Alameda County Master Gardeners Plant List Earth Friendly (made easy) Demonstration Garden OPAC- Plant is on the MG Outstanding SD-No summer water Location Key Plants for Alameda County or More required beyond what is FS-All day minimum 8 H-Butterfly Garden - NE corner of Garden Outstaning Plants Brochure naturally available hours of sun M- Berms/Mound gardens (South) UCD All Star- Plant is on UC Davis Low-Some summer PS-filtered light or 4-5 Season R-Rock Garden - ( Center East) Arboretum All Stars for the CA Central water – Deep soaking hours of sun Year every 3-4 weeks ie F06 for F- Flower ( Center West) Valley S-less than 3 hours of Fall of 2006 W- Wind - ( North West) UCD Trial- Plant is part of test trials for Mod – Summer water sun O- under the Oak ( South West) the state new plant introductions. required – Deep soaking + multiple locations every week Water Req. Sun Req. BOTANICAL NAME COMMON NAME Loc QTY Remarks SD Ø Low Mod S FS PS S Native Planted Agave parryi Agave R 1 Ø ∆ ☼ F12 Aloe spp Aloe R/O + Various species Ø ∆ ☼ + Alstroemeria hybrids Peruvian Lily F/R 6 OPAC “ ∆ S ☼ + Amaryllis belladonna Naked Lady/Surprise Lily F/M/O + Ø ∆ ☼ Aquilegia eximia Serpentine Columbine F/W + UCD AllStar, UCD Trial ∆ S CA Native Sp07 Arbutus unedo 'Marina' Strawberry Tree H/W 2 OPAC2 “ Ø ∆ ☼ F06 Arctostaphylos densiflora 'Howard McMinn' Vine Hill Manzanita M 3 OPAC UCD AllStar Ø ∆ ☼ CA Native F11 Arctostaphylos 'Emerald Carpet' Emerald Carpet Manzanita O 3 OPAC “ Ø ∆ ☼ CA Native W08 Arctostaphylos spp. Manzanita- various species O 3 OPAC “ Ø ∆ ☼ CA Native F07 Artemesia californica California sagebrush O 1 UCD Trial Ø ∆ ☼ CA Native F07 Artemesia 'Powis Castle' Powis Castle Artemesia W 4 Ø ∆ ☼ F08 Aster novi-belgii ‘Purple Dome’ Michaelmas daisy R 6 UCD AllStar, UCD Trial ∆ S ☼ F09 Baccharis pilularis Coyote Bush R/O 2 Wind/bird seeded Ø ☼ CA Native Sp10 Bidens spp. Tickseed Sunflower Ø ∆ ☼ Sp08 Buddleia davidii Common Butterfly Bush H/R 4 ∆ ☼ F06 Buddleja davidii ‘Black Knight’ Black Night Butterfly Bush H/R 3 ∆ ☼ F06 Buddleja 'Lochinich' Blue Butterfly Bush F 1 ∆ ☼ F06 Bulbine frutescens 'Tiny Tangerine' Cape balsam R/M + UCD AllStar, UCD Trial Ø ∆ ☼ F09 Caesalpinia gilliesii Bird Of Paradise Bush F 1 Ø ∆ ☼ F09 Calendula officinalis Marigold M + Self seeds readily Ø ∆ S ☼ F08 Callistemon viminalis Scarlet Flame Compact Bottlebrush H 1 Ozbreed Trial Ø ∆ ☼ Sp15 Ceanothus xTuxedo Tuxedo California Lilac M 1 Hybrid Ø ∆ ☼ CA Native F12? Ceanothus maritumus 'Valley Violet' Valley Violet California Lilac H/R 5 OPAC“, UCD Trial Ø ∆ ☼ CA Native Sp07 Ceanothus x pallidus 'Marie Simon' Marie Simon Pink Ceanothus O 2 Hybrid, UCD Trial Ø ∆ ☼ F08 Cedrus deodara Deodar Cedar R 1 Ø ∆ ☼ Sp07 Centranthus ruber Jupiter's Beard M 3 Self seeds readily Ø ∆ ☼ Sp10 Ceratostigma plumbaginoides Dwarf Plumbago W 3 UCD AllStar, UCD Trial ∆ S ☼ F11 Cercis occidentalis Western Redbud O 1 OPAC2 UCD AllStar Ø ∆ ☼ CA Native W06 Cercocarpus betuloides var. blancheae Island Mountain Mahogany M 1 UCD AllStar Ø ∆ ☼ CA Native F09 Chasmanthe floribunda Cobra Lily / Faux Crocosmia F/O + Ø ∆ ☼ Chionanthus retusus Chinese Fringe Tree H 2 UCD AllStar ∆ S ☼ F05 Cistus purpureus