The Clinton Republican. VOL. XLIII.-NO. 14. ST.JOHNS, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, JULY 21, 189S. WHOLE NO. 2,249. Loug I.itkc Camp Meeting. Riley John D. Holmes. BUSINESS LOCALS. This is one of the great religious gath ­ Bengal —Win. E. Eldridge. Guim, Umbrella*. erings of the state. It lasts ten days Essex Robert Anderson. 1 COT Sim DAYS. FELL TO HER DEATH. Eagle E. C. McCruiub. Clothes Wringers repaired. Lawn It is under the control of the Methodist Westphalia J. B. Randolph. mowers ground. Wm. Osborne . Episcopal Church, and the religious ser­ Dallas Wm. H. Sage. vices will be under the supervision of Lebanon —Bion J. McVeigh. Cleaning up Sale ut Kendrick-*. The Republicans Elect Delegates On motion C. C. Vaughan was re-elect­ Miss Cora Bailey, of St. Johns, Kill­ Rev. VV. M. Puffer, D. D., Presiding El­ Edvard C. Barbour Was Taken To Everybody sells goods cheap. We ed chairman, and Major D. S. French, der of Lansing District. The Camp sell a little cheaper. If you doubt it we ed in an Elevator Shaft and Pass Resolutions treasurer of the county committee. will convince you if you will come in and Meeting will be held August 4 14, at While waiting for the report of the Detroit Yesterday. committee on resolutions, W. A. Norton see. All goods in stock at special prices the camp ground on Long Lake, ten from now on which will surprise you, miles north of Ionia. made a magnificent speech, paying a They will be below all competition. IN ELLIOT IS DRV GOODS STORK IN ENDORSING GOV. I’lNORGR, SKNAKOlt glowing tribute to the wisdom and pat ­ riotism of President McKinley, and the I’LKAl) Ol'ILTY TO THE CHARGE OF Respectfully, BURROWS, VV. A. NORTON AND H. L. Kendrick . DKTKOIT work accomplished by the republican OBTAINING GOODS UNDER FALSE A FINE WHEAT CROP. HIKAM HIGH. party. The re uniting of the north and south was worth all the war cost. He PRETENSES. White Mountain* and the Hea. showed the fallacies of the financial The buffet sleeping car from Chicago Till* Ye tr SIiuyvh tlie Finest Wheat Tint! to the White mountains and Portland, Miss Cora Bailey, aged about 27, claims of the opposition in a most clear has Keen Produced in Nome Time. and convincing way. He was very heart Me., via the Michigan Central, "The daughter of John Bailey, of Sf. Johns, The republican county convention to Niagara Falls Route, ” lea.e Chicago The wheat crop this year shows a most ily applauded. A short time ago Ed ward C. Barbour fell down an elevator shaft, live stories, elect delegates to the state, congressional 10 p. m except Friday, leave Detroit 7:50 gratifying increase as compared with J. W. Fitzgerald wu9 called upon, and made his appearance at the place of in Elliott's dry goods store, Detroit, last and senatorial conventions was held at said the flag was going up over the a. m. exceptSaturdaj. last season. A year ago the average was business of H. C. Leland and repres nted Jos. 8. H all , Mich., lassenger Ag ’t, Friday, and was instantly killed. The the court house Friday. Win. M. Smith islands to stay. He made a very good, from sixteen to eighteen bushels to the although short, speech, followed by hitnself as agent for a certain Detroit Detroit. Detroit Tribune gives the following ac­ was called to the chair and briefly acre w hile this year it runs from twenty- Wellington DuPuy, of Eagle, and Hiram wholesale liquor house. He had the count of the accident: reviewed the prevailing conditions dur­ High, of Ovid, and J. T. Daniells, of five to thirty bushels to the acre, cer promise of an order from Mr. Leland I he low prices on my fine line of ham­ The accident that cost the young ing the democratic national administra­ Essex. mocks are selling them fast. tainly a very pleasant change. The and also secured some liquor and cigars woman her life occurred shortly after 2 tion, and the results of republican The committee on resolutions then Hunt's Drug Store. wheat is also of much better quality reported as follows, the resolutions being for his own immediate use on the o ’clock. The woman had been making victory. It was a fine speech, and well than last year's yield, the berrv being unanimously adopted: strength of some money that he was go ­ some purchases of rugs in the carpet de­ appreciated. From now until August 1st, we are full and well developed. The new w heat Ri:s<ilvkd , by (Ik - republicans of Clinton ing to have “from the house" in a short partment on the fourth floor of the store- Charles B. GilFi Is was chosen secretary, county in convention assembled: