PREFERENCE DATE REPORT Lone Star Park Through 05/27/2018 Page 1 of 8 Horse Name Dirt Turf Horse Name Dirt Turf Horse Name Dirt Turf --Pretty Meadow(2016) 0 --Geebes(2016) 0 --Stellar Vision(2016) 0 --Katniss 0 --Mari's Big Rock(2016) 0 --My Queen(2016) 0 Everdeen(2016) --Ebony Gift(2016) 0 --Forever Brilliant(2016) 0 --Devil in P1 Diamonds(2015) --Aly's Rita(2016) P3 --Most Magic(2016) 0 --Miss Missile(2016) 0 --Ruby's Big Band(2016) 0 --Pulpitina(2016) 0 A Better Deal 0 A M Milky Way 0 A P's Bluegrass P3 A Place Remembered R21 A. P. Star NC Abbie Secret Way R5 Abigailthelion R22 Aceguitar 0 Aczar P16 Adios Yankee S3 Adore 0 Affaire Secrete R10 Affirming R23 After Hours R23 After Party R21 Air Assault R23 Air Power P17 Alabama Tide R22 Alamo City R14 All About Voodoo R7 All Effort 0 All the Tea R2 Alphabeta nc Alphatime 0 Altuveatbat R7 Alva R8 Always Gray R16 Always Silver R18 Aly Don't Touch P1 Amberson R13 American Colossus P14 American Thunder R21 Americium R21 Amigo Ransom R21 Analyze This Jet R20 And She Scores 0 Andrews Speedracer R21 Angebellanico R10 Angel in My Eyes R15 Another Bond Girl P17 Anothercoincidence 0 Apple County R20 April Sugar 0 Arch Cat R20 Arch of Ages 0 Archiboldo P14 Ardennes R15 Areed R14 Artax Apalachee R20 Aryescelestic Man P1 Ashtabula Five R19 Assembled Lady R8 At Bat 0 At the Hop 0 Atlantis 0 Atotonilco (MEX) R23 Attraction R11 Audacious Angel R15 Augustus Maximus R21 Aunt Lyda nc Aurora Lane R17 Avalo Magnificent R7 Avanzare R23 Averys Miss 0 Awesome J T R22 B Js Arch 0 Baby Spencer 0 Backseat Promises R22 Backyard Hero R20 Bad At Love P8 Bad Boy Brown R15 Bad Humor P17 Bajan Cash R23 Bakota R6 Ballinouttacontrol R21 Ballroom Kitten R22 Bandi's Doctor R16 Banglia NC Bankroll Ben R15 Barrister Jade S17 Bartle Do 0 Bay's Commander R20 Bayou Lily R19 Bazooka R19 Beach Fire R23 Bear Down Baby 0 Beat Goes On 0 Behold the Queen R7 Belfast P1 Belknap Creek 0 Bell Bottom 0 Bella Canzone P12 Bella Cinderella 0 Bella Dancerella 0 Bellarmine R12 Bellebreaksthecode R22 Belong to All nc Beltara P1 Bemma's Boy S2 Bending Saint S12 Bentley's Show R13 Bermuda 0 Bern Ban P11 Bernardina P1 Berry Loud R18 Besito de Coco P8 Best Case NC Beta Baby S16 Beta Capo Song R15 Beta Lake R23 Beta Lover R19 Beta Phone R23 Betabearly R15 Bethyl's Royalrose 0 Betonthepreacher S12 Better Belle R12 Betty Gets Better 0 Betty the Queen NC Betty's Sweet Boy 0 Bevolution R23 Bifurcation R19 Big Hearted Factor R22 Big Money Dream P1 Big Money Zeke 0 Big Rockstar 0 Big Storm Coming R23 Bird Orr Brady R20 Bitsy's Half R22 Bitty Brit R20 Bixby Lou R11 Blame the Caddie R20 Blame the Whiskey 0 Blanco Grande R20 Blind Sea 0 Bling Chaching P19 Blingin' Rose R15 Blingonthwing R17 Blue Clear Sky R22 Blue Collar Queen R16 Blue Darter P11 Blue Gem 0 Blue Native R21 Bluecollarman P16 Bluegrass Bronco R23 Blushing Hannah P1 Bo Tee R15 Bobbed Tail R22 Bobbie Power P15 Bobby's Bird Dog S20 Bogey R23 Bold Crusader P14 Bold Legend R19 Bold Rey R6 Bold River S12 Boldcapo R13 Bonita Salsa R22 Bonjour Baby R2 Bonnie Gray R13 Boogie Monster R23 Border Trail R17 Border Union 0 Bosque County 0 Boss Hoss Ross P14 Boston Baby P1 Boston Boogie 0 Boston Humor 0 Bowman West R15 Branded Saint