Orchid Rockrose H 3 Ø ∆ S ☼ Sp07 Coreopsis grandiflora Early Sunrise Coreopsis P 4 Container by pergola ∆ ☼ Sp07 Page 1 of 5 AS OF 6/9/2018 Alameda County Master Gardeners Plant List Earth Friendly (made easy) Demonstration Garden OPAC- Plant is on the MG Outstanding SD-No summer water Location Key Plants for Alameda County or More required beyond what is FS-All day minimum 8 H-Butterfly Garden - NE corner of Garden Outstaning Plants Brochure naturally available hours of sun M- Berms/Mound gardens (South) UCD All Star- Plant is on UC Davis Low-Some summer PS-filtered light or 4-5 Season R-Rock Garden - ( Center East) Arboretum All Stars for the CA Central water – Deep soaking hours of sun Year every 3-4 weeks ie F06 for F- Flower ( Center West) Valley S-less than 3 hours of Fall of 2006 W- Wind - ( North West) UCD Trial- Plant is part of test trials for Mod – Summer water sun O- under the Oak ( South West) the state new plant introductions. required – Deep soaking + multiple locations every week Water Req. Sun Req. BOTANICAL NAME COMMON NAME Loc QTY Remarks SD Ø Low Mod S FS PS S Native Planted Cotinus coggygria Smoke Tree O 2 Ø ∆ S ☼ F06 Delosperma cooperi Coopers Iceplant M ? UCD AllStar, UCD Trial ∆ S ☼ F11 Dianella caerulea Cassa Blue Australian flax lily H/O OzBreed Celebrated Plants Ø ∆ ☼ S10 1-3 Dianella revoluta Little Rev Dwarf blue flax lily H/O OzBreed Celebrated Plants Ø ∆ ☼ S10 Dietes vegeta Butterfly Iris W/R 3 Ø ∆ S ☼ F06 Dodonaea viscosa 'Purpurea' Purple Leafed Hopseed Bush H/W 6 OPAC2 SW Native Ø ∆ ☼ + OPAC UCD AllStar Self seeds Epilobium (Zaushneria) canum California Fuchsia M/H + Ø ∆ ☼ CA Native Sp07 readily Erigeron karvinskianus 'Profusion' Santa Barbara Daisy H + UCD AllStar Self seeds readily ∆ S ☼ Sp07 Eriogonum fasciulatum CA Buckwheat O 1 Ø ☼ CA Native Sp17 Eriogonum gigantum St. Catherine's Lace' H 2 OPAC2 “ Ø ∆ ☼ CA Native S08 Eriogonum grande var rubescens Rosey Buckwheat H 2 OPAC2 “ Ø ∆ ☼ CA Native S08 Eschscholzia californica California Poppy M + Self seeds readily Ø ∆ ☼ CA Native F06 Euphorbia characias wulfenii Bush Spurge H 2 Ø ∆ ☼ Festuca californica California Fescue W/H 5 OPAC “ ∆ S ☼ CA Native F06 Freesia mix F + Ø ∆ ☼ Gaillardia x grandiflora Blanket Flower H + Self seeds ∆ S ☼ Sp08 Gaura lindheimeri Whirling Butterflies H/F + Self seeds readily ∆ S ☼ W08 Gaura lindheimeri 'Passionate Rainbow' Rainbow Gaura H/F + May self seed but not true ∆ S ☼ W08 Grevillea langiera 'Coastal Gem' Wooly Grevillea- dark pink foliage O/M 2 OPAC Ø ∆ ☼ W18 Grevillea ‘Noellii’ Noell’s Grevillea R 1 OPAC Ø ∆ ☼ S07 Helianthemum x nummularium 'Fire Dragon' Sun Rose-Orange R 1 Ø ∆ ☼ Sp10 Hemerocalis hybrids Day Lily F + ∆ S ☼ F06 Heteromeles arbutifolia Toyon O/M 2 OPAC2 Ø ∆ ☼ CA Native Sp09 Heuchera maxima Island Alumroot H 3 UCD AllStar, UCD Trial OPAC2 ∆ S CA Native F11 Heuchera 'Rosada' Rosada Alum Root Hybrid F 3 UCD AllStar, UCD Trial OPAC2 Ø ∆ S CA Native F06 Iris Bearded Bearded Iris F + Ø ∆ S ☼ F06 Iris Bearded 'Frequent Violet' Frequent Violet Bearded Iris F + Ø ∆ S ☼ F06 Iris 'Canyon Snow' White Pacific Coast Iris R 5 UCD Trial Ø ∆ ☼ F08 Iris douglasiana Pacific Coast Iris F/H + UCD AllStar Ø ∆ ☼ CA Native