THE OFFICIAL JOURNAL The bill was read by title and placed on the Calendar for a OF THE second reading. SENATE BILL NO. 243— SENATE BY SENATORS CARTER AND JOHNS OF THE AN ACT To enact R.S. 47:6033, relative to tax credits; to authorize STATE OF LOUISIANA apprenticeship tax credits against income and corporation _______ franchise tax to certain employers; to provide for definitions; to SIXTH DAY'S PROCEEDINGS provide for eligibility; to require the Board of Regents to _______ establish an advisory council; to provide for membership of the Forty-Seventh Regular Session of the Legislature council; to provide for duties of the council; to provide for the Under the Adoption of the administration of the tax credit; to provide for the recovery of Constitution of 1974 tax credits; to authorize the Department of Revenue to adopt _______ rules; and to provide for related matters. Senate Chamber The bill was read by title and placed on the Calendar for a State Capitol second reading. Baton Rouge, Louisiana Wednesday, April 21, 2021 Introduction of Senate Resolutions The Senate was called to order at 4:15 o'clock P.M. by Hon. SENATE RESOLUTION NO. 17— Patrick Page Cortez, President of the Senate. BY SENATOR POPE A RESOLUTION Morning Hour To express the sincere condolences of the Senate of the Legislature of Louisiana upon the passing of Cecil Earle Benton, a man fulfilled by his service to his God, to his family, and to his CONVENING ROLL CALL community. The roll being called, the following members answered to their The resolution was read by title and placed on the Calendar for names: a second reading. PRESENT Mr. President Foil Morris Introduction of Abraham Harris Peacock Senate Concurrent Resolutions Allain Henry Peterson Bernard Hensgens Pope SENATE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION NO. 29— Boudreaux Johns Price BY SENATOR JOHNS Bouie Lambert Reese A CONCURRENT RESOLUTION Carter Luneau Smith To express the sincere condolences of the Legislature of Louisiana Cathey McMath Talbot upon the passing of Joseph "Rock" Palermo III, to acknowledge Cloud Milligan Ward his lifelong commitment to his family and community, and to Connick Mills, F. White note his many contributions made on behalf of the state of Fesi Mills, R. Womack Louisiana. Fields Mizell Total - 35 The resolution was read by title and placed on the Calendar for ABSENT a second reading. SENATE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION NO. 30— Barrow Jackson BY SENATOR ALLAIN Hewitt Tarver A CONCURRENT RESOLUTION Total - 4 To adopt Joint Rule No. 21 of the Joint Rules of Order of the Senate and House of Representatives to limit the dollar amount of The President of the Senate announced there were 35 Senators general obligation bond projects in Priorities 1 through 4 present and a quorum. appropriated in the annual capital outlay act and any supplemental appropriation act to no more than the annual new Prayer general obligation bond cash line of credit capacity limit, unless the limit is raised by a favorable vote of two-thirds of the The prayer was offered by Senator Troy Carter, following which elected members of each house of the legislature. the Senate joined in the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag of the United States of America. The resolution was read by title and placed on the Calendar for a second reading. Reading of the Journal Senate Bills and Joint Resolutions on On motion of Senator Morris, the reading of the Journal was Second Reading to be Referred dispensed with and the Journal of April 20, 2021, was adopted. SENATE BILL NO. 241— Introduction of Senate Bills BY SENATOR ABRAHAM and Joint Resolutions AN ACT To enact R.S. 39:562(R), relative to the limit of indebtedness of Iowa SENATE BILL NO. 242— Fire protection District No. 1; to authorize an increase in bonded BY SENATOR WARD indebtedness with voter approval; to provide for an effective AN ACT date; and to provide for related matters. To amend and reenact Section 2 of Act. No. 55 of the 2020 Second Extraordinary Session of the Legislature, relative to the The bill was read by title and referred by the President to the carryforward period for the tax credit for ad valorem taxes paid Committee on Revenue and Fiscal Affairs. on inventory; to provide for applicability of the carryforward period; to provide for an effective date; and to provide for related matters. 