The World Bank Report No: ISR7331 Implementation Status & Results Russian Federation RUSSIA CULTURAL HERITAGE 2 (P120219) Operation Name: RUSSIA CULTURAL HERITAGE 2 (P120219) Project Stage: Implementation Seq.No: 3 Status: ARCHIVED Archive Date: 24-Sep-2012 Country: Russian Federation Approval FY: 2011 Public Disclosure Authorized Product Line:IBRD/IDA Region: EUROPE AND CENTRAL ASIA Lending Instrument: Specific Investment Loan Implementing Agency(ies): Key Dates Board Approval Date 07-Dec-2010 Original Closing Date 31-Jul-2017 Planned Mid Term Review Date 15-Jul-2013 Last Archived ISR Date 22-Jan-2012 Public Disclosure Copy Effectiveness Date 10-Jun-2011 Revised Closing Date 31-Jul-2017 Actual Mid Term Review Date Project Development Objectives Project Development Objective (from Project Appraisal Document) The project development objectives are to: (i) support the conservation, safekeeping, valorization and promotion of cultural heritage assets in four oblasts of the RF and (ii) strengthen regional capacity for cultural heritage management so that cultural heritage assets fully support the socio-economic development of the four oblasts. Has the Project Development Objective been changed since Board Approval of the Project? Yes No Public Disclosure Authorized Component(s) Component Name Component Cost Component 1: Integrated Heritage Site Development 201.00 Component 2: Protection of Museum Assets 43.00 Component 3: Project management, Monitoring and Evaluation 6.50 Overall Ratings Previous Rating Current Rating Progress towards achievement of PDO Satisfactory Satisfactory Overall Implementation Progress (IP) Satisfactory Satisfactory Public Disclosure Authorized Overall Risk Rating Moderate Implementation Status Overview The project was declared effective on June 10, 2011. Project implementation is progressing well with a high level of involvement and commitment demonstrated by all four participating regions - Leningrad, Novgorod, Pskov and Tver oblasts. Disbursement is on schedule, despite an initial slow disbursement due to the longer than expected reviewing Public Disclosure Copy process for the large procurement packages. USD 2.9 million (2.9% of the Loan) has been disbursed since the project was declared effective on June 10, 2011. USD 3,1 million is planned to be disbursed by June 30, 2012 to pay for committed contracts, thus bringing the total disbursement to USD 6.0 million ( 6% of the Loan) Page 1 of 7 Public Disclosure Authorized The World Bank Report No: ISR7331 Implementation of the Integrated Site Development sub-component (Large window) is on track. Under the 1st call for the Large Window (LW) sub-projects, the Ministry Of Culture and participating Oblasts signed 7 sub-project agreements in February-March 2012. The results of the bidding for restoration works at the Tver Putevoy Palace has been approved by the World Bank (WB) during the mission. Contracts for the design of the LW sub-projects in Leningrad, Pskov and Novgorod Oblasts are underway and expected to be signed in July 2012. On December 5, 2011 Leningrad, Pskov, and Novgorod Oblasts assisted by Individual Consultants hired by FISP submitted seven LW Concept Notes under the 2nd LW call (two each in Leningrad and Pskov Oblasts, and three in Novgorod Oblast). Those Concept Notes were approved by the Inter-Ministerial Committee (IMC) in March 2012 for preparation of the full sub-project proposals which are due for submission to FISP on June 15, 2012. The full proposals were communicated to the WB for comments on June 21, 2012, and the IMC decision meeting is planned to take place in September 2012. Progress under the Small Window (Support to State Cultural Institutions Sub-projects) is exceeding expectations, and a high demand is demonstrated by the cultural institutions of all four participating oblasts. The 1st call for applications to the SW was conducted according to schedule and 16 applications have been approved by the IMC on March 22, 2012 (which is double the target value of 8 approved SW sub-projects). FISP and the benefiting cultural institutions have signed respective Agreements on Grant Financing. Tender documents for the approved SW sub-projects are expected to be issued by the end of June 2012. FISP organized a seminar in Novgorod with 58 participants from the 4 regions on May 15-16, 2012 to exchange information on the lessons learned from the SW’s 1st call. Public Disclosure Copy The Leningrad Oblast authorities and FISP informed the Bank in January 2012 that the initial site envisaged for the Multifunctional Museum Facility (MMF) in Priyutino (Vsevolojsk) could not be used due to the presence of high pressure pipeline in a nearby land. The Leningrad oblast promptly identified in January 2012 an alternative site for MMF construction in Rozhdestveno. The