W08 Kniphofia 'Christmas Cheer' Winter Red Hot Poker O 2 UCD AllStar, UCD Trial Ø ∆ ☼ F11 Kniphofia uvaria Red Hot Poker W/R + ∆ ☼ F06 Lagerstroemia 'Dynamite' Red Crape Myrtle Shrub W 1 UCD AllStar Ø ∆ ☼ F05 Lagerstroemia indica Crape Myrtle Shrub W 1 UCD AllStar Ø ∆ ☼ F05 Page 2 of 5 AS OF 6/9/2018 Alameda County Master Gardeners Plant List Earth Friendly (made easy) Demonstration Garden OPAC- Plant is on the MG Outstanding SD-No summer water Location Key Plants for Alameda County or More required beyond what is FS-All day minimum 8 H-Butterfly Garden - NE corner of Garden Outstaning Plants Brochure naturally available hours of sun M- Berms/Mound gardens (South) UCD All Star- Plant is on UC Davis Low-Some summer PS-filtered light or 4-5 Season R-Rock Garden - ( Center East) Arboretum All Stars for the CA Central water – Deep soaking hours of sun Year every 3-4 weeks ie F06 for F- Flower ( Center West) Valley S-less than 3 hours of Fall of 2006 W- Wind - ( North West) UCD Trial- Plant is part of test trials for Mod – Summer water sun O- under the Oak ( South West) the state new plant introductions. required – Deep soaking + multiple locations every week Water Req. Sun Req. BOTANICAL NAME COMMON NAME Loc QTY Remarks SD Ø Low Mod S FS PS S Native Planted Lagerstroemia indica STD Crape Myrtle Tree H 1 UCD AllStar Ø ∆ ☼ F05 Lavandula stoechas 'Otto Quast' Otto Quast Spanish Lavender W/H 3 OPAC UCD AllStar Ø ∆ ☼ Sp07 Lavandula x intermedia 'Provence' Lavendin Lavender R Ø ∆ ☼ Sp07 Leonotis leonurus Lions Tail F 1 Ø ☼ Leucophyllum langmaniae 'Lynn's Legacy' Texas Ranger M 1 UCD AllStar, UCD Trial Ø ∆ ☼ F08 Lomandra hystrix 'Tropic Belle' Compact Mat Rush R 2 OzBreed Celebrated Plants Ø ∆ ☼ S10 Lomandra longifolia Katrinus Deluxe Mat rush O 3 OzBreed Celebrated Plants Ø ∆ ☼ S10 Sp09/W1 Lonicera heckrotii 'Goldflame' Goldflame Honeysuckle H/O 2 ∆ S ☼ 8 Mahonia aquifolium (Berberis aquifolium) Oregon Grape O 3 OPAC UCD AllStar Ø ∆ ☼ CA Native F06 Mahonia repens Creeping Oregon Grape R 1 OPAC UCD AllStar Ø ∆ ☼ CA Native F07 Mimulus aurantiacus Sticky Monkey Flower R 1 OPAC “ Ø ∆ ☼ CA Native W08 Miscanthus sinensis 'Little Kitten' Lttle Kitten Miden Grass O Ø ∆ S ☼ F11 Monardella villosa Coyote Mint O/R 3 OPAC “ Ø ∆ ☼ CA Native F06 Muhlenbergia dubia Pine muhly/ Dwarf Deer Grass H/R 3 UCD AllStar, UCD Trial SW Native Ø ∆ S ☼ F07 Muscari armeniacum Grape Hyacinth O/R + Ø ☼ W08 Nandina domestica 'Harbour Dwarf' Dwarf Heavenly Bamboo O 3 Ø ∆ S ☼ F06 Nassella tennuism Mexican Feather Grass R Can be invasive Ø ∆ S ☼ Narcissus Daffodil O + Winter full sun Ø ☼ W08 Nepeta x faassenii 'Walker's Low' Low Catmint H 2 Ø ∆ S ☼ Sp10 Oenothera berlandieri Mexican Evening Primrose M 2 Self seeds readily ∆ S ☼ Sp07 Pennisetum setaceum 'Rubrum' Purple Fountain grass W 1 Ø ∆ S ☼ W09 Penstemon hybrid 'Blackbird' Blackbird Beardtongue H 5 OPAC2 “ ∆ S ☼ Sp07 Penstemon Sour Grapes Parry's penstemon H/W + OPAC2 ∆ S ☼ Sp11 Penstemon parryi Parry's penstemon H 1 OPAC2 SW Native Ø ∆ S ☼ Sp09 Perovskia atriplicifolia Russian Sage H 1 Ø ∆ ☼ Phlomis cashmeriana Pink Jerusalem Sage O 1 ∆ ☼ Sp17 Phlomis fruticosa Jerusalem
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