R11 Brangelina 0 Brave Daisey R9 Brazos Angel R22 Breakin Daylight R9 Brians Star P17 Britts Hope R18 Broadway Sticker R23 Bruhlmeyer 0 Buck Roy 0 Buddy Brown NC Budro Talking nc Bug Lite R23 Bull City Bonus S16 Bull Ox 0 Bullet for Rose R21 Burtnjoe R6 Buskinfoalivin 0 Butler Field R18 Buzz On R19 C C's Song R14 Cabo Song Lucas R13 Cactus Son R20 PREFERENCE DATE REPORT Lone Star Park Through 05/27/2018 Page 2 of 8 Horse Name Dirt Turf Horse Name Dirt Turf Horse Name Dirt Turf Cairo Babe 0 Calandrita R14 Cale's Gold R3 Caliche Lane P16 Call Me West R23 Call On Me R16 Call Po Po R19 Camelntime 0 Can't Be Wrong 0 Caneel Gray P14 Cannington P18 Canyutel P17 Cap Trick R22 Cape Jasmine R20 Captain John 0 Captain Payback R15 Carlotta NC Cash Reward R15 Cash in the Ticket P11 Cashmere Bliss R11 Cass in Stone R11 Casting Crowns R23 Cat From Rome 0 Cat in de Nile R23 Catchashootingstar 0 Catdaddy R18 Catfeinated R18 Cats No Gittykitty 0 Cause She's Mine R22 Caviar Kitty R19 Ceremony R13 Champagne Bling R17 Channel Won R7 Charge Back R9 Charlie Hoss R2 Chase for the Gold 0 Chase the Bling R17 Chasing Jett S2 Chat Rat R13 Chattering Class R22 Checker Czech R23 Cheeky Vimto R16 Cheers and Prayers R20 Chenery R20 Cherokee Wampum P17 Cherokeetin Xpress 0 Cherry Bomb Baby S19 Cherry Shine 0 Cheyenne Blues R19 Chi Town Chief R18 Chica Con Suerte 0 Chiroc R20 Chocolate Czech P18 Chocolate Wildcat 0 Chody N Daniel R21 Chosen Vessel R12 Ciao Ciao 0 Cibolo Pete R7 City Gone Country R14 Civitavecchio (ARG) R15 Classic Road 0 Classic Western 0 Classy Bling R18 Clay's Dialing In R15 Clearly Wild 0 Clock Me Now P14 Clutch City R4 Coastal Highway R21 Cocked and Loaded NC Collateral Kitten R18 Colm's Lady 0 Colonel Cody P5 Colonial Front R12 Colonial Kendra R16 Colour My World R9 Colt Silver Bullet 0 Comanche Hopper R21 Come and Take It P14 Comin' Right Up R17 Command Center P1 Command Humor 0 Como Se Llama R20 Condobound 0 Congratulate Me R23 Contessa Jane S16 Cook R15 Cookin Gone Bad 0 Cookin On Saturday 0 Cord's Koko Night P1 Corinthian's Glory S4 Costa Del Sol R13 Cotton Club Cutie P1 Cotton Up R22 Counterforce R10 Country Club Diner R20 Country King 0 Cover Charge R19 Covert Special nc Cowboy Bling R23 Cowboy Breeze 0 Cowboy Pulpit R5 Cowboy U Know R20 Cowgirls Like Us R19 Crayon P17 Crazy Ivan R17 Creme Brulee 0 Crescent Flyer R12 Crossbow Cimarron R14 Crossingtherubicon P17 Crosstime R21 Crybabycry R19 Cu Rahy R20 Cuco Trejo R23 Curandero (MEX) R16 Curmit 0 Czech Included P18 D W Washburn NC D Y Button R19 D'poduim Gone Wild 0 D'urban Park R23 Da Streekin Mo R23 Daaher's Success P11 Daddy's Luck 0 Daftar R18 Dagny R21 Daisy Can 0 Dakota Candy 0 Dallas Blonde R11 Dalmavsman P1 Dance to My Song 0 Dances for Kamia R4 Dancing Bow 0 Dancing Dove R23 Danzigs Card R21 Danzing River R11 Dapper Jack R23 Darby Says See Ya R18 Daring Artax R20 Dark Desert Wine R2 Dark Dixie 0 Darth Kater 0 Darylsotherengine R12 Daughterofdefence R21 Dave's Baby Girl P1 Deacon's Hero R1 Debbie's Gift NC Debutante Belle R14 Dee Day P18 Deep Explorer R9 Dees Loca Motion S9 Deeya's Bling 0 Defiant Red S15 Delicious R7 Demands Attention R18 Desert Harbor P1 Detroit Sixty Six 0 Devilish P Js 0 Devilish Reason R19 Devine Teaching 0 Dewyalovemenow R5 Dia Del Cerdo R21 Diamondandstripes R21 Diamonds and Lace R15 Direct Dial 0 Discreetly Ours P11 Disinclined 0 Dissension R21 Distant Buddy P14 Ditty R9 Divine Dancer R16 Divine Holiday R23 Divine Soul R21 Dixie Cowgirl 0 Dobbins G P18 Doc's Donita NC Doctor C. R22 Don't Blame Dexter R18 Don't Tell Stacy 0 Donna's True Bling R15 Dont Get Fred P14 Dont Let Me Linger P11 Dontmisstheprize R20 Dorcheat Zarb R14 Dorfman R18 Dorrance 0 Dr. Boehrer S1 Dr. Clark R20 Drama Tree R19 Draw Or Pass 0 Dream Dream R15 Dreamin Tiger S9 Dreamy Kid 0 Drill Stem Test 0 Drinkin' Song R22 Drosselmonster 0 Duke of Kent P6 Dundon R11 Dustin's Lute R6 E Carter 0 Early Bid R12 Early Flying Gold S16 Early Ride R23 Ears a Winner R10 Easter Ellie S18 Easy So Easy R23 Eaton's Boogie 0 Eaton's Tom R21 Eatons Opportunity R9 Eldon's Jet 0 Elegant Idea R23 PREFERENCE DATE REPORT Lone Star Park Through 05/27/2018 Page 3 of 8 Horse Name Dirt Turf Horse Name Dirt Turf Horse Name Dirt Turf Eli's Rainbow NC Ella B Aly R21 Ellie Brock R21 Ellie Girl P11 Elm Creek Erl P4 Emma's Smile R22 Emperor T R18 Empressive Road S15 Escapist R23 Espresso Lite 0 Eternal Bling R23 Eura Queen R23 Euramaster R20 Euro Step R21 Eurobadguy P1 Eurodiamond P1 Euroeast P1 Eurofelon R22 Eurogem P1 Euromandy 0 Euromusing P11 Euros N Chrome 0 Eurosady P1 Eurowest P1 Eurthegreat P1 Evil Ways 0 Exoteric Melody R16 Exotic Beauty R13 Expect Royal R10 Expect to Fly 0 Expections High R18 Expectvalidczech P5 Expedition S15 Extended Warranty R13 Eyes On Red R17 Eyesonthepreacher R21 F J Uncle Vic R12 Facets of Ice S3 Fact Finding R10 Factually nc Family Cameo R19 Fancy Stockings R12 Fando P1 Fantastic Warrior R21 Fashion Editor P1 Fast Breakin Cash P11 Fast Down the Lane P11 Fast Leroy Brown R11 Fastasiwannabe R17 Fastblack 0 Favian R20 Favori R23 Fear the Zodiac R20 Fearless Alex R10 Fearless Tears P11 Feels Right P17 Fever Five R22 Fiera Prado R14 Fifteen Golden R3 Fifty Two Thousand R15 Final Arrow S16 Final Song P17 Finding Value R14 Fiorina P17 Fire Power R16 Firepit Queen R23 First Moon R23 Firstrate Proposal R18 Five Foot P14 Flash Tag R22 Flashflood Warning P17 Flashy Em 0 Flashy Indian R23 Flat Out Gittin It S6 Flat Out Rowdy P1 Flat Out Sassy R14 Flatout Happy R16 Fleet Halo R8 Flight Queen 0 Florencia Holiday R19 Flycatcher 0 Flying Fireworks R9 Flying Magic Song R13 Fonda Carlos 0 Foolish Steve 0 Forest Mist R22 Forest Ridge Kitty P14 Forestdungone 0 Forever West 0 Forti R21 Four J's P15 Franco R20 Fred's Lucky Boy S16 Freeze Line P1 Freshman Tap R22 Frigid P5 Frigidish R22 Frisco Girl 0 Frosted Bling R20 Frosted Ears R14 Fudge Proud R21 Full Blast Bling 0 Fun Facts R22 Further Review 0 Fusaichi Flame R23 Future Interest P1 G's Turn R20 Gage On a Hundred P17 Galactica R4 Game Loading R17 Game Set Aggies R23 Game Time Decision P1 Gato Caliente P1 Gavin R20 Generous Kitten 0 Gentle Commitment 0 Gentleman Len R3 Gently Tapped R21 Georgia Deputy R17 Get Loud NC Get Paid R8 Get the Bling R11 Gettin You Home 0 Ghost City King P17 Ghurair R17 Giagiajoe R23 Gift Bag P5 Gildologist P16 Gio Point R14 Girl's Rule R19 Glamorous Kingdom R12 Glitter
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