9 A 0 M IB d U R IB S N FRIDAY, JULY 28, 1961 Average Daily Net Press Run The Weather For the Weak Ended Fereeaet of U. 8. Weather Buraae Jmw 8, IM l Warm, humid, eeciasloBal ekew* Miss Joyce Baker, daughter of •r* or t|mnder*howers tonight. Mr. and Mrs. Vance Q. Baker Showers Honor 13,330 Low 76 to 75. Rimday parSy oun- About Town Teeth Braces ay, warmer, more hnmld, thmid- 2M Porter St., returns home to­ Main St. MMabar of the Audit day from a three-week stay at Miss Tarpinian Bureau of Obonlatloa erahower* likely. High aronnd M. Crl>to(oro Colombo Society Hemlocks, the Blaster Seal Camp Manchester M anchetter^A City of Village Charm will colleet d u u »t the Itellen Recovered at HOUSE & HALE in Nichols for handlcan>ed young Miss Grace R. Tarpinian, 28 Americaa Club toiUi^t et 8 o'clock. people. Teresa Rd„ has been feted at two (Claselfled Advertteing on Pace 16) Hemben of Uw VOL. LXXX, NO. 254 (TWELVE PAGES—TV SECTION) MANCHESTER, CONN., SATURDAY, JULY 29, 1961 PRICE FIVE CENTS HaAeheste»Elin- l%e VFW Auxiliary will hold a miscellaneous bridal showers re­ Globe Hollow blem Club are reminded to send public card party tonight at 8 cently. percel poet packages from their o'clock at the post homo at.Man­ Gall O’Bright la a much hap­ /'T H E Miss Mary Ann Paganl, 258 Mc­ vacation trips to Mrs. Carol Leni- chester Green. pier girl today, now that aha haa han, 21 Cambridge St. The pack­ Kee St., maid of honor, and Mrs. Party Lines Dissolved her teeth brace| back- In place ages will be used for a club project L«yton Lee Wllmot and Lyndon Charles J. Tarpinian, mother of the U. ^lots in the fall. after aklndlver Peter Beckwith re­ Lee Wilmot, twin sons of Mr. and bride, were hostesses at a shower Most FAMOUS Mrs. Frederick W. Wilmot of Cov­ at the Lantern Village Bam. covered them yesterday from the Miss Janet A. Whitney, daugh­ entry, left July 12 for the U. S. Another shower was given by bottom 'of Globe H o llo ^ ' Swim­ Invasion, ter of Mr. and Mrs. Alfred G. Coast Guard Receiving Center, Senators Unanimous Z u fr; Miss Ann G. Bouchard of Hart­ ming Pool. Sharing hpr Joy to no Turkey Bids France, Whitney, S2 Alexander St., will Cape May, N. J. The boys enlisted ford, bridesmaid and sister of the small degree are her^arenta, Mr. NAME attend the North American Ecu for four years, and will train at bridegroom, and her mother, Mrs. and Mrs. Anthony O’Bright, 311 menlcal Youth Assembly on the Cape May for 13 weeks. They Harvey E. Bouchard, also of Hart­ Oak St., who jvould prefer not to tiuba Says campus of the University of Mich were graduated from Manchester On 2 Defense Bills TV Channel 3 ford, at their home. go through/the process of replac­ Igan Aug. 16-2S. The assem bly's a High School in June. Wallace Worthington of Daley ing the ^ c e s for her. gathering of young Christian lead­ In The W O R L D " Havana, Cuba, July 29 (JF)— Shift Opposed Rd„ Coventry, best man and broth­ GalMoat the bracea Wednesday ers from about 40 communions in er-in-law of the bridegroom, gave Cuba accused the United Washington, July 29 (/P) n»n»da and the United States. afternoon, and an attempt then Police Arrests the bridegroom^'’ James T. Bou­ Fabian Bachrach Photo Beckwith to find them was iln- States today of plotting “im­ The Senate has given unani­ Hartford, July 29 {IF)— Of­ chard of Hartford, a bachelor ^successful. Yesterday, Beckwith minent military aggression.” mous support to two of Presi­ ficials of the Travelers Broad­ Tunis Heed UN Truce Mrs. Mary Sullivan Demers of party. Curate Assigned. returned rather hopelessly to the dent Kennedy’s urgent de­ Hartford, a member of the Man­ The couple will be feted after The charge was made in a note casting Service Corp., say chester Business and Profession­ Anthony F. McAllister, 23, of no n ie Rev. Stephen DavW^^at- muddy water for another try, and, to the United Nations. fense requests. certain address, yesterday was rehearsal tonight at a bridal buf­ about 3:45 p.m., found the braces they are determined to oppose al Women's Club, is attending the fet given by the bride’s aunt and thews, son of Mr. and Mrs^TIowsrd The Foreign Ministry said In Its Party lines dissolved/yesteriay a move to shift the company’s annual convention of the National charged with breach of the peace, B. Matthews of Middletown, has stuck In the gravel bottom in wa­ as the Senate passed rapid suc­ Roger Montgomery, 17, of Glas­ uncle, Mr. and Mrs. Alfred La- note that the “ Imperialist govern­ Federation of Business and Pro­ assumed his dutiM /ss curate at ter about three and a half feet ment of the United States” plans cession: / televison outlet, WTIC-TV, Dag Tells tonbury, told police McAllister Plante, 93 Forest St., at their deep. Authorization Jmr $975,570,000 fessional Women's Clubs Inc. in home. Trinity Episcopal Church, Torrlng- to Justify military aggression be­ from Channel 3 to an ultra- Chicago, ni. beat him up on June 24, on Main ton. The curatsJs mother is the for­ Beckwith, ’ the O’Brights, and cause of Cuba’s failure to surrender for quick dellveiry of new missiles, St, near Bill’s Lunijh Room, for re­ Miss Tarpinian and Mr. Bou­ ships and planes. The vote was high frequency channel. chard will be married tomorrow mer Dagmag Anderson of Man­ skeptical observers were all a lit­ a hijacked Eastern Air Line plane. T^e station was one of eight fusing to get McAllister and an­ chester. , ' ’ tle surprised when the second at­ The airliner was forced to land 81-0. other person four quarts of beer. at St. James’ Church in Manches­ mentioned by the Federal Com­ Council of ter. The Rev. Mr. Matthews was or­ tempt to find the braces proved in Havana by a Cuban who held a Authority to hold fighting nen munications Commission yester­ McAllister will appear in Cir­ dained tp the diaconate June 14 In successful. Swim Suits pistol on the pilot of the Miaml-to- or unlt^' on duty an extra year day for tramsfer from the Very cuit Court 12, Manchester, on Aug. Christ Church Cathedral. Hart­ Tampa flight. / and to call up to 25O.OO0 reserv­ Dependabls 14. High Friaquency (VHF) range to ford, by the Rt. Rev. Walter H. The Cuban note said the airliner ists to active duty. The vote was UHF. Tlie eight stations are in Thomas Fulton, 24, of Coventry, Gray, Episcopal Bishop of Con­ now Is under a court embargo re­ 7^-0. Violations .yesterday was charged with opera­ Public Records Pioneer A-warded OUR ENTIRE STOCK! cities in which they are the only Used Refrigerators necticut. quested by "an interested ■ party.” / Senate Republican Leader E'"er- VHF stations. ting a motor vehicle while his He was bom in Chicago suid re­ It noted that in the past 10 months' ett H. Dirksen of Illinois had ur^ed license was under suspension. He The commission said the plan is United Nation.^ N.Y., Jul.v Overhauled and Tested Warrantee Deeds- ceived his early education at the ’Chutes Contract 10 Cuban planes have been seized unanimous Senate votes on the aimed at encouraging UHF (chan­ v„_ will appear in Circuit Court 12. Alfred C. and Jape E. Ga- University of Chicago Laboratory In the United States and sold at bills "to sh.QW (Soviet premier) 29 (A*)— Turkey today laid be­ Manchester, on Aug. 14. He posted nels 18 to 83) by ending the dual leucia- to George F. and Mar> School. He is a graduate of Loomis Air Force contracts totaltng $2,- auction. Khrushchev we mean business " operation of UHF and VHF sta­ fore the U.N. Security Coun­ S250 ^nd. Jape C. Murray, property at 146 School, Windsor, Conn., and re­ 240,206.19 have been awarded to The Foreign Ministry said the Earlier yesterday the House tions in the same jireas. Hartford cil a compromi.se resolution Potterton's Pine Si. ceived his B.A. degree with high note was addressed to 'the Pres­ Armed Services Committee ap­ Gerald F. and Ruth E. Diamond Pioneer Aerodynamics Systems already haa UHF channels. calling for full compliance ISO Center St.—Cor. of Church distinction frdm Wesleyan Uni­ ident of . the Security Council on in­ proved the measures by a 37-0 Officials of Travelers Broad­ NOTICE Jr. to Billy G. and Alice Steven versity, Middletown. He received Inc., leading parachute and space structions of President Osvaldo vote. Chairman Carl Vinson. D- with last week’s Tunisian son, property at 28 Bllyue Rd. to casting, a subsidiary of the Trav­ his S. T. B. degree from the Gen­ recovery Systems manufacturing Dortlcos and Prime Minister Fidel Ga.. said he would ask Hou.se ac­ elers Insurance Cos., said that cease-fire order but eliminat­ PUBLIC HEARING An^ldi Heights, Inc. toAn- eral Theological Seminary, New Arm whose main offices are located Castro. It said Cuba wished to call tion early next week. nettO^ C. and Jules E. Flliere, Channel 3 was the only station ing any charges that France is PROPOSED ADDITIONAL York City. at 168 Forest St. the council’s attention to "the Meanwhile, the additional $3,- providing a quality signal for APPROPRIATIONS property off Dartmouth Rd.
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