9 Continued Development (1997-2010) New Projects and Arrivals • The Bishop Lamont House (Chikanga, Mutare) was founded during 2004. • The new building at Mount Carmel Student House, • Father Norbert Heaslip came to Zimbabwe on Harare, was opened during May 1998. November 27th 1997. Father Martin Farragher • The ‘Youth Alive’ Group in Mutare (who conduct returned to Zimbabwe on January 22nd 2000. HIV/AIDS prevention and awareness workshops) Father Sean Coughlan returned to Ireland on was started by the Franciscan Sisters during 1999. February 27th 2001, but that year saw the arrival of The Sisters and group members have continued to three new Irish Carmelite missionaries: Father Paul the present day to provide various services to the McChrystal came in March, Father Paul Horan community in the Mutare area, in the surrounding in August and Father Robert Kelly in December. areas and in the diocese. Father Tommy Fives suffered a stroke and returned • The Capuchin Friars began ministry at St. Francis to Ireland for medical attention during August of Assisi (Zimunya) during 1999. 2009. • The new Priory at Hatfield, Harare, was completed on January 11th 2000. • Father Frederick Chiromba replaced Father Peter Toner as Administrator of the Cathedral, Mutare, on February 24th 2002. The Administrator’s House at the Cathedral Mutare had been built during 1998. • St. Mary’s High School was established in Chikanga, Mutare, during the year 2000. • The Amai Maria Village was founded near Dangamvura during 2002. • 2003 marked the beginning of the Sisters of the Divine Child in the diocese of Mutare. A children’s home was established under their care in Nyanga during 2008. They opened their Novitiate along the Bonda/London Stores road during 2009. Father Paul McChrystal 123 Ongoing Work St. Patrick’s High School (Nyanga): The Marist Brothers in Zimbabwe celebrated the Golden Jubilee Avila Mission: Avila mission celebrated its Golden of St. Patrick’s High School on October 2nd 2010. It Jubilee on May 30th 2003. was a very happy celebration of fifty years of Marist presence. St. Barbara’s Mission: St. Barbara’s mission celebrated its Centenary on June 12th 2010. A large number of Holy Trinity College the faithful joined the Papal Nuncio, the bishops, clergy and religious in this great celebration. Special mention Holy Trinity College, Harare, transferred from Silveira was made of the many priestly ordinations and the many House to the Nazareth House complex during 2008. religious professions of the sons and daughters of St. In July 2010, Holy Trinity College was affiliated to the Barbara’s mission and its outstations. Many priests and Catholic University of Zimbabwe. The Memorandum religious who hailed from St. Barbara’s have committed of Agreement was signed on July 23rd. Father Conrad themselves in different Congregations throughout the Mutizamhepo, O.Carm., Rector, and all at Holy country and elsewhere. Trinity College were congratulated for their hard work. Brother Patrick Mullins, O.Carm., has been The Spiritans: The Spiritans marked twenty-five years of coming for many years to lecture at Holy Trinity. ministry in Zimbabwe on June 6th 2009, with a special His continued support of Holy Trinity is very much celebration at the Immaculate Conception Church in Chikanga. appreciated. Nazareth House complex, Harare 124 Completion of Missions 1999 and ministered at St. Benedict’s mission and St. Columba’s mission respectively. Father Healy replaced A celebration of the Eucharist marked the official closure Father Lennon at St. Benedict’s when the latter returned of the Killaloe Mission to Zimbabwe on June 7th 2004 to Ireland. The Bishop of Ardagh and Clonmacnois, at the Diocesan Pastoral Centre in Mutare. The main Colm O’Reilly, very graciously, together with Fathers celebrant was the Bishop of Mutare and the homilist Pat, Nigel and Charlie, made a great contribution to was Father Michael Cooney, Diocese of Killaloe and ministry in Mutare over the nine years. During those Rusape Parish. Many tributes were paid to the Bishop years, they were under the umbrella of the Kiltegan of Killaloe, and to all the Killaloe Fathers who served Fathers. in the Diocese of Mutare since 1983. Appreciation was expressed to the faithful in the Killaloe Diocese Diocese of Mutare who had supported their priests for the last twenty-one years. Fathers Tony Cahir, Michael Casey and Michael The Diocesan Shrine at Changunda, near Triashill Cooney were present for the celebration, together with mission, was blessed by Bishop Muchabaiwa during Bishop Mutume, a large number of the Carmelite August 2007. This was the site where the first Mass in Family, clergy, Sisters, Diocesan Pastoral Council Manicaland was said in 1896. During 2009, planning representatives and laity. began for the proposed building of a church and school in the Hobhouse area of Chikanga, outside Mutare. The St. Patrick’s Missionary Society, the Kiltegan Fathers, completed their Mission in the Diocese There was a special assembly of both diocesan and of Mutare in 2008. During their nineteen