Colorado Women’s Education Foundation 2010 Annual Report IN THIS REPORT: ★ From the Board From the CWEF Board . ★ Pay It Forward ★ Foundation Boards ★ New Trustees The Colorado Women’s Education Foundation Board of ★ 2009-2010 Recipients Trustees had a very exciting year packed full of changes and projects. ★ Contributions ★ Financial Reports We shortened our name to reflect the changes that have ★ Legacy of Learning occurred this past year to the BPW organizations on ★ Contact Us the national, state, and local levels. We’re excited that our new name is shorter and easier to recognize and ★ Scholarship Application Process remember. A new brochure was designed to help with ★ What You Can Do our marketing efforts. DONATE NOW ONLINE There were 14 scholarship recipients this year who were click here awarded a total of $13,125 in scholarships. As with every cannot carry out our honorable endeavor of helping strug- year, we have so many deserving applicants that we turn gling Colorado women complete their education. “Paying down and only wish we had more funds to award. Our It Forward” is what all of us can do to help these women new recipient liaison program is helping us stay in better and make our communities a better place. We believe touch with our scholarship recipients. that education is the key. The first annual “Legacy of Learning Fundraiser” was Please remember us in your charitable giving. No held this year with huge success. The fundraiser will be amount is too small. held each year featuring a distinguished speaker coupled with a social event. Our next event is scheduled for The CWEF Board of Trustees: April 11, 2011 with guest speaker Temple Grandin, PhD. Rori Bishop, Stephanie Brady, Bar- Details will be on our website. bara Ford, Kristin Lentz, Nancy Litvak, Colleen Miller, Joyce Neville, Deborah Our heartfelt thanks go out to all our supporters and Orent, Carol Puchalski, Phoenix Sagen, contributors of this past year. Without your support we and Jenne Trembley. 1 FOUNDATION BOARDS THE CWEF The Honorary Board BOARD OF TRUSTEES Toni Butler Lee J. Carlin U.S. Rep. Diana DeGette Colleen Miller, President Wanda Fanning Jennifer Trembley, President Elect Kathryn Hach-Darrow Kristin Lentz, Secretary and Acting Treasurer Josie Heath Dottie Lamm Stephanie Brady Michele Obermeier Rori Bishop LaRai Orullian Barbara Ford Anne Steinbeck Nancy Litvak The Advisory Council Joyce Neville Susan Beck Deborah Orent Cynthia Blankenship Carol Benson Puchalski Elizabeth Dodds Phoenix Sagen Jeannie Hamilton Dorothy Rupert Theresa Szczurek Staff Annette Taylor Margaret Martinez, Office Manager Linda Weatherwax Audrey Sewald, Accounting Contractor Consultants to the Board Nancy Cebula The Board of Trustees regretfully bids fare- Pam McKinnie well to two trustees: Ganette Isaacson and Julie A. Thenell Jessica Neville. They will both be missed We thank them for their service. Special Advisor to the Trustees Eleanor Hubbard After 3 years as President of the CWEF Board of Trustees, Joyce Neville has passed the Withtorch to ourSpecial new President, Thanks Colleen . Miller. Joyce has been a member of the board for over 5 years total and continues to serve as an active trustee. We thank you, Joyce, for all your leadership, for your perseverance, and for caring about our mission. 2 NEW TRUSTEES JOIN CWEF The CWEF board welcomes two new trustees and the abun- dance of experience, talent, and energy that they bring. Jenne Trembley is a financial advisor with Phoenix Sagen is a self employed busi- Spinnato, Kropatsch, Clinard, Schuelke & Asso- ness owner with ItWorks!! Global, a health and ciates, a financial advisory practice of Ameriprise wellness company with global reaches. Her Financial Services. Prior to moving to Colorado, community involvement has included being a she was Vice-Chairman for her local parks and volunteer at Judie’s House lending bereave- recreation commission and lent her support as ment support for grieving children and teens, both a volunteer and corporate sponsor for Wom- and helping with fundraising projects through the en’s Resource Center, Women’s Health Source, Longmont Moose Lodge for the local community and her local SPCA. In Colorado, she continues including education for children, medical sup- to leverage her relationships to aid non-profits plies and support for the elderly. She is also a that she cares about including Colorado Wom- supporter of the local humane society as well as en’s Education Foundation and Assisted Cycling doctors without borders. Tours. Using her degrees in Business, Phoenix is dedi- Jenne sought a position on the CWEF Board of cated to helping women learn, practice and apply Trustees because throughout her life she has the necessary skills needed to be successful in recognized the struggle women face in their business. She is very excited to join the Board of pursuit for a valuable education