GRAB - Game-Related Acronyms @ BGG # 18xx - Any railway game based on the 1829/1830: The Game of Railroads and Robber Barons game system 3DoG - Great Battles of the American Civil War: Three Days of Gettysburg 3M - Minnesota Mining & Manufacturing A A&A - Axis & Allies and related games/expansions/editions AAR - After action review, or Axis & Allies Revised ACW - American Civil War ADG - Australian Design Group AGoT - A Game of Thrones AH - Avalon Hill (now Hasbro), or Arkham Horror AoE3 or AoEIII - Age of Empires III: The Age of Discovery AoM - Age of Mythology: The Boardgame AoN - Age of Napoleon AoS - Age of Steam AP - Analysis Paralysis, or Action points, or Avalanche Press Ltd. ARG - Alternate reality game ASL - Advanced Squad Leader AT - Ameritrash games AToE - ATouch of Evil AVL - A Victory Lost B B2B - World War II: Barbarossa to Berlin BBG - Common typo used when referring to BGG BGG – BoardGameGeek.com (aka geekdo.com) BGotW - Arkham Horror: The Black Goat of the Woods Expansion B.O.B. - Blatantly obvious Barney BPA - Boardgame Players Association (boardgamers.org) BPS - Big pile syndrome (Used in my circles if not on BGG) BSG - Battlestar Galactica BSW - Brettspielwelt, an online gaming site C C&C - Caesar & Cleopatra, or the Commands & Colors series C&C:A - Commands & Colors: Ancients C&K - The Cities & Knights of Catan CABS - Columbus Area Boardgaming Society Carc - Carcassonne CC or CC:E - Combat Commander: Europe CCG - Collectible card game CDG - Card Driven game CE - Cosmic Encounter Civ - Civilization CMG - Collectible miniature game COA - Clash of Arms Games Con - Convention CotDP - Arkham Horror: Curse of the Dark Pharaoh Expansion CotE - Conquest of the Empire CRT - Combat result table D D&D - Dungeons & Dragons D6 - Six-sided die (Substitute other numbers for more sides.) DBA - De Bellis Antiquitatis DBM - De Bellis Multitudinis DIY - Do it yourself DoW - Days of Wonder DRM - Di(c)e roll modifier DT - Discovery Toys E E&T - Tigris & Euphrates (originally published as Euphrat und Tigris) EE - Europe Engulfed EF - EastFront EG - Eurogame F F2F - Face to face FASA - Fanta Simulations Associates FBG - FunBoardGames.org (shameless plug for my blog) FBI - Flying Buffalo Inc. FFG - Fantasy Flight Games FLGS - Friendly local game store, or Full line game store FOD - Fury of Dracula FTP - For the People G GBACW - Great Battles of the American Civil War game series GBG - See BBG GBoH - Great Battles of History games or modules GDW - Game Designers Workshop GG - GeekGold found at BGG GL - GeekList(s) found at BGG GotW - Geek of the Week at BGG GRAB - Game-Related Acronyms @ BGG (You are here.) GRD - Games Research/Design (GR/D) GRI - Games Research Inc. GSO - Gamer significant other GUR - Graphical user representation of a user at BGG GW - Games Workshop Ltd. H H&G - Carcassonne: Hunters and Gatherers HAC - Hex and counters Hasbro - Hassenfeld Brothers HiG - Hans im Glück HotS - Hammer of the Scots HotW - History of the World HSI - Die Siedler von Catan: Historische Szenarien HSII - Die Siedler von Catan: Historische Szenarien II I I.C.E. - Iron Crown Enterprises IDKWDYWTP - I don't know. What do you want to play? IRL - In real life J JBGS - Jovial Board Gamers Society (shameless plug for my game group, and I needed a "J") K KiY - Arkham Horror: The King in Yellow Expansion KuK - Web of Power (originally published as Kardinal und König) L LARP - Live action role-playing LCG - Living card game LnL - Lock 'N Load LotR - Lord of the Rings LotR:C - Lord of the Rings: The Confrontation and Lord of the Rings: The Confrontation: Deluxe Edition LRB - Living rule book M M44 - Memoir '44 MB - Milton Bradley (now Hasbro) MECCG - Middle-earth CCG MFG - Mayfair Games MMP - Multi-Man Publishing MOW - Man O' War MT - Math trade at BGG MtG - Magic: The Gathering N NGF - Non-gaming friend NGSO - Non-gamer significant other O OLGS - On-line game store OLWLG - On-Line Want List Generator for use in MTs OOP - Out of print OOS - Out of stock, or Out of supply OP - Original post(er) OSG - Operational Studies Group P PB - Parker Brothers (now Hasbro) PBEM - Play by e-mail PG - Power Grid PnP - Print and Play game PoF - The Princes of Florence PoG - Paths of Glory PR - Puerto Rico Q QWG - Quined White Goblin Games R RAW - Rules as written RB - Russia Besieged RE - Reef Encounter RftG - Race for the Galaxy RGB - Rec.Games.Board Usenet or Google group RGG - Rio Grande Games RitD - Rommel in the Desert RotH - Return of the Heroes RPG - Role-playing game RRT - Railroad Tycoon RT - Railroad Tycoon RTFM - Read the frickin' manual S S&R - Selchow & Righter (purchased by Coleco, which was purchased by Hasbro) S&T - Strategy & Tactics wargaming magazine SAG - Smartass Games Ltd. SBW - Spiel by Web (spielbyweb.com) SF - Catan: Seafarers SOA - Storm over Arnhem SoC - The Settlers of Catan SoC - Shadows over Camelot SOC - Shadows over Camelot SoE - Struggle of Empires SoS - Streets of Stalingrad SPI - Simulations Publications Inc. (acquired by TSR) SS - Secret Santa SWAG - Southeastern Wisconsin Area Gamers or SouthWest Atlanta Gamers T T&E - Tigris & Euphrates T&T - Thurn and Taxis T2R - Ticket to Ride T2R:E - Ticket to Ride: Europe TAHGC - The Avalon Hill Game Company (division of Wizards of the Coast, a subsidiary of Hasbro) TCG - Trading card game TEC - Terrain effect chart TI3 - Twilight Imperium (Third Edition) TNW - The Napoleonic Wars ToG - Traders of Genoa TRC - The Russian Campaign or Russian Campaign II, or The Russian Campaign (4th Edition) TSR - Tactical Studies Rules TtD - Through the Desert TTN - Titan (at WBC) TtR - Ticket to Ride TTR - Ticket to Ride TtR:E - Ticket to Ride: Europe TuT - Thurn and Taxis (German title: Thurn und Taxis) U ULGS - Unfriendly local game store UP - Union Pacific UT - Ultimate trades at BGG V VG - Victory Games VGI - Valley Games, Inc. VMBB - Von Manstein's Backhand Blow VP - Victory point(s) W WBC - World Boardgaming Championships WGG - White Goblin Games (see QWG) WotC - Wizards of the Coast WotR - War of the Ring WoW - Wings of War, or World of Warcraft: The Boardgame WoW:TBG - World of Warcraft: The Boardgame WW - Werewolf WWM - War Without Mercy Y YT - YouTube Z ZoC - Zone of control.
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