years in religious priests working in the diocese of Mutare at the the Diocese, they had served at St. Paul’s Parish, Diocesan Pastoral Centre from March 23rd – 25th 2010. Dangamvura, St. Columba’s mission, St. Benedict’s The assembly discussed the need for a Child Protection mission, Headlands, and Bishop’s House. They were Policy for the Catholic Church in Manicaland. The also engaged in Justice and Peace ministry in the policy was approved by the Bishop of Mutare in early diocese and supplied at the Cathedral, Mutare. Father June 2010. Michael Bennett was the last Kiltegan Father to serve in the diocese of Mutare. The Kiltegan Fathers came Scapular Confraternity to Zimbabwe during 1989 and they now continue to minister in the Marondera area in the Archdiocese of Towards the end of September 2010, members of Harare. the Scapular Confraternity in Mutare City organised a day for the clergy and religious of the diocese of Fathers Pat Lennon, Nigel Charles and Charlie Healy, Mutare. The occasion took place at the Pastoral Diocese of Ardagh and Clonmacnois in Ireland, Centre and Bishops Muchabaiwa and Mutume, a completed their Mission to Zimbabwe during 2008. great number of clergy, religious and members of the Fathers Lennon and Charles had come during January Diocesan Pastoral Council attended. The Chairman 125 of the Pastoral Council welcomed everyone and invited There was an International Meeting of the Carmelite Bishop Muchabaiwa to lead the brothers and sisters in Family at the Diocesan Training Centre in Mutare from a celebration of the Eucharist. After the Eucharist, the August 10th – 14th 1998. Many of the Brothers and Bishop gave a short talk, followed by lunch. All who Sisters in Africa attended. Father Joseph Chalmers attended appreciated the work done by the ladies in (Prior General), Father Anthony Scerri (General organising the event. Many of the brothers and sisters Councillor for Africa), Father Robert Kelly (Prior remained at the Pastoral Centre until evening. Provincial) as well as other Provincials and Carmelites from Europe who have a presence in Africa also attended The Carmelite Presence this meeting. Chapters, AGMs and Meetings The Provincial Chapter 1997 took place during June at Gort Muire in Dublin. Robert Kelly began his Before the Golden Jubilee Celebrations of 1996 and second term as Prior Provincial and John McGrath was during the years which have followed, the Carmelite confirmed as Commissary Provincial. Father McGrath Provincial together with members of the Provincial would go on to serve three terms as Commissary Council have visited the brethren in Zimbabwe during Provincial, finishing in 2006. The AGM 2000 was the early months of each year. The Commissariat AGM attended by Father Joseph Chalmers (Prior General), has normally taken place during this visit. Prior to 2004, Father Anthony Scerri (General Councillor for Africa), the First and Final Professions in the Commissariat took and Father Robert Kelly (Provincial, Irish Province). place each year during the month of February. Since 2004 they have taken place during the month of July. The annual retreat for the finally professed and for brothers in first vows have taken place during December and August respectively. A renewal course took place in Mutare during January and February 1998. This two-week course was facilitated by Father Michael Mullins (Rector, St. John’s Waterford, Ireland) and Father Tom Whelan, CSSp, (Ireland). Forty-five people participated including Carmelite Friars, Sisters and invited clergy. Father Mullins gave an inspiring course on Scripture, while Father Whelan spoke on the art of presiding at the Liturgy, the theology of the Eucharist, music in the Liturgy, the Lectionary, community prayer and the sharing of the Word. Father Robert Kelly at Triashill 126 As General Councillor for Africa, Father Anthony Scerri Father James des Lauriers visited Mutare from May visited Zimbabwe frequently. He visited the brethren 27th – 31st 2010 for a celebration of his Golden Jubilee in Zimbabwe from September 17th – 30th 1997. of Ordination. Accompanied by Father Carlos Mesters, Father Scerri visited Zimbabwe and Mozambique during May and The Provincial Chapter 2000 was held at Gort Muire June 2003. Father Scerri, accompanied by Father James from June 18th – 23rd. Father Fintan Burke began his des Lauriers, visited Zimbabwe and Mozambique again first term as Prior Provincial. Father Burke would go on during May/June 2005. Father Desiré Unen Alimange, to serve three terms until 2009, when he was succeeded who succeded Father Scerri as General Councillor for by Father Martin Kilmurray. The Provincial Chapter Africa, paid his first visit to Zimbabwe during May 2003 took place at Gort Muire during June of that 2008. Father Desiré returned with Father Fernando year. In 2004, as well as the Commisssariat AGM in Millán Romeral (Prior General) to carry out a Canonical February, there was an EGM was held from April 15th Visitation of the brethren during October 2008.
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