ei of urgent relief but may ships * BRITISH Council, Trini- was sure the nurses were not Major Thompson presented his want help for banana growers dad, welcomed new Asst. Repre- too vexed, as they could use own trophy and badze. There was Zanzibar’ impoverished by. Hurricane sentative Derrick Aspinall and_ wife it for various functions. also a talk by Ward Sister B. Ric- Independence “Edith”. No appeal for Pat recently, to succeed Paul: . Hill He said that when Dr. hards on the Nursing Council in Tobago or M.xrtinique has, as *REGIONAL Controller’ for: Britain, during which she described CDC, Mr. G.L. Firmston-Walliams, S. M. O. The Islandof Zanzibar will ‘become yet been launched: a meet- Watty was Acting 4 course for senior staff nurses. atrived Barbados iast month independent on December ro. (CP) to re- he had gone into the question The S.M.O, Colorel Foster de- ing of che Committee is being place returing controller Mr. A. C. of salaries of the Leewards livered a witty and diplomatic ad- held next week. Grieve * * Flamingo” illustrated being higher than those of dress, and a_ vote of thanks, by Mrs. State Examinations Pre- No island-wide appeal for magazine director P. R. G. Hornsby the Windwards with a com- Shirley James, an outstanding prize- liminary Part Il— 1963 the stricken islands has been arrived in Dominica Thursday to arrange mission appointed by the late winner, was seconded by Junior Nurse N. Felix, Credit; Nurse J. made by the Government of for distribution and sale of Nurse C. Douglas in a delightful Coipel. Pass; Nurse M. Williams, this baught paper here * ASTA- Federal, Government and that and simple manner. Pass; Nurse D. Liverpool, Pass; Dominica although messages PHAN’S September Prize Give- now both rates were on a Following are the successful Nurse F. Christian, Pass; Nurse H. of sympathy were despatched away of $500 was won by salesman par. “The people should trainees: — Thomas, Pass; Nurse T. Andrew, to Martinique and Tobago I. F, Pacheco of Goodwill * JODIE not always accept things that Pass; Nurse T. Frederic, Credit; by H. H. the Administrator. Lynn (Mrs. Joan Mancini), New ate written in those newspa- ’ General Nursing 1962 Nurse M. Henderson, Distinction. Messages of sympathy were York actress, model and artist stay- ing here on vacation visited the pers,” said the Minister. Nurse R. Laurent, Pass; . Nuzse S. Midwifery Training 1962 however received in Domin- Carib Reserve Thursday* “BABA”? ica after Hurricane “Edith” Laundry Improvements Wanted James, Pass; Nurse C.Prosper, ‘Pass; Nurse S. Chevalier, Credit; Nurs¢ Butier appointed Superintendent of Nurse S. Royer, Credit. C. Bellot, Pass; Nurse E. R. James» and acknowledged by His Government Packing Plant. Credit- In her year’s report on State Finals 1963 Credit; Nurse U. Georges, Honour from:— Se . coe > Hospital activities, Matron Nurse M. <A, Brookes, Credit; _ Midwifery Training 1963 H. H. the Administrator, WHAT? NO CONFERENCE? Nursé M. Beilony, Pass; Nurse A. mentioned the need for im. Nurse R. Laurent, Pass; Nurse S. Grenada; Netherlands Am-. provements to the laundry, Lecointe, Pass; Nurse B. John, James, Credit; Nurse C. Prosper, bassador, Port of Spain; Sir John Stow, Governor. of and for equipment of the new Credit; Nurse S. Plenderleith, Pass; Pass; Nurse S. Royer, Credit. Hon. Slater, Minister of La- Barbados, has been in London for Nurse J. Gregoire, Credit; Nurse several days and is reported to have Nurses’ hostel with various E. Shillingford, Credit; Nurse A, Major Thompson Trophy bour and Social Services, St. said that the October meeting of amenities. She was assured LeBlanc, Pass. & Bad ge Vincent; Mrs. Davie-Smith, Little 7 will not be possible because by the Hon. Minister that (Cont. foot next column) Nurse Angela Roberts. St. John’s Ambulance, Port of all the preparatory work tosbe done. PAGE TWO DOMINICA HERALD SATURDAY, OCTOBER 5, 1963 ae ee ee ’ Hampshire Avenue, North Wash- | where they were analysed by a com- causing costly delays dvring the MENTAL HEALTH NOTES ington DC. It is te to hoped that] puter and results flashed back to filming by Universal Pictures of countries in the Caribbean will be | Bristol almost immediately. “Freud”. Universal sued the insur- $600,000 US Mental Gare A Measure of Civilisation included.
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