The Anmerican BIOLOGYTEACHER MAY 1982 * VOLUME 44, NUMBER 5 Downloaded from http://online.ucpress.edu/abt/article-pdf/44/5/255/39702/4447499.pdf by guest on 29 September 2021 I g 'S~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-W, t :;00;L00V:;fu:t Top quality materials from a name you can trust... Carolina's b Natural Bone Skeletons Downloaded from http://online.ucpress.edu/abt/article-pdf/44/5/255/39702/4447499.pdf by guest on 29 September 2021 Carolina has led in supplying educators with quality scientific materials for over 50 years. Every, order we ship is backed with unsurpassed service and care from a skilled staff. and human skeleton " materials are no exception. We have AKi.. 3 an extensive of the finest inventory w - * natural bone and plastic specimens. f s0.'0 and like every product we sell, each is OK unconditionally guaranteed. Order .4/0 f - from a name you can trust order frorn Carolina. Write LiS and we'll send you a free. fUll-color comprehensive catalog of Carolina natural bone and plastic skeletons. Carolina Biological > SuoPlu ComPany IIA oI 2700 York Road ? ?' \_ Burlington, North Carolina 27215 X /_ Box 187 wa r Gladstone, Oregon 97027 #& 4 p I You can lose PERMANENT your valuable eAIRTIGHT biological and SPECIMEN geological collections PRESERVATION through with *~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Improper storage! SCIENCECABINETS Downloaded from http://online.ucpress.edu/abt/article-pdf/44/5/255/39702/4447499.pdf by guest on 29 September 2021 l ~ - g.> . iifff:000-i .. I. ............... BOTANY SPECIMEN ENTOMOLOGY ZOOLOGY-ORNITHOLOGY GEOLOGY-PALEONTOLOGY CABINETS SPECIMEN CABINETS SPECIMEN CABINETS SPECIMEN CABINETS * I LaneScience Equipment Corp. Dept. T I a _ I 105ChambersStreet, NewYork, N.Y. 10007 I I Please send complete details on I* I0f Botany Cabinets D Zoology & Ornithology Cabinets I I C] Entomology Cabinets 0 Geology& PaleontologyCabinets 5i- I Name Title I I drs SCIENCEEQUIPMENT CORP. I City Zone State I 0 ChambersStreet NewYr,N.Y.107 I..-?J 10007________ 105 York, SUSTAINING MEMBERS THE NATIONALASSOCIATION TheAmerican Biology Teacher Journalof the NationalAssociation of BiologyTeachers OF BIOLOGYTEACHERS 11250 RogerBacon Drive Reston Virainia22090 * ABBOTT LABORATORIES Alan J. McCormack DianaW. Baber NorthChicago, Illinois 60064 Editor AssistantEditor 1757 N. 15th St. Laramie, Wyoming 82070 * AMERICAN OPTICAL CORPORATION Buffalo,New York 14215 -~~ ANN ARBOR BIOLOGICAL CENTER, INC. E~DF~R~E S S3 Ann Arbor,Michigan 48103 Member of the Educational Press Association of America BAUSCH AND LOMB Rochester,New York 14602 Wayne A. Moyer Susan Varney Nolan Publisher AdvertisingManager * DIFCO LABORATORIES P.O.Box 1058A ADVISORY PANEL Downloaded from http://online.ucpress.edu/abt/article-pdf/44/5/255/39702/4447499.pdf by guest on 29 September 2021 Detroit,Michigan 48232 Alton L. Biggs WilliamV. Mayer Rodger W. Bybee DonaldS. Emmeluth RandyMoore * ELI LILLYAND COMPANY Donald S. Dean Jon R. Hendrix FrancesS. Vandervoort Indianapolis,Indiana 45206 David DuVall Ivo Lindauer JamesH. Wandersee Officers: LANE SCIENCE EQUIPMENT COMPANY New York,New York 10007 President:Jerry Resnick, Sheepshead Bay HighSchool, Brooklyn, NY 11235 Vice-President:Jane ButlerKahle, Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN 47907 Past-President:Edward J. Kormondy,University of SouthernMaine, Portland, ME 04103 NASCO, INC. Secretary/Treasurer:George Zahrobsky, Glenbard West High School, Glen Ellyn, FortAtkinson, Wisconsin 53538 IL60137 Directors-At-Large:David P. Lopath,Morgan High School, Clinton, CT 06413 66801 THE PILLSBURY COMPANY John Ransom,Emporia State University, Emporia, KS Minneapolis,Minnesota 55414 StevenP. Lanphear,James Madison Memorial High School, Madison,WI 53714 PhillipA. Poppleton,Enumclaw High School, Enumclaw, * SARGENT-WELCH SCIENTIFIC COMPANY WA98022 Skokie,Illinois 60076 Regional Coordinators RegionI: Irving Leskowitz, South Connecticut State College, New Haven,CT SCIENCE KIT AND BOREAL LABORATORIES 06515 Tanawanda,New York14150 RegionII: Robert W. Pultorak, Gloucester County College, Sewell, NJ 08080 RegionIII: Steven P. Lanphear,James Madison Memorial High School, Madison, WI53717 * TRIARCH PREPARED MICROSCOPE SLIDES RegionIV: John C. Coulter,Route 5, WaysideDrive, St. Cloud,MN 56301 Ripon,Wisconsin 54971 RegionV: Paul Hummer, 117 W. 2nd St., Frederick,MD 21701 RegionVI: Jane Lusk,Starkville High School, Starkville, MS 39759 RegionVII: Eleanor E. Davey,Phoenix Public Schools, Phoenix, AZ 85012 TURTOX RegionVIII: Tamsen Knowlton Meyer, Broomfield Junior High School, Broomfield, Chicago,Illinois 60620 CO 80020 RegionIX: Phillip A. Poppleton,Enumclaw High School, Enumclaw, WA 98022 * UNITRON INSTRUMENTS, INC. RegionX: David R. Stronck,University of Victoria,Victoria, B.C., Canada V8W 2Y2 101 CrosswaysPark West Woodbury,New