and a success- Trustees to be able to help other women com- ful career. She is continually challenging herself plete their education faster and with less frustra- through education, and currently has a degree tion. Her own struggle to pay for her education from the University of Pennsylvania and four has fueled her desire to help others who face the financial service designations: Certified Finan- same challenges. cial Planner™ Practitioner, Chartered Financial Consultant®, Chartered Retirement Planning Counselor®, and Certified Divorce Financial Ana- lyst®. Jenne is excited about her role as CWEF President-Elect, and plans to use her leadership and management skills to support the Board of trustees in their mission of helping deserving Colorado women. Be alert to give service. What counts a great deal in life is what we do for others. -- Anonymous 3 RECIPIENTS FOR FALL 2009 AND SPRING 2010 The Colorado Women’s Education Foundation awarded $13,125 in scholarships to 14 deserving Colorado women. Each round of scholarship reviews presents new, moving stories of women stuggling to complete their education. The diffi- cult economic times definately showed in the scholarship applications this year, and the empathy for these women made the award choices very difficult. The following are the recipients who received awards for the scholarship dead- lines of May 31, 2009 and Oct 31, 2009. Privacy requests limit the information we can publish. Erin, 32, of Colorado Springs is a single mother “I love doing my homework in front of my of one, working toward an Associate’s degree in three children because it shows them that it’s Elementary Education at Pikes Peak Community not okay to give up on what’s important to College. She maintains over a 3.0 GPA and ulti- mately plans to complete her BA at the University them ...” of Colorado. Her community volunteer work -- Sandy, recipient for Spring, 2010. includes The Head Start Policy Council, Women of Courage, and a Brides of Christ participant. Deborah, 40, is working toward a Bachelor Sandy, 35, of Aurora, single with three chil- degree in Construction management at Colorado dren, is studying Business Administration at The State University. She intends to also receive cer- Women’s College of the University of Denver tification in green building and LEED (Leadership where she maintains a 3.12 GPA. The reason in Energy and Environmental Design). While she has done volunteer work with Project Home- maintaining a 3.23 GPA, she supplements her less is to give back the same sort of help that studies by volunteering with the National Center she had previously received from “The Coalition for Craftmanship. for the Homeless”. Jessica of Fort Collins, 31, is married with two Barbara, 33,of Greeley is a divorced mother children, and is earning a Associate of Arts at working on her Associate’s degree in Second- Front Range Community College. Social Work ary Education (Math). While caring for her six is her chosen career because, in her words, “my children, she incredibly maintains a GPA of 3.84. life has presented many obstacles that I have Upon completion of her AA degree she intends to had to overcome and I am sure that I can be of work on her Bachelor’s degree at the University some help to those who are in need.” of Northern Colorado. Pursuing a career in the education field is a natural for her since she does Jayne, 32, of Colorado Springs is a divorced volunteer work in that area and has also home- mother of two. Sociology and Political Sci- schooled her own children for a few years. ence are her areas of study at the University of Colorado in Colorado Springs. She intends to become an advocate for domestic violence victims. While maintaining a 3.0 GPA, she also Click Here for a Scholarship Application volunteers at TESSA, an organization that helps women and children of domestic violence and sexual assault. 4 RECIPIENTS for FALL 2009 and SPRING 2010 (cont.) Meredith, 28, of Fort Collins, holds a 3.59 GPA and is pursuing a Bachelor of Arts with a double major of Sociology and International Studies at Colorado State University. She is heavily involved in community service including Victim’s Assistance Team, Key Service Commu- nity Partnership, and Food Not Bombs. Mercy of Lakewood, 26, sustains a 4.0 GPA in her course of study at Emily Griffith Opportunity $13,125 School to become a Licensed Practical Nurse. In order to reach her goal of becoming a nurse IN SCHOLARSHIPS in a Neonatal Intensive Care Unit, the divorced mother of two plans to continue her education AWARDED IN and ultimately pursue her BS degree in Nursing. FISCAL 2010 Elizabeth of Fort Collins, 25, is earning a Bachelor of Science in Nursing at the University of Northern Colorado. The single mother of one Statistically Speaking ... is a native Coloradoan and has a 3.76 GPA.
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