^ V 3 -4 - FRIDAY, DECEMBER 18j 1970 PAGE THIRTY-TWO f Averapre Dafly Net Press Run iMancIiwtpr lEwnttig U m lii The Weather For Hie Wedi Boded November 14, ISTO Partial clearing, colder late tonighl after earlier abower pos- ; low in 20a. Sundax Lowest 16,080 S windy, cold, chance of V fliu rie s ; high in 80a. Extra s in Caldor’ s Prices ancheater— A City of Village Charm VOL. LXXXX, NO. 68 O n (EIGHTEEN PAGES—TV SECTION) MANCHESTER, CONN., SATURDAY, DECEMBER 19, 4970 (Classified Advertising on Page 16) PRICE TEN CXNTS Fam ous \, Cnldoi N am e ' T o y s! Senate Rejects Polish Shipyards OPEN EXTRA LATE EVERY NIGHT! Enemy Attacks Mark Rw* < ■ — SST Debate Halt .............. : Echo with Gunfire _ ____ I By WALTER R. MEABS AaaocUted Frees Writer By NICHOLAS ULUTOS Radio Warsaw said the Polish WASHINGTON (A P)— The Senate rejected today an news agency PAP reported that WARSAW (AP) — After Quell­ attempt to halt delate bn a money bill containing funds ‘‘calm prevailed in the whole of [•Hot Curve Action ing mobs with rifle fire in the V iet W ar Anniversary •Hide and Seek the triple cities” today, with for the controversial supersonic transport. nation’s biggest shipyards, po- Set by Mattel House and Senate leaders met meanwhile to review a Uce and troops in Poland hive - by Ideal series of bills blocking. congressionaLadjournment. By GEORGE E8PEB A twoAhirds vote w aa-neces--------------------------------:_____ _____ Associated Press Writer saiy to secure cloture—and thus ate. northS^ citi^ ^ otln r^ ejr^ ™ "*^ ;!.^ *Dual Lane Rod' limit debate—on the Depart­ SAIGON (AP) — The I b oBark & Bite That would scrap a bill pend* edly spread to a fifth city Pri- ro^t^^rants Viet Ckinfir marked the 24th M onopoly S.T.A.R. Team ment ijt Transportation mcmey day, but there were no con­ ing in the Senate providing So­ are opened,” the broadcast Runner Race Set bill cmitalning $210 million for firmed reports* of new violence anniversary of the start of by Ideal by Parker Equipment Belt the S8T. cial Security increases, trade said. It then Quoted a warning the Indochina** war today u, w, .. restrlcUons and the admlnistra- today. to rebellious youth from a local with two attacks on U.S. IDEAL O ^ en te are block^ action tion’a welfare reform proposal, Quoting newspaper accounts, new spaper: on the measure—one of at least Radio Cdansk reported Friday troops and the first rocket "Recent events disclosed the •Hot Wheels Super] six major l^ es. on which such EJven the routine became a night that some of the thousands attack in Saigon in a month •Flatsy r painful fact that many people ta ^ s are being used or threat- problem with that catch-all blU of rioters In the <3dynla ship­ and a half. Charger Set ened. still see their own interest over­ by Ideal is 3.43 on the floor. yards fired on the troops and There were no American cas­ B2.47 means debate <m gg minutes Friday, James police. ‘"There‘could have been shadowing the public good.” We' ualties from the two 100-pound One per customer, shall have to revise our attitude Limit 1 per customer, the bill will continue, pending j, only one reply to this,” the rockets that fell in Saigon, but a Senate clerk, read toward our youth, who proved 200 per store. no rain checks. new efforts to agree on a com­ broadcast said, “a resolute ac­ they don’t know how to behave. six Vietnamese civilians were •Hot Wheels promise or another try at clo­ (See Page Eight) tion.” aPoison Ivy Game Many of the looted things are killed and eight wounded by the ture, poesibly as early as ‘Tues­ Gdansk, Gdynia and Sopot, Laguna Oval being returned... Mothers have missiles. Most of the victims day. clustered beside the Bay of Dan­ by Ideal brought back things stolen in were children. * , 1. I ‘The Senate meanwhile turned zig, were tom by rebellious the shops by thelT children.” Four other youths were / to negotiatlcMis in an effort to mobs early In the week. ‘Die McNamara Broadcast monitors in West wounded in a bomb explosion Rem co Mighty Casey] unravel in private the leglala- fighting spread to Szczecin, 180 •Hot Wheels Germany said there were no that damaged a Saigon Viet­ tive thngle it wove in public and miles to the west, and outbreaks •Keep it Up -!rj mentions of the disturbances in namese language newspaper undo a Qireatened epidemic of Blasted In were reported Friday at Slupsk, plant. 9 The Locomotive you can Ride On! ^ Huai Lane Drag early morning transmissions of filibusters. a city of light industry 60 mUes by Kenner ^ other Polish stations. One of the two attacks on In that situation, Senate Dem­ east of Szczecin. Authorities re­ The Communist party news­ American forces was a 12-round ■ ■ ocratic Leader Hike Mansfield portedly used, tear gas at Slupsk Reg. 2.69 to 3.49 M 'l Our Reg. 39.99 Reg. 8.49 to 11,99 TFX Prohe paper ‘Trybima Ludu conceded mortar barrage that hit the called a M-minute secret ses­ to' restore order. that the! government’s Increase headQuarters of the 2nd Brigade sion of the Senate Friday night, ‘rmn ASSOCIATED PRESS Your Choice Your Choice js y Radio Szczecin reported today in food prices of as much as 20 ^ tile 20th Infantry Division 40 and urged his coQeeguea to take WASHING’rON (AP)—A Sen- that calm had returned to the per cent prompted the riots, miles northeast of Salgmi. an attitude of compromise o t ate subcommittee, closing Its c^ty. Umt deliveries of milk, though It said those who rioted Spokesmen said some Ameri­ give and take. books on an eight-year probe of meat and other foods were re- i s spontaneously did so out of mis­ cans were killed and wounded, The executive session pro- the TFX warplane, has accused turning to normal, and that information. but they gave no figures. They duced no QiecUio plan for an former Defense Secretary Rob- would be open Sun- "In^gators took advantage said over-all casualties were Each 26.40 end to the tieup. But the oppoe- art s. McNamara of wasting bU- of the change in retail prices In­ light. tag stdes on major, stalled legls \i V ^ dollars and damaging ^h® government says up to 20 troduced a few days ago” either The second attack on Ameri­ lation agreed to meet In small .j.*.--.. k.. Freight or Passenger Set persons have died in the con- "by disorientation” or "cold cans was an ambush of a U.S. , ™ , . u . frontations, and hundreds have compromises. convoy near the Hal Van peuM IS craft. been Injured. (See Page Seven) Only 1 each per customer, no ra it^ h e cl^ Our lUg. 49.9f 29.88 Mansfield and Senate Republi­ miles northwest of Da Nang. in a report released Friday, can Leader Hugh Scott were to One American was killed and permanent investigations meet today with House Speaker .... .. four were wounded. U.S. head­ John W. fo d ls^ subcommittee, also accused one Quarters said. Damage to the the Senate situatton and the out- convoy was said to be light. look for adjournment. tate^ Md said another New Haven Police Chief Officials also reported that •Lite Brite by Hasbro “I wouldn’t say there la light l»ave disQualified himself three South Vietnamese scddlers Kenner G. T. Racer Car •Powermite Workshop by at the end of the tunnel, but the ^roia the TE7C con tract award. were killed and nine wounded •Easy Show Projector pitMpects are brikhter,” Mans- "^® report said McNamara Resigns; Lists Difficulties Thursday when a mine exploded With Battery and Recharger Ideal Arid said. his t<g> aides ignored advice underneath a mUitary train 10 B y PETER COWEN injury was one he had received •Mr. Rembrandt by “If there Is any Utfitat the “ f technical ex­ miles ncnlh of Da Nang. They •Easy Curl Light Up Asaociated Preea Writer in a motorcycle accident in 1957 said the casualties were the end of the tolnnel. It is not a ^ a rb it^ awarded when he worked in the traffic Our Reg. 49.99 Christmas llriit,-’ said Scott. He contract to General Dynam- NEW HAVEN (AP)-Jam es F. worst in any reported train min­ division. ing on the Vietnam national V anity sald thete Is^not a particle of although Boeing submitted Ahern, New Haven’s SS-year-oId A petition bearing the names As seen on TV! hope OOngresB might adjourn P }^ » <*® ^r and better police chief, said Friday he has of a number of pr<minent liber- railway in at least a year. •Mini-Matic Kitchen Set before Cbrlatmas. piane. bean forced to step down from There has been a series of als In the New Haven area— anti-American demonstrations -o. Reg. 6.99 to 8.69 It must, by law, Quit by noon, ^ also said McNamara was wd post because of "a trouble- including Yale University presl- Reg. 9,99 & 11.99 Jan. 8, siiice the Mat Congress Plain wrong in seeking to some and sometimes painful” and terrorist bombings in Sai­ d«it Kingman Brewster Jr.— gon, and U.S. and South Viet­ goes out ot develop a commixi plane for all neck injury and because of the was presented to the board be- namese security has been tight­ Y o u r |3 2 M It waa Scott who, with 18 sup- ^rvlces. difficulty of making changes in fore the meeting began.
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