VU Research Portal Convictions, Conflict and Moral Reasoning McMillan, D.J. 2019 document version Publisher's PDF, also known as Version of record Link to publication in VU Research Portal citation for published version (APA) McMillan, D. J. (2019). Convictions, Conflict and Moral Reasoning: The Contribution of the Concept of Convictions in Understanding Moral Reasoning in the Context of Conflict, Illustrated by a Case Study of Four Groups of Christians in Northern Ireland. 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Sep. 2021 VRIJE UNIVERSITEIT CONVICTIONS, CONFLICT AND MORAL REASONING The Contribution of the Concept of Convictions in Understanding Moral Reasoning in the Context of Conflict, Illustrated by a Case Study of Four Groups of Christians in Northern Ireland ACADEMISCH PROEFSCHRIFT ter verkrijging van de graad Doctor of Philosophy aan de Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, op gezag van de rector magnificus prof.dr. V. Subramaniam, in het openbaar te verdedigen ten overstaan van de promotiecommissie van de Faculteit Religie en Theologie op dinsdag 11 juni 2019 om 9.45 uur in de aula van de universiteit, De Boelelaan 1105 door David John McMillan geboren te Belfast, Verenigd Koninkrijk promotoren: prof.dr. F. Enns prof.dr. P.R. Parushev copromotoren: dr. L. Tóth dr. G. Stassen This dissertation research was completed in co-operation with the International Baptist Theological Study Centre Amsterdam, a collaborative partner of the Faculty of Religion and Theology of the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam. 1 Abstract This research was motivated by a desire to understand better the process involved in framing attitudes to decision making in the context of conflict and peacemaking, especially as a result of experience in Northern Ireland. The study is located at the intersection of theological ethics and practical theology, as research that engages with theological ethics by addressing issues of moral reasoning in a manner that is informed by, and may also contribute to, the field of practical theology. The research explores the concept of convictions, as proposed by James McClendon and James Smith (drawing on the work of Willem F. Zuurdeeg), as a possible methodology for understanding the formation of attitudes toward, and processes of, moral reasoning in the context of conflict. The thesis also draws on the work of Glen Stassen and Parush Parushev in regard to convictions and moral reasoning and the results of the investigation are ‘tested’ by way of a case study, which examines the responses of selected groups (n=4) of Christians in Northern Ireland to the 1998 Belfast Agreement. Data consist of official church statements, other statements from Christian organisations and a wide range of letters and advertisements placed in local newspapers. Core convictions of the four groups are uncovered and identified as key influences on the moral reasoning behind each group’s response to the Belfast Agreement. The research concludes that the unique development of the concept of convictions by McClendon and Smith contributes an important means of understanding moral reasoning in general and Christian moral reasoning in contexts of conflict. Samenvatting Dit onderzoek komt voort uit een verlangen om een beter begrip te krijgen van de manier waarop houdingen ten opzichte van besluitvorming in de context van conflict en vredestichting ingekaderd worden, vooral als resultaat van ervaringen in Noord- Ierland. De studie bevindt zich op het snijvlak van theologische ethiek en praktische theologie, als onderzoek dat zich bezighoudt met theologische ethiek door kwesties van moreel beredeneren te benaderen op een manier die gestoeld is op en mogelijk ook bijdraagt aan het gebied van de praktische theologie. Het proefschrift onderzoekt het concept van overtuigingen, zoals voorgesteld door James McClendon en James Smith (voortbordurend op het werk van Willem F. Zuurdeeg), als een mogelijke methodologie voor het begrijpen van de vorming van attitudes ten opzichte van en processen van moreel beredeneren in de context van conflict. Het proefschrift put ook uit het werk van Glen Stassen en Parush Parushev met betrekking tot overtuigingen en moreel beredeneren en de resultaten van het onderzoek worden 'getest' door middel van een case study, die de reacties van geselecteerde groepen (n = 4) van christenen in Noord- Ierland bij de Belfast Agreement van 1998 onderzoekt. De data bestaat uit officiële kerkelijke verklaringen, andere verklaringen van christelijke organisaties en een breed scala aan brieven en advertenties in lokale kranten. De kernovertuigingen van de vier groepen worden onthuld en geïdentificeerd als belangrijke invloeden op de morele beredenering achter de reactie van elke groep op de Belfast Agreement. Het onderzoek concludeert dat de unieke ontwikkeling van het concept van overtuigingen door McClendon en Smith een belangrijk middel is om moreel beredeneren in het algemeen en christelijk moreel beredeneren in de context van conflict te begrijpen. 2 Acknowledgements There are many people who have aided this project from inception to completion. Among them I would like to acknowledge my supervisors, Fernando Enns, Parush Parushev, Lina Tóth and the late Glen Stassen. Following the transition from IBTS Prague to IBTS Centre Amserdam and our collaboration with the Vrije Universiteit, Professor Enns became part of the supervision team. He brought to the project new and challenging questions, a fresh perspective as well as much encouragement and support, for which I am extremely grateful. Parush Parushev has been on the journey with me from the beginning, sharing his wisdom and encylopedic knowledge of many subjects both within and beyond the scope of this research. It has been a great privilege to work under his supervision as a student and alongside him as a colleague, particularly during the challenging years of the transition of IBTS from Prague to the new IBTS Centre in Amsterdam. I have benefited not only from his knowledge, but also from the many occasions of table fellowship shared also with his brother Vladko. Lina Tóth has been a careful reader, critic and support during the project. It was also my very great privilege to have the opporutnity to know and have as part of the supervision team the late Glen Stassen. Glen was a person of immense academic energy, kindness and passion for kingdom ethics, an exemplary disciple of Jesus. The communities of researchers, faculty and adjunct academics in IBTS Prague and IBTS Centre Amsterdam have patiently listenend to and critiqued many of my ideas. The staff of both institutions have been constantly supportive and a pleasure to work with over the years. I am particularly endebted to Stuart Blythe, the first Rector of IBTS Centre Amsterdam, for both encouraging me to complete the project and creating space for me to do so amidst the busy life of the Centre. The constant enquiries from friends and colleagues in my home church (Windsor Baptist in Belfast) and our mission agency (BMS World Mission) have often provided the necessary impetus to bring the project to completion when I may have wished otherwise and for that I am grateful. While life for many people in this world is marked by sadness, deprivation and sorrow, I am very conscious that mine has been marked by immense blessing and privilege in many ways. My life has been greatly enriched through the love and support of our daughters Sarah and Catherine, their husbands and our grandchildren. Chief among the blessing and privilege has been the companionship of my wife Dorothy who has willingly deployed her own considerable academic skills in support of this project and spent many hours helping to clarify ideas and proof reading the text. Thanks to her, this book, like my life, is all the more complete. Of making many books there is no end, and much study is a weariness of the flesh. The end of the matter; all has been heard. Fear God, and keep his commandments; for that is the whole duty of everyone. (Ecclesiastes 12:12-13 NRSV) 3 Table of Contents TABLE OF FIGURES ...................................................................................................................................... 7 INTRODUCTION .......................................................................................................................................... 8 1. MOTIVATION FOR THE STUDY ..................................................................................................................... 8 2. RESEARCH QUESTION .............................................................................................................................. 10 3. METHODOLOGY ....................................................................................................................................
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