Management of Rozhdestveno Museum and local administration prepared a set of documents, including land ownership documentation which has been approved by local authorities and, most importantly, documentation regarding the designation of the land for the “permanent use by the MMF”. The RFP for the preparation of the design and technical tender documents for the MMF were issued to the five shortlisted companies in February 2012. Contract signing is expected to take place in late July/early August 2012. As per the deliverables specified in the TORs, the initial design options for the MMF building should be ready by February 2013. Locations Country First Administrative Division Location Planned Actual Russian Fed. Not Entered Vyra Russian Fed. Tverskaya Oblast' Tverskaya Oblast' ✔ Russian Fed. Not Entered Tver Russian Fed. Not Entered Saint Petersburg Russian Fed. Pskovskaya Oblast' Pskovskaya Oblast' ✔ Russian Fed. Not Entered Pskov Russian Fed. Novgorodskaya Oblast' Novgorodskaya Oblast' ✔ Russian Fed. Not Entered Velikiy Novgorod Russian Fed. Leningradskaya Oblast' Leningradskaya Oblast' ✔ Russian Fed. Not Entered Gorodishche Russian Fed. Not Entered Mon Repos Public Disclosure Copy Results Page 2 of 7 The World Bank Report No: ISR7331 Project Development Objective Indicators Indicator Name Core Unit of Measure Baseline Current End Target number of cultural heritage preservation Number Value 0.00 0.00 48.00 subprojects implemented Date 18-May-2011 01-Jun-2012 01-Jan-2017 Comments Works under the cultural heritage preservation subprojects not yet started share of stakeholder's co-financing to support Percentage Value 0.00 44.00 15.00 the cultural heritage project investments under Date 18-May-2011 01-Jun-2012 01-Jan-2017 subcomponent 1a Comments According to the LW sub- Public Disclosure Copy project Implementation Agreements, tentative size of funds allocated for sub- projects by the regional, local budgets and private investment amounts to 44% of the size of federal budget allocations and loan proceeds.The indicator value is calculated as ratio of regional and local budgets co- financing (plus attracted investments) to the total of federal budget and loan proceeds financing. number of visitors in selected supported Number Value 243959.00 cultural heritage sites and institutions Date 18-May-2011 01-Jun-2012 01-Jan-2017 Comments Baseline data (as of 2010) are The 2010 visitors’ data was + 20% from baseline. to be being collected from the provided by the Culture indicated based on baseline regional administrations and Committees of the will be provided in the FISP participating oblasts, including first semi- annual report which by sub-projects: is due by the end of January 2012 • White Tower – no visitors; • Annunciation Church on Gorodishche – no visitors; • Station Master’s House, Vyra – 26 000; • Mon Repos – 91 Public Disclosure Copy 500; • Museum Quarter – Page 3 of 7 The World Bank Report No: ISR7331 82 059; • Pokrovskaya Tower – no visitors; • Tver Imperial Palace – 44 400. Collection of visitors’ data under the SW sub-projects is expected during Year 2 of the Project after the approval of the first call SW sub-projects by the Inter-Ministerial Committee under the Ministry Public Disclosure Copy of Culture of the Russian Federation (IMC). level of stakeholders satisfaction Percentage Value 65.00 Date 18-May-2011 01-Jun-2012 01-Jan-2017 Comments Opinion surveys to provide Opinion surveys to provide satisfaction rate over 65% the baseline data will be done the baseline data will be done in selected sites across 4 in selected sites across 4 participating oblasts during participating oblasts during the 2nd year of the project the 2nd year of the project implementation after the implementation after the recruitment of the firm in recruitment of the firm in charge of the M&E. charge of the M&E. Intermediate Results Indicators Indicator Name Core Unit of Measure Baseline Current End Target numer of large window subprojects approved Number Value 0.00 7.00 8.00 by IMC Date 18-May-2011 01-Jun-2012 01-Jan-2017 Comments 7 Large Window subprojects were approved by the IMC under the 1st call of proposals number of small window subprojects approved Number Value 0.00 16.00 40.00 by IMC Date 18-May-2011 01-Jun-2012 01-Jan-2017 Comments improvement of conservation and collection Text Value Existing practices of New conservation and management methods in Leningrad Oblast conservation and collection collection management museums management in Leningrad practices being tested for the Public Disclosure Copy oblast multifunctional museum facility Page 4 of 7 The World Bank Report No: ISR7331 Date 18-May-2011 01-Jun-2012 01-Jan-2017 Comments Assessment of existing practices and design and new practices
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