95 Page 2 SENATE 6th DAY'S PROCEEDINGS April 21, 2021 Senate Concurrent Resolutions on Connick Milligan White Fesi Mills, F. Womack Second Reading Fields Mills, R. SENATE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION NO. 26— Total - 38 BY SENATORS CORTEZ AND BOUDREAUX NAYS A CONCURRENT RESOLUTION To commend Major Luraine Richard of the Lafayette Police Total - 0 Department upon her retirement, and to congratulate her for a ABSENT distinguished public service career of thirty-six years in law enforcement. Tarver Total - 1 The concurrent resolution was read by title. Senator Boudreaux moved to adopt the Senate Concurrent Resolution. The Chair declared the Senate adopted the Senate Concurrent Resolution and ordered it sent to the House. ROLL CALL SENATE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION NO. 28— BY SENATORS CATHEY, MORRIS AND JACKSON The roll was called with the following result: A CONCURRENT RESOLUTION To commend and congratulate the West Monroe-West Ouachita YEAS Chamber of Commerce on the occasion of its sixty-fifth anniversary. Mr. President Harris Morris Abraham Henry Peacock The concurrent resolution was read by title. Senator Cathey Allain Hensgens Peterson moved to adopt the Senate Concurrent Resolution. Barrow Hewitt Pope Bernard Jackson Price Boudreaux Johns Reese ROLL CALL Bouie Lambert Smith Carter Luneau Talbot The roll was called with the following result: Cathey McMath Ward Cloud Milligan White YEAS Connick Mills, F. Womack Mr. President Foil Mizell Fields Mills, R. Abraham Harris Morris Foil Mizell Allain Henry Peacock Total - 37 Barrow Hensgens Peterson NAYS Bernard Hewitt Pope Boudreaux Jackson Price Total - 0 Bouie Johns Reese ABSENT Carter Lambert Smith Cathey Luneau Talbot Fesi Tarver Cloud McMath Ward Total - 2 Connick Milligan White Fesi Mills, F. Womack The Chair declared the Senate adopted the Senate Concurrent Fields Mills, R. Resolution and ordered it sent to the House. Total - 38 SENATE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION NO. 27— NAYS BY SENATOR CORTEZ A CONCURRENT RESOLUTION Total - 0 To memorialize the Congress of the United States to take such ABSENT actions as are necessary to reauthorize the Atchafalaya National Heritage Area program. Tarver Total - 1 The concurrent resolution was read by title. Senator Fred Mills moved to adopt the Senate Concurrent Resolution. The Chair declared the Senate adopted the Senate Concurrent Resolution and ordered it sent to the House. ROLL CALL Message from the House The roll was called with the following result: ASKING CONCURRENCE IN YEAS HOUSE BILLS AND JOINT RESOLUTIONS Mr. President Foil Mizell April 20, 2021 Abraham Harris Morris Allain Henry Peacock To the Honorable President and Members of the Senate: Barrow Hensgens Peterson Bernard Hewitt Pope I am directed to inform your honorable body that the House of Boudreaux Jackson Price Representatives has finally passed and asks your concurrence in the Bouie Johns Reese following House Bills and Joint Resolutions: Carter Lambert Smith Cathey Luneau Talbot HB No. 363 HB No. 389 HB No. 450 Cloud McMath Ward HB No. 514 96 6th DAY'S PROCEEDINGS Page 3 SENATE April 21, 2021 Respectfully submitted, I am directed to inform your honorable body that the House of MICHELLE D. FONTENOT Representatives has finally passed and asks your concurrence in the Clerk of the House of Representatives following House Concurrent Resolutions: House Bills and Joint Resolutions HCR No. 38 on First Reading Respectfully submitted, HOUSE BILL NO. 363— MICHELLE D. FONTENOT BY REPRESENTATIVE TARVER Clerk of the House of Representatives AN ACT To amend and reenact R.S. 47:463.139(C), (E), and (F) and to repeal House Concurrent Resolutions R.S. 47:463.139(G), relative to the Protect Wild Dolphins on First Reading special prestige license plate; to provide for design consultation; to provide relative to the annual royalty fee; to provide relative HOUSE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION NO. 38— to the purpose of the plate; to provide for an effective date; and BY REPRESENTATIVE HUGHES to provide for related matters. A CONCURRENT RESOLUTION To designate Monday, April 26, 2021, as HBCU Day at the state The bill was read by title and placed on the Calendar for a capitol. second reading. The resolution was read by title and placed on the Calendar for HOUSE BILL NO. 389— a second reading. BY REPRESENTATIVE HORTON AN ACT To enact R.S. 40:1615, relative to fire fighting foam; to provide for House Bills and Joint Resolutions on the discharge of Class B fire fighting foam containing Second Reading fluorinated organic chemicals; to provide for exceptions; to provide for definitions; to provide for applicability; to provide HOUSE BILL NO. 96— BY REPRESENTATIVE JENKINS for an effective date; and to provide for related matters. AN ACT To redesignate a portion of Louisiana Highway 3094 in Shreveport, The bill was read by title and placed on the Calendar for a Louisiana, as the "Rev. Dr. Elbert W. 'Eddie' Giles Memorial second reading. Highway"; and to provide for related matters. HOUSE BILL NO. 450— BY REPRESENTATIVE COX The bill was read by title and referred by the President to the AN ACT Committee on Transportation, Highways and Public Works. To amend and reenact R.S. 15:587(A)(1)(a), R.S. 51:911.24(I)(1), (2), and (J)(1), 912.3(1), 912.5(A), and 912.27(A)(3) and to HOUSE BILL NO. 152— BY REPRESENTATIVE GREGORY MILLER enact R.S.
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