prepared to make ihe extremely low is coming in fast, keeping the elevators That ue mi<)Ualifi«dly indorse and re-atfirm time, but which did not materialize, as After completing her purchases she told and the chair appointed the following the principles of the republican party us set offer for the Standard Designer for one very busy. The largest load that has forth in tin- St. Louis platform adopted in 18516 Mr. Barbour also failed to do, leaving year, monthly, for only 50 cents, regular Charles Bagg, the salesman, sin- committee: been delivered at John Hicks' elevator and it is with satisfaction we observe the ful­ both Mr. Leland and his hotel the price 85 cents. Tins is for only the wished to ship the goods to St. Johns, Credentials Carey R. Danielle, Levi fillment of tin-party's pledges and predictions month of July. Every lady should have this year was brought in a few days ago Partlow, Henry P. Clara. in the immediate return of prosperity through ­ poorer for his visit. Last Tuesday how ­ Mich., and wanted a dry goods box for out our count ry, result int.- from tlie enactment it at this extremely low price. by John Roberts, of East Bingham- Resolutions Dewitt II. Hunt, Hiram of a wise protective tariff law, and the confi ­ ever, he arrested and taken before the purpose. 11. L. Kendrick . There were 106 bushels, all of excellent M. High, John A. Watson. dence of our people in the continued stability Justice Lyon. He plead guilty to the Bagg and the young woman got on the Permanent organization and order of of our currency. quality. That we heartily indorse tin* administration charge and was fined 815 and costs, The North Shore Limited freight elevator together togo to the lloor business Ray Robson, Bion J. McVeigh, of that grund statesman and patriot President Wm. E. Eldre lge. McKinley and bis conduct of the war with amounting in all to, $31, or sixty days in Of the Michigan Central, “The Niag ­ above, where the boxes were stored. Spain in his unffiiichiiiK adherence to tlie <i»n« Inti. Ilit- Mii.m llii*in«-KK. The committee on credentials reported the Detroit House of Correction. He ara Falls Route, ” now leaves Chicago at The woman got into the car first and country's welfare regardless of the result to bis From 1 lie Gratiot Journal: as follows, which report was adopted: personal interests and in which lie has been so had twenty hours in which to pay his 4 p. m. and Detroit 11 p, m. It gives Bagg had just stepped in when the ele­ Binoham Will H. Brunson, C. C. Vaughan, ably sustained by Michigan's Secretary of War you two hours more in Chicago, makes A. B. Seattergood, L. R. Peck and a R. M. Winston, I). H. Hunt, Wm. Smith, R. ami the senators from Michigan. That we fine. The time expired at 8 o'clock the run from Chicago to New York in vator man shut the gate and the freight Mr. Cowley under the name of the G. Morrison, Win. Lelnnd, H. P. Gage, ('has. B. rejoice with him at the wiping out of the last Gilli-ls. W. W. Simonson, F. A. Travis, Uoo. A. vestige of sectional feeling in this country and yesterday morning and the fine was un­ twenty-four hours, as before, and gets car shot up. Bagg, according to his “North American Biograph Co., ” will Marshall, J. L. Ring, E. L. Pooling. that we express our entire confidence in his paid, so Sheriff Dunn took him to there in ample time for dinner and Btory, had barely time to turn around D eWitt—A. S. Most, H. P. Clark. Gerald ability to dispose of such territory as shall he evening entertainments. leave this village sometime next week McHenry. conquered by our brave soldiers and sailors in Detroit on the morning train. This was when he saw the young woman disapear* keenhl sh Jos. S. H all , Mich. Passeng er Ag ’t, for the north with their show. The G ’ David L. Eagle, I). S. Morrison, the way that shall lx- for the greatest good of his second offense. Barbour is the man jng beneath the floor of the elevator. Frank Younglove, Edgar Burk, Guy Eacgle. the people of tins country. Detroit. company is equipped with one of the Eagle Levi Partlow. W. DuPuy, Jed. Briggs. That we indorse the principle of equal taxa ­ who was the leader in the drunken spree John Dravenstadt. tion of all property, including that of railroad finest things in the line of moving picture H ath —Edward G. Wilson, Kay Robinson, and other corporations, so ahly and earnestly at Ovid a short time ago when so many I-or weak back due to kidney and machines in the country, carrying their Enos Peacock.
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