York 11797 Committee Chairpersons HonoraryMembership Selection: Jerry Resnick, Sheepshead Bay HighSchool, Brooklyn,NY 11235 * WARD'S NATURAL SCIENCE EvolutionEducation: William V. Mayer,BSCS, 833 W.South Boulder Rd., Louis- ESTABLISHMENT, INC. ville,CO 80027 Rochester, New York 14603 National Convention:Manert Kennedy, BSCS, 833 W. South Boulder Rd., Louisville,CO 80027 'Asterisks designate Charter Sustaining Members DetroitArrangements: LeMoine Motz, Oakland Schools, Pontiac, MI 48054 Contents Volume 44, Number 5, May 1982 AN OVERTURE RobertE. Yager 263 The MajorPurpose of Pre-College Science ARTICLES L. R. Krupkaand A.M.Vener 264 Treatmentof Agingin SecondarySchool BiologyTextbooks: A NeglectedPhenomenon CharlesR. Cobleand PaulB. Hounshell 270 Teacher-MadeScience Games DavidBardell 278 BacterialPhotosynthesis Without Chlorophyll RiversSingleton, Jr. 280 TeachingBioethics.from an Interdisciplinary and D. HeywardBrock Perspective SalvatoreTocci 286 ProjectAdvance Biology: An Alternativeto AdvancedPlacement Biology RitaDunn, David P. Cavanaugh, 291 HemisphericPreference: The Newest BettyM. Eberle, and RobertZenhausern Elementof LearningStyle PERSPECTIVES FrancesF. Ekern,Michael Kamrin, Downloaded from http://online.ucpress.edu/abt/article-pdf/44/5/255/39702/4447499.pdf by guest on 29 September 2021 L.R.Krupka, and AndrewMcClary 295 Biasin the ScienceClassroom COMPUTER CENTER TheodoreJ. Crovello 298 Computersin BiologicalEducation: The FutureIs Now! PROJECTOR CENTER CharlesR. Barman 300 PictorialRiddles-Transparency Master BIOLOGY TODAY MauraC. FRannery 303 Biologyin the News WayneA. Moyer 306 HighSchool Student'sExperiment Goes IntoSpace HOW-TO-DO-IT ThomasF. Danieland TimothyJohns 308 A Laboratoryon Chemotaxonomy:The Systematic Distributionof Betalains RussellF. Wells 311 SimpleChromosome Models G.W.Kennemer 312 Color-CodedDissections: An Aidto Communication in the BiologyLaboratory 314 AUDIOVISUAL REVIEWS 315 BOOK REVIEWS COVER: Photographtaken over 25 years ago by Gene Christensenof Reno, Nevadaof an Indianwoman, then be- tween 90 and 100 yearsof age. The womanwas paid 50 cents to pose for the photographer.For more informationon aging,see "Treatmentof Agingin SecondarySchool BiologyTextbooks: A NeglectedPhenomenon" on pages 264-269 of thisissue. American Biology Teacher, (ISSN 0002 7685) official journal of NABT, is published monthly except June, July, and August. Institutionalsubscriptions are $30 a year in the United States, Canada, and Mexico; overseas subscriptionsare $32 a year. Subscriptionsare offered on a calendar-year basis; members receive all issues in the volume for the year in which their subscription is entered. Adv)ertisingmatters, subscriptionorders, and changes ofaddress should be sent to NABT's Reston office, 11250 Roger Bacon Drive, Reston, VA 22090. All manuscriptsshould be addressed to the Editor,ABT, 1757 North 15th Street, Laramie, Wyoming 82070. Editorialcontents (C 1981 by the National Association of Biology Teachers. Printed by InterstatePrinters, Danville, IL. Typeset by Naecker Bros., Silver Spring, MD. Second-class postage paid at Herndon, VA, and additional mailingoffices; single copy $4. NABT membership is $25 a year in the United States, Canada, and Mexico. United States student membership is $12.50 a year. Articlesexpress the views of the authors and not necessarily of NABT. Announcements and advertisements in this journal for products do not imply endorsement of NABT. Permission is granted by the National Association of Biology Teachers for librariesand other users to make reprographic copies for their own or their client's personal, noncommercial, or internal use. This permission does not extend to copying for advertising or promotional purposes, creating new collective works, resale, or to any material not copyrighted to the National Association of Biology Teachers. For furtherinformation write to the Editor,American Biology Teacher, 1757 North 15th Street, Laramie,Wyoming 82070. The N B Keynote Address Bogica NATIONAL and Sociali "Ecology, Extinction, and the Social Sciences" Sciences: Paul R. Ehrlich Bing Professor of Education for Population Studies Citizenship / Department of L-T-E LECTURES* WORKSHOPS* PAPERS. Biological Sciences Stanford University "Appropriate Uses of Microcomputers "Hope, Despair, Wisdom, and Folly: in Biology Education" Dr. Ehrlich is the first Promoting Health Literacy in Anti- holder of the Bing Pro- John Jungck, Beloit College, WI science Society" fessorship in Population William H. Carlyon Studies, endowed in 1976 by gifts from the "Using Computers to Teach Evolutionary Theory" Director, Department of Bing Fund, Inc. of LosAngeles. Widely known Health Education as a lecturer and author of several major Frank Price, Hamilton College, Clinton, NY American Medical
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