E556 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks April 25, 2013 A TRIBUTE TO DOUG ARMSTRONG position. Under Mr. Alford’s leadership, sales received numerous commendations for his he- at Marine Chevrolet Cadillac have nearly dou- roic actions, including the Medal of Excellent HON. TOM LATHAM bled. Service and Medal of Valor from New York OF IOWA Mr. Alford’s expertise positively impacted State and the Senior Court Officers Associa- tion. In addition to his service as a court offi- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES not only his car dealership, but also his com- munity. The presence of Marine Corps Base cer, Lt. Bacon is an Ocean Beach Police De- Thursday, April 25, 2013 Camp Lejeune in Onslow County causes the partment officer and Lieutenant of Islip Volun- Mr. LATHAM. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to population to fluctuate often, and Mr. Alford teer Fire Department Ladder Company One. congratulate and recognize Doug Armstrong has worked regularly with government officials Lt. Bacon also dedicated 20 years of service for being named a 2013 Hero of the Heartland since 2007 to alleviate the negative con- to the United States Air Force Reserve, rising by the American Red Cross serving Greater sequences of these changes. He also served to the rank of Master Sergeant. Iowa. North Carolina as a member of the Board of Profiles in Courage Award recipient Chris- Each year, the American Red Cross serving Transportation. tine Levinson is the wife of Robert Levinson, Greater Iowa recognizes Heroes of the Heart- Mr. Alford has been a blessing to the resi- retired FBI Supervisory Special agent who land by selecting everyday Iowans who have dents of Eastern North Carolina in many ca- was kidnapped in Iran while there on private done extraordinary things to help their neigh- pacities. His success at Marine Chevrolet investigation business. Since his disappear- bors and communities. The Iowans honored Cadillac has allowed him to become a leader ance on March 9, 2007, Mrs. Levinson has with this prestigious award displayed selfless- in Onslow County, a position in which he has dedicated her time to finding her husband. ness in a variety of courageous, charitable excelled. I am grateful for Mr. Alford’s service She has met with several officials, including and thoughtful acts. The Heroes of the Heart- and pleased to have him recognized by the President Obama, then Secretary of State Hil- land program not only showcases the heroes United States Congress. lary Clinton and FBI Director Robert Mueller to among us, but also helps raise crucial funds to impress upon them the importance of the f case. She also travelled to Iran with one of ensure that the American Red Cross is pre- her sons and met with Iranian officials in an pared and equipped to assist those that need IN RECOGNITION OF THE NA- effort to locate SSA Levinson. Mrs. Levinson food, shelter, and comfort during emergencies TIONAL POLICE DEFENSE FOUN- DATION ANNUAL AWARDS DIN- continues to search tirelessly for her husband. and difficult times. Legislator of the Year recipient Congress- As a Senior Fire Medic for the Des Moines NER HONOREES man BILL PASCRELL, JR. is currently serving Fire Department, Doug Armstrong is dedicated his ninth term as the Representative for New to the welfare of his community on a daily HON. FRANK PALLONE, JR. Jersey’s 9th Congressional District. Mr PAS- basis. In April of last year, while enjoying an OF NEW JERSEY CRELL is a supporter of firefighters and vet- off-duty dinner, Mr. Armstrong noticed an el- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES erans, authoring the Firefighter Investment derly man choking on a piece of meat. Upon Thursday, April 25, 2013 and Response Enhancement (F.I.R.E.) Act seeing the man in distress, Doug wasted no Mr. PALLONE. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to and fighting for Purple Heart eligibility for vic- time successfully performing the Heimlich ma- tims of traumatic brain injury. He is also an neuver to avert the life-threatening situation. recognize Nicholas Turturro, Jack Garcia, Tyree Bacon, Christine Levinson, the Honor- advocate for police officers, creating the Com- Even while off-duty, his quick thinking and pro- munity Oriented Policing Services (COPS) fessional response left an entire community able BILL PASCRELL, Jr., the Honorable Lenı´n Voltaire Moreno Garce´s, Jose Zhanay and program and has fought to continue the pro- grateful for his actions. Whether on or off the gram. Mr. PASCRELL served honorably in the job, Doug is an example that our state can be Norma Delgado as they are honored by the National Police Defense Foundation. Each of U.S. Army and U.S. Army Reserve. proud of. Humanitarian Award honoree Lenı´n Voltaire these distinguished honorees has made sig- Mr. Speaker, Mr. Armstrong’s actions that Moreno Garce´s has served as the Vice Presi- nificant contributions to the law enforcement earned him the title a ‘‘Hero of the Heartland’’ dent of Ecuador since 2007. As a paraplegic, community. are a testament to the humble, hardworking Vice President Moreno advocates for those Man of the Year honoree Nicholas Turturro and helpful people who make up the great with disabilities. His work on behalf of the dis- has portrayed police officers in a positive light state of Iowa. I invite my colleagues in the abled community has earned him several rec- as an actor. He worked on ‘‘NYPD Blue’’ as House to join me in congratulating Doug on a ognitions, including a nomination for the 2012 Detective James Martinez for seven seasons job well done, thanking the American Red Nobel Peace Prize. Cross serving Greater Iowa for their life and currently plays Sergeant Anthony Renzulli One of two Member of the Year honorees, changing efforts, and wishing all of those in- on ‘‘Blue Bloods.’’ He earned two Emmy nomi- Jose Zhanay is the National Police Defense volved in the Heroes of the Heartland program nations for Outstanding Supporting Actor in a Foundation’s (NPDF) Delegate to Ecuador. He continued success for years to come. Drama Series for his role on ‘‘NYPD Blue.’’ In immigrated to the United States from Ecuador addition to his law enforcement roles on these f when he was 16 years old and worked his television dramas, Mr. Turturro has made ap- way up to opening his own jewelry company IN HONOR OF MICHAEL ALFORD pearances in several movies and other tele- at the age of 21. A member of the NPDF vision shows. since its founding, Mr. Zhanay has worked to HON. WALTER B. JONES Lifetime Achievement Award recipient SSA help Ecuadorian children and U.S. police offi- OF NORTH CAROLINA Jack Garcia (Ret) served with the Federal Bu- cers in need of medical assistance. He also IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES reau of Investigation (FBI) for 26 years. He dedicates his time to various other organiza- served as an undercover FBI Agent for 24 Thursday, April 25, 2013 tions and has received numerous commenda- years, working on over 100 operations against tions for his work. Mr. JONES. Mr. Speaker, I would like to domestic and foreign organized crime groups, Another Member of the Year honoree, C.O. take a moment to honor Michael Alford, who corrupt politicians, corrupt police officers and Norma Delgado (Ret.) served as a Corrections has recently been recognized as this year’s drug dealers. SSA Garcia also helped with Officer for the New York Department of Cor- TIME Automobile Dealer of the Year. National Security Investigations and national rections for 16 years. A native of Peru, Mrs. The TIME Dealer of the Year award is pre- and international terrorism cases. He serves Delgado has worked hard in pursuit of the sented to an individual who displays both pro- as a member of various organizations, includ- American Dream. She worked various jobs fessional excellence and dedication to serving ing the FBI Agents Association, the Society of and attended Bronx Community College in the community. Mr. Alford has exemplified Former Special Agents of the FBI and the pursuit of a nursing degree and became em- both of these characteristics as the president NYPD Honor Legion among many others. ployed at Jacobi Hospital in the Bronx. Her of Marine Chevrolet Cadillac in Jacksonville, Today, SSA Garcia utilizes his vast expertise venture into law enforcement service began North Carolina, where he resides with his wife as a lecturer as well as Managing Director of on the advice of NPDF Director Joseph Alicia and their three children. security firm Pathfinder Consultants Inter- Occhipinti. Mrs. Delgado is the recipient of the Before becoming involved with the auto- national, Inc. National Police Defense Foundation Special mobile industry, Mr. Alford enjoyed a success- Valor Award honoree Lt. Tyree Bacon is a Achievement Award and the New York City ful career in banking. After purchasing Marine New York State Court Officer. During the Sep- Department of Corrections Hispanic Society’s Chevrolet Cadillac from his father-in-law in tember 11, 2001 terrorist attack, Lt. Bacon Roberto Clemente Award. She currently 1997, he successfully applied many of the rescued a woman from Tower Two as it col- serves as the Administrator of the Operation skills he had acquired in banking to his new lapsed and killed 3 of the responders. He has Kids program of the NPDF. VerDate Mar 15 2010 05:48 Apr 26, 2013 Jkt 029060 PO 00000 Frm 00014 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\K25AP8.022 E25APPT1 pwalker on DSK7TPTVN1PROD